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Famous Encumbered Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Encumbered poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous encumbered poems. These examples illustrate what a famous encumbered poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Dunn, Stephen
...thing he had believed
was false. And he was suddenly

in the 20th century, in the sunlight
and violence of history, encumbered
by knowledge. Only a hero

would dare return with the truth.
So from the cave's upper reaches,
removed from harm, he called out

the disturbing news.
What lovely echoes, the prisoners said,
what a fine musical place to live.

He spelled it out, then, in clear prose
on paper scraps, which he floated down.
But in the semi-dark th...Read more of this...

by Milton, John
...few with vast excess,
Nature's full blessings would be well dispensed
In unsuperfluous even proportion,
And she no whit encumbered with her store;
And then the Giver would be better thanked,
His praise due paid: for swinish gluttony
Ne'er looks to Heaven amidst his gorgeous feast,
But with besotted base ingratitude
Crams, and blasphemes his Feeder. Shall I go on
Or have I said enow? To him that dares
Arm his profane tongue with contemptuous words
Against the sun-clad powe...Read more of this...

by Manrique, Jorge
...t here, as good or ill deployest,
The parting is with gladness known
Or with misgiving.

Thy span is so with griefs encumbered
With sighing every breeze so steeped,
With wrongs so clouded,
A desert where no boon is numbered,
The sweetness and allurement reaped
And black and shrouded.

Thy highway is the road of weeping;
Thy long farewells are bitterness
Without a morrow;
Adorn thy ruts and ditches keeping
The traveller who doth most possess
Hath most of sorrow...Read more of this...

by Schiller, Friedrich von
...prison drear,--
Sleep on calmly till again we meet!
Till the loud Almighty trumpet sounds,
Echoing through these corpse-encumbered hills,
Till God's storm-wind, bursting through the bounds
Placed by death, with life those corpses fills--
Till, impregnate with Jehovah's blast,
Graves bring forth, and at His menace dread,
In the smoke of planets melting fast,
Once again the tombs give up their dead!

Not in worlds, as dreamed of by the wise,
Not in heavens, as sung in poet's so...Read more of this...

by St Vincent Millay, Edna
..., not in the least
Appearance, to my handsome prophecies,
which here I ponder and put by. 

I am left simpler, less encumbered, by the consciousness
that I shall by no pebble in my dirty sling
avail To slay one purple giant four feet high and distribute arms 
among his tall attendants, who spit at his name 
when spitting on the ground:
They will be found one day Prone where they fell, or dead sitting 
—and pock-marked wall
Supporting the beautiful back straight as an oak
...Read more of this...

by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth 30 

Childhood is the bough where slumbered 
Birds and blossoms many numbered;¡ª 
Age that bough with snows encumbered. 

Gather then each flower that grows  
When the young heart overflows 35 
To embalm that tent of snows. 

Bear a lily in thy hand; 
Gates of brass cannot withstand 
One touch of that magic wand. 

Bear through sorrow wrong and ruth 40 
In thy heart the dew of youth  
On thy lips the smile of truth. 

O that dew like ...Read more of this...

by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
...nd the drier grain
How welcome is the rain!

In the furrowed land
The toilsome and patient oxen stand;
Lifting the yoke encumbered head,
With their dilated nostrils spread,
They silently inhale
The clover-scented gale,
And the vapors that arise
From the well-watered and smoking soil.
For this rest in the furrow after toil
Their large and lustrous eyes
Seem to thank the Lord,
More than man's spoken word.

Near at hand,
From under the sheltering trees,
The farmer sees
H...Read more of this...

by Rich, Adrienne
...every morning
Upon the same white daylight in the square.

And when we come into each other's rooms
Once in awhile, encumbered and self-conscious,
We hover awkwardly about the threshold
And usually regret the visit later.
Perhaps the harshest fact is, only lovers--
And once in a while two with the grace of lovers--
Unlearn that clumsiness of rare intrusion
And let each other freely come and go.
Most of us shut too quickly into cupboards
The margin-scribbled books,...Read more of this...

by Owen, Wilfred
Down some profound dull tunnel, long since scooped
Through granites which Titanic wars had groined.
Yet also there encumbered sleepers groaned,
Too fast in thought or death to be bestirred.
Then, as I probed them, one sprang up, and stared
With piteous recognition in fixed eyes,
Lifting distressful hands as if to bless.
And by his smile, I knew that sullen hall;
With a thousand fears that vision's face was grained;
Yet no blood reached there from the upper ground...Read more of this...

by McGonagall, William Topaz
...rson directed the attack,
And at every point and turning the French were beaten back. 

And the road was choked and encumbered with the dead;
And, unable to stand the charge, the French instantly fled,
And Napoleon's army of yesterday was now a total wreck,
Which the British manfully for ten long hours held in check. 

Then, panic-struck, the French were forced to yield,
And Napoleon turned his charger's head, and fled from the field,
With his heart full of woe, no do...Read more of this...

by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth,
Like the odor of brine from the ocean
Comes the thought of other years.

And I think how many thousands
Of care-encumbered men,
Each bearing his burden of sorrow,
Have crossed the bridge since then.

I see the long procession
Still passing to and fro,
The young heart hot and restless,
And the old subdued and slow!

And forever and forever,
As long as the river flows,
As long as the heart has passions,
As long as life has woes;

The moon and its broken reflection
A...Read more of this...

by Moody, William Vaughn
...ligibly calling her by name; 
But vanishingly, dumb, 
Thwarted and bright and wild, 
As heralding a sin-defiled, 
Earth-encumbered, blood-begotten, passionate man-child, 
Who yet should be a trump of mighty call 
Blown in the gates of evil kings 
To make them fall; 
Who yet should be a sword of flame before 
The soul's inviolate door 
To beat away the clang of hellish wings; 
Who yet should be a lyre 
Of high unquenchable desire 
In the day of little things. -- 
Look, whe...Read more of this...

by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
...oice of Minnehaha
Calling to him in the darkness,
"Hiawatha! Hiawatha!"
Over snow-fields waste and pathless,
Under snow-encumbered branches,
Homeward hurried Hiawatha,
Empty-handed, heavy-hearted,
Heard Nokomis moaning, wailing:
"Wahonowin! Wahonowin!
Would that I had perished for you,
Would that I were dead as you are!
Wahonowin!. Wahonowin!"
And he rushed into the wigwam,
Saw the old Nokomis slowly
Rocking to and fro and moaning,
Saw his lovely Minnehaha
Lying dead and ...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Encumbered poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs