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Famous Blair Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Blair poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous blair poems. These examples illustrate what a famous blair poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

See also:

by Burns, Robert
...will join a mother’s tender cares,
 Thro’ future times to make his virtues last;
That distant years may boast of other Blairs!”—
 She said, and vanish’d with the sweeping blast.

 Note 1. The King’s Park at Holyrood House.—R. B. [back]
Note 2. St. Anthony’s well.—R. B. [back]
Note 3. St. Anthony’s Chapel.—R. B. [back]...Read more of this...

by Burns, Robert
...NAE heathen name shall I prefix,
 Frae Pindus or Parnassus;
Auld Reekie dings them a’ to sticks,
 For rhyme-inspiring lasses.

Jove’s tunefu’ dochters three times three
 Made Homer deep their debtor;
But, gien the body half an e’e,
 Nine Ferriers wad done better!

Last day my mind was in a bog,
 Down George’s Street I stoited;
A creeping cauld prosai...Read more of this...

by Burns, Robert
...ere will be Logan M’Dowall,
 Sculdudd’ry an’ he will be there,
And also the Wild Scot o’ Galloway,
 Sogering, gunpowder Blair.
But we winna mention Redcastle,
 The body, e’en let him escape!
He’d venture the gallows for siller,
 An ’twere na the cost o’ the rape.

But where is the Doggerbank hero,
 That made “Hogan Mogan” to skulk?
Poor Keith’s gane to hell to be fuel,
 The auld rotten wreck of a Hulk.
And where is our King’s Lord Lieutenant,
 Sae fam’d for his g...Read more of this...

by Tebb, Barry
...g off fireworks 

On the moor? Suburban excesses spread like the sores

Of syphilis and more regulations in a decade of Blair

Than in the century before.

"Shop your neighbours. Prove it. Bring birth certificates to A&E

If you want NHS treatment free. Be careful not to bleed to death

While finding the certificate. Blunkett wants us all to have ID

Photo cards, genetic codes, DNA database, eye scans, the lot – 

And kiss good-bye to the last bits of free...Read more of this...

by Scott, Sir Walter
...n lies behind them cast;
     They rise, the bannered towers of Doune,
     They sink in distant woodland soon;
     Blair-Drummond sees the hoofs strike fire,
     They sweep like breeze through Ochtertyre;
     They mark just glance and disappear
     The lofty brow of ancient Kier;
     They bathe their coursers' sweltering sides
     Dark Forth! amid thy sluggish tides,
     And on the opposing shore take ground
     With plash, with scramble, and with bound.
 ...Read more of this...

by Ayres, Pam
...hey should have asked my ‘usband, he’d have told’em then and there.
His thoughts on immigration, teenage mothers, Tony Blair,
The future of the monarchy, house prices in the south
The wait for hip replacements, BSE and foot and mouth.

Yes . . . they should have asked my husband he can sort out any mess
He can rejuvenate the railways he can cure the NHS
So any little niggle, anything you want to know
Just run it past my husband, wind him up and let him go.

Congesti...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Blair poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things