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Famous So What Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous So What poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous so what poems. These examples illustrate what a famous so what poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Mayakovsky, Vladimir
...ling your suede gloves, 
you declared: 
¡°D¡¯you know, 
I¡¯m getting married.¡± 

All right, marry then. 
So what, 
I can take it. 
As you see, I¡¯m calm! 
Like the pulse 
of a corpse. 

Do you remember 
how you used to talk? 
¡°Jack London, 
But I saw one thing only: 
you, a Gioconda, 
had to be stolen! 

And you were stolen. 

In love, I shall gamble again, 
the arch of my brows ablaze. 
What o...Read more of this...

by Bukowski, Charles
 I heard the other
 "you fellows been drinking?"
 I asked.
 "so what?" he answered. "you drink."
 "that's true..."
 "CHINASKI'S AN *******!"
 the editor of the magazine gave me the
 address and I copied it down on the back
 of an envelope.
 "send us some poems now..."
 "I'll see what I can do..."
 "goodbye," I said.
 "goodbye," said the...Read more of this...

by Szymborska, Wislawa
...y random faces,
while the rest go blindly by,
unthought of, unpitied.
Not even a Dante could have stopped that.
So what do you do when you're not,
even with all the muses on your side?

Non omnis moriar—a premature worry.
Yet am I fully alive, and is that enough?
It never has been, and even less so now.
I select by rejecting, for there's no other way,
but what I reject, is more numerous,
more dense, more intrusive than ever.
At the cost of untold losses—a ...Read more of this...

by Bukowski, Charles
...e. Her cigarette flipped out of her mouth.
"what'd you do that for?" 
"You fucked Walter! You fucked Walter!" 
"So what the hell?" 
"So pull your dress up higher!" 
"Do what I say!" George slapped again, harder. Constance hiked her skirt. 
"Just up to the panties!" shouted George. "I don't quite want to see the
"Christ, george, what's gone wrong with you?" 
"You fucked Walter!" 
"George, I swear, you've gone crazy. I want to leave.Read more of this...

by Browning, Robert

My love, this is the bitterest, that thou
Who art all truth and who dost love me now
As thine eyes say, as thy voice breaks to say— 
Shouldst love so truly and couldst love me still
A whole long life through, had but love its will,
Would death that leads me from thee brook delay!


I have but to be by thee, and thy hand
Would never let mine go, thy h...Read more of this...

by Iqbal, Allama Muhammad
...ll and wail
Of the nightingale
Said the glowworm
In a voice so calm

With my heart and soul
To you I am of avail
So what if I am
An insect so little?

The night is dark
Why worry then?
All through your route
I will enlighten!

A torch has Allah given me
A radiant lamp has He made me

Noble are those ones indeed
Whom others find while in need!...Read more of this...

by Tebb, Barry
...his manners much,

He’d gozzle on the wall and wee behind wagons.

When Julie saw his cock he laughed and winked,

“So what?” he said, aged ten, and hefted it,

“Where’s your’s?”


His father liked a drink and every night

His mam and him went off down Hunslet Road

And left their six the key and came back

Singing late. Their dad once went off on his

Own but never came back: his hidden ulcer

Haemorrhaged and he spewed back seven pints

Of Tetley’s best, some...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...left: and I methinks till now 
Was honest--paid with horses and with arms; 
I cannot steal or plunder, no nor beg: 
And so what say ye, shall we strip him there 
Your lover? has your palfrey heart enough 
To bear his armour? shall we fast, or dine? 
No?--then do thou, being right honest, pray 
That we may meet the horsemen of Earl Doorm, 
I too would still be honest.' Thus he said: 
And sadly gazing on her bridle-reins, 
And answering not one word, she led the way. 

...Read more of this...

by Brautigan, Richard
...A piece of green pepper
off the wooden salad bowl:
so what?...Read more of this...

by Sexton, Anne
...ive us, Father, for we know not. 

Ms. Dog prefers to sunbathe nude. 
Let the indifferent sky look on. 
So what! 
Let Mrs. Sewal pull the curtain back, 
from her second story. 
So what! 
Let United Parcel Service see my parcel. 
La de dah. 
Sun, you hammer of yellow, 
you hat on fire, 
you honeysuckle mama, 
pour your blonde on me! 
Let me laugh for an entire hour 
at your supreme being, your Cadillac stuff, 
because I've come a long way 
from ...Read more of this...

by Robinson, Edwin Arlington
...“No, Mary, there was nothing—not a word. 
Nothing, and always nothing. Go again 
Yourself, and he may listen—or at least 
Look up at you, and let you see his eyes. 
I might as well have been the sound of rain,
A wind among the cedars, or a bird; 
Or nothing. Mary, make him look at you; 
And even if he should say that we are nothing, 
To kno...Read more of this...

by Nemerov, Howard
...t falls like snow or a drift of seeds.
Rotten, they tell us, at the fork, and one
Big wind would bring it down. So what they do
They do, as usual, to do us good.
Whatever cannot carry its own weight 
Has got to go, and so on; you expect
To hear them talking next about survival
And the values of a free society.
For in the explanations people give
On these occasions there is generally some
Mean-spirited moral point, and everyone
Privately wonders if his neighbor...Read more of this...

by Tebb, Barry

“I told Jack if he was finished with me

He wasn’t having any but he pulled me

Into the bushes laughing all the way

So what could I say?”

I want a history of the warmth

Of working-class mothers

Explaining the mysteries of periods.

To their adolescent daughters and the

Revelations of working-class brides.

I want a history of family outings

To Temple Newsam where I saw an ass

Eating straw from the steel manger

Of Christ....Read more of this...

by Stone, Ruth the uncertainty principle.
After so many smears, you want to wash it off with a laugh.
Ha ha, you say. So what if it's a meltdown?
Last lines to poems I will write immediately....Read more of this...

by Carver, Raymond
...hey write they tell him
they're coming up short. He counts heads on his fingers
and finds they're all survivng. So what
if he'd rather be remembered in the dreams of strangers?
He raises his eyes to the skylights where rain
hammers on. After a while --
who knows how long? -- his eyes ask
that they be closed. And he closes them.
But the rain keeps hammering. Is this a cloudburst?
Should he do something? Secure the house
in some way? Uncle Bo stayed marr...Read more of this...

by Nash, Ogden
...The ant has made herself illustrious
By constant industry industrious.
So what? Would you be calm and placid
If you were full of formic acid?...Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
...t he called me the son of a ****;
And, grabbing his gun with a leap and a run, he threatened my face with the butt.
So what could I do (I leave it to you)? With curses he harried me forth;
Then he was alone, and I was alone, and over us menaced the North.

Our cabins were near; I could see, I could hear; but between us there rippled the creek;
And all summer through, with a rancor that grew, he would pass me and never would speak.
Then a shuddery breath like the c...Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
...mies are.

Then down the lake came Half-breed Tom with russet sail a-flying,
 And the word he said was "War" again, so what was I to do?
Oh the dogs they took to howling, and the missis took to crying,
 As I flung my silver foxes in the little birch canoe:
 Yes, the old girl stood a-blubbing till an island hid the view.

Says the factor: "Mike, you're crazy! They have soldier men a-plenty.
 You're as grizzled as a badger, and you're sixty year or so."
"But I h...Read more of this...

by Hughes, Ted shoulder under your stanzas
And we'll be away.' Deep in the cave of your ear
The goblin snapped his fingers.
So what had I given him?

The bloody end of the skein
That unravelled your marriage,
Left your children echoing
Like tunnels in a labyrinth.

Left your mother a dead-end,
Brought you to the horned, bellowing
Grave of your risen father
And your own corpse in it....Read more of this...

by Chaucer, Geoffrey
...s that ich have on every syde
Toward the court, to doon the wrathe pace
Of Priamus, and doon him stonde in grace.

'So what for o thing and for other, swete,
I shal him so enchaunten with my sawes, 
That right in hevene his sowle is, shal he mete!
For al Appollo, or his clerkes lawes,
Or calculinge avayleth nought three hawes;
Desyr of gold shal so his sowle blende,
That, as me lyst, I shal wel make an ende. 

'And if he wolde ought by his sort it preve
If that I lye,...Read more of this...

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things