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Famous It Will Do Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous It Will Do poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous it will do poems. These examples illustrate what a famous it will do poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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...hall hear far Chaos talk with me; 
Kings unborn shall walk with me; 40 
And the poor grass shall plot and plan 
What it will do when it is man. 
Quicken'd so will I unlock 
Every crypt of every rock. 

I thank the joyful juice 45 
For all I know; 
Winds of remembering 
Of the ancient being blow  
And seeming-solid walls of use 
Open and flow. 50 

Pour Bacchus! the remembering wine; 
Retrieve the loss of me and mine! 
Vine for vine be antidote  
A...Read more of this...
by Emerson, Ralph Waldo

...s. The song 
at his impotence, and flaunts the glory of the martial and still 
vaunting the deeds it will do. For are not Tommy's soldiers
all bright and new?

Tommy's leaden soldiers we,
Glittering with efficiency.
Not a button's out of place,
Tons and tons of golden lace
Wind about our officers.
Every manly bosom stirs
At the thought of killing -- killing!
Tommy's dearest wish fulfilling.
We are gaudy, savage, strong,
And our loins so r...Read more of this...
by Lowell, Amy
...The lump of coal my parents teased
I'd find in my Christmas stocking
turned out each year to be an orange,
for I was their sunshine.

Now I have one C. gave me,
a dense node of sleeping fire.
I keep it where I read and write.
"You're on chummy terms with dread,"

it reminds me. "You kiss ambivalence
on both cheeks. But if you close ...Read more of this...
by Matthews, William and country, to have power to vote. 

The reason why the Lords won't pass the Franchise Bill :
They fear that it will do themselves some ill;
That is the reason why they wish to throw it out,
Yes, believe me, fellow citizens, that's the cause without doubt. 

The emblems and mottoes in the procession, were really grand,
The like hasn't been seen in broad Scotland;
Especially the picture of Gladstone- the nation's hope,
Who is a much cleverer man than Sir John Co...Read more of this...
by McGonagall, William Topaz

Dont forget to view our wonderful member It Will Do poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things