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Famous Hard To Tell Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Hard To Tell poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous hard to tell poems. These examples illustrate what a famous hard to tell poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry
...would come,
I'd say my prayers out of my mouth, as usual.
Where are his note I loved?
There may be horribles; it's hard to tell.
The barker nips me but somehow I feel
he too is on my side.

I'm too alone. I see no end. If we could all
run, even that would be better. I am hungry.
The sun is not hot.
It's not a good position I am in.
If I had to do the whole thing over again
I wouldn't....Read more of this...
by Berryman, John see and smell:
It bore it in a sort of way,
It bore it very well.
But, when I let it backward sway,
Then it were hard to tell
With what a toss, with what a swing,
The dainty thing
Resumed its proper level,
And sent me to the devil.
I know it did--you doubt it?
I turned, and saw them whispering about it....Read more of this...
by Brown, Thomas Edward
Allured his eye; thither his course he bends 
Through the calm firmament, (but up or down, 
By center, or eccentrick, hard to tell, 
Or longitude,) where the great luminary 
Aloof the vulgar constellations thick, 
That from his lordly eye keep distance due, 
Dispenses light from far; they, as they move 
Their starry dance in numbers that compute 
Days, months, and years, towards his all-cheering lamp 
Turn swift their various motions, or are turned 
By his magnetick beam, t...Read more of this...
by Milton, John
...ek, but the path had

just vanished.

 Could be the fact that we were still alive had something

to do with it. Hard to tell.

 We turned around and started back down the mountain. The

baby cried when she saw the snow again, holding out her

hands for the snow. We didn't have time to stop. It was get-

ting late.

 We got in our car and drove back to McCall. That evening

we talked about Communism. The Mormon girl read aloud to

us from a ...Read more of this...
by Brautigan, Richard
...nd stare.
You think I'm lying, crazy, drunk, no doubt --
Think what you like, it's neither here nor there.
It's hard to tell so terrible a truth,
To gain to glory, yet be such as I.
It's true; that picture's mine, done in my youth,
Up in a garret near the Paris sky.
The child's my daughter; aye, she posed for me.
That's why I come and sit here every night.
The painting's bad, but still -- oh, still I see
Her little face all laughing in the light.
S...Read more of this...
by Service, Robert William

...s I remind myself 
Of a starfish laid out with rigid points." 
"The wonder is it hadn't been your head." 
"It's hard to tell you how I managed it. 
When I saw the shaft had me by the coat, 
I didn't try too long to pull away, 
Or fumble for my knife to cut away, 
I just embraced the shaft and rode it out-- 
Till Weiss shut off the water in the wheel-pit. 
That's how I think I didn't lose my head. 
But my legs got their knocks against the ceiling." 
"Aw...Read more of this...
by Frost, Robert

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Hard To Tell poems.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry