Amir Khusro
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Ab'ul Hasan Yamin ud-Din Khusrow (1253–1325 CE) Hindi , (Urdu : ;, better known as Amir Khusrow (also Khusrau, Khusro) Dehlawi (meaning Amir Khusrow of Delhi) ( ) was a Sufi musician, great poet and scholar. A polymath an iconic figure in the cultural history of the Indian subcontinent. A mystic and a spiritual disciple of Nizamuddin Auliya of Delhi. Amir Khusrow was not only a notable poet but also a prolific and seminal musician in the time of the Delhi Sultanate, being reputed to have invented both the Sitar and the Tabla. He wrote poetry primarily in Persian, but also in Hindavi. A vocabulary in verse, the haliq Bari, containing Arabic, Persian, and Hindavi terms is often attributed to him.
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