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Famous Made In Heaven Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Made In Heaven poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous made in heaven poems. These examples illustrate what a famous made in heaven poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Tate, James
...looking at us, 
but straight ahead 
where his election was in doubt.
"That's a fine dog," he said.
"Collies are made in heaven."
Well, if I were a voting man I'd vote for you, I said.
"A bedoozling day to be lost in the country, I say.
Leastways, I am a misplaced individual."
We introduced ourselves
and swapped a few stories.
He was a veteran and a salesmen
who didn't believe in his product--
I've forgotten what it was--hair restorer,
parrot feed--...Read more of this...

by Taylor, Edward
...looking at us, 
but straight ahead 
where his election was in doubt.
"That's a fine dog," he said.
"Collies are made in heaven."
Well, if I were a voting man I'd vote for you, I said.
"A bedoozling day to be lost in the country, I say.
Leastways, I am a misplaced individual."
We introduced ourselves
and swapped a few stories.
He was a veteran and a salesmen
who didn't believe in his product--
I've forgotten what it was--hair restorer,
parrot feed--...Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
I have a doubt if I did well
In separating Jack and Nell.
And though we have a brood of seven,
Yet marriage may be made in Heaven:
For Nell has cancer, Doctors state,
So maybe 'tis the way of fate
That in the end them two may mate....Read more of this...

by Swift, Jonathan
And in a Glass had made her see 
A serving-Man of low Degree: 
It was her Fate; must be forgiven; 
For Marriages were made in Heaven: 
His Pardon begg'd, but to be plain, 
She'd do't if 'twere to do again. 
Thank God, 'twas neither Shame nor Sin, 
For John was come of honest Kin: 
Love never thinks of Rich and Poor, 
She'd beg with John from Door to Door: 
Forgive her, if it be a Crime, 
She'll never do't another Time, 
She ne'r before in all her Life 
Once disobey'd hi...Read more of this...

by Trumbull, John
...who ne'er must prove
The early joys of youth and love,
Whose names grim Fate (to whom 'twas given,
When marriages were made in heaven)
Survey'd with unrelenting scowl,
And struck them from the muster-roll;
Or set you by, in dismal sort,
For wintry bachelors to court;
Or doom'd to lead your faded lives,
Heirs to the joys of former wives;
Attend! nor fear in state forlorn,
To shun the pointing hand of scorn,
Attend, if lonely age you dread,
And wish to please, or wish to wed.<...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Made In Heaven poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things