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Famous Seme Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Seme poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous seme poems. These examples illustrate what a famous seme poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Chatterton, Thomas
...overds son 
Is moe than mee. 

Syr Rogerre. 
The sweltrie sonne dothe hie apace hys wayne, 
From everich beme a seme of lyfe doe falle; 
Swythyn scille oppe the haie uponne the playne; 
Methynckes the cockes begynneth to gre talle. 
Thys ys alyche oure doome; the great the smalle, 
Moste withe and bee forwyned by deathis darte. 
See! the swote flourette hathe noe swote at alle; 
Itte wythe the ranke wede bereth evalle parte. 
The cravent, warrioure, and th...Read more of this...

by Eliot, T S (Thomas Stearns)
...thay maden to the mete tyme;
When thay had waschen worthyly thay wenten to sete,
The best burne ay abof, as hit best semed,
Whene Guenore, ful gay, graythed in the myddes,
Dressed on the dere des, dubbed al aboute,
Smal sendal bisides, a selure hir ouer
Of tryed tolouse, and tars tapites innoghe,
That were enbrawded and beten wyth the best gemmes
That myyght be preued of prys wyth penyes to bye,
in daye.
The comlokest to discrye
Ther glent with yyghen gray,
A...Read more of this...

by Alighieri, Dante

ratto che 'nteser le parole crude.

 Bestemmiavano Dio e lor parenti,

l'umana spezie e 'l loco e 'l tempo e 'l seme

di lor semenza e di lor nascimenti.

 Poi si ritrasser tutte quante insieme,

forte piangendo, a la riva malvagia

ch'attende ciascun uom che Dio non teme.

 Caron dimonio, con occhi di bragia,

loro accennando, tutte le raccoglie;

batte col remo qualunque s'adagia.

 Come d'autunno si levan le foglie

l'una appresso de l'altra, fin che 'l...Read more of this...

by Alighieri, Dante
...soon as they heard Charon's cruel words; 

Bestemmiavano Dio e lor parenti, 
l'umana spezie e 'l loco e 'l tempo e 'l seme 
di lor semenza e di lor nascimenti . 

they execrated God and their own parents 
and humankind, and then the place and time 
of their conception's seed and of their birth. 

Poi si ritrasser tutte quante insieme, 
forte piangendo, a la riva malvagia 
ch'attende ciascun uom che Dio non teme . 

Then they forgathered, huddled in one throng, ...Read more of this...

by Alighieri, Dante
...ui contenute.
 Li altri giron per varie differenze
le distinzion che dentro da s? hanno
dispongono a lor fini e lor semenze.
 Questi organi del mondo cos? vanno,
come tu vedi omai, di grado in grado,
che di s? prendono e di sotto fanno.
 Riguarda bene omai s? com'io vado
per questo loco al vero che disiri,
s? che poi sappi sol tener lo guado.
 Lo moto e la virt? d'i santi giri,
come dal fabbro l'arte del martello,
da' beati motor convien che spiri;
 e 'l ciel ...Read more of this...

by Alighieri, Dante
...suto vanno mie parole
non men ch'a l'altro, Pier, che con lui canta,
onde Puglia e Proenza già si dole.
 Tant'è del seme suo minor la pianta,
quanto più che Beatrice e Margherita,
Costanza di marito ancor si vanta.
 Vedete il re de la semplice vita
seder là solo, Arrigo d'Inghilterra:
questi ha ne' rami suoi migliore uscita.
 Quel che più basso tra costor s'atterra,
guardando in suso, è Guiglielmo marchese,
per cui e Alessandria e la sua guerra
 fa pianger Monferr...Read more of this...

by Chaucer, Geoffrey
...l Troyes citee 
Nas noon so fair, for passing every wight
So aungellyk was hir natyf beautee,
That lyk a thing immortal semed she,
As doth an hevenish parfit creature,
That doun were sent in scorning of nature. 

This lady, which that al-day herde at ere
Hir fadres shame, his falsnesse and tresoun,
Wel nigh out of hir wit for sorwe and fere,
In widewes habit large of samit broun,
On knees she fil biforn Ector a-doun; 
With pitous voys, and tendrely wepinge,
His mercy bad,...Read more of this...

by Chaucer, Geoffrey

But al to litel, weylaway the whyle,
Lasteth swich Ioye, y-thonked be Fortune!
That semeth trewest, whan she wol bygyle,
And can to foles so hir song entune,
That she hem hent and blent, traytour comune; 
And whan a wight is from hir wheel y-throwe,
Than laugheth she, and maketh him the mowe.

From Troilus she gan hir brighte face
Awey to wrythe, and took of him non hede,
But caste him clene out of his lady grace, 
And on hir wheel she ...Read more of this...

by Chaucer, Geoffrey
...a tremour fele aboute his herte, 
That of the feer his body sholde quake;
And there-with-al he sholde a noyse make,
And seme as though he sholde falle depe
From heighe a-lofte; and than he wolde wepe,

And rewen on him-self so pitously, 
That wonder was to here his fantasye.
Another tyme he sholde mightily
Conforte him-self, and seyn it was folye,
So causeles swich drede for to drye,
And eft biginne his aspre sorwes newe, 
That every man mighte on his sorwes rewe.

Wh...Read more of this...

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Book: Shattered Sighs