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Amir Khusro Short Poems

Famous Short Amir Khusro Poems. Short poetry by famous poet Amir Khusro. A collection of the all-time best Amir Khusro short poems

by Amir Khusro
Man kunto Maula
Fa Ali-un Maula
Dara dil-e dara dil-e dar-e daani
Hum tum tanana nana
Nana nana ray
Yalali yalali yala
Yala yala ray…

~ By Amir Khusro


“Whoever accepts me as a master, Ali is his master too.”

(The above is a hadith – a saying of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). Rest of the lines are tarana bols that are generally meaningless and are used for rhythmic chanting by Sufis.)

Book: Reflection on the Important Things