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Famous Get Off Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Get Off poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous get off poems. These examples illustrate what a famous get off poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry
...Arise, get off thy bed, O cupbearer! and pour the
limpid wine. Before they yet make pitchers of our
skulls, pour out some wine from pitcher into bowl, O
cupbearer!...Read more of this...
by Khayyam, Omar

...I like to get off with people,
I like to lie in their arms
I like to be held and lightly kissed,
Safe from all alarms.

I like to laugh and be happy
With a beautiful kiss,
I tell you, in all the world
There is no bliss like this....Read more of this...
by Smith, Stevie
...a bit out of fashion

But still bringing out books

Armitage didn’t put me in at all

The egregarious Silkin

Tried to get off with my wife -

May he rest in peace.

I can’t remember what angered me

About Geoffrey Hill, quite funny

In a nervous, melancholic way,

A mask you wouldn’t get behind.

Harrison and I were close for years

But it sort of faded when he wrote

He wanted to hear no more

Of my personal life.

I went to his reading in Galway

Where h...Read more of this...
by Tebb, Barry the train pulls into Minsk, his stop. That's
My stop, he says, stepping off the train, confounding us who
Can't get off it. "You can't leave without telling us the end,"
We say, but he is already on the platform, grinning.
"End?" he says. "It was only the beginning."...Read more of this...
by Lehman, David from the way they look now.

 You hardly see those cars any more. They are the old

cars. They have to get off the highway because they can't

keep up.

 That flat white rock off by itself from the other rocks

reminded me of that dead cat come to lie there in the creek,

among 12, 845 telephone booths.

 I threw out a salmon egg and let it drift down over that

rock and WHAM! a good hit! and I had the fish on and it ran

hard downstream, cutting at a...Read more of this...
by Brautigan, Richard

...passage. When he 
gets back onboard he is not anxious to forgive us, 
and he would like it much better if we would get off 
his boat. There is nothing left for us to do but to 
repay him and hope that this time it will be enough. 
And so we throw him overboard again. When he comes 
aboard again we say, now this must be the last of 
this, we will pay no more, we want the journey to 

 But it seems there will be no journey since we have 
gotten the c...Read more of this...
by Edson, Russell
"Why, what's the game?" said the clean-shaved tramp, as he looked at him up and down; 
"If you want a battle, get off that fence, and I'll kill you for half-a-crown! 
But, Boss, you'd better not fight with me -- it wouldn't be fair nor right; 
I'm Stiffener Joe, from the Rocks Brigade, and I killed a man in a fight: 
I served two years for it, fair and square, and now I'm trampin' back, 
To look for a peaceful quiet life away on the outside track." 

"Oh, it's n...Read more of this...
by Paterson, Andrew Barton
...l as alkahest,
My god, this isn't what I want!—You tot
The harrow-days you hold me to, black dreams,
The dirty water to get off my chest....Read more of this...
by Berryman, John
...a Roman V is five
I'm half as young as he."

X and Y yawned sleepily,
"Look at the time!" they said.
"Let's all get off to beddy byes."
They did, then "Z-z-z."...Read more of this...
by Milligan, Spike
...ght with you, the binges

Start and stop, a local train that

Locals know will never go beyond

The halt where only you get off....Read more of this...
by Tebb, Barry
 Then what's all the fuss? said someone to someone else.
 Who's fussing? I'm just saying that if he doesn't get off the 
wall of that building the police will have to shoot him off.
 Oh that, of course, there's nothing so engaging as a dead 
 I love dead flies, the way they remind me of individuals 
who have met their fate . . ....Read more of this...
by Edson, Russell he's sent to watch.
And now's the time to have it out with him
While we know definitely where he is.
Let him get off and he'll be everywhere
Around us, looking out of trees and bushes
Till I sha'n't dare to set a foot outdoors.
And I can't stand it. Joel, let me go!"
"But it's nonsense to think he'd care enough."
"You mean you couldn't understand his caring.
Oh, but you see he hadn't had enough--
Joel, I won't--I won't--I promise you.
We mustn't...Read more of this...
by Frost, Robert
The face with all the draining future left blank. . . Those smug
saints, whether of church or Stalin, Can get off the back of
my people, and stay off. Somebody is supposed to be fighting
for somebody. . . And Lenin is terribly silent, terribly silent
and dead....Read more of this...
by Patchen, Kenneth
...l as if I were
the residue of a stranger's life,
that I should pursue you.

My head cocked toward the sky,
I cannot get off the ground,
and, you, passing over again,

fast, perfect, and unwilling
to tell me that you are doing
well, or that it was mistake

that placed you in that world,
and me in this; or that misfortune
placed these worlds in us....Read more of this...
by Tate, James
...l as if I were
the residue of a stranger's life,
that I should pursue you.

My head cocked toward the sky,
I cannot get off the ground,
and, you, passing over again,

fast, perfect, and unwilling
to tell me that you are doing
well, or that it was mistake

that placed you in that world,
and me in this; or that misfortune
placed these worlds in us....Read more of this...
by Taylor, Edward
...old Bowneck? Go or stay?" 
Says Jim, "I can't throw this away, 
We can bolt some other day, of course -- 
Amelia Jane, get off that horse! 
Up you get, Old Man. Whoop, halloo! 
Here goes to put old Bowneck through!" 
Two distant specks om the mountain side, 
Two stockwhips echoing far and wide. . . . 
Amelia Jane sat down and cried. 

* * * * * 

"Sakes, Amelia, what's up now? 
Leading old Sambo, too, I vow, 
And him deadbeat. Where have you been?...Read more of this...
by Paterson, Andrew Barton
...nt. The next day
the elephant doesn't want you on its back, and
says, I have no more willingness to have you
there; get off. 

 At sea this is a sad message. 

 The Captain sits in his cabin wearing a
parachute, listening to what the sea might say. . ....Read more of this...
by Edson, Russell
But he get somebody to kick my crutch out his office
like I was some artist! That ***** was so grand,
couldn't get off his high horse and kick me himself.
I have seen things that would make a slave sick
in this Trinidad, the Limers' Republic.

I couldn't shake the sea noise out of my head,
the shell of my ears sang Maria Concepcion,
so I start salvage diving with a crazy Mick,
name O'Shaugnessy, and a limey named Head;
but this Carribean so choke with the dea...Read more of this...
by Walcott, Derek
...nd all you see is fair;
This mighty globe was made for you alone.
Of all the thunderous ages, you're the heir.
(Get off the pillow with that dirty bone!)

A skeptic world you face with steady gaze;
High in young pride you hold your noble head,
Gayly you meet the rush of roaring days.
(Must you eat puppy biscuit on the bed?)
Lancelike your courage, gleaming swift and strong,
Yours the white rapture of a winged soul,
Yours is a spirit like a Mayday song.
(God he...Read more of this...
by Parker, Dorothy

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Get Off poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things