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Famous Blazon Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Blazon poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous blazon poems. These examples illustrate what a famous blazon poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry
...g again?
Pity, forgive, but urge them back no more
Who, drunk with passion, flaunt disunion's rag
With its vile reptile blazon. Let us press
The golden cluster on our brave old flag
In closer union, and, if numbering less,
Brighter shall shine the stars which still remain....Read more of this...
by Whittier, John Greenleaf


Time has transfigures them into
Untruth. The stone fidelity
They hardly meant has come to be
Their final blazon, and to prove
Our almost-instinct almost true:
What will survive of us is love....Read more of this...
by Larkin, Philip
Hang like a wind-forgotten cloud,
And shroud
Me from close contact with the world.
I dwell impearled.
You blazon me with jewelled insignia.
A flaming nebula
Rims in my life. And yet
You set
The word upon me, unconfessed
To go unguessed....Read more of this...
by Lowell, Amy
...f the Strasburg monster bore 
 To bridge of Wasselonne, and threw it o'er 
 Into the waters deep. The people round 
 Blazon the noble deeds that so abound 
 From Altorf unto Chaux-de-Fonds, and say, 
 When he rests musing in a dreamy way, 
 "Behold, 'tis Charlemagne!" Tawny to see 
 And hairy, and seven feet high was he, 
 Like John of Bourbon. Roaming hill or wood 
 He looked a wolf was striving to do good. 
 Bound up in duty, he of naught complained, 
 The cry fo...Read more of this...
by Hugo, Victor
...s did imprint
68 That heavenly path with many a curious dint
69 That runs along his back; but my rude pen
70 Can hardly blazon forth the loves of men,
71 Much less of powerful gods: let it suffice
72 That my slack Muse sings of Leander's eyes;
73 Those orient cheeks and lips, exceeding his
74 That leapt into the water for a kiss
75 Of his own shadow, and, despising many,
76 Died ere he could enjoy the love of any.
77 Had wild Hippolytus Leander seen,
78 Enamour'd of his b...Read more of this...
by Marlowe, Christopher

...IN vision I roamed the flashing Firmament,
So fierce in blazon that the Night waxed wan,
As though with an awed sense of such ostent;
And as I thought my spirit ranged on and on

In footless traverse through ghast heights of sky,
To the last chambers of the monstrous Dome,
Where stars the brightest here to darkness die:
Then, any spot on our own Earth seemed Home!

And the sick grief that you were far away
Grew p...Read more of this...
by Hardy, Thomas
...blood of bitter vineyards, noble vineyards,In goblets of regal beauty, risesTo her marble hands, to lips carvedLike the blazon of a great lineage.Strange Princes of Fantasy! TheyHave seen her languid head, once erect,And heard her laugh, for her eyesTremble with the flower of aristocracies!And her soul clean as fire, like a star,Burns in those pupils of amber.But with a mere glance, scarcely an intimacy,Perhaps the echo of a profane voice,This white and pristine soul ...Read more of this...
by Agustini, Delmira
...If I should labor through daylight and dark,
Consecrate, valorous, serious, true,
Then on the world I may blazon my mark;
And what if I don't, and what if I do?...Read more of this...
by Parker, Dorothy
...of the fairest wights,
And beauty making beautiful old rhyme
In praise of ladies dead, and lovely knights,
Then, in the blazon of sweet beauty's best,
Of hand, of foot, of lip, of eye, of brow,
I see their antique pen would have expressed
Even such a beauty as you master now.
So all their praises are but prophecies
Of this our time, all you prefiguring;
And, for they looked but with divining eyes,
They had not skill enough your worth to sing.
For we, which now behold ...Read more of this...
by Shakespeare, William
...of the fairest wights,
And beauty making beautiful old rhyme
In praise of ladies dead and lovely knights,
Then, in the blazon of sweet beauty's best,
Of hand, of foot, of lip, of eye, of brow,
I see their antique pen would have express'd
Even such a beauty as you master now.
So all their praises are but prophecies
Of this our time, all you prefiguring;
And, for they look'd but with divining eyes,
They had not skill enough your worth to sing:
For we, which now behold thes...Read more of this...
by Shakespeare, William
...there remain,Which heaven but show'd to us to snatch againBetter to blazon its own starry ways;That to far times I her should paint and praiseLove wills, who prompted first my passionate strain;But now wit, leisure, pen, page, ink in vainTo the fond task a thousand times he sways.My slow rhymes st...Read more of this...
by Petrarch, Francesco
...f the fairest wights, 
And beauty making beautiful old rime 
In praise of Ladies dead and lovely Knights; 
Then, in the blazon of sweet beauty's best, 
Of hand, of foot, of lip, of eye, of brow, 
I see their antique pen would have exprest 
Even such a beauty as you master now. 
So all their praises are but prophecies 
Of this our time, all you prefiguring; 
And for they look'd but with divining eyes, 
They had not skill enough your worth to sing: 
 For we, which now behol...Read more of this...
by Shakespeare, William
...else to gaze on,
 Set pieces and drop-curtain scenes galore,
Big mountains heaved to heaven, which the blinding sunsets blazon,
 Black canyons where the rapids rip and roar?
Have you swept the visioned valley with the green stream streaking through it,
 Searched the Vastness for a something you have lost?
Have you strung your soul to silence? Then for God's sake go and do it;
 Hear the challenge, learn the lesson, pay the cost.

Have you wandered in the wilderness, the sa...Read more of this...
by Service, Robert William
...ights and Ladies gentle deeds;
Whose prayses having slept in silence long,
Me, all too meane, the sacred Muse areeds
To blazon broad emongst her learned throng:
Fierce warres and faithful loves shall moralize my song.


Helpe then, O holy Virgin chiefe of nine,
Thy weaker Novice to performe thy will,
Lay forth out of thine everlasting scryne
The antique rolles, which there lye hidden still,
Of Faerie knights and fairest Tanaquill,
Whom that most noble Briton Prince so ...Read more of this...
by Spenser, Edmund
...And, brother, had you known our hall within, 
Broader and higher than any in all the lands! 
Where twelve great windows blazon Arthur's wars, 
And all the light that falls upon the board 
Streams through the twelve great battles of our King. 
Nay, one there is, and at the eastern end, 
Wealthy with wandering lines of mount and mere, 
Where Arthur finds the brand Excalibur. 
And also one to the west, and counter to it, 
And blank: and who shall blazon it? when and how?...Read more of this...
by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...vow your vow and watch your arms,
 For I will dub you a belted knight.

"For I will give you a horse o' pride,
 Wi' blazon and spur and page and squire;
Wi' keep and tail and seizin and law,
 And land to hold at your desire."

True Thomas smiled above his harp,
 And turned his face to the naked sky,
Where, blown before the wastrel wind,
 The thistle-down she floated by.

"I ha' vowed my vow in another place,
 And bitter oath it was on me,
I ha' watched my arms the...Read more of this...
by Kipling, Rudyard Wolfe, by Ney anon, 
 And Nelson on his blue demesne. 


 But new light spread. That god's gold nimb 
And blazon have waned dimmer and more dim; 
 Even his flushed form begins to fade, 
 Till but a shade is left of him. 


 That modern meditation broke 
His spell, that penmen's pleadings dealt a stroke, 
 Say some; and some that crimes too dire 
 Did much to mire his crimson cloak. 


 Yea, seeds of crescive sympathy 
Were sown by those more exc...Read more of this...
by Hardy, Thomas
...our children's children shall talk of War as a madness that may not be;
When we thank our God for our grief to-day, and blazon from sea to sea
In the name of the Dead the banner of Peace . . . that will be Victory....Read more of this...
by Service, Robert William
The times are winter, watch, a world undone: 
They waste, they wither worse; they as they run 
Or bring more or more blazon man’s distress. 
And I not help. Nor word now of success:
All is from wreck, here, there, to rescue one— 
Work which to see scarce so much as begun 
Makes welcome death, does dear forgetfulness. 

Or what is else? There is your world within. 
There rid the dragons, root out there the sin.
Your will is law in that small commonweal…...Read more of this...
by Hopkins, Gerard Manley careerThat reaches to the goal which, all in vain,The Muse would blazon in her feeble strain:But blest above all other blest is heWho from the trammels of mortality,Ere half the vital thread ran out, was free,Mature for Heaven; where now the matchless fairPreserves those features, that seraphic...Read more of this...
by Petrarch, Francesco

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Blazon poems.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry