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Famous Celebrate Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Celebrate poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous celebrate poems. These examples illustrate what a famous celebrate poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Mayakovsky, Vladimir
soaked in plaints and sobs, 
break from the street, rumpling their matted hair 
over: ¡°How with two such words celebrate 
a young lady 
and love 
and a floweret under the dew?¡± 

In the poets¡¯ wake 
thousands of street folk: 


thousands of street folk: 

You are no beggars; 
how dare you beg for alms! 

We in our vigour, 
w...Read more of this...

by Donne, John
...Oh do not die, for I shall hate
 All women so, when thou art gone,
That thee I shall not celebrate,
 When I remember, thou wast one.
But yet thou canst not die, I know,
 To leave this world behind, is death,
But when thou from this world wilt go,
 The whole world vapors with thy breath.

Or if, when thou, the world's soul, goest,
 It stay, 'tis but thy carcass then,
The fairest woman, but thy ghost,
 But corrupt worms, the worthiest men....Read more of this...

by Brackenridge, Hugh Henry
...and freedom link'd together dwell, 
And reformation in full glory shines. 
Oh for a muse of more exalted wing, 
To celebrate those men who planted first 
The christian church in these remotest lands; 
From those high plains where spreads a colony, 
Gen'rous and free, from Massachusett-shores, 
To the cold lakes margin'd with snow: from that 
Long dreary tract of shady woods and hills, 
Where Hudson's icy stream rolls his cold wave, 
To those more sunny bowers where zephy...Read more of this...

by Brackenridge, Hugh Henry
...these shores, 
As on he coasted from the Mexic bay 
To Acady and piny Labradore. 
Nor less than him the muse would celebrate 
Bold Hudson stemming to the pole, thro' seas 
Vex'd with continual storms, thro' the cold strains, 
Where Europe and America oppose 
Their shores contiguous, and the northern sea 
Confin'd, indignant, swells and roars between. 
With these be number'd in the list of fame 
Illustrious Raleigh, hapless in his fate: 
Forgive me Raleigh, if an infa...Read more of this...

by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
When each the other shall avoid,
Shall each by each be most enjoyed.
Not with scarfs or perfumed gloves
Do these celebrate their loves,
Not by jewels, feasts, and savors,
Not by ribbons or by favors,
But by the sun-spark on the sea,
And the cloud-shadow on the lea,
The soothing lapse of morn to mirk,
And the cheerful round of work.
Their cords of love so public are,
They intertwine the farthest star.
The throbbing sea, the quaking earth,
Yield sympathy and sign...Read more of this...

by Hammad, Suheir
leaves and leaving have known
my name intimately
i harvest pumpkins
to offer the river eat
buttered phoenix meat
to celebrate a new year
new cipher for my belly
i got a new name
secret nobody knows
the cold can't call me
leaving won't know 
where to find me 
october gonna hide me
in her harvest in
her seasons
happy birthday daughter
of the falling...Read more of this...

by Eliot, T S (Thomas Stearns)
And a few who died forgotten
In other places, here and abroad,
And of one who died blind and quiet
Why should we celebrate
These dead men more than the dying?
It is not to ring the bell backward
Nor is it an incantation
To summon the spectre of a Rose.
We cannot revive old factions
We cannot restore old policies
Or follow an antique drum.
These men, and those who opposed them
And those whom they opposed
Accept the constitution of silence
And are folded in a sin...Read more of this...

by Gregory, Rg
they seek to celebrate the word
not to bring their knives out on a poem
dissecting it to find a heart
whose beat lies naked on a table
not to score in triumph on a line
no sensitive would put a nostril to
but simply to receive it as an
offering glimpsing the sacred there

poem probes the poet's once-intention
but each time said budges its truth
afresh (leaving the poet's...Read more of this...

by Neruda, Pablo
a cool
populates the salads
of Chile,
happily, it is wed
to the clear onion,
and to celebrate the union
child of the olive,
onto its halved hemispheres,
its fragrance,
salt, its magnetism;
it is the wedding
of the day,
its flag,
bubble vigorously,
the aroma
of the roast
at the door,
it's time!
come on!
and, on
the table, at the midpoint
of summer,
the tomato,
star of earth, r...Read more of this...

by Milton, John made 
Of new subjection; with what eyes could we 
Stand in his presence humble, and receive 
Strict laws imposed, to celebrate his throne 
With warbled hyms, and to his Godhead sing 
Forced hallelujahs, while he lordly sits 
Our envied sovereign, and his altar breathes 
Ambrosial odours and ambrosial flowers, 
Our servile offerings? This must be our task 
In Heaven, this our delight. How wearisome 
Eternity so spent in worship paid 
To whom we hate! Let us not then pur...Read more of this...

by Milton, John
...haps thy capital seat, from whence had spread 
All generations; and had hither come 
From all the ends of the earth, to celebrate 
And reverence thee, their great progenitor. 
But this pre-eminence thou hast lost, brought down 
To dwell on even ground now with thy sons: 
Yet doubt not but in valley, and in plain, 
God is, as here; and will be found alike 
Present; and of his presence many a sign 
Still following thee, still compassing thee round 
With goodness and paterna...Read more of this...

by Robinson, Edwin Arlington
...could not pass the fellow by.
“Do you believe in God?” said I; 
“And is there to be Peace on Earth?” 

“Tonight we celebrate the birth,” 
He said, “of One who died for men; 
The Son of God, we say. What then?
Your God, or mine? I’d make you laugh 
Were I to tell you even half 
That I have learned of mine today 
Where yours would hardly seem to stay. 
Could He but follow in and out
Some anthropoids I know about, 
The god to whom you may have prayed 
Might see a wo...Read more of this...

by Ginsberg, Allen
...flections glittering thoughtful galaxies, whirl-
 pools of starspume silver-thin as hairs of Einstein!
Father Whitman I celebrate a matter that renders Self
Grand Subject that annihilates inky hands & pages'
 prayers, old orators' inspired Immortalities,
I begin your chant, openmouthed exhaling into spacious
 sky over silent mills at Hanford, Savannah River,
 Rocky Flats, Pantex, Burlington, Albuquerque
I yell thru Washington, South Carolina, Colorado, 
 Texas, Iow...Read more of this...

by Milton, John, and still art paying
That rigid score. A worse thing yet remains,
This day the Philistines a popular Feast
Here celebrate in Gaza, and proclaim
Great Pomp, and Sacrifice, and Praises loud
To Dagon, as their God who hath deliver'd
Thee Samson bound and blind into thir hands,
Them out of thine, who slew'st them many a slain.
So Dagon shall be magnifi'd, and God, 
Besides whom is no God, compar'd with Idols,
Disglorifi'd, blasphem'd, and had in scorn
By th' Idolatrou...Read more of this...

by Whitman, Walt
To be this incredible God I am; 
To have gone forth among other Gods—these men and women I love.

Wonderful how I celebrate you and myself! 
How my thoughts play subtly at the spectacles around! 
How the clouds pass silently overhead! 
How the earth darts on and on! and how the sun, moon, stars, dart on and on! 
How the water sports and sings! (Surely it is alive!)
How the trees rise and stand up—with strong trunks—with branches and leaves! 
(Surely there is something m...Read more of this...

by Whitman, Walt
I CELEBRATE myself; 
And what I assume you shall assume; 
For every atom belonging to me, as good belongs to you. 

I loafe and invite my Soul; 
I lean and loafe at my ease, observing a spear of summer grass.

Houses and rooms are full of perfumes—the shelves are crowded with
I breathe the fragrance myself, and know it and like it;...Read more of this...

by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
...ll. This crown of mine 
Is of the holly; in my hand I bear 
The thyrsus, tipped with fragrant cones of pine. 
I celebrate the birth of the Divine, 
And the return of the Saturnian reign;-- 
My songs are carols sung at every shrine, 
Proclaiming "Peace on earth, good will to men."...Read more of this...

by Piercy, Marge
...In flat America, in Chicago, 
Graceland cemetery on the German North Side. 
Forty feet of Corinthian candle 
celebrate Pullman embedded 
lonely raisin in a cake of concrete. 
The Potter Palmers float 
in an island parthenon. 
Barons of hogfat, railroads and wheat 
are postmarked with angels and lambs. 

But the Getty tomb: white, snow patterned 
in a triangle of trees swims dappled with leaf shadow, 
sketched light arch within arch 
delicate as fingerna...Read more of this...

by Akhmatova, Anna
Because love is this.
The sky has flown up high,
The objects' contours are light,
And the body does not celebrate any longer
The anniversary of its plight.

x x x

I myself have freely chosen
Fate of the friend of my heart:
To the freedom under gospel
I allowed him to depart.
And the pigeon came back, beating
On the window with all might
Like from shine of divine restments,
In the room it became light.


I know tha...Read more of this...

by Frost, Robert
...e upper regions;
And the life I live now's an extra life
I can waste as I please on whom I please.
So if you see me celebrate two birthdays,
And give myself out of two different ages,
One of them five years younger than I look-

One day my brother led me to a glade
Where a white birch he knew of stood alone,
Wearing a thin head-dress of pointed leaves,
And heavy on her heavy hair behind,
Against her neck, an ornament of grapes.
Grapes, I knew grapes from having seen t...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Celebrate poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs