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Famous On Your Way Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous On Your Way poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous on your way poems. These examples illustrate what a famous on your way poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by McGonagall, William Topaz
While they carelessly do stray,
Along the beautiful banks of the silvery Tay,
Beautiful silvery Tay,
Rolling smoothly on your way,
Near by Newport, as clear as the day,
Thy scenery around is charming I'll be bound...
And would make the heart of any one feel light and gay on a fine summer day,
To view the beautiful scenery along the banks of the silvery Tay....Read more of this...

by Paterson, Andrew Barton
...the gate, 
And we handed him the beef-bone as provision for the day, 
Then we opened wide the portal and we told him, "On your way."...Read more of this...

by Tebb, Barry
...e and light

The dodecaphonic bonfire this All Hallows Night!


Auntie Nellie, will you come

For one last cal on your way

To the binyard with the slop bucket;

Call in one last time before winter

Falls and shops and stalls are packed

With plain and fancy tree balls;

Tell me about Mrs. Pearson’s last laying out

Or the final strip of wallpaper she hung

Before they knocked the houses down


And I was too old for teddy,

Watching him go tied with a bow

T...Read more of this...

by Tebb, Barry

Had a green van he took me and Colin in, delivering.

In Kirkgate Market Car Park the attendant shouted,

“On your way, sky-rocket, you’re too mean to pay!”

Stanley laughed and parked anyway but he told us

To hush when we drove to the house of a Big Doctor

At the Infirmary. A snooty housekeeper took the box

Of fruit and veg in, sniffing all the way to the 

Tradesmens’ entrance.

Back at the shop on brass rails were clumps of bananas,

Tins of under...Read more of this...

by Sassoon, Siegfried
...ur bough, my slender song-bird sweet, 
But pipe me now your roundelay complete. 

Come, gentle breeze, and tarrying on your way, 
Whisper my trees what you have seen to-day. 

Stand, golden cloud, until my song be done,
(For he’s too proud) before the face of the sun. 

So one did sing, and the other breathed a story; 
Then both took wing, and the sun stepped forth in glory....Read more of this...

by Brooke, Rupert
When the high session of the day is ended,
And darkness comes; then, with the waning light,
By lilied maidens on your way attended,
Proud from the wonted throne, superbly swaying,
You, like a queen, pass out into the night....Read more of this...

by Southey, Robert
Nor fleeting like their local energies,
The deep devotion that your fanes impart.
O ye whom YOUTH has wilder'd on your way,
Or VICE with fair-mask'd foulness, or the lure
Of FAME that calls ye to her crowded paths
With FOLLY's rattle, to your HOUSEHOLD GODS
Return! for not in VICE's gay abodes,
Not in the unquiet unsafe halls of FAME
Does HAPPINESS abide! O ye who weep
Much for the many miseries of Mankind,
More for their vices, ye whose honest eyes
Frown on OPPRESSI...Read more of this...

by Kavanagh, Patrick
...I do not think of you lying in the wet clay
Of a Monaghan graveyard; I see
You walking down a lane among the poplars
On your way to the station, or happily

Going to second Mass on a summer Sunday--
You meet me and you say:
'Don't forget to see about the cattle--'
Among your earthiest words the angels stray.

And I think of you walking along a headland
Of green oats in June,
So full of repose, so rich with life--
And I see us meeting at the end of a town

On a fair day...Read more of this...

by Cavafy, Constantine P
...l of discovery.
Laistrygonians, Cyclops,
angry Poseidon-don't be afraid of them:
you'll never find things like that on your way
as long as you keep your thoughts raised high,
as long as a rare excitement
stirs your spirit and your body.
Laistrygonians, Cyclops,
wild Poseidon-you won't encounter them
unless you bring them along inside your soul,
unless your soul sets them up in front of you.

Hope your road is a long one.
May there be many summer mornings when,...Read more of this...

by Lehman, David
...Nothing extends a phone
call more effectively than
saying you're on your way out
but she wants to tell you
the five things she requires
in a man one is intelligence
he must have a brain
also he must be good a term
she likes because it embraces both
the opposite of evil and "good in
bed" and you admire the way
she skillfully maneuvered the
conversation to the sex lives
of jazz fans who live in the Village
and the enduring ...Read more of this...

by Levine, Philip
...leached grasses
 and let your knees
slowly down. Your breath slows
 and you know
you're back in central
on your way to San Francisco
 or the coastal towns
with their damp sea breezes
 you haven't
even a hint of. But first
 you must cross
the Pacheco Pass. People
 expect you, and yet
you remain, still leaning forward
 into the grasses
that if you could hear them
 would tell you
all you need to know about
 the life ahead. 

 . . .

Out of...Read more of this...

by Levi, Primo
...this has been:
I commend these words to you.
Engrave them on your hearts
When you are in your house, when you walk on your way,
When you go to bed, when you rise.
Repeat them to your children.
Or may your house crumble,
Disease render you powerless,
Your offspring avert their faces from you.

Translated by Ruth Feldman And Brian Swann...Read more of this...

by Schiller, Friedrich von
Reflected back the dancing form again.
Could ye mistake the look, with beauty fraught,
That Nature gave to help ye on your way?
The image floating on the billows taught
The art the fleeting shadow to portray.

From her own being torn apart,
Her phantom, beauteous as a dream,
She plunged into the silvery stream,
Surrendering to her spoiler's art.
Creative power soon in your breast unfolded;
Too noble far, not idly to conceive,
The shadow's form in sand, in clay ye...Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William hand.
Oh how you differ from the dame
 So shabby, gaunt and grey,
With legs rheumatically lame,
 Who steers you on your way.

Nay, jewelled lady, look not back
 Lest you should be disturbed
To see the skinny hag in black
 Who boosts you up the curb.
Of course I know you get her cheap,
 Since she's a lady too,
And bite to eat and bed to sleep
 Maybe are all her due.

Alas for those who give us aid
 Yet need more help than we!
And though she thinks the wages...Read more of this...

by Tagore, Rabindranath
..., O Beautiful End, for a
moment, and say your last words in
I bow to you and hold up my lamp 
to light you on your way....Read more of this...

by Stevenson, Robert Louis
..., not the God of song can tell,
For you pipe the open highway and the sea.
O piper, lightly footing, lightly piping on your way,
Tho' your music thrills and pierces far and near,
I tell you you had better pipe to someone else to-day,
For you cannot pipe my fancy from my dear.

You sound the note of travel through the hamlet and the town;
You would lure the holy angels from on high;
And not a man can hear you, but he throws the hammer down
And is off to see the countri...Read more of this...

by Field, Eugene
...t's bumpytybump and it's jiggytyjog,
Journeying on to Bumpville
It's over the hilltop and down through the bog
You ride on your way to Bumpville;
It's rattletybang over boulder and stump,
There are rivers to ford, there are fences to jump,
And the corduroy road it goes bumpytybump,
Mile after mile to bumpville!

Perhaps you'll observe it's no easy thing
Making the journey to Bumpville,
So I think, on the whole, it were prudent to bring
An end to this ride to Bumpville;
For, t...Read more of this...

by Robinson, Edwin Arlington
...e River, 
Where the gift appalls the giver 
And youth hardens day by day? 
O you brave and you unshaken, 
Are you truly on your way? 
And are sirens in the River, 
That you come so far to-day?"

"You are old and we have listened," 
Said the voice of one who halted; 
"You are sage and self-exalted, 
But your way is not our way. 
You that cannot aid us 
Give us words to eat. 
Be assured that they are sweet, 
And that we are as God made us.

"Not in vain have you del...Read more of this...

by Stevenson, Robert Louis
But, compliment apart and free
From all constraint of verses, may
Goodness and honour, grace and glee,
Attend you ever on your way -
Up to the measure of your will,
Beyond all power of mine to say -
As she and I desire you still,
Miss Cornish, on your natal day....Read more of this...

by Whitman, Walt
...ore release me now, before troubling yourself any further—Let go your hand from my
Put me down, and depart on your way. 

Or else, by stealth, in some wood, for trial, 
Or back of a rock, in the open air, 
(For in any roof’d room of a house I emerge not—nor in company,
And in libraries I lie as one dumb, a gawk, or unborn, or dead,) 
But just possibly with you on a high hill—first watching lest any person, for miles
 approach unawares, 
Or possibly w...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member On Your Way poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs