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Famous Deal With It Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Deal With It poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous deal with it poems. These examples illustrate what a famous deal with it poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

by Robinson, Edwin Arlington
...witness to the poison, but the cure 
Of my complaint is not, for me, in Time. 
There may be doctors in eternity 
To deal with it, but they are not here now.
There’s no specific for my three diseases 
That I could swallow, even if I should find it, 
And I shall never find it here on earth.” 

“Mightn’t it be as well, my friend,” I said, 
“For you to contemplate the uncompleted
With not such an infernal certainty?” 

“And mightn’t it be as well for you, my friend,” ...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...cious Roman bantling, lo the colony Camulodune,
Shall we teach it a Roman lesson? shall we care to be pitiful?
Shall we deal with it as an infant? shall we dandle it amorously? 

`Hear Icenian, Catieuchlanian, hear Coritanian, Trinobant!
While I roved about the forest, long and bitterly meditating,
There I heard them in the darkness, at the mystical ceremony,
Loosely robed in flying raiment, sang the terrible prophetesses.
"Fear not, isle of blowing woodland, isle of silv...Read more of this...

by Hecht, Anthony
...takes a better eye than mine to see it.
It set me on to wondering how to deal
With such a thickness of particulars,
Deal with it faithfully, you understand,
Without blurring the issue. Of course I know
That within a month the sleeving snows will come
With cold, selective emphases, with massings
And arbitrary contrasts, rendering things
Deceptively simple, thickening the twigs
To frosty veins, bestowing epaulets
And decorations on every birch and aspen.
And the eye...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Deal With It poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs