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Best Famous Wedding Bells Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Wedding Bells poems. This is a select list of the best famous Wedding Bells poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Wedding Bells poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of wedding bells poems.

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Written by Edgar Allan Poe | Create an image from this poem

The Bells


Hear the sledges with the bells-
Silver bells!
What a world of merriment their melody foretells!
How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle,
In the icy air of night!
While the stars that oversprinkle
All the heavens, seem to twinkle
With a crystalline delight;
Keeping time, time, time,
In a sort of Runic rhyme,
To the tintinnabulation that so musically wells
From the bells, bells, bells, bells,
Bells, bells, bells-
From the jingling and the tinkling of the bells.
II Hear the mellow wedding bells, Golden bells! What a world of happiness their harmony foretells! Through the balmy air of night How they ring out their delight! From the molten-golden notes, And an in tune, What a liquid ditty floats To the turtle-dove that listens, while she gloats On the moon! Oh, from out the sounding cells, What a gush of euphony voluminously wells! How it swells! How it dwells On the Future! how it tells Of the rapture that impels To the swinging and the ringing Of the bells, bells, bells, Of the bells, bells, bells,bells, Bells, bells, bells- To the rhyming and the chiming of the bells! III Hear the loud alarum bells- Brazen bells! What a tale of terror, now, their turbulency tells! In the startled ear of night How they scream out their affright! Too much horrified to speak, They can only shriek, shriek, Out of tune, In a clamorous appealing to the mercy of the fire, In a mad expostulation with the deaf and frantic fire, Leaping higher, higher, higher, With a desperate desire, And a resolute endeavor, Now- now to sit or never, By the side of the pale-faced moon.
Oh, the bells, bells, bells! What a tale their terror tells Of Despair! How they clang, and clash, and roar! What a horror they outpour On the bosom of the palpitating air! Yet the ear it fully knows, By the twanging, And the clanging, How the danger ebbs and flows: Yet the ear distinctly tells, In the jangling, And the wrangling, How the danger sinks and swells, By the sinking or the swelling in the anger of the bells- Of the bells- Of the bells, bells, bells,bells, Bells, bells, bells- In the clamor and the clangor of the bells! IV Hear the tolling of the bells- Iron Bells! What a world of solemn thought their monody compels! In the silence of the night, How we shiver with affright At the melancholy menace of their tone! For every sound that floats From the rust within their throats Is a groan.
And the people- ah, the people- They that dwell up in the steeple, All Alone And who, tolling, tolling, tolling, In that muffled monotone, Feel a glory in so rolling On the human heart a stone- They are neither man nor woman- They are neither brute nor human- They are Ghouls: And their king it is who tolls; And he rolls, rolls, rolls, Rolls A paean from the bells! And his merry bosom swells With the paean of the bells! And he dances, and he yells; Keeping time, time, time, In a sort of Runic rhyme, To the paean of the bells- Of the bells: Keeping time, time, time, In a sort of Runic rhyme, To the throbbing of the bells- Of the bells, bells, bells- To the sobbing of the bells; Keeping time, time, time, As he knells, knells, knells, In a happy Runic rhyme, To the rolling of the bells- Of the bells, bells, bells: To the tolling of the bells, Of the bells, bells, bells, bells- Bells, bells, bells- To the moaning and the groaning of the bells.

Written by Robert William Service | Create an image from this poem

The Ballad Of Touch-The-Button Nell

 Beyond the Rocking Bridge it lies, the burg of evil fame,
The huts where hive and swarm and thrive the sisterhood of shame.
Through all the night each cabin light goes out and then goes in, A blood-red heliograph of lust, a semaphore of sin.
From Dawson Town, soft skulking down, each lewdster seeks his mate; And glad and bad, kimono clad, the wanton women wait.
The Klondike gossips to the moon, and sinners o'er its bars; Each silent hill is dark and chill, and chill the patient stars.
Yet hark! upon the Rocking Bridge a bacchanalian step; A whispered: "Come," the skirl of some hell-raking demirep.
* * * * * * * * * * * They gave a dance in Lousetown, and the Tenderloin was there, The girls were fresh and frolicsome, and nearly all were fair.
They flaunted on their back the spoil of half-a-dozen towns; And some they blazed in gems of price, and some wore Paris gowns.
The voting was divided as to who might be the belle; But all opined, the winsomest was Touch-the-Button Nell.
Among the merry mob of men was one who did not dance, But watched the "light fantastic" with a sour sullen glance.
They saw his white teeth gleam, they saw his thick lips twitch; They knew him for the giant Slav, one Riley Dooleyvitch.
"Oh Riley Dooleyvitch, come forth," quoth Touch-the-Button Nell, "And dance a step or two with me - the music's simply swell," He crushed her in his mighty arms, a meek, beguiling witch, "With you, oh Nell, I'd dance to hell," said Riley Dooleyvitch.
He waltzed her up, he waltzed her down, he waltzed her round the hall; His heart was putty in her hands, his very soul was thrall.
As Antony of old succumbed to Cleopatra's spell, So Riley Dooleyvitch bowed down to Touch-the-Button Nell.
"And do you love me true?" she cried.
"I love you as my life.
" "How can you prove your love?" she sighed.
"I beg you be my wife.
I stake big pay up Hunker way; some day I be so rich; I make you shine in satins fine," said Riley Dooleyvitch.
"Some day you'll be so rich," she mocked; "that old pipe-dream don't go.
Who gets an option on this kid must have some coin to show.
You work your ground.
When Spring comes round, our wedding bells will ring.
I'm on the square, and I'll take care of all the gold you bring.
" So Riley Dooleyvitch went back and worked upon his claim; He ditched and drifted, sunk and stoped, with one unswerving aim; And when his poke of raw moose-hide with dust began to swell, He bought and laid it at the feet of Touch-the-Button Nell.
* * * * * * * * * * * Now like all others of her ilk, the lady had a friend, And what she made my way of trade, she gave to him to spend; To stake him in a poker game, or pay his bar-room score; He was a pimp from Paris.
and his name was Lew Lamore.
And so as Dooleyvitch went forth and worked as he was bid, And wrested from the frozen muck the yellow stuff it hid, And brought it to his Lady Nell, she gave him love galore - But handed over all her gains to festive Lew Lamore.
* * * * * * * * * * * A year had gone, a weary year of strain and bloody sweat; Of pain and hurt in dark and dirt, of fear that she forget.
He sought once more her cabin door: "I've laboured like a beast; But now, dear one, the time has come to go before the priest.
"I've brought you gold - a hundred fold I'll bring you bye and bye; But oh I want you, want you bad; I want you till I die.
Come, quit this life with evil rife - we'll joy while yet we can.
" "I may not wed with you," she said; "I love another man.
"I love him and I hate him so.
He holds me in a spell.
He beats me - see my bruisèd brest; he makes my life a hell.
He bleeds me, as by sin and shame I earn my daily bread: Oh cruel Fate, I cannot mate till Lew Lamore is dead!" * * * * * * * * * * * The long lean flume streaked down the hill, five hundred feet of fall; The waters in the dam above chafed at their prison wall; They surged and swept, they churned and leapt, with savage glee and strife; With spray and spume the dizzy flume thrilled like a thing of life.
"We must be free," the waters cried, and scurried down the slope; "No power can hold us back," they roared, and hurried in their hope.
Into a mighty pipe they plunged, like maddened steers they ran, And crashed out through a shard of steel - to serve the will of Man.
And there, by hydraulicking his ground beside a bedrock ditch, With eye aflame and savage aim was Riley Dooleyvitch.
In long hip-boots and overalls, and dingy denim shirt, Behind a giant monitor he pounded at the dirt.
A steely shaft of water shot, and smote the face of clay; It burrowed in the frozen muck, and scooped the dirt away; It gored the gravel from its bed, it bellowed like a bull; It hurled the heavy rock aloft like heaps of fleecy wool.
Strength of a hundred men was there, resistess might and skill, And only Riley Dooleyvitch to swing it at his will.
He played it up, he played it down, nigh deafened by its roar, 'Til suddenly he raised his eyes, and there stood Lew Lamore.
Pig-eyed and heavy jowled he stood and puffed a big cigar; As cool as though he ruled the roost in some Montmartre bar.
He seemed to say, "I've got a cinch, a double diamond hitch: I'll skin this Muscovitish oaf, this Riley Dooleyvitch.
He shouted: "Stop ze water gun; it stun me.
Sacré damn! I like to make one beezness deal; you know ze man I am.
Zat leetle girl, she loves me so - I tell you what I do: You geeve to me zees claim.
Jeecrize! I geeve zat girl to you.
" "I'll see you damned," says Dooleyvitch; but e'er he checked his tongue, (It may have been an accident) the little Giant swung; Swift as a lightning flash it swung, until it plumply bore And met with an obstruction in the shape of Lew lamore.
It caught him up, and spun him round, and tossed him like a ball; It played and pawed him in the air, before it let him fall.
Then just to show what it could do, with savage rend and thud, It ripped the entrails from his spine, and dropped him in the mud.
They gathered up the broken bones, and sadly in a sack, They bore to town the last remains of Lew Lamore, the macque.
And would you hear the full details of how it all befell, Ask Missis Riley Dooleyvitch (late Touch-the-Button Nell).
Written by Henry Van Dyke | Create an image from this poem

When Tulips Bloom


When tulips bloom in Union Aquare, 
And timid breaths of vernal air 
Go wandering down the dusty town, 
Like children lost in Vanity Fair; 

When every long, unlovely row 
Of westward houses stands aglow, 
And leads the eyes to sunset skies 
Beyond the hills where green trees grow; 

Then wearly seems the street parade, 
And weary books, and weary trade: 
I'm only wishing to go a-fishing; 
For this the month of May was made.
II I guess the pussy-willows now Are creeping out on every bough Along the brook; and robins look For early worms behind the plough.
The thistle-birds have changed their dun, For yellow coats, to match the sun; And in the same array of flame The Dandelion Show's begun.
The flocks of young anemones Are dancing round the budding trees: Who can help wishing to go a-fishing In days as full of joy as these? III I think the meadow-lark's clear sound Leaks upward slowly from the ground, While on the wing the bluebirds ring Their wedding-bells to woods around.
The flirting chewink calls his dear Behind the bush; and very near, Where water flows, where green grass grows, Song-sparrows gently sing, "Good cheer.
" And, best of all, through twilight's calm The hermit-thrush repeats his psalm.
How mush I'm wishing to go a-fishing In days so sweet with music's balm! IV 'Tis not a proud desire of mine; I ask for nothing superfine; No heavy weight, no salmon great, To break the record, or my line.
Only an idle little stream, Whose amber waters softly gleam, Where I may wade, through woodland shade, And cast the fly, and loaf, and dream: Only a trout or two, to dart >From foaming pools, and try my art: 'Tis all I'm wishing--old-fashioned fishing, And just a day on Nature's heart.
Written by Robert William Service | Create an image from this poem

Room 7: The Coco-Fiend

 I look at no one, me;
I pass them on the stair;
Shadows! I don't see;
Shadows! everywhere.
Haunting, taunting, staring, glaring, Shadows! I don't care.
Once my room I gain Then my life begins.
Shut the door on pain; How the Devil grins! Grin with might and main; Grin and grin in vain; Here's where Heav'n begins: Cocaine! Cocaine! A whiff! Ah, that's the thing.
How it makes me gay! Now I want to sing, Leap, laugh, play.
Ha! I've had my fling! Mistress of a king In my day.
Just another snuff .
Oh, the blessed stuff! How the wretched room Rushes from my sight; Misery and gloom Melt into delight; Fear and death and doom Vanish in the night.
No more cold and pain, I am young again, Beautiful again, Cocaine! Cocaine! Oh, I was made to be good, to be good, For a true man's love and a life that's sweet; Fireside blessings and motherhood.
Little ones playing around my feet.
How it all unfolds like a magic screen, Tender and glowing and clear and glad, The wonderful mother I might have been, The beautiful children I might have had; Romping and laughing and shrill with glee, Oh, I see them now and I see them plain.
Darlings! Come nestle up close to me, You comfort me so, and you're just .
It's Life that's all to blame: We can't do what we will; She robes us with her shame, She crowns us with her ill.
I do not care, because I see with bitter calm, Life made me what I was, Life makes me what I am.
Could I throw back the years, It all would be the same; Hunger and cold and tears, Misery, fear and shame, And then the old refrain, Cocaine! Cocaine! A love-child I, so here my mother came, Where she might live in peace with none to blame.
And how she toiled! Harder than any slave, What courage! patient, hopeful, tender, brave.
We had a little room at Lavilette, So small, so neat, so clean, I see it yet.
Poor mother! sewing, sewing late at night, Her wasted face beside the candlelight, This Paris crushed her.
How she used to sigh! And as I watched her from my bed I knew She saw red roofs against a primrose sky And glistening fields and apples dimmed with dew.
Hard times we had.
We counted every sou, We sewed sacks for a living.
I was quick .
Four busy hands to work instead of two.
Oh, we were happy there, till she fell sick.
My mother lay, her face turned to the wall, And I, a girl of sixteen, fair and tall, Sat by her side, all stricken with despair, Knelt by her bed and faltered out a prayer.
A doctor's order on the table lay, Medicine for which, alas! I could not pay; Medicine to save her life, to soothe her pain.
I sought for something I could sell, in vain .
All, all was gone! The room was cold and bare; Gone blankets and the cloak I used to wear; Bare floor and wall and cupboard, every shelf -- Nothing that I could sell .
except myself.
I sought the street, I could not bear To hear my mother moaning there.
I clutched the paper in my hand.
'Twas hard.
You cannot understand .
I walked as martyr to the flame, Almost exalted in my shame.
They turned, who heard my voiceless cry, "For Sale, a virgin, who will buy?" And so myself I fiercely sold, And clutched the price, a piece of gold.
Into a pharmacy I pressed; I took the paper from my breast.
I gave my money .
how it gleamed! How precious to my eyes it seemed! And then I saw the chemist frown, Quick on the counter throw it down, Shake with an angry look his head: "Your louis d'or is bad," he said.
Dazed, crushed, I went into the night, I clutched my gleaming coin so tight.
No, no, I could not well believe That any one could so deceive.
I tried again and yet again -- Contempt, suspicion and disdain; Always the same reply I had: "Get out of this.
Your money's bad.
" Heart broken to the room I crept, To mother's side.
All still .
she slept .
I bent, I sought to raise her head .
"Oh, God, have pity!" she was dead.
That's how it all began.
Said I: Revenge is sweet.
So in my guilty span I've ruined many a man.
They've groveled at my feet, I've pity had for none; I've bled them every one.
Oh, I've had interest for That worthless louis d'or.
But now it's over; see, I care for no one, me; Only at night sometimes In dreams I hear the chimes Of wedding-bells and see A woman without stain With children at her knee.
Ah, how you comfort me, Cocaine! .
Written by Jean Ingelow | Create an image from this poem



An empty sky, a world of heather,
  Purple of foxglove, yellow of broom;
We two among them wading together,
  Shaking out honey, treading perfume.
Crowds of bees are giddy with clover,
  Crowds of grasshoppers skip at our feet,
Crowds of larks at their matins hang over,
  Thanking the Lord for a life so sweet.
Flusheth the rise with her purple favor,
  Gloweth the cleft with her golden ring,
'Twixt the two brown butterflies waver,
  Lightly settle, and sleepily swing.
We two walk till the purple dieth
  And short dry grass under foot is brown.
But one little streak at a distance lieth
  Green like a ribbon to prank the down.

Over the grass we stepped unto it,
  And God He knoweth how blithe we were!
Never a voice to bid us eschew it:
  Hey the green ribbon that showed so fair!
Hey the green ribbon! we kneeled beside it,
  We parted the grasses dewy and sheen;
Drop over drop there filtered and slided
  A tiny bright beck that trickled between.
Tinkle, tinkle, sweetly it sang to us,
  Light was our talk as of faëry bells—
Faëry wedding-bells faintly rung to us
  Down in their fortunate parallels.
Hand in hand, while the sun peered over,
  We lapped the grass on that youngling spring;
Swept back its rushes, smoothed its clover,
  And said, "Let us follow it westering."

A dappled sky, a world of meadows,
  Circling above us the black rooks fly
Forward, backward; lo, their dark shadows
  Flit on the blossoming tapestry—
Flit on the beck, for her long grass parteth
  As hair from a maid's bright eyes blown back;
And, lo, the sun like a lover darteth
  His flattering smile on her wayward track.
Sing on! we sing in the glorious weather
  Till one steps over the tiny strand,
So narrow, in sooth, that still together
  On either brink we go hand in hand.
The beck grows wider, the hands must sever.
  On either margin, our songs all done,
We move apart, while she singeth ever,
  Taking the course of the stooping sun.
He prays, "Come over"—I may not follow;
  I cry, "Return"—but he cannot come:
We speak, we laugh, but with voices hollow;
  Our hands are hanging, our hearts are numb.

A breathing sigh, a sigh for answer,
  A little talking of outward things
The careless beck is a merry dancer,
  Keeping sweet time to the air she sings.
A little pain when the beck grows wider;
  "Cross to me now—for her wavelets swell."
"I may not cross,"—and the voice beside her
  Faintly reacheth, though heeded well.
No backward path; ah! no returning;
  No second crossing that ripple's flow:
"Come to me now, for the west is burning;
  Come ere it darkens;"—"Ah, no! ah, no!"
Then cries of pain, and arms outreaching—
  The beck grows wider and swift and deep:
Passionate words as of one beseeching—
  The loud beck drowns them; we walk, and weep.

A yellow moon in splendor drooping,
  A tired queen with her state oppressed,
Low by rushes and swordgrass stooping,
  Lies she soft on the waves at rest.
The desert heavens have felt her sadness;
  Her earth will weep her some dewy tears;
The wild beck ends her tune of gladness,
  And goeth stilly as soul that fears.
We two walk on in our grassy places
  On either marge of the moonlit flood,
With the moon's own sadness in our faces,
  Where joy is withered, blossom and bud.

A shady freshness, chafers whirring,
  A little piping of leaf-hid birds;
A flutter of wings, a fitful stirring,
  A cloud to the eastward snowy as curds.
Bare grassy slopes, where kids are tethered
  Round valleys like nests all ferny-lined;
Round hills, with fluttering tree-tops feathered,
  Swell high in their freckled robes behind.
A rose-flush tender, a thrill, a quiver,
  When golden gleams to the tree-tops glide;
A flashing edge for the milk-white river,
  The beck, a river—with still sleek tide.
Broad and white, and polished as silver,
  On she goes under fruit-laden trees;
Sunk in leafage cooeth the culver,
  And 'plaineth of love's disloyalties.
Glitters the dew and shines the river,
  Up comes the lily and dries her bell;
But two are walking apart forever,
  And wave their hands for a mute farewell.

A braver swell, a swifter sliding;
  The river hasteth, her banks recede:
Wing-like sails on her bosom gliding
  Bear down the lily and drown the reed.
Stately prows are rising and bowing
  (Shouts of mariners winnow the air),
And level sands for banks endowing
  The tiny green ribbon that showed so fair.
While, O my heart! as white sails shiver,
  And crowds are passing, and banks stretch wide
How hard to follow, with lips that quiver,
  That moving speck on the far-off side!
Farther, farther—I see it—know it—
  My eyes brim over, it melts away:
Only my heart to my heart shall show it
  As I walk desolate day by day.

And yet I know past all doubting, truly—
  A knowledge greater than grief can dim—
I know, as he loved, he will love me duly—
  Yea better—e'en better than I love him.
And as I walk by the vast calm river,
  The awful river so dread to see,
I say, "Thy breadth and thy depth forever
  Are bridged by his thoughts that cross to me."

Book: Shattered Sighs