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Famous Shelled Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Shelled poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous shelled poems. These examples illustrate what a famous shelled poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Laurence Dunbar, Paul
...y surprise,
An' I said, "Oh, Uncle John,
Never thought o' havin' one."
An' somehow that seemed to tickle
Him an' he shelled out a nickel.
Then you ought to seen me leave
Jest a-laffin' in my sleeve.
Fool him—well, I guess I did;
He ain't on to this here kid.
Got a girl! well, I guess yes,
Got a dozen more or less,
But I got one reely one,[Pg 74]
Not no foolin' ner no fun;
Fur I 'm sweet on her, you see,
An' I ru...Read more of this...

by Plath, Sylvia
...t his head,
You defy questions;

You defy godhood.
I walk dry on your kingdom's border
Exiled to no good.

Your shelled bed I remember.
Father, this thick air is murderous.
I would breathe water....Read more of this...

by Owen, Wilfred
...d, fever, trench-foot, shock,
Untrapped the wretch. And death seemed still withheld
For torture of lying machinally shelled,
At the pleasure of this world's Powers who'd run amok.

He'd seen men shoot their hands, on night patrol,
Their people never knew. Yet they were vile.
"Death sooner than dishonour, that's the style!"
So Father said.

 One dawn, our wire patrol
Carried him. This time, Death had not missed.
We could do nothing, but wipe his ble...Read more of this...

by Edgar, Marriott
...ived for some years in retirement,
And knew nowt of war, if you please,
Till they blasted and bombed his allotment,
And shelled the best part of his peas.

'T were as if bugles called Sam to duty,
For his musket he started to search,
He found it at last in the Hen house,
Buff Orpingtons had it for perch.

Straight off to the Fusilliers' depot,
He went to rejoin his old troop...
Where he found as they couldn't recruit Him,
Until his age group was called up....Read more of this...

by Seeger, Alan
...e charge her heroes left us, we assumed, 
What, dying, they reconquered, we preserved, 
In the chill trenches, harried, shelled, entombed, 
Winter came down on us, but no man swerved. 

Winter came down on us. The low clouds, torn 
In the stark branches of the riven pines, 
Blurred the white rockets that from dusk till morn 
Traced the wide curve of the close-grappling lines. 

In rain, and fog that on the withered hill 
Froze before dawn, the lurking foe drew d...Read more of this...

by Butler, Ellis Parker
...beyond that road our safety lay,
 In front rose the hills which the rebels held
 With his howling cannon that raked and shelled
 Our troops.
 We lay in the centre.
 Our general saw he must cross again
 The narrow road, or his men were lost
 The road was narrow. It must be crossed,
 And crossed in haste, and the deadly rain
 of the rebel guns "Must be stopped!" said Paine.

 Twenty-four cannon thundered and roared!
 Twenty-four cannon into us poured.Read more of this...

by Collins, Billy
...soft cloth
and placed on the kitchen table
so she could keep an eye on infant Katherine
while she scrubbed potatoes or shelled a bag of peas,

the way I am keeping an eye on that cormorant
who just broke the glassy surface
and is moving away from me and the iron bridge,
swiveling his curious head,
slipping out to where the sun rakes the water
and filters through the trees that crowd the shore.

And now he dives,
disappears below the surface,
and while I wait for him to p...Read more of this...

by Tagore, Rabindranath
...od time.

Many men
Have searched all over Tuscany and never found
What I found there, the heart of the light
Itself shelled and leaved, balancing
On filaments themselves falling. The secret
Of this journey is to let the wind
Blow its dust all over your body,
To let it go on blowing, to step lightly, lightly
All the way through your ruins, and not to lose
Any sleep over the dead, who surely
Will bury their own, don't worry....Read more of this...

by Lawson, Henry
who'd ride with a stockman scout, 
When the race they ride on the battle track, and the waning distance hums, 
And the shelled sky shrieks or the rifles crack 
like stockwhip amongst the gums -- 
And the `straight' is reached and the field is `gapped' 
and the hoof-torn sward grows red 
With the blood of those who are handicapped with iron and steel and lead; 
And the gaps are filled, though unseen by eyes, 
with the spirit and with the shades 
Of the world-wide rebel dead w...Read more of this...

by Wignesan, T
our thoughts to cushion heads
whilst dug tapioca roots heaped the dream
and we lay scrapping the kernel-less
fiber shelled coconuts

O Bhama, my goatless daughter kid
how I nursed you with the callow calves
those mutual moments forced in these common lives
and then, that day when they sold you
the blistering shirtless sun never flinching
an eye, defiant I stood caressing your creamy coat
and all you could say was a hopeless baaa..a..aa
and then, ...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Shelled poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs