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Famous Sprang Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Sprang poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous sprang poems. These examples illustrate what a famous sprang poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Davidson, John
...The damned stood silent to a man;
They saw the great gulf set between.

To her it seemed a meadow fair;
And flowers sprang up about her feet
She entered heaven; she climbed the stair
And knelt down at the mercy-seat.

Seraphs and saints with one great voice
Welcomed that soul that knew not fear.
Amazed to find it could rejoice,
Hell raised a hoarse, half-human cheer....Read more of this...

by Brackenridge, Hugh Henry
How first these various nations South and North 
Possest these shores, or from what countries came. 
Whether they sprang from some premoeval head 
In their own lands, like Adam in the East; 
Yet this the sacred oracles deny, 
And reason too reclaims against the thought. 
For when the gen'ral deluge drown'd the world, 
Where could their tribes have found security? 
Where find their fate but in the ghastly deep? 
Unless, as others dream, some chosen few 
High on the A...Read more of this...

by Poe, Edgar Allan
...igh spiritual hymns,
Laves in quadruple light her angel limbs.

Now happiest, loveliest in yon lovely Earth,
Whence sprang the "Idea of Beauty" into birth,
(Falling in wreaths thro' many a startled star,
Like woman's hair 'mid pearls, until, afar,
It lit on hills Achaian, and there dwelt)
She looked into Infinity- and knelt.
Rich clouds, for canopies, about her curled-
Fit emblems of the model of her world-
Seen but in beauty- not impeding sight
Of other beauty glitte...Read more of this...

by Moody, William Vaughn
...d Idaho 
Shouted a burning word. 
Proud state with proud impassioned state conferred, 
And at the lifting of a hand sprang forth, 
East, west, and south, and north, 
Beautiful armies. Oh, by the sweet blood and young 
Shed on the awful hill slope at San Juan, 
By the unforgotten names of eager boys 
Who might have tasted girls' love and been stung 
With the old mystic joys 
And starry griefs, now the spring nights come on, 
But that the heart of youth is generous, -- ...Read more of this...

by Browning, Robert
...ut in evidence 

Against the thing done to me underground 
By hell and all its brood, for aught I know? 
I say, whence sprang this? shows it faith or doubt? 
All's doubt in me; where's break of faith in this? 
It is the idea, the feeling and the love, 
God means mankind should strive for and show forth 
Whatever be the process to that end,-- 
And not historic knowledge, logic sound, 
And metaphysical acumen, sure! 
"What think ye of Christ," friend? when all's done and said,...Read more of this...

by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
But moss and rarest mistletoe:
She kneels beneath the huge oak tree,
And in silence prayeth she.

The lady sprang up suddenly,
The lovely lady, Christabel!
It moaned as near, as near can be,
But what it is she cannot tell.-
On the other side it seems to be,
Of the huge, broad-breasted, old oak tree.
The night is chill; the forest bare;
Is it the wind that moaneth bleak?
There is not wind enough in the air
To move away the ringlet curl
From the l...Read more of this...

by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
...d soars away to thunder clouds on high, 
With palpitating wings and wild exultant cry, 


So lion-hearted Custer sprang to arms, 
And gloried in the conflict's loud alarms.
But one dark shadow marred his bounding joy; 
And then the soldier vanished, and the boy, 
The tender son, clung close, with sobbing breath, 
To her from whom each parting was new death; 
That mother who like goddesses of old, 
Gave to the mighty Mars, three warriors brave and bold, 


Y...Read more of this...

by Keats, John
..., as one by beauty slain.
The lady's heart beat quick, and he could see
Her gentle bosom heave tumultuously.
He sprang from his green covert: there she lay,
Sweet as a muskrose upon new-made hay;
With all her limbs on tremble, and her eyes
Shut softly up alive. To speak he tries.
"Fair damsel, pity me! forgive that I
Thus violate thy bower's sanctity!
O pardon me, for I am full of grief--
Grief born of thee, young angel! fairest thief!
Who stolen hast away the...Read more of this...

by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
...of the garden
Saw he the forms of the priest and the maiden advancing to meet him.
Suddenly down from his horse he sprang in amazement, and forward
Rushed with extended arms and exclamations of wonder;
When they beheld his face, they recognized Basil the blacksmith.
Hearty his welcome was, as he led his guests to the garden.
There in an arbor of roses with endless question and answer
Gave they vent to their hearts, and renewed their friendly embraces,
Laughing an...Read more of this...

by Homer,
...toy; but the wide-pathed earth yawned there in the plain of Nysa, and the lord, Host of Many, with his immortal horses sprang out upon her -- the Son of Cronos, He who has many names.[1]

He caught her up reluctant on his golden car and bare her away lamenting. Then she cried out shrilly with her voice, calling upon her father, the Son of Cronos, who is most high and excellent. But no one, either of the deathless gods or of mortal men, heard her voice, nor yet ...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...that all the blood by Sylla shed 
Came driving rainlike down again on earth, 
And where it dash'd the reddening meadow, sprang 
No dragon warriors from Cadmean teeth, 
For these I thought my dream would show to me, 
But girls, Hetairai, curious in their art, 
Hired animalisms, vile as those that made 
The mulberry-faced Dictator's orgies worse 
Than aught they fable of the quiet Gods. 
And hands they mixt, and yell'd and round me drove 
In narrowing circles till I yell'd ...Read more of this...

by St Vincent Millay, Edna
...t inhabiter,
The flowers of the dead;
The red anemone that with no sound
Moves in the wind, and from another wound
That sprang, the heavily-sweet blue hyacinth,
That blossoms underground,
And sallow poppies, will be dear to her.
And will not Silence know
In the black shade of what obsidian steep
Stiffens the white narcissus numb with sleep?
(Seed which Demeter's daughter bore from home,
Uptorn by desperate fingers long ago,
Reluctant even as she,
Undone Persephone,
And ev...Read more of this...

by Whitman, Walt
...nnounce mightier offspring, orators, days, and then, for the present, depart. 

I remember I said, before my leaves sprang at all, 
I would raise my voice jocund and strong, with reference to consummations. 

When America does what was promis’d,
When there are plentiful athletic bards, inland and seaboard, 
When through These States walk a hundred millions of superb persons, 
When the rest part away for superb persons, and contribute to them, 
When breeds of the most ...Read more of this...

by Schiller, Friedrich von
To blend together 'neath your forming hand.
The obelisk, the pyramid ascended,
The Hermes stood, the column sprang on high,
The reed poured forth the woodland melody,
Immortal song on victor's deeds attended.

The fairest flowers that decked the earth,
Into a nosegay, with wise choice combined,
Thus the first art from Nature had its birth;
Into a garland then were nosegays twined,
And from the works that mortal hands had made,
A second, nobler art was now disp...Read more of this...

by Chesterton, G K
...and hell.

In the river island of Athelney,
With the river running past,
In colours of such simple creed
All things sprang at him, sun and weed,
Till the grass grew to be grass indeed
And the tree was a tree at last.

Fearfully plain the flowers grew,
Like the child's book to read,
Or like a friend's face seen in a glass;
He looked; and there Our Lady was,
She stood and stroked the tall live grass
As a man strokes his steed.

Her face was like an open word
When br...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...`the King, 
Was not in hall: for early that same day, 
Scaped through a cavern from a bandit hold, 
An outraged maiden sprang into the hall 
Crying on help: for all her shining hair 
Was smeared with earth, and either milky arm 
Red-rent with hooks of bramble, and all she wore 
Torn as a sail that leaves the rope is torn 
In tempest: so the King arose and went 
To smoke the scandalous hive of those wild bees 
That made such honey in his realm. Howbeit 
Some little of thi...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...face from being known, 
And sank his head in mire, and slimed themselves: 
Nor heard the King for their own cries, but sprang 
Through open doors, and swording right and left 
Men, women, on their sodden faces, hurled 
The tables over and the wines, and slew 
Till all the rafters rang with woman-yells, 
And all the pavement streamed with massacre: 
Then, echoing yell with yell, they fired the tower, 
Which half that autumn night, like the live North, 
Red-pulsing up through ...Read more of this...

by Chaucer, Geoffrey
...bones, my mistress, I perish*
And saide "Leman, love me well at once,
Or I will dien, all so God me save."
And she sprang as a colt doth in the trave:
And with her head she writhed fast away,
And said; "I will not kiss thee, by my fay*. *faith
Why let be," quoth she, "let be, Nicholas,
Or I will cry out harow and alas!
Do away your handes, for your courtesy."
This Nicholas gan mercy for to cry,
And spake so fair, and proffer'd him so fast,
That she her lo...Read more of this...

by Shelley, Percy Bysshe
...Swift as a spirit hastening to his task 
Of glory & of good, the Sun sprang forth
Rejoicing in his splendour, & the mask
Of darkness fell from the awakened Earth.
The smokeless altars of the mountain snows
Flamed above crimson clouds, & at the birth
Of light, the Ocean's orison arose
To which the birds tempered their matin lay,
All flowers in field or forest which unclose
Their trembling eyelids to the kiss of day,
Swingi...Read more of this...

by Byron, George (Lord)
But at the fourth, the whole spiritual show 
Had vanish'd, with variety of scents, 
Ambrosial and sulphureous, as they sprang, 
Like lightning, off from his 'melodious twang.' (3)


Those grand heroics acted as a spell: 
The angels stopp'd their ears and plied their pinions; 
The devils ran howling, deafen'd, down to hell; 
The ghosts fled, gibbering, for their own dominions — 
(For 'tis not yet decided where they dwell, 
And I leave every man to his opinions); 
Mi...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Sprang poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs