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Famous Sinning Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Sinning poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous sinning poems. These examples illustrate what a famous sinning poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Kipling, Rudyard
...ess songs I sing
Do not deal with anything
 New or never said before.
As it was in the beginning
Is to-day official sinning,
 And shall be for evermore!...Read more of this...

by Du Bois, W. E. B. and vainglory;
Prone to despise the Soul that breathes within—
High visioned hordes that lie and steal and kill,
Sinning the sin each separate heart disclaims,
Clambering upon our riven, writhing selves,
Besieging Heaven by trampling men to Hell!
We be blood-guilty! Lo, our hands be red!
Not one may blame the other in this sin!
But here—here in the white Silence of the Dawn,
Before the Womb of Time,
With bowed hearts all flame and shame,
We face the birth-pangs...Read more of this...

by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
...nd its inundating tide,
Wherein all landmarks of thy past should hide.
If thy life's lesson must be learned through sinning,
My grieving virtue would become thy guide.

For I would share the burden of thy errors,
So when the sun of our brief life had set,
If thou didst walk in darkness and regret,
E'en in that shadowy world of nameless terrors,
My soul and thine should be companions yet.

And I would cross with thee those troubled oceans
Of dark remorse whose wate...Read more of this...

by Goldsmith, Oliver
...strove the neighbourhood to please
With manners wondrous winning;
And never followed wicked ways,— 
Unless when she was sinning.

At church, in silks and satins new,
With hoop of monstrous size,
She never slumbered in her pew,— 
But when she shut her eyes.

Her love was sought, I do aver,
By twenty beaux and more;
The king himself has followed her,— 
When she has walked before.

But now her wealth and finery fled,
Her hangers-on cut short all;
The doctors found, w...Read more of this...

by Wilmot, John
My smoking prick escape the fray,
Without a bloody nose.

If thou would have me true, be wise,
And take to cleanly sinning,
None but fresh lovers' pricks can rise,
At Phyllis in foul linen....Read more of this...

by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler chimes, 
And silences are melting to soft, melodious rhymes, 
Let Love, the worlds beginning, 
End fear and hate and sinning; 
Let Love, the God Eternal, be worshipped in all climes
When Christmas bells are pelting the air with silver chimes....Read more of this...

by Kizer, Carolyn
...s not his name in big print on the map.

But let's go back to the beginning
when sinners didn't know that they were sinning.

He, one rib short: she lived to rue it
when Adam said to God, "She made me do it."

Eve learned that learning was a dangerous thing
for her: no end of trouble would it bring.

An educated woman is a danger.
Lock up your mate! Keep a submissive stranger

like Darby's Joan, content with church and Kinder,
not like that sainted Joan, b...Read more of this...

by Trumbull, John
...ointment clears betimes,
Like fuller's earth, all spots of crimes,
For future knaveries gives commissions,
Like Papists sinning under license.
For heaven ordain'd the origin,
Divines declare, of pain and sin,
Prove such great good they both have done us,
Kind mercy 'twas they came upon us;
For without sin and pain and folly,
Man ne'er was blest, nor wise, nor holy:
And we should thank the Lord 'tis so,
As authors grave wrote long ago.
Now heav'n its issues never bring...Read more of this...

by Milton, John underneath, ere they could wind 
Out of such prison, though Spirits of purest light, 
Purest at first, now gross by sinning grown. 
The rest, in imitation, to like arms 
Betook them, and the neighbouring hills uptore: 
So hills amid the air encountered hills, 
Hurled to and fro with jaculation dire; 
That under ground they fought in dismal shade; 
Infernal noise! war seemed a civil game 
To this uproar; horrid confusion heaped 
Upon confusion rose: And now all Heaven ...Read more of this...

by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
...orth with radiance tender, 
And dare you doubt the One who has done all? 

'So much is wrong, there is such pain - such sinning.'
Yet look again - behold how much is right! 
And He who formed the world from its beginning
Knows how o guide it upward to the light.
Your task, O man, is not to carp and cavil
At God's achievements, but with purpose strong
To cling to good, and turn away from evil -
That is the way to help the world along....Read more of this...

by St Vincent Millay, Edna
...All venom out.—Ah, fearful pawn!
For my omniscience paid I toll
In infinite remorse of soul.

All sin was of my sinning, all
Atoning mine, and mine the gall
Of all regret. Mine was the weight 
Of every brooded wrong, the hate
That stood behind each envious thrust,
Mine every greed, mine every lust.

And all the while for every grief,
Each suffering, I craved relief
With individual desire,—
Craved all in vain! And felt fierce fire
About a thousand people crawl;...Read more of this...

by Herbert, George high, 
As Babel grew, before there were dissentions. 
Let ill deeds loiter not: for they supply 
New thoughts of sinning:
wherefore, to my shame, 
Sorry I am, my God, sorry I am....Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
You hate it like hell for a season,
 And then you are worse than the worst.
It grips you like some kinds of sinning;
 It twists you from foe to a friend;
It seems it's been since the beginning;
 It seems it will be to the end.

I've stood in some mighty-mouthed hollow
 That's plumb-full of hush to the brim;
I've watched the big, husky sun wallow
 In crimson and gold, and grow dim,
Till the moon set the pearly peaks gleaming,
 And the stars tumbled out, neck an...Read more of this...

by Kilmer, Joyce
...rresistible forgiving.
"Yes, God forgives and men forget,
And you're forgiven and forgotten.
You might be gaily sinning yet
And quick and fresh instead of rotten.
And when you think of love and fame
And all that might have come to pass,
Then don't you feel a little shame?
And don't you think you were an ass?"...Read more of this...

by Matthew, John
...ot try to see with closed eyes,
And hear with deaf ears, keep them open.
The music and rhythm can corrupt,
And make sinning seem so tempting.
The age of innocence, son, is gone,
Every man is a mercenary army.

If you follow this advise, son,
When you are mature and wise as me,
You will say, one day, “Thank you Papa,
For your words of advice, wisdom,
To my children, too, I will pass this wisdom.”...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Sinning poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things