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Famous Series Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Series poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous series poems. These examples illustrate what a famous series poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Lowell, Amy
And a large pebble springs them into the air
To go whirling for a foot or two
Before they touch the earth again
In a series of little jumps.
Spring, Hoops!
Spit out a shower of blue and white brightness.
The little criss-cross shoes twinkle behind you,
The pink and blue sashes flutter like flags,
The hoop-sticks are ready to beat you.
Turn, turn, Hoops! In the yellow sunshine.
Turn your stripped willow whiteness
Along the smooth paths.
Stella sings:
"Ro...Read more of this...

by Dryden, John

He said. Th' Almighty, nodding, gave consent;
And peals of thunder shook the firmament.
Henceforth a series of new time began,
The mighty years in long procession ran:
Once more the god-like David was restor'd,
And willing nations knew their lawful lord....Read more of this...

by Robinson, Edwin Arlington
...fortable food for their conceit; 
But patient wisdom frowned on argument, 
With a side nod for silence, and I smoked 
A series of incurable dry pipes
While Morgan fiddled, with obnoxious care, 
Things that I wished he wouldn’t. Killigrew, 
Drowsed with a fond abstraction, like an ass, 
Lay blinking at me while he grinned and made 
Remarks. The learned Plunket made remarks.

It may have been for smoke that I cursed cats 
That night, but I have rather to believe 
As...Read more of this...

by Neruda, Pablo
...with its paws and its posture,
Sleeps with its wicked claws,
And with its unfeeling blood,
Sleeps with ALL the rings a series 
Of burnt circles which have formed 
The odd geology of its sand-colored tail.

I should like to sleep like a cat,
With all the fur of time,
With a tongue rough as flint,
With the dry sex of fire and 
After speaking to no one,
Stretch myself over the world,
Over roofs and landscapes,
With a passionate desire
To hunt the rats in my dreams.

I h...Read more of this...

by Lehman, David
...nd the pleasure of seeing Paul
and you, too, Elaine, whom
I never get to see often enough
in our own city of the subway series
the champagne gallery and
the tech wreck on wall street,
and as I look out the window
almost any minute I expect
the brokers to fall from the sky
like Icarus in Brughel's painting in
Auden's "Musee des Beaux Arts"
(and so back to work)...Read more of this...

by Berryman, John
...In a blue series towards his sleepy eyes
they slid like wonder, women tall & small,
of every shape & size,
in many languages to lisp 'We do'
to Henry almost waking. What is the night at all,
his closed eyes beckon you.

In the Marriage of the Dead, a new routine,
he gasped his crowded vows past lids shut tight
and a-many rings fumbled on.
His coffin like G...Read more of this...

by Belieu, Erin
...istory, each moment
swamped in legend, liable to judgment
and erosion; still, an appealing view,

to draft our lives, a series of vignettes
where endings could be substituted -
your father, unconvoluted
by desire, not grown bonsai in regret,

the bedroom of blue flowers left intact.
The room was nearly dark, the streetlight
a sentinel at the white curtain, its night
face implicated. Do not retract

this. Something did happen. You recall,
can feel a stumbling o...Read more of this...

by Dickinson, Emily
...I could not prove the Years had feet --
Yet confident they run
Am I, from symptoms that are past
And Series that are done --

I find my feet have further Goals --
I smile upon the Aims
That felt so ample -- Yesterday --
Today's -- have vaster claims --

I do not doubt the self I was
Was competent to me --
But something awkward in the fit --
Proves that -- outgrown -- I see --...Read more of this...

by Bishop, Elizabeth
...ks with weeds in every crack,
are relieved to be wet, the sea to be freshened. 

Now the storm goes away again in a series
of small, badly lit battle-scenes,
each in "Another part of the field." 

Think of someone sleeping in the bottom of a row-boat
tied to a mangrove root or the pile of a bridge;
think of him as uninjured, barely disturbed....Read more of this...

by Browning, Robert
...nd the weak, this world's congeries,
Repeat in large what they practised in small,
Through life after life in unlimited series; 
Only the scale's to be changed, that's all.


Yet I hardly know. When a soul has seen
By the means of Evil that Good is best,
And, through earth and its noise, what is heaven's serene,---
When our faith in the same has stood the test---
Why, the child grown man, you burn the rod,
The uses of labour are surely done;
There remaineth ...Read more of this...

by Dickinson, Emily
...One Day is there of the Series
Termed Thanksgiving Day.
Celebrated part at Table
Part in Memory.

Neither Patriarch nor Pussy
I dissect the Play
Seems it to my Hooded thinking
Reflex Holiday.

Had there been no sharp Subtraction
From the early Sum --
Not an Acre or a Caption
Where was once a Room --

Not a Mention, whose small Pebble
Wrinkled any Sea,
Unto Such, were su...Read more of this...

by Nicolson, Adela Florence Cory cannot see,
     Are sombre doubtless, like the tresses,
   The mouth's soft curvings seem to be
     A roseate series of caresses.

   And where the skin has all but dried
     (The air is sultry in the room)
   Upon her breast and either side,
     It shows a soft and amber bloom.

   By women here, who knew her life,
     A leper husband, I am told,
   Took all this loveliness to wife
     When it was barely ten years old.

   And when the child in shoc...Read more of this...

by Edson, Russell
...and. She puts him in
a melting device, and he pours out the other end in a hot
bloody syrup, which she catches in a series of little husband

 What splatters on the floor the dog licks up. 

 When they have set she has seventeen little husbands.
One she throws to the dog because the genitals didn't set
right; too much like a vulva because of an air bubble. 

 Then there are sixteen naked little husbands standing
in a row across the kitchen table.Read more of this...

by Eliot, T S (Thomas Stearns)
...e words are taken,
will be found translated in the late Henry Clarke Warren's Buddhism
in Translation (Harvard Oriental Series). Mr. Warren was one
of the great pioneers of Buddhist studies in the Occident.
309. From St. Augustine's Confessions again. The
of these two representatives of eastern and western asceticism,
as the culmination of this part of the poem, is not an accident.
In the first part of Part ...Read more of this...

by Crashaw, Richard
...h All
That you can bring or we can call;
O may you fix
For ever here, and mix
Your selves into the long
And everlasting series of a deathlesse Song;
Mix All your many Worlds, Above,
And loose them into One of Love.
Chear thee my Heart!
For Thou too hast thy Part
And Place in the Great Throng
Of This unbounded All-imbracing Song.
Powres of my Soul, be Proud!
And speake lowd
To All the dear-bought Nations This Redeeming Name,
And in the wealth of one Rich Word proclaim
...Read more of this...

by Plath, Sylvia dissolve.
On their blotter of fog the trees
Seem a botanical drawing--
Memories growning, ring on ring,
A series of weddings.

Knowing neither abortions nor bitchery,
Truer than women,
They seed so effortlessly!
Tasting the winds, that are footless,
Waisting-deep in history--

Full of wings, otherworldliness.
In this, they are Ledas.
O mother of leaves and sweetness
Who are these peitas?
The shadows of ringdoves chanting, but easing nothi...Read more of this...

by Plath, Sylvia
...stances they pin evaporate,
Weighting the pale sky with a soldier color.
But they only dissolve and dissolve
Like a series of promises, as I step forward.

There is no life higher than the grasstops
Or the hearts of sheep, and the wind
Pours by like destiny, bending
Everything in one direction.
I can feel it trying
To funnel my heat away.
If I pay the roots of the heather
Too close attention, they will invite me
To whiten my bones among them.

The sheep kn...Read more of this...

by Piercy, Marge

You come in a torrent and ease
into limpness. Pleasure takes me
farther and farther from the shore
in a series of breakers, each
towering higher before it
crashes and spills flat.

I am open then as a palm held out, 
open as a sunflower, without
crust, without shelter, without
skin, hideless and unhidden.
How can I let you ride
so far into me and not fear?

Helpless as a burning city,
how can I ignore that the extremes
of pleasure are fire storms
that ...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Series poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things