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Famous Blanketed Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Blanketed poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous blanketed poems. These examples illustrate what a famous blanketed poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
They chant wild songs, and, with loud noise and stress, 
In savage manner savage joy express.
The Indian captives, blanketed in red, 
On ponies mounted, by the scouts are led.
Like sumach bushes, etched on evening skies, 
Against the blue-clad troops, this patch of color lies.

High o'er the scene vast music billows bound, 
And all the air is liquid with the sound
Of those invisible compelling waves.
Perchance they reach the low and lonely graves
Wh...Read more of this...

by Betjeman, John
...The clock is frozen in the tower,
The thickening fog with sooty smell
Has blanketed the motor power
Which turns the London streets to hell;
And footsteps with their lonely sound
Intensify the silence round.

I haven't hope. I haven't faith.
I live two lives and sometimes three.
The lives I live make life a death
For those who have to live with me.
Knowing the virtues that I lack,
I pat myself upon the back....Read more of this...

by John, David St
His forehead glowing, glossy
With sweat in the blue lights;
Her own face, smooth and shining, as
The liquor slowly blanketed the pills
She'd slipped beneath her tongue.
Maestro'd kick the **** out of anybody
Who tried to sneak up for an autograph;
He'd say, Jordan, just let me know if
 Somebody gets too close....
Then he'd turn to her and whisper, Here's
 Where you get to be Miss Nobody...
And she'd smile as she let him
Kiss her hand. ...Read more of this...

by Sassoon, Siegfried dark, 
I know that the hurricane-deck, down all its length, 
Is heaped and spread with lads in sprawling strength— 
Blanketed soldiers sleeping. In the stark 
Danger of life at war, they lie so still, 
All prostrate and defenceless, head by head... 
And I remember Arras, and that hill 
Where dumb with pain I stumbled among the dead. 

We are going home. The troop-ship, in a thrill
Of fiery-chamber’d anguish, throbs and rolls. 
We are going home...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Blanketed poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs