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Famous Shore Up Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Shore Up poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous shore up poems. These examples illustrate what a famous shore up poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Herrick, Robert
...Thou see'st me, Lucia, this year droop;
Three zodiacs fill'd more, I shall stoop;
Let crutches then provided be
To shore up my debility:
Then, while thou laugh'st, I'll sighing cry,
A ruin underpropt am I:
Don will I then my beadsman's gown;
And when so feeble I am grown
As my weak shoulders cannot bear
The burden of a grasshopper;
Yet with the bench of aged sires,
When I and they keep termly fires,
With my weak voice I'll sing, or say
Some odes I made of Lucia;--
Then w...Read more of this...

by Ashbery, John
It must join the segment of a circle,
Roving back to the body of which it seems
So unlikely a part, to fence in and shore up the face
On which the effort of this condition reads
Like a pinpoint of a smile, a spark
Or star one is not sure of having seen
As darkness resumes. A perverse light whose
Imperative of subtlety dooms in advance its
Conceit to light up: unimportant but meant.
Francesco, your hand is big enough
To wreck the sphere, and too big,
One would thin...Read more of this...

by Nandy, Pritish
...ak returns, we
shall realise once more that forever means an
empty room, a tired night swirling into nowhere,
when I shore up to your tattered skyline.

At midnight I move in on strangers, for the caress
or the kill.  I have come to terms with shadows,
I have been assaulted by gentler lovetimes: once
in a long while a face comes near, our eyes meet
in challenge, or is it love?  Our bodies come alive
in secret oneness: one spring ago, terrified to be
touched, you...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Shore Up poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things