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Famous Grace Of God Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Grace Of God poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous grace of god poems. These examples illustrate what a famous grace of god poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Lanier, Sidney
...h pines --
Green, grateful mangroves where the sand-beach shines --
Long lissome coast that in and outward swerves,
The grace of God made manifest in curves --
All riches, goods and braveries never told
Of earth, sun, air and heaven -- now I hold
Your being in my being; I am ye,
And ye myself; yea, lastly, Thee,
God, whom my roads all reach, howe'er they run,
My Father, Friend, Beloved, dear All-One,
Thee in my soul, my soul in Thee, I feel,
Self of my self. Lo, through m...Read more of this...

by Robinson, Edwin Arlington
...“There, but for the grace of God, goes…”

There is a question that I ask,
And ask again: 
What hunger was half-hidden by the mask 
That he wore then? 

There was a word for me to say
That I said not; 
And in the past there was another day 
That I forgot: 

A dreary, cold, unwholesome day, 
Racked overhead,—
As if the world were turning the wrong way, 
And the sun dead: 

A day...Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William the heart of grief
Is love and sympathy,
We do not weep in vain,
So let us kiss the rod,
And see in purging Pain
The Grace of God....Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
Pray'd for a blessing on his wife and babes
Whatever came to him: and then he said
`Annie, this voyage by the grace of God
Will bring fair weather yet to all of us.
Keep a clean hearth and a clear fire for me,
For I'll be back, my girl, before you know it.'
Then lightly rocking baby's cradle `and he,
This pretty, puny, weakly little one,--
Nay--for I love him all the better for it--
God bless him, he shall sit upon my knees
And I will tell him tales of forei...Read more of this...

by Smart, Christopher
...LLEGE in CAMBRIDGE and the society of PURPLES in LONDON. -- 

For I have a nephew CHRISTOPHER to whom I implore the grace of God. 

For I pray God bless the CAM -- Mr HIGGS and Mr and Mrs WASHBOURNE as the drops of the dew. 

For I pray God bless the king of Sardinia and make him an instrument of his peace. 

For I am possessed of a cat, surpassing in beauty, from whom I take occasion to bless Almighty God. 

For I pray God for the professors of the Univer...Read more of this...

by Smart, Christopher is better to abstain from the punishment of criminals especially, every act of human vengeance being a check to the grace of God. 

For the letter ? [Hebrew character lamed] which signifies GOD by himself is on the fibre of some leaf in every Tree. 

For ? is the grain of the human heart and on the network of the skin. 

For ? is in the veins of all stones both precious and common. 

For ? is upon every hair both of man and beast. 

For ? is in the gra...Read more of this...

by Kilmer, Joyce
My soul is black with shame . . . but I gave Shakespeare gold.
So after aeons of flame, I may, by grace of God,
Rise up to kiss the dust that Shakespeare's feet have trod....Read more of this...

by McGonagall, William Topaz
...I'm sure,
Because he is very kind to deserving poor." 

And Bridget's repentance was hearty and sincere,
And by the grace of God she never drank whisky, rum, or beer,
And good thoughts come into her mind of Heaven above,
And Matthew Mahoney dearly does her love....Read more of this...

by Chaucer, Geoffrey
...e why, see now these wyse clerkes,
That erren aldermost a-yein a lawe,
And ben converted from hir wikked werkes
Thorugh grace of god, that list hem to him drawe, 
Than arn they folk that han most god in awe,
And strengest-feythed been, I understonde,
And conne an errour alder-best withstonde.'
Whan Troilus had herd Pandare assented
To been his help in loving of Criseyde, 
Wex of his wo, as who seyth, untormented,
But hotter wex his love, and thus he seyde,
With sobre cher...Read more of this...

by Chaucer, Geoffrey
...endship have I founden ever yit; 
I am to no man holden trewely,
So muche as yow, and have so litel quit;
And, with the grace of god, emforth my wit,
As in my gilt I shal you never offende;
And if I have er this, I wol amende. 

'But, for the love of god, I yow beseche,
As ye ben he that I love most and triste,
Lat be to me your fremde manere speche,
And sey to me, your nece, what yow liste:'
And with that word hir uncle anoon hir kiste, 
And seyde, 'Gladly, leve nece der...Read more of this...

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things