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Famous Securely Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Securely poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous securely poems. These examples illustrate what a famous securely poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Burns, Robert
 A cool spectator purely!
So, when the storm the forest rends,
The robin in the hedge descends,
 And sober chirps securely.

Now, for my friends’ and brethren’s sakes,
And for my dear-lov’d Land o’ Cakes,
 I pray with holy fire:
Lord, send a rough-shod troop o’ Hell
O’er a’ wad Scotland buy or sell,
 To grind them in the mire!...Read more of this...

by Killigrew, Anne
...lcome fair Nymphs, most welcome to this shade, 
Distemp'ring Heats do now the Plains invade: 
But you may sit, from Sun securely here,
If you an old mans company not fear. 
 Alcippe. Most Reverend Swaine, far from us ever be
The imputation of such Vanity. 
From Hill to Holt w'ave thee unweary'd sought, 
And bless the Chance that us hath hither brought. 
 Asteria. Fam'd Melibæus for thy Virtuous Lays, 
If thou dost not disdain our Female Praise, 
We come to...Read more of this...

by Wilmot, John
Mustapha, the English Princesse, Forty more, 
Were things perhaps compos'd in Half an Houre. 
To write what may securely stand the test 
Of being well read over Thrice oat least 
Compare each Phrase, examin ev'ry Line, 
Weigh ev'ry word, and ev'ry thought refine; 
Scorne all Applause the Vile Rout can bestow, 
And be content to please those few, who know. 
Canst thou be such a vaine mistaken thing 
To wish thy Workes might make a Play-house ring, 
With the unthink...Read more of this...

by Pope, Alexander
...Ages knew.
The mighty Stagyrite first left the Shore,
Spread all his Sails, and durst the Deeps explore;
He steer'd securely, and discover'd far,
Led by the Light of the Maeonian Star.
Poets, a Race long unconfin'd and free,
Still fond and proud of Savage Liberty,
Receiv'd his Laws, and stood convinc'd 'twas fit
Who conquer'd Nature, shou'd preside o'er Wit.

Horace still charms with graceful Negligence,
And without Method talks us into Sense,
Will like a Friend f...Read more of this...

by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
...ughing Water,
Laid aside her garments wholly,
And with darkness clothed and guarded,
Unashamed and unaffrighted,
Walked securely round the cornfields,
Drew the sacred, magic circle
Of her footprints round the cornfields.
No one but the Midnight only
Saw her beauty in the darkness,
No one but the Wawonaissa
Heard the panting of her bosom
Guskewau, the darkness, wrapped her
Closely in his sacred mantle,
So that none might see her beauty,
So that none might boast, "I saw her...Read more of this...

by Robinson, Edwin Arlington
...r to breathe again,— 
Though I had seen the tremor of his mouth 
And honored the endurance of his hand—
Whether or not, securely closeted 
Up there in the stived haven of his den, 
The man sat laughing at me; and I felt 
My teeth grind hard together with a quaint 
Revulsion—as I recognize it now—
Not only for my Captain, but as well 
For every smug-faced failure on God’s earth; 
Albeit I could swear, at the same time, 
That there were tears in the old fellow’s eyes. 
I qu...Read more of this...

by Jonson, Ben
...   From thoughts of such a strain, And to his sense object this sentence ever,                  "Man may securely sin, but safely never."
                 Is virtue and not fate : Next to that virtue, is to know vice well,                  And her black spite expel, Which to effect (since no breast is so sure,                  Or safe, but she'll procure Some way of entrance) we must plant a guard                  Of ...Read more of this...

by Marvell, Andrew
And always hast thy tongue from fraud refrained; 
Thou, who so oft through storms of thundering lead 
Hast born securely thine undaunted head, 
Thy breast through poniarding conspiracies, 
Drawn from the sheath of lying prophecies; 
Thee proof behond all other force or skill, 
Our sins endanger, and shall one day kill. 

How near they failed, and in thy sudden fall 
At once assayed to overturn us all. 
Our brutish fury struggling to be free, 
Hurried thy horse...Read more of this...

by Sexton, Anne
...imself long ago -
that fat banker who got locked up,
his genes suspened like dollars,
wrapped up in his secret,
tied up securely in a straitjacket.

But you, my doctor, my enthusiast,
were better than Christ;
you promised me another world
to tell me who
I was.

I spent most of my time,
a stranger,
damned and in trance—that little hut,
that naked blue-veined place,
my eyes shut on the confusing office,
eyes circling into my childhood,
eyes newly cut.
Years of hints...Read more of this...

by Marvell, Andrew
...forest's dread, 
Flies to the wood and hides his armless head. 
Ruyter forthwith a squadron does untack; 
They sail securely through the river's track. 
An English pilot too (O shame, O sin!) 
Cheated of pay, was he that showed them in. 
Our wretched ships within their fate attend, 
And all our hopes now on frail chain depend: 
(Engine so slight to guard us from the sea, 
It fitter seemed to captivate a flea). 
A skipper rude shocks it without respect, 
Fillin...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...acre? O ye Gods
I know you careless, yet, behold, to you
From childly wont and ancient use I call -- 
I thought I lived securely as yourselves -- 
No lewdness, narrowing envy, monkey-spite,
No madness of ambition, avarice, none;
No larger feast than under plane or pine
With neighbors laid along the grass, to take
Only such cups as left us friendly-warm,
Affirming each his own philosophy
Nothing to mar the sober majesties
Of settled, sweet, Epicurean life.
But now it seems...Read more of this...

by Robinson, Edwin Arlington
...of mankind. 


Forebodings are the fiends of Recreance;
The master of the moment, the clean seer
Of ages, too securely scans what is,
Ever to be appalled at what is not;
He sees beyond the groaning borough lines
Of Hell, God's highways gleaming, and he knows
That Love's complete communion is the end
Of anguish to the liberated man. 


Here by the windy docks I stand alone,
But yet companioned. There the vessel goes,
And there my friend goes with it; b...Read more of this...

by Milton, John
...his armed peers 
Forth stepping opposite, half-way he met 
His daring foe, at this prevention more 
Incensed, and thus securely him defied. 
Proud, art thou met? thy hope was to have reached 
The highth of thy aspiring unopposed, 
The throne of God unguarded, and his side 
Abandoned, at the terrour of thy power 
Or potent tongue: Fool!not to think how vain 
Against the Omnipotent to rise in arms; 
Who out of smallest things could, without end, 
Have raised incessant armi...Read more of this...

by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Like the compass in its brazen ring, 
Ever level and ever true 
To the toil and the task we have to do, 
We shall sail securely, and safely reach 
The Fortunate Isles, on whose shining beach 
The sights we see, and the sounds we hear, 
Will be those of joy and not of fear!" 
Then the Master, 
With a gesture of command, 
Waved his hand; 
And at the word, 
Loud and sudden there was heard, 
All around them and below, 
The sound of hammers, blow on blow, 
Knocking away the shore...Read more of this...

by Marvell, Andrew
And always hast thy Tongue from fraud refrain'd,
Thou, who so oft through Storms of thundring Lead
Hast born securely thine undaunted Head,
Thy Brest through ponyarding Conspiracies,
Drawn from the Sheath of lying Prophecies;
Thee proof beyond all other Force or Skill,
Our Sins endanger, and shall one day kill.
How near they fail'd, and in thy sudden Fall
At once assay'd to overturn us all.
Our brutish fury strugling to be Free,
Hurry'd thy Horses while the...Read more of this...

by Carew, Thomas
Her heart congeal'd, and makes her pity cold. 
The ox, which lately did for shelter fly 
Into the stall, doth now securely lie 
In open fields; and love no more is made 
By the fireside, but in the cooler shade 
Amyntas now doth with his Chloris sleep 
Under a sycamore, and all things keep 
Time with the season; only she doth carry 
June in her eyes, in her heart January....Read more of this...

by Naidu, Sarojini
Severed from the tender night 
Of your sheltering mother-mine, 
Leap and sparkle, dance and shine, 
Blithely and securely set 
In love's magic coronet. 
Living jewel, may you be 
Laughter-bound and sorrow-free....Read more of this...

by Drayton, Michael;
And with a merry gale
Swell your stretched sail,
With vows as strong
As the winds that blow you.

Your course securely steer,
West and by South forth keep;
Rocks, lee-shores, nor shoals,
When Eolus scowls,
You need nor fear,
So absolute the deep.

And cheerfully at sea,
Success you still entice
To get the pearl and gold;
And ours to hold
Earth's only Paradise.

Where Nature hath in store
Fowl, venison, and fish;
And the fruitfull'st soil,
Without y...Read more of this...

by Marvell, Andrew
...nds in some Tree its useless Dart;
And where the World no certain Shot
Can make, or me it toucheth not.
But I on it securely play,
And gaul its Horsemen all the Day.

Bind me ye Woodbines in your 'twines,
Curle me about ye gadding Vines,
And Oh so close your Circles lace,
That I may never leave this Place:
But, lest your Fetters prove too weak,
Ere I your Silken Bondage break,
Do you, O Brambles, chain me too,
And courteous Briars nail me though.

Here in the Morn...Read more of this...

by Wilmot, John
...t perfects, or destroys, the vast designs of Fate,
When they have racked the politician's breast,
Within thy bosom most securely rest,
And, when reduced to thee, are least unsafe and best.
But Nothing, why does Something still permit
That sacred monarchs should at council sit
With persons highly thought at best for nothing fit?
Whist weighty Something modestly abstains
From princes' coffers, and from statesmen's brains,
And Nothing there like stately Nothing reigns,
Nothi...Read more of this...

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things