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Famous Snuffling Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Snuffling poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous snuffling poems. These examples illustrate what a famous snuffling poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Holmes, Oliver Wendell
From crib to shroud! 
Nurse o'er our cradles screameth lullaby, 
And friends in boots tramp round us as we die, 
Snuffling aloud. 

At morning's call 
The small-voiced pug-dog welcomes in the sun, 
And flea-bit mongrels, wakening one by one, 
Give answer all. 

When evening dim 
Draws round us, then the lonely caterwaul, 
Tart solo, sour duet, and general squall, -- 
These are our hymn. 

Women, with tongues 
Like polar needles, ever on the jar; 
Men, plugl...Read more of this...

by Sexton, Anne
If this is hell, then hell could not be much, 
neither as special or as ugly as I was told. 
What's that I hear, snuffling and pawing its way 
toward me? Its tongue knocks a pebble out of place 
as it slides in, a sovereign. How can I pray> 
It is panting; it is an odor with a face 
like the skin of a donkey. It laps my sores. 
It is hurt, I think, as a I touch its little head. 
It bleeds. I have forgiven murderers and whores 
and now must wait like...Read more of this...

by Roethke, Theodore
...g out of her pot toward the window.

Near the end, she seemed almost to hear me--
And that was scary--
So when that snuffling cretin of a maid
Threw her, pot and all, into the trash-can,
I said nothing.

But I sacked the presumptuous hag the next week,
I was that lonely....Read more of this...

by Delville, Jean
...breath in the night. But, at times, persistently,
The distant howling of an old beast that roams
And with long-drawn snuffling, turned horizonwards,
Scents the tragic exhalmations of Herod's great crime.
...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Snuffling poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things