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Famous Commonwealth Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Commonwealth poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous commonwealth poems. These examples illustrate what a famous commonwealth poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry
...cannot devour: 
Then our Amphion issued out and sings, 
And once he struck, and twice, the powerful strings. 

The Commonwealth then first together came, 
And each one entered in the willing frame; 
All other matter yields, and may be ruled; 
But who the minds of stubborn men can build? 
No quarry bears a stone so hardly wrought, 
Nor with such labour from its centre brought; 
None to be sunk in the foundation bends, 
Each in the house the highest place contends, 
And ea...Read more of this...
by Marvell, Andrew

...rn --

If Mother -- in the Grave --
Or Father -- on the Sea --
Or Father in the Firmament --
Or Brethren, had he --

If Commonwealth below,
Or Commonwealth above
Have missed a Barefoot Citizen --
I've ransomed it -- alive --...Read more of this...
by Dickinson, Emily
...Consecrated to the Glorious Memory of His 
Most Serene and Renowned Highness, Oliver,
Late Lord Protector of This Commonwealth, etc.
(Oliver Cromwell)

Written After the Celebration of his Funeral 


And now 'tis time; for their officious haste, 
Who would before have borne him to the sky, 
Like eager Romans ere all rites were past 
Did let too soon the sacred eagle fly. 


Though our best notes are treason to his fame 
Join'd with the loud applause of publ...Read more of this...
by Dryden, John
It does not hold us,
except we keep returning to its rich waters

We enter,
willing to die,
into the commonwealth of its joy....Read more of this...
by Berry, Wendell
And all his peers, flushing the guiltless air,
Spout from the maiden fountain in her heart.
And from it sprang the Commonwealth, which breaks
As I am breaking now!

"And therefore now
Let her, that is the womb and tomb of all
Great Nature, take, and forcing far apart
Those blind beginnings that have made me man,
Dash them anew together at her will
Thro' all her cycles -- into man once more,
Or beast or bird or fish, or opulent flower.
But till this cosmic order every...Read more of this...
by Tennyson, Alfred Lord

It does not hold us, except we keep returning
to its rich waters thirsty. We enter,
willing to die, into the commonwealth of its joy.


I give you what is unbounded, passing from dark to dark,
containing darkness: a night of rain, an early morning.
I give you the life I have let live for the love of you:
a clump of orange-blooming weeds beside the road,
the young orchard waiting in the snow, our own life
that we have planted in the ground, as I
hav...Read more of this...
by Berry, Wendell
...Sea cannot devour:
Then our Amphion issues out and sings,
And once he struck, and twice, the pow'rful Strings.
The Commonwealth then first together came,
And each one enter'd in the willing Frame;
All other Matter yields, and may be rul'd;
But who the Minds of stubborn Men can build?
No Quarry bears a Stone so hardly wrought,
Nor with such labour from its Center brought;
None to be sunk in the Foundation bends,
Each in the House the highest Place contends,
And each the H...Read more of this...
by Marvell, Andrew
...Could preach in wrath 'gainst laughing rogues,
Write Halfway-covenant Dialogues,[3]
And wisely judge of all disputes
In commonwealths of men or brutes.

'Twas then, in spring a youthful Sparrow
Felt the keen force of Cupid's arrow:
For Birds, as Æsop's tales avow,
Made love then, just as men do now,
And talk'd of deaths and flames and darts,
And breaking necks and losing hearts;
And chose from all th' aerial kind,
Not then to tribes, like Jews, confined
The story tells, ...Read more of this...
by Trumbull, John
...e'er so blind.

Next, Virgil I'll call forth
To pledge this second health
In wine, whose each cup's worth
An Indian commonwealth.

A goblet next I'll drink
To Ovid, and suppose,
Made he the pledge, he'd think
The world had all one nose.

Then this immensive cup
Of aromatic wine,
Catullus, I quaff up
To that terse muse of thine.

Wild I am now with heat;
O Bacchus! cool thy rays!
Or frantic, I shall eat
Thy thyrse, and bite the bays.

Round, round the roof ...Read more of this...
by Herrick, Robert
...Brothers in blood! They who this wrong began 
To wreck our commonwealth, will rue the day 
When first they challenged freeman to the fray, 
And with the Briton dared the American. 
Now are we pledged to win the Rights of man: 
Labour and Justice now shall have their way, 
And in a League of Peace -- God grant we may -- 
Transform the earth, not patch up the old plan. 

Sure is our hope since he who led your ...Read more of this...
by Bridges, Robert Seymour

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Commonwealth poems.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry