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Famous Off Her Head Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Off Her Head poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous off her head poems. These examples illustrate what a famous off her head poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Hammad, Suheir
...through hair wool
his head all that's 
left of her

in tunisia
she folds pay up into stocking
washes his european semen
off her head
hands her heart to god
and this month's rent to mother
sings berber the gold
haired one favored me, rode
and ripped my flesh, i now
have food to eat

brooklyn lover
stumbles—streets ragged under sneakers
she carries her heart
banged up against
thighs crying ghetto
look, look what's been done with
my flesh, my trust, humanity,
somebody tell me
so...Read more of this...

by Ginsberg, Allen
America desperate to win
Fighting with bombs, flamethrowers,
knives forks submarines.

The lion ate America, bit off her head
and loped off to the golden hills
that's all there is to say
about america except 
that now she's 
lionshit all over the desert....Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
...n her face;
 Wid her grey hair under her ould black shawl, and the eyes of her mother-mild;
Some say she's a little bit off her head; but annyway it's the case,
 Her timper's so swate that you nivver would tell she'd be losin' her only child.
And I think, as I wait up ivery night for me Dinnis to come home blind,
 And I'm hearin' his stumblin' foot on the stair along about half-past three:
Sure there's many a way of breakin' a heart, and I haven't made up me mind --
 Woul...Read more of this...

by Chaucer, Geoffrey her arm
And, kneeling, piteously to him she said
"Peace, little son, I will do thee no harm:"
With that her kerchief off her head she braid,* *took, drew
And over his little eyen she it laid,
And in her arm she lulled it full fast,
And unto heav'n her eyen up she cast.

"Mother," quoth she, "and maiden bright, Mary,
Sooth is, that through a woman's eggement* *incitement, egging on
Mankind was lorn,* and damned aye to die; *lost
For which thy child was on a cross y-rent...Read more of this...

by Lear, Edward
There was a young person of Janina,Whose uncle was always a fanning her;When he fanned off her head, she smiled sweetly, and said,"You propitious old person of Janina!" ...Read more of this...

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things