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Famous Bicycles Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Bicycles poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous bicycles poems. These examples illustrate what a famous bicycles poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Levine, Philip
...warm spring night
and ran down into the Detroit River
to baptize ourselves in the brine
of car parts, dead fish, stolen bicycles,
melted snow. I remember going under
hand in hand with a Polish highschool girl
I'd never seen before, and the cries
our breath made caught at the same time
on the cold, and rising through the layers
of darkness into the final moonless atmosphere
that was this world, the girl breaking
the surface after me and swimming out
on the starless waters ...Read more of this...

by Graham, Jorie
...had one been on the right channel, 
(although you can feel it alongside, in the house, in the food, the umbrellas,
 the bicycles), 
(even the leg muscles of this one grown quite remarkable),

 the fairy tale beginning to hover above — onscreen fangs, at the desk 
one of the older ones paying bills —
 the coat in the sky above the house not unlike celestial fabric, 
a snap of wind and plot to it, 
 are we waiting for the kinds to go to sleep? 
when is it time to go outside and...Read more of this...

by Brautigan, Richard
...g them

feed off you at an appointed hour.

 They talked about making little flea wheelbarrows and

pool tables and bicycles.

 They would charge fifty-cents admission for their flea circus.

The business was certain to have a future to it. Perhaps they

would even get on the Ed Sullivan Show.

 They of course did not have their fleas yet, but they could

easily be obtained from a white cat.

 Then they decided that the fleas that lived on Siamese

Cat...Read more of this...

by Aldington, Richard
...Why do you always stand there shivering 
Between the white stream and the road? 

The people pass through the dust 
On bicycles, in carts, in motor-cars; 
The waggoners go by at down; 
The lovers walk on the grass path at night. 

Stir from your roots, walk, poplar! 
You are more beautiful than they are. 

I know that the white wind loves you, 
Is always kissing you and turning up 
The white lining of your green petticoat. 
The sky darts through you like blue rai...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Bicycles poems.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things