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Famous Safe And Sound Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Safe And Sound poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous safe and sound poems. These examples illustrate what a famous safe and sound poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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...braced within by iron bands,
that building bright was broken sorely; {15a}
rent were its hinges; the roof alone
held safe and sound, when, seared with crime,
the fiendish foe his flight essayed,
of life despairing. -- No light thing that,
the flight for safety, -- essay it who will!
Forced of fate, he shall find his way
to the refuge ready for race of man,
for soul-possessors, and sons of earth;
and there his body on bed of death
shall rest after revel.
Arrived wa...Read more of this...
by Anonymous, you are the way you are.
If you return the sentiment,
They'll try to make you different;
And once they have you, safe and sound,
They want to change you all around.
Your moods and ways they put a curse on;
They'd make of you another person.
They cannot let you go your gait;
They influence and educate.
They'd alter all that they admired.
They make me sick, they make me tired....Read more of this...
by Parker, Dorothy
...answer, his lips are pale and still, 
My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will, 
The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done, 
From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won; 
Exult O shores, and ring O bells! 
But I with mournful tread, 
Walk the deck my Captain lies, 
Fallen cold and dead. ...Read more of this...
by Whitman, Walt
...using silver -- 
And it comes most willing -- 
Here's us two paying our forty shilling; 
For it's sartin sure, Turvey, 
Safe and sound, 
You danced us a square, Turvey, 
Off the ground.'...Read more of this...
by de la Mare, Walter
If, somewhere, I'm en route now, am I
praying the winged ballpoint I'm strapped into

will write on Denver's runway, "Safe and Sound"?
Was my pocket picked in Burbank,
and I've just noticed at thirty thousand feet?

Am I smiling, watching the clouds' icefields
melt to smoky wisps, revealing lakes
like Chinese dragons embroidered in blue below?

Lifting my ticket, do I hold a bon voyage,
or boiling jet streams, roaring thunderstorms,
the plane bounced like a boat on cast iro...Read more of this...
by Webb, Charles

...omeless, beneath a tree; 
And onward with his travelling sheep 
Went Saltbush bill, J.P. 

His sheep delivered, safe and sound, 
His horse to town he turned, 
And drew some five-and-twenty pound 
For fees that he had earned. 

And where Monaro's ranges hide 
Their little farms away -- 
His sister's children by his side -- 
He spent his Christmas Day. 

The next J.P. that went out back 
Was shocked, or pained, or both, 
At hearing every pagan black 
Rep...Read more of this...
by Paterson, Andrew Barton
...I can easy beat 'em all". 
And the Surgeon said, 
"That's Lead!" 

So they sent him to the trenches where he landed safe and sound, 
And he drew his ammunition, just about two fifty round: 
"Oh Sergeant, what's this heavy stuff I've got to hump around?" 
And the Sergeant said, 
"That's Lead!"...Read more of this...
by Paterson, Andrew Barton
...n't say I've been rash;
Three fortune tellers said my life
Would end up in an air-plane crash.
But see! I'm here so safe and sound:
By gad! I'll never leave the ground. 

"For me no baptism of air;
It's in my bed I mean to die.
Behold yon crazy fool up there,
A-cutting capers in the sky.
His motor makes a devilish din . . .
Look! Look! He's gone into a spin. 

"He's dashing downward - "Oh my God!" . . .
Alas! he never finished tea.<...Read more of this...
by Service, Robert William
My next permission will come quickly round;
We'll all meet at the Gare du Montparnasse;
Three times I've come already, safe and sound."
(But oh, I thought, it's harder every time,
After a home that seems like Paradise,
To go back to the vermin and the slime,
The weariness, the want, the sacrifice.
"Pray God," I said, "the war may soon be done,
But no, oh never, never till we've won!")

Then to the station quietly we walked;
I had my rifle and my haversack,
My heavy b...Read more of this...
by Service, Robert William
..., over rough and broken ground,
Down the hillside at a racing pace he went;
And he never drew the bridle till he landed safe and sound
At the bottom of that terrible descent.

He was right among the horses as he climbed the further hill, 
And the watchers on the hillside, standing mute,
Saw him ply the stock-whip fiercely; he was right among them still,
As he raced across a clearing in pursuit.
Then they lost him for a moment, where two mountain gullies met
In the ran...Read more of this...
by Paterson, Andrew Barton
...I am the unnoticed, the unnoticable man: 
The man who sat on your right in the morning train:
The man who looked through like a windowpane:
The man who was the colour of the carriage, the colour of the mounting
Morning pipe smoke. 
I am the man too busy with a living to live,
Too hurried and worried to see and smell and touch:
The man who is patient to...Read more of this...
by Tessimond, A S J
He walked right into the homestead yard 
At dawn next morning, and grazed around, 
With the child strapped on to him safe and sound. 

We keep him now for the wife to ride, 
Nothing too good for him now, of course; 
Never a whip on his fat old hide, 
For she owes the child to that brave grey horse. 
And not Old Tyson himself could pay 
The purchase money of Mongrel Grey....Read more of this...
by Paterson, Andrew Barton
...y'll give you all your pay,
And treat you as a Christian ought to do;
 So, until that day comes round,
 Heaven keep you safe and sound,
And, Thomas, here's my best respects to you!...Read more of this...
by Kipling, Rudyard
...y'll give you all your pay,
And treat you as a Christian ought to do;
 So, until that day comes round,
 Heaven keep you safe and sound,
And, Thomas, here's my best respects to you!...Read more of this...
by Kipling, Rudyard
...d away?
I hear them tell that we've gained new ground,
 But a terrible price we've paid:
God grant, my boy, that you're safe and sound;
But oh I'm afraid, afraid."

 * * * *

"They've told me the truth, Young Fellow My Lad:
 You'll never come back again:
(Oh God! the dreams and the dreams I've had,
 and the hopes I've nursed in vain!)
For you passed in the night, Young Fellow My Lad,
 And you proved in the cruel test
Of the screaming shell and the battle hell
 That my boy...Read more of this...
by Service, Robert William

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Safe And Sound poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things