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Famous Flat Earth Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Flat Earth poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous flat earth poems. These examples illustrate what a famous flat earth poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry
...-five cubits in height, such space is his universe:
And on its verge the sun rises and sets, the clouds bow
To meet the flat earth and the sea in such an order'd space:
The starry heavens reach no further, but here bend and set
On all sides, and the two Poles turn on their valves of gold:
And if he moves his dwelling-place, his heavens also move
Where'er he goes, and all his neighbourhood bewail his loss.
Such are the spaces called Earth and such its dimension.
As to ...Read more of this...
by Blake, William

...relling, the plots and pains, 
All ended by these clear and gliding planes 
Like an abrupt solution. 

And over the flat earth of empty farms 
The monstrous continent of air floats back 
Coloured with rotting sunlight and the black, 
Bruised flesh of thunderstorms: 

Air arched, enormous, pounding the bony ridge, 
Ditches and hutches, with a drench of light, 
So huge, from such infinities of height, 
You walk on the sky's beach 

While even the dwindled hills are small an...Read more of this...
by Slessor, Kenneth
...-five cubits in height, such space is his universe:
And on its verge the sun rises and sets, the clouds bow
To meet the flat earth and the sea in such an order'd space:
The starry heavens reach no further, but here bend and set
On all sides, and the two Poles turn on their valves of gold:
And if he moves his dwelling-place, his heavens also move
Where'er he goes, and all his neighbourhood bewail his loss.
Such are the spaces called Earth and such its dimension.
As to ...Read more of this...
by Blake, William
...nd love,
their leaves too have hope and are upturned top flat
to the sky to receive--all creation open to receive--the 
flat earth itself.

 The music descends, as does the tall bending 
stalk of the heavy blssom, because it has to, to stay
alive, to continue to the last drop of joy.
 The world knows the love that's in its breast as
in the flower, the suffering lonely world.
 The Father is merciful.

 The light socket is crudely attached to the ceil-
ing, afte...Read more of this...
by Ginsberg, Allen

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Flat Earth poems.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry