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Famous Spight Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Spight poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous spight poems. These examples illustrate what a famous spight poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Marvell, Andrew
...wn Precipice I go;
And warms and moves this needless Frame:
(A Fever could but do the same.)
And, wanting where its spight to try,
Has made me live to let me dye.
A Body that could never rest,
Since this ill Spirit it possest.

What Magic could me thus confine
Within anothers Grief to pine?
Where whatsoever it complain,
I feel, that cannot feel, the pain.
And all my Care its self employes,
That to preserve, which me destroys:
Constrain'd not only to indur...Read more of this...

by Pope, Alexander
All Fools have still an Itching to deride,
And fain wou'd be upon the Laughing Side;
If Maevius Scribble in Apollo's spight,
There are, who judge still worse than he can write

Some have at first for Wits, then Poets past,
Turn'd Criticks next, and prov'd plain Fools at last;
Some neither can for Wits nor Criticks pass,
As heavy Mules are neither Horse or Ass.
Those half-learn'd Witlings, num'rous in our Isle,
As half-form'd Insects on the Banks of Nile:
Unfinish'd Thi...Read more of this...

by Philips, Katherine
...provok'd, abroad obliged; 
Nor ever Man resisted thus, 
No not great Athanasius. 
No help of Friends could, or Foes spight, 
To fierce Invasion him invite. 
Revenge to him no pleasure is, 
He spar'd their bloud who gap'd for his; 
Blush'd any hands the English Crown 
Should fasten on him but their own. 
As Peace and Freedom with him went, 
With him they came from Banishment. 
That he might his Dominions win, 
He with himself did first begin: 
And that best vic...Read more of this...

by Spenser, Edmund
...ntle vsage and demeanure myld:
That all mens hearts with secret rauishment
He stole away, and weetingly beguyld.
Ne spight it selfe that all good things doth spill,
Found ought in him, that she could say was ill.

His sports were faire, his ioyance innocent, 
Sweet without sowre, and honny without gall:
And he himselfe seemd made for meriment,
Merily masking both in bowre and hall.
There was no pleasure nor delightfull play,
When Astrophel so euer was away.

F...Read more of this...

by Spenser, Edmund
...ntle vsage and demeanure myld:
That all mens hearts with secret rauishment
He stole away, and weetingly beguyld.
Ne spight it selfe that all good things doth spill,
Found ought in him, that she could say was ill.

His sports were faire, his ioyance innocent, 
Sweet without sowre, and honny without gall:
And he himselfe seemd made for meriment,
Merily masking both in bowre and hall.
There was no pleasure nor delightfull play,
When Astrophel so euer was away.

F...Read more of this...

by Chudleigh, Lady Mary
...ill-natur'd World will no Compassion show;
Such as are wretched, it wou'd still have so:
It gratifies its Envy and its Spight;
The most in others Miseries take Delight.
While we are present they some Pity spare,
And feast us on a thin Repast of Air:
Look Grave and Sigh, when we our Wrongs relate,
An in a Compliment accuse our Fate:
Blame those to whom we our Misfortunes owe,
And all the Signs of real Friendship show.
But when we're absent, we their Sport are made,
Th...Read more of this...

by Smart, Christopher
...Marvel rejoice with Brya a little shrub like birch. 

Let Hull, house of Hull rejoice with Subis a bird called the Spight which breaks the Eagle's eggs. 

Let Mason, house of Mason rejoice with Suberies the Capitol Cork Tree. Lord be merciful to William Mason. 

Let Fountain, house of Fountain rejoice with Syriacus Rephanus a sweet kind of Radish. 

Let Scroop, house of Scroop rejoice with Fig-Wine -- Palmi primarium vinum. Not so -- Palmi-primum is t...Read more of this...

by Philips, Katherine
...pty any brook.


What beauty is there in the sight
Of these old ruin'd castle-walls
Of which the utmost rage and spight
Of Time's worst insurrection falls?
The witches keep their Sabbath here,
And wanton devils make retreat.
Who in malicious sport appear,
Our sense both to afflict and cheat;
And here within a thousand holes
Are nest of adders and of owls.


The raven with his dismal cries,
That mortal augury of Fate,
Those ghastly goblins ratifies,
Which in ...Read more of this...

by Marvell, Andrew
...he would ruine (for I saw him strong)
The sacred Truths to Fable and old Song,
(So Sampson groap'd the Temples Posts in spight)
The World o'rewhelming to revenge his Sight.
Yet as I read, soon growing less severe,
I lik'd his Project, the success did fear;
Through that wide Field how he his way should find
O're which lame Faith leads Understanding blind;
Lest he perplext the things he would explain,
And what was easie he should render vain.
Or if a Work so infinite he...Read more of this...

by Jonson, Ben
...naments, my tears and verse.  If any sword could save from Fates', ROE'S could ;      If any Muse outlive their spight, his can ;  If any friends' tears could restore, his would ;      If any pious life ere lifted man To heaven ; his hath : O happy state ! wherein We, sad for him, may glory, and not sin. [AJ Notes:Scutcheons, escutcheons, emblazoned shields, which     would decorate a hearse buried in state and pomp.]...Read more of this...

by Spenser, Edmund
...or tempest doth from it depart,
ne ought for fayrer weathers false delight.
Such selfe assurance need not feare the spight,
of grudging foes, ne fauour seek of friends:
but in the stay of her owne stedfast might,
nether to one her selfe nor other bends.
Most happy she that most assured doth rest,
but he most happy who such one loues best....Read more of this...

by Spenser, Edmund
...e in courtly guise,
Some prancke their ruffes, and others trimly dight
Their gay attire: each others greater pride does spight.


Goodly they all that knight do entertaine,
Right glad with him to have increast their crew:
But to Duess' each one himselfe did paine
All kindnesse and faire courtesie to shew;
For in that court whylome her well they knew:
Yet the stout Faerie mongst the middest crowd
Thought all their glorie vaine in knightly vew,
And that great Princesse...Read more of this...

by Marvell, Andrew
...his Common Enemy is still opprest;
If Conquerors, on them they turn their might;
If Conquered, on them they wreak their Spight:
They neither build the Temple in their dayes,
Nor Matter for succeeding Founders raise;
Nor Sacred Prophecies consult within,
Much less themselves to perfect them begin,
No other care they bear of things above,
But with Astrologers divine, and Jove,
To know how long their Planet yet Reprives
From the deserved Fate their guilty lives:
Thus (Image-like...Read more of this...

by Killigrew, Anne
...he Strife, 
'Keeps her unexil'd in her Life; 
'Guarding her matchless Innocence
'From Storms of boldest Impudence; 
'In spight of all the Scoffs and Rage, 
'And Persecutions of the Age, 
'Owns Vertues Altar, feeds the Flame, 
'Adores her much-derided Name; 
'While impiously her hands they tie, 
'Loves her in her Captivity; 

'Like Perseus saves her, when she stands
'Expos'd to the Leviathans. 
'So did bright Lamps once live in Urns, 
'So Camphire in the water burns, 
'So ...Read more of this...

by Strode, William
...d night,
And was not seen long after; now he stands
Remov'd in Worlds, as heretofore in Lands;
But is not lost. The spight of Death can never
Divide the Christian, though the Man it sever.

The like we say to You: He's still at home,
Though out of reach; as in some upper roome,
Or Study: for his Place is very high,
His Thought is Vision; now most properly
Return'd he's Yours as sure, as e're hath been
The jewell in Your Cask, safe though unseen.

You know that F...Read more of this...

by Marvell, Andrew
...! what does it boot
To build below the Grasses Root;
When Lowness is unsafe as Hight,
And Chance o'retakes what scapeth spight?
And now your Orphan Parents Call
Sounds your untimely Funeral.
Death-Trumpets creak in such a Note,
And 'tis the Sourdine in their Throat.

Or sooner hatch or higher build:
The Mower now commands the Field;
In whose new Traverse seemeth wrought
A Camp of Battail newly fought:
Where, as the Meads with Hay, the Plain
Lyes quilted ore with Bodie...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Spight poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs