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Famous Blinded Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Blinded poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous blinded poems. These examples illustrate what a famous blinded poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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An atheist-laugh’s a poor exchange
 For Deity offended!

When ranting round in pleasure’s ring,
 Religion may be blinded;
Or if she gie a random sting,
 It may be little minded;
But when on life we’re tempest driv’n—
 A conscience but a canker—
A correspondence fix’d wi’ Heav’n,
 Is sure a noble anchor!

Adieu, dear, amiable youth!
 Your heart can ne’er be wanting!
May prudence, fortitude, and truth,
 Erect your brow undaunting!
In ploughman phrase, “God send you spee...Read more of this...
by Burns, Robert

...ift up your heads on high,
283 For sure the day of your redemption's nigh.
284 The scales shall fall from your long blinded eyes,
285 And him you shall adore who now despise.
286 Then fullness of the Nations in shall flow,
287 And Jew and Gentile to one worship go.
288 Then follows days of happiness and rest.
289 Whose lot doth fall to live therein is blest.
290 No Canaanite shall then be found 'n th' land,
291 And holiness on horses' bells shall stand.Read more of this...
by Bradstreet, Anne
A Soul inslav'd so many wayes?
With bolts of Bones, that fetter'd stands
In Feet ; and manacled in Hands.
Here blinded with an Eye ; and there
Deaf with the drumming of an Ear.
A Soul hung up, as 'twere, in Chains
Of Nerves, and Arteries, and Veins.
Tortur'd, besides each other part,1
In a vain Head, and double Heart.

O who shall me deliver whole,
From bonds of this Tyrannic Soul?
Which, stretcht upright, impales me so,
That mine own Precipice I go;...Read more of this...
by Marvell, Andrew
...ed from kneeling, some 
Were pale as at the passing of a ghost, 
Some flushed, and others dazed, as one who wakes 
Half-blinded at the coming of a light. 

`But when he spake and cheered his Table Round 
With large, divine, and comfortable words, 
Beyond my tongue to tell thee--I beheld 
From eye to eye through all their Order flash 
A momentary likeness of the King: 
And ere it left their faces, through the cross 
And those around it and the Crucified, 
Down from the cas...Read more of this...
by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...esse, endlesse languish.

If those eyes you praised be
Halfe so deare as you to me,
Let me home returne, starke blinded
Of those eyes, and blinder minded;

If to secret of my hart,
I do any wish impart,
Where thou art not formost placed,
Be both wish and I defaced.

If more may be sayd, I say,
All my blisse in thee I lay;
If thou loue, my loue, content thee,
For all loue, all faith is meant thee.

Trust me, while I thee deny,
In my selfe the smar...Read more of this...
by Sidney, Sir Philip

...elights me not, I feel
With such a goodly time too out of tune
To love it much: for like the Dial's wheel
That from its blinded darkness strikes the noon
Yet never sees the sun, so do my eyes
Restlessly follow that which from my cheated vision flies.

O for one grand unselfish simple life
To teach us what is Wisdom! speak ye hills
Of lone Helvellyn, for this note of strife
Shunned your untroubled crags and crystal rills,
Where is that Spirit which living blamelessly
Yet d...Read more of this...
by Wilde, Oscar
...rlorn moor,
When the chill rain begins at shut of eve,
In dull November, and their chancel vault,
The Heaven itself, is blinded throughout night.
Each one kept shroud, nor to his neighbour gave
Or word, or look, or action of despair.
Creus was one; his ponderous iron mace
Lay by him, and a shatter'd rib of rock
Told of his rage, ere he thus sank and pined.
Iapetus another; in his grasp,
A serpent's plashy neck; its barbed tongue
Squeez'd from the gorge, and all it...Read more of this...
by Keats, John
...rude shouts, secure, the air they vex, 
With gamesome joy insulting on her decks. 
Such the feared Hebrew, captive, blinded, shorn, 
Was led about in sport, the public scorn. 

Black day accursed! On thee let no man hale 
Out of the port, or dare to hoist a sail, 
Nor row a boat in thy unlucky hour. 
Thee, the year's monster, let thy dam devour, 
And constant time, to keep his course yet right, 
Fill up thy space with a redoubled night. 
When ag?d Thames was b...Read more of this...
by Marvell, Andrew
...y long sufferance, and my day of grace, 
They who neglect and scorn, shall never taste; 
But hard be harden'd, blind be blinded more, 
That they may stumble on, and deeper fall; 
And none but such from mercy I exclude. 
But yet all is not done; Man disobeying, 
Disloyal, breaks his fealty, and sins 
Against the high supremacy of Heaven, 
Affecting God-head, and, so losing all, 
To expiate his treason hath nought left, 
But to destruction sacred and devote, 
He, with his w...Read more of this...
by Milton, John
...he wasn't strong. 

He struggled on manfully with all his might
Through the fearful darkness of the night,
And half-blinded by the heavy rain,
But still resolved the bridge to gain. 

But when within one hundred yards of the bridge, it gave way with an awful crash,
And fell into the roaring flood below, and made a fearful splash,
Which rose high above the din of the storm,
The like brave Carl never heard since he was born. 

Then; 'Father! father!' cried Carl in h...Read more of this...
by McGonagall, William Topaz
...a laughing face 
Fresh-hued and fair, where scarce appeared 
The uncertain prophecy of beard. 
He teased the mitten-blinded cat, 
Played cross-pins on my uncle's hat, 
Sang songs, and told us what befalls 
In classic Dartmouth's college halls. 
Born the wild Northern hills among, 
From whence his yeoman father wrung 
By patient toil subsistence scant, 
Not competence and yet not want, 
He early gained the power to pay 
His cheerful, self-reliant way; 
Could doff at ea...Read more of this...
by Whittier, John Greenleaf
She seized the flimsy rings with both her hands
To snap it, but they held with odd persistence.
Her eyes were blinded by two wind-blown strands
Of hair which had been loosened. Her resistance
Melted within her, from remotest distance,
Misty, unreal, his face grew warm and near,
And giving way she knew him very dear.
For long he held her, and they both gazed down
At the wide city, and its blue, bridged river.
From wooing he jested with her, snipped the bl...Read more of this...
by Lowell, Amy eyes.) . . .

* * * * * *

The great stone crashed. The Dreamer shrieked and woke,
And saw, fear-blinded, in his dripping cell,
A gaunt and hairy man, who with one stroke
Swung a great ax of steel that flashed and fell . . .
So that he woke amid his bedroom gloom,
And saw, hair-poised, a naked, thirsting knife,
A gaunt and hairy man with eyes of doom --
And then the blade plunged down to drink his life . . .
So that he woke, wren...Read more of this...
by Service, Robert William
To breathe his soul upon her bloom,
And while she marks not turn her temple to her tomb.

By those eyes blinded and that heavenly head
And the secluded soul adorable,
O Milton's land, what ails thee to be dead?
Thine ears are yet sonorous with his shell
That all the songs of all thy sea-line fed
With motive sound of spring-tides at mid swell,
And through thine heart his thought as blood is shed,
Requickening thee with wisdom to do well;
Such sons were of thy w...Read more of this...
by Swinburne, Algernon Charles, until the morrow-day;
 Blissfully haven'd both from joy and pain;
 Clasp'd like a missal where swart Paynims pray;
 Blinded alike from sunshine and from rain,
As though a rose should shut, and be a bud again.

 Stol'n to this paradise, and so entranced,
 Porphyro gaz'd upon her empty dress,
 And listen'd to her breathing, if it chanced
 To wake into a slumberous tenderness;
 Which when he heard, that minute did he bless,
 And breath'd himself: then from the closet cre...Read more of this...
by Keats, John
Were everlasting joy and warning, 
The gate was Jesus'way made plain, 
the mole was Satan foiled again, 
black blinded Satan snouting way 
Along the red of Adam's clay; 
The mist was error and damnatiion, 
The lane the road unto salvation. 
Out of the mist into the light, 
O bless?d gift of inner sight. 
The past was faded like a dream; 
There come the jingling of a team, 
A ploughman's voice, a clink of chain, 
Slow hoofs, and harness under strain. 
Up t...Read more of this...
by Masefield, John
...the door; 
It gave; and through a stormy glare, a heat 
As from a seventimes-heated furnace, I, 
Blasted and burnt, and blinded as I was, 
With such a fierceness that I swooned away-- 
O, yet methought I saw the Holy Grail, 
All palled in crimson samite, and around 
Great angels, awful shapes, and wings and eyes. 
And but for all my madness and my sin, 
And then my swooning, I had sworn I saw 
That which I saw; but what I saw was veiled 
And covered; and this Quest was no...Read more of this...
by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
 lifts us
to make roses
 stand before thorns.
love is cruel
 and selfish
 and totally obtuse—
at least, blinded by the light,
 young love is.
 But we are older,
I to love
 and you to be loved,
 we have,
no matter how,
 by our wills survived
 to keep
the jeweled prize
 at our finger tips.
We will it so
 and so it is
 past all accident....Read more of this...
by Williams, William Carlos (WCW)
...he replied, 
`Can he be wronged who is not even his own, 
But save for dread of thee had beaten me, 
Scratched, bitten, blinded, marred me somehow--Mark? 
What rights are his that dare not strike for them? 
Not lift a hand--not, though he found me thus! 
But harken! have ye met him? hence he went 
Today for three days' hunting--as he said-- 
And so returns belike within an hour. 
Mark's way, my soul!--but eat not thou with Mark, 
Because he hates thee even more than fears...Read more of this...
by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...n let fly a fart,
As great as it had been a thunder dent*; *peal, clap
That with the stroke he was well nigh y-blent*; *blinded
But he was ready with his iron hot,
And Nicholas amid the erse he smote.
Off went the skin an handbreadth all about.
The hote culter burned so his tout*, *breech
That for the smart he weened* he would die; *thought
As he were wood*, for woe he gan to cry, *mad
"Help! water, water, help for Godde's heart!"

This carpenter out of his slumber st...Read more of this...
by Chaucer, Geoffrey

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Blinded poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things