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Famous Bleated Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Bleated poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous bleated poems. These examples illustrate what a famous bleated poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Wilde, Oscar
...attle strayed.

And when the light-foot mower went afield
Across the meadows laced with threaded dew,
And the sheep bleated on the misty weald,
And from its nest the waking corncrake flew,
Some woodmen saw him lying by the stream
And marvelled much that any lad so beautiful could seem,

Nor deemed him born of mortals, and one said,
'It is young Hylas, that false runaway
Who with a Naiad now would make his bed
Forgetting Herakles,' but others, 'Nay,
It is Narcissus, his ow...Read more of this...

by Masefield, John
...otter' out of stream and played, 
Two hares come loping up and stayed; 
Wide-eyed and tender-eared but bold. 
Sheep bleated up from Penny's fold. 
I heard a partridge covey call, 
The morning sun was bright on all. 
Down the long slope the plough team drove 
The tossing rooks arose and hove. 
A stone struck on the share. A word 
Came to the team. The red earth stirred.

I crossed the hedge by shooter's gap, 
I hitched my boxer's belt a strap, 
I ju...Read more of this...

by Dyke, Henry Van
...afternoon walk, 
By chance overheard the fir-tree's talk. 
So he came up close for a nearer view;— 
"My salad!" he bleated, "I think so too! 
"You're the most attractive kind of a tree, 
"And I want your leaves for my five-o'clock tea." 
So he ate them all without saying grace, 
And walked away with a grin on his face; 
While the little tree stood in the twilight dim, 
With never a leaf on a single limb. 

Then he sighed and groaned; but his voice was weak— 
He w...Read more of this...

by Field, Eugene
...his moder well,
Which spake him faire, I ween;
He loved to stand and hold her hand
And ken her with his een;
His cosset bleated in the croft,
His toys unheeded lay,--
He wolde not goe, but, tarrying soe,
Ben allwais in the way.

Godde loveth children and doth gird
His throne with soche as these,
And He doth smile in plaisaunce while
They cluster at His knees;
And sometime, when He looked on earth
And watched the bairns at play,
He kenned with joy a lyttel boy
Ben allwais ...Read more of this...

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things