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Famous Spikenard Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Spikenard poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous spikenard poems. These examples illustrate what a famous spikenard poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Swinburne, Algernon Charles
...At kissing times across her stateliest bed
Kings bowed themselves and shed
Pale wine, and honey with the honeycomb,
And spikenard bruised for a burnt-offering;
Even she between whose lips the kiss became
As fire and frankincense;
Whose hair was as gold raiment on a king,
Whose eyes were as the morning purged with flame,
Whose eyelids as sweet savour issuing thence. 

Then I beheld, and lo on the other side
My lady's likeness crowned and robed and dead.
Sweet still, bu...Read more of this...

by Watts, Isaac
...[While at his table sits the King,
He loves to see us smile and sing;
Our graces are our best perfume,
And breathe like spikenard round the room.]

As myrrh new bleeding from the tree,
Such is a dying Christ to ine
And while he makes my soul his guest,
My bosom, Lord, shall be thy rest.

[No beams of cedar or of fir
Can with thy courts on earth compare;
And here we wait, until thy love
Raise us to nobler seats above.]...Read more of this...

by Raine, Craig
...nd hummed.

Makololo, their Zulu guide,
puzzled out the Bible, replacing

words he didn't know with Manchester.
Spikenard, alabaster, Leviticus,

were Manchester and Manchester.
His head reminded Mrs. Price

of her old pomander stuck with cloves,
forgotten in some pungent tallboy.

The dogs drank under the wagon
with a far away clip-clopping sound,

and Roger spat into the fire,
leaned back and watched his phlegm

like a Welsh rarebit
bubbling on the brand...Read more of this...

by Smart, Christopher

Let The Queen of Sheba rejoice with Bulapathon Herb Patience. 

Let Cyrus rejoice with Baccharis Plowman's Spikenard. God be gracious to Warburton. 

Let Lebanah rejoice with the Golden Wingged Flycatcher a Mexican Small Bird of Passage. 

Let Hagabah rejoice with Orchis. Blessed be the name of the Lord Jesus for my seed in eternity. 

Let Siaha rejoice with the Razor-Fish. God be gracious to John Bird and his wife. 

Let Artaxerxes re...Read more of this...

by Smart, Christopher gracious to the immortal soul of Sr Isaac Newton. 

Let Hands, house of Hands rejoice with Hadrosphserum kind of Spikenard with broad leaves. 

Let Snipe, house of Snipe rejoice with Hæmotimon a kind of red glass. Blessed be the name of Jesus for the 29th of Novr. 

Let Aylesworth, house of Aylesworth rejoice with Glinon which is a kind of Maple. 

Let Aisley, house of Aisley rejoice with Halicastrum which is a kind of bread corn. 

Let Ready, house...Read more of this...

by García Lorca, Federico
...ike a marble toroso 
his firm drawn moderation. 
The air of Andalusian Rome 
gilded his head 
where his smile was a spikenard 
of wit and intelligence. 
What a great torero in the ring! 
What a good peasant in the sierra! 
How gentle with the sheaves! 
How hard with the spurs! 
How tender with the dew! 
How dazzling the fiesta! 
How tremendous with the final 
banderillas of darkness! 

But now he sleeps without end. 
Now the moss and the grass 
open with sure fing...Read more of this...

by Bible, The
...1:011 We will make thee borders of gold with studs of silver.

22:001:012 While the king sitteth at his table, my spikenard sendeth
           forth the smell thereof.

22:001:013 A bundle of myrrh is my well-beloved unto me; he shall lie all
           night betwixt my breasts.

22:001:014 My beloved is unto me as a cluster of camphire in the
           vineyards of Engedi.

22:001:015 Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair; thou
  ...Read more of this...

by Herrick, Robert
And olive-branch is wither'd now;
The wine-press now is ta'en from us,
The saffron and the calamus;
The spice and spikenard hence is gone,
The storax and the cinnamon;
CHOR. The carol of our gladness
Has taken wing;
And our late spring
Of mirth is turn'd to sadness.

How wise wast thou in all thy ways!
How worthy of respect and praise!
How matron-like didst thou go drest!
How soberly above the rest
Of those that prank it with their plumes,
And jet it with their ...Read more of this...

by Herrick, Robert
...Tell, if thou canst, and truly, whence doth come
This camphire, storax, spikenard, galbanum,
These musks, these ambers, and those other smells
Sweet as the Vestry of the Oracles.
I'll tell thee:—while my Julia did unlace
Her silken bodice but a breathing space,
The passive air such odour then assumed
As when to Jove great Juno goes perfumed,
Whose pure immortal body doth transmit
A scent that fills both heaven and earth with...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Spikenard poems.

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