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Best Famous Viewing Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Viewing poems. This is a select list of the best famous Viewing poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Viewing poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of viewing poems.

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Written by Kahlil Gibran | Create an image from this poem

Laughter and Tears IX

 As the Sun withdrew his rays from the garden, and the moon threw cushioned beams upon the flowers, I sat under the trees pondering upon the phenomena of the atmosphere, looking through the branches at the strewn stars which glittered like chips of silver upon a blue carpet; and I could hear from a distance the agitated murmur of the rivulet singing its way briskly into the valley.
When the birds took shelter among the boughs, and the flowers folded their petals, and tremendous silence descended, I heard a rustle of feet though the grass.
I took heed and saw a young couple approaching my arbor.
The say under a tree where I could see them without being seen.
After he looked about in every direction, I heard the young man saying, "Sit by me, my beloved, and listen to my heart; smile, for your happiness is a symbol of our future; be merry, for the sparkling days rejoice with us.
"My soul is warning me of the doubt in your heart, for doubt in love is a sin.
"Soon you will be the owner of this vast land, lighted by this beautiful moon; soon you will be the mistress of my palace, and all the servants and maids will obey your commands.
"Smile, my beloved, like the gold smiles from my father's coffers.
"My heart refuses to deny you its secret.
Twelve months of comfort and travel await us; for a year we will spend my father's gold at the blue lakes of Switzerland, and viewing the edifices of Italy and Egypt, and resting under the Holy Cedars of Lebanon; you will meet the princesses who will envy you for your jewels and clothes.
"All these things I will do for you; will you be satisfied?" In a little while I saw them walking and stepping on flowers as the rich step upon the hearts of the poor.
As they disappeared from my sight, I commenced to make comparison between love and money, and to analyze their position in the heart.
Money! The source of insincere love; the spring of false light and fortune; the well of poisoned water; the desperation of old age! I was still wandering in the vast desert of contemplation when a forlorn and specter-like couple passed by me and sat on the grass; a young man and a young woman who had left their farming shacks in the nearby fields for this cool and solitary place.
After a few moments of complete silence, I heard the following words uttered with sighs from weather-bitten lips, "Shed not tears, my beloved; love that opens our eyes and enslaves our hearts can give us the blessing of patience.
Be consoled in our delay our delay, for we have taken an oath and entered Love's shrine; for our love will ever grow in adversity; for it is in Love's name that we are suffering the obstacles of poverty and the sharpness of misery and the emptiness of separation.
I shall attack these hardships until I triumph and place in your hands a strength that will help over all things to complete the journey of life.
"Love - which is God - will consider our sighs and tears as incense burned at His altar and He will reward us with fortitude.
Good-bye, my beloved; I must leave before the heartening moon vanishes.
" A pure voice, combined of the consuming flame of love, and the hopeless bitterness of longing and the resolved sweetness of patience, said, "Good-bye, my beloved.
" They separated, and the elegy to their union was smothered by the wails of my crying heart.
I looked upon slumbering Nature, and with deep reflection discovered the reality of a vast and infinite thing -- something no power could demand, influence acquire, nor riches purchase.
Nor could it be effaced by the tears of time or deadened by sorrow; a thing which cannot be discovered by the blue lakes of Switzerland or the beautiful edifices of Italy.
It is something that gathers strength with patience, grows despite obstacles, warms in winter, flourishes in spring, casts a breeze in summer, and bears fruit in autumn -- I found Love.

Written by Federico García Lorca | Create an image from this poem

Ballad of the Moon

 The moon came into the forge
in her bustle of flowering nard.
The little boy stares at her, stares.
The boy is staring hard.
In the shaken air the moon moves her amrs, and shows lubricious and pure, her breasts of hard tin.
"Moon, moon, moon, run! If the gypsies come, they will use your heart to make white necklaces and rings.
" "Let me dance, my little one.
When the gypsies come, they'll find you on the anvil with your lively eyes closed tight.
"Moon, moon, moon, run! I can feelheir horses come.
" "Let me be, my little one, don't step on me, all starched and white!" Closer comes the the horseman, drumming on the plain.
The boy is in the forge; his eyes are closed.
Through the olive grove come the gypsies, dream and bronze, their heads held high, their hooded eyes.
Oh, how the night owl calls, calling, calling from its tree! The moon is climbing through the sky with the child by the hand.
They are crying in the forge, all the gypsies, shouting, crying.
The air is veiwing all, views all.
The air is at the viewing.
Written by Kahlil Gibran | Create an image from this poem

Yesterday and Today XII

 The gold-hoarder walked in his palace park and with him walked his troubles.
And over his head hovered worries as a vulture hovers over a carcass, until he reached a beautiful lake surrounded by magnificent marble statuary.
He sat there pondering the water which poured from the mouths of the statues like thoughts flowing freely from a lover's imagination, and contemplating heavily his palace which stood upon a knoll like a birth-mark upon the cheek of a maiden.
His fancy revealed to him the pages of his life's drama which he read with falling tears that veiled his eyes and prevented him from viewing man's feeble additions to Nature.
He looked back with piercing regret to the images of his early life, woven into pattern by the gods, until he could no longer control his anguish.
He said aloud, "Yesterday I was grazing my sheep in the green valley, enjoying my existence, sounding my flute, and holding my head high.
Today I am a prisoner of greed.
Gold leads into gold, then into restlessness and finally into crushing misery.
"Yesterday I was like a singing bird, soaring freely here and there in the fields.
Today I am a slave to fickle wealth, society's rules, and city's customs, and purchased friends, pleasing the people by conforming to the strange and narrow laws of man.
I was born to be free and enjoy the bounty of life, but I find myself like a beast of burden so heavily laden with gold that his back is breaking.
"Where are the spacious plains, the singing brooks, the pure breeze, the closeness of Nature? Where is my deity? I have lost all! Naught remains save loneliness that saddens me, gold that ridicules me, slaves who curse to my back, and a palace that I have erected as a tomb for my happiness, and in whose greatness I have lost my heart.
"Yesterday I roamed the prairies and the hills together with the Bedouin's daughter; Virtue was our companion, Love our delight, and the moon our guardian.
Today I am among women with shallow beauty who sell themselves for gold and diamonds.
"Yesterday I was carefree, sharing with the shepherds all the joy of life; eating, playing, working, singing, and dancing together to the music of the heart's truth.
Today I find myself among the people like a frightened lamb among the wolves.
As I walk in the roads, they gaze at me with hateful eyes and point at me with scorn and jealousy, and as I steal through the park I see frowning faces all about me.
"Yesterday I was rich in happiness and today I am poor in gold.
"Yesterday I was a happy shepherd looking upon his head as a merciful king looks with pleasure upon his contented subjects.
Today I am a slave standing before my wealth, my wealth which robbed me of the beauty of life I once knew.
"Forgive me, my Judge! I did not know that riches would put my life in fragments and lead me into the dungeons of harshness and stupidity.
What I thought was glory is naught but an eternal inferno.
" He gathered himself wearily and walked slowly toward the palace, sighing and repeating, "Is this what people call wealth? Is this the god I am serving and worshipping? Is this what I seek of the earth? Why can I not trade it for one particle of contentment? Who would sell me one beautiful thought for a ton of gold? Who would give me one moment of love for a handful of gems? Who would grant me an eye that can see others' hearts, and take all my coffers in barter?" As he reached the palace gates he turned and looked toward the city as Jeremiah gazed toward Jerusalem.
He raised his arms in woeful lament and shouted, "Oh people of the noisome city, who are living in darkness, hastening toward misery, preaching falsehood, and speaking with stupidity.
until when shall you remain ignorant? Unit when shall you abide in the filth of life and continue to desert its gardens? Why wear you tattered robes of narrowness while the silk raiment of Nature's beauty is fashioned for you? The lamp of wisdom is dimming; it is time to furnish it with oil.
The house of true fortune is being destroyed; it is time to rebuild it and guard it.
The thieves of ignorance have stolen the treasure of your peace; it is time to retake it!" At that moment a poor man stood before him and stretched forth his hand for alms.
As he looked at the beggar, his lips parted, his eyes brightened with a softness, and his face radiated kindness.
It was as if the yesterday he had lamented by the lake had come to greet him.
He embraced the pauper with affection and filled his hands with gold, and with a voice sincere with the sweetness of love he said, "Come back tomorrow and bring with you your fellow sufferers.
All your possessions will be restored.
" He entered his palace saying, "Everything in life is good; even gold, for it teaches a lesson.
Money is like a stringed instrument; he who does not know how to use it properly will hear only discordant music.
Money is like love; it kills slowly and painfully the one who withholds it, and it enlivens the other who turns it upon his fellow man.
Written by Robert Frost | Create an image from this poem

A Fountain a Bottle a Donkeys Ears and Some Books

 Old Davis owned a solid mica mountain
In Dalton that would someday make his fortune.
There'd been some Boston people out to see it: And experts said that deep down in the mountain The mica sheets were big as plate-glass windows.
He'd like to take me there and show it to me.
"I'll tell you what you show me.
You remember You said you knew the place where once, on Kinsman, The early Mormons made a settlement And built a stone baptismal font outdoors— But Smith, or someone, called them off the mountain To go West to a worse fight with the desert.
You said you'd seen the stone baptismal font.
Well, take me there.
" Someday I will.
" "Today.
" "Huh, that old bathtub, what is that to see? Let's talk about it.
" "Let's go see the place.
" 'To shut you up I'll tell you what I'll do: I'll find that fountain if it takes all summer, And both of our united strengths, to do it.
" "You've lost it, then?" "Not so but I can find it.
No doubt it's grown up some to woods around it.
The mountain may have shifted since I saw it In eighty-five.
" "As long ago as that?" "If I remember rightly, it had sprung A leak and emptied then.
And forty years Can do a good deal to bad masonry.
You won't see any Mormon swimming in it.
But you have said it, and we're off to find it.
Old as I am, I'm going to let myself Be dragged by you all over everywhere——" "I thought you were a guide.
” "I am a guide, And that's why I can't decently refuse you.
" We made a day of it out of the world, Ascending to descend to reascend.
The old man seriously took his bearings, And spoke his doubts in every open place.
We came out on a look-off where we faced A cliff, and on the cliff a bottle painted, Or stained by vegetation from above, A likeness to surprise the thrilly tourist.
"Well, if I haven't brought you to the fountain, At least I've brought you to the famous Bottle.
" "I won't accept the substitute.
It's empty.
” "So's everything.
" "I want my fountain.
" "I guess you'd find the fountain just as empty.
And anyway this tells me where I am.
” "Hadn't you long suspected where you were?" "You mean miles from that Mormon settlement? Look here, you treat your guide with due respect If you don't want to spend the night outdoors.
I vow we must be near the place from where The two converging slides, the avalanches, On Marshall, look like donkey's ears.
We may as well see that and save the day.
" "Don't donkey's ears suggest we shake our own?" "For God's sake, aren't you fond of viewing nature? You don't like nature.
All you like is books.
What signify a donkey's cars and bottle, However natural? Give you your books! Well then, right here is where I show you books.
Come straight down off this mountain just as fast As we can fall and keep a-bouncing on our feet.
It's hell for knees unless done hell-for-leather.
" Be ready, I thought, for almost anything.
We struck a road I didn't recognize, But welcomed for the chance to lave my shoes In dust once more.
We followed this a mile, Perhaps, to where it ended at a house I didn't know was there.
It was the kind To bring me to for broad-board paneling.
I never saw so good a house deserted.
"Excuse me if I ask you in a window That happens to be broken, Davis said.
"The outside doors as yet have held against us.
I want to introduce you to the people Who used to live here.
They were Robinsons.
You must have heard of Clara Robinson, The poetess who wrote the book of verses And had it published.
It was all about The posies on her inner windowsill, And the birds on her outer windowsill, And how she tended both, or had them tended: She never tended anything herself.
She was 'shut in' for life.
She lived her whole Life long in bed, and wrote her things in bed.
I'll show You how she had her sills extended To entertain the birds and hold the flowers.
Our business first's up attic with her books.
" We trod uncomfortably on crunching glass Through a house stripped of everything Except, it seemed, the poetess's poems.
Books, I should say!—-if books are what is needed.
A whole edition in a packing case That, overflowing like a horn of plenty, Or like the poetess's heart of love, Had spilled them near the window, toward the light Where driven rain had wet and swollen them.
Enough to stock a village library— Unfortunately all of one kind, though.
They bad been brought home from some publisher And taken thus into the family.
Boys and bad hunters had known what to do With stone and lead to unprotected glass: Shatter it inward on the unswept floors.
How had the tender verse escaped their outrage? By being invisible for what it was, Or else by some remoteness that defied them To find out what to do to hurt a poem.
Yet oh! the tempting flatness of a book, To send it sailing out the attic window Till it caught wind and, opening out its covers, Tried to improve on sailing like a tile By flying like a bird (silent in flight, But all the burden of its body song), Only to tumble like a stricken bird, And lie in stones and bushes unretrieved.
Books were not thrown irreverently about.
They simply lay where someone now and then, Having tried one, had dropped it at his feet And left it lying where it fell rejected.
Here were all those the poetess's life Had been too short to sell or give away.
"Take one," Old Davis bade me graciously.
"Why not take two or three?" "Take all you want.
" Good-looking books like that.
" He picked one fresh In virgin wrapper from deep in the box, And stroked it with a horny-handed kindness.
He read in one and I read in another, Both either looking for or finding something.
The attic wasps went missing by like bullets.
I was soon satisfied for the time being.
All the way home I kept remembering The small book in my pocket.
It was there.
The poetess had sighed, I knew, in heaven At having eased her heart of one more copy— Legitimately.
My demand upon her, Though slight, was a demand.
She felt the tug.
In time she would be rid of all her books.
Written by William Topaz McGonagall | Create an image from this poem

Beautiful Nairn

 All ye tourists who wish to be away
From the crowded city for a brief holiday;
The town of Nairn is worth a visit, I do confess,
And it's only about fifteen miles from Inverness.
And in the summer season it's a very popular bathing-place, And the visitors from London and Edinburgh finds solace, As they walk along the yellow sand beach inhaling fresh air; Besides, there's every accommodation for ladies and gentlemen there.
Then there's a large number of bathing coaches there, And the climate is salubrious, and very warm the air; And every convenience is within the bathers' reach, Besides, there's very beautiful walks by the sea beach.
The visitors to Nairn can pass away the time agreeably, By viewing Tarbetness, which slopes downwards to the sea; And Queen Street is one of the prettiest thoroughfares, Because there's splendid shops in it, and stocked with different wares.
And there's ornamental grounds, and lovely shady nooks, Which is a great advantage to visitors while reading their books; And there's a certain place known as the Ladies' Beach, So private that no intruder can them reach.
And there's many neat cottages with gardens very nice, And picturesque villas, which can be rented at a reasonable price; Besides, there's a golf course for those that such a game seeks, Which would prove a great attraction to the knights of clubs and cleeks.
The surrounding scenery of Nairn is magnificent to be seen, Especially its fertile fields and woodlands so green; Besides, not far from Nairn, there's Cawdor Castle, the ancient seat Of the noble Thanes of Cawdor, with its bold turrets so neat.
And its massive proportions is very imposing to see, Because the arched entrance is secured by a drawbridge and a fosse; And visitors will be allowed all over the grounds to roam, Besides shown over the castle if the Earl is not at home.
The scenery surrounding the castle is charming in the summertime, And the apples in the orchard there is very fine, Also the flower-beds are most beautiful to see, Especially in the month of June, when the birds sing merrily.
Then there's the ancient stronghold of the Bays of Lochloy, And visitors when they see it will it heartily enjoy; And a little further on there's the blasted heath of Macbeth, And a hillock where the witches are wont to dance till out of breath.
And as the visitors to Nairn walk along the yellow sand, They can see, right across the Moray Firth, the Black Island so grand, With its productive fields and romantic scenery, And as the tourist gazes thereon his heart fills with ecstasy.
And Darnaway Castle is well worthy of praise, And to oblige all visitors there are open days, When they can see the castle where one thousand warriors in all Oft have assembled in the Earl of Randolph's Hall.
And in conclusion I will say for good bathing Nairn is the best, And besides its pleasant scenery is of historical interest; And the climate gives health to many visitors while there, Therefore I would recommend Nairn for balmy pure air.

Written by Billy Collins | Create an image from this poem

Reading An Anthology Of Chinese Poems Of The Sung Dynasty I Pause To Admire The Length And Clarity Of Their Titles

 It seems these poets have nothing
up their ample sleeves
they turn over so many cards so early,
telling us before the first line
whether it is wet or dry,
night or day, the season the man is standing in,
even how much he has had to drink.
Maybe it is autumn and he is looking at a sparrow.
Maybe it is snowing on a town with a beautiful name.
"Viewing Peonies at the Temple of Good Fortune on a Cloudy Afternoon" is one of Sun Tung Po's.
"Dipping Water from the River and Simmering Tea" is another one, or just "On a Boat, Awake at Night.
" And Lu Yu takes the simple rice cake with "In a Boat on a Summer Evening I Heard the Cry of a Waterbird.
It Was Very Sad and Seemed To Be Saying My Woman Is Cruel--Moved, I Wrote This Poem.
" There is no iron turnstile to push against here as with headings like "Vortex on a String," "The Horn of Neurosis," or whatever.
No confusingly inscribed welcome mat to puzzle over.
Instead, "I Walk Out on a Summer Morning to the Sound of Birds and a Waterfall" is a beaded curtain brushing over my shoulders.
And "Ten Days of Spring Rain Have Kept Me Indoors" is a servant who shows me into the room where a poet with a thin beard is sitting on a mat with a jug of wine whispering something about clouds and cold wind, about sickness and the loss of friends.
How easy he has made it for me to enter here, to sit down in a corner, cross my legs like his, and listen.
Written by William Topaz McGonagall | Create an image from this poem

Jottings of New York

 Oh, mighty city of New York, you are wonderful to behold--
Your buildings are magnificent-- the truth be it told--
They were the only thing that seemed to arrest my eye,
Because many of them are thirteen storeys high;

And as for Central Park, it is lovely to be seen--
Especially in the summer season when its shrubberies are green
And the Burns Statue is there to be seen,
Surrounded by trees on the beautiful sward so green;
Also Shakespeare and the immortal Sir Walter Scott,
Which by Scotchmen and Englishmen will never be forgot.
There are people on the Sabbath day in thousands resort-- All lov'd, in conversation, and eager for sport; And some of them viewing the wild beasts there, While the joyous shouts of children does rend the air-- And also beautiful black swans, I do declare.
And there's beautiful boats to be seen there, And joyous shouts of children does rend the air, While the boats sail along with them o'er Lohengrin Lake, And fare is 5 cents for children, and adults ten is all they take.
And there's also summer-house shades, and merry-go-rounds And with the merry laughter of the children the Park resounds, During the live-long Sabbath day Enjoying themselves at the merry-go-round play.
Then there's the elevated railroads abont five storeys high, Which the inhabitants can hear night and day passing by; Of, such a mass of people there daily do throng-- No less than five 100,000 daily pass along; And all along the city you can get for five cents-- And, believe me, among the passengers there's few discontent.
And the top of the houses are mostly all flat, And in the warm weather the people gather to chat; Besides, on the housetops they dry their clothes; And, also, many people all night on the housetops repose.
And numerous ships end steamboats are there to be seen, Sailing along the East River water, which is very green-- Which is certainly a most beautiful sight To see them sailing o'er the smooth water day and night.
And as for Brooklyn Bridge, it's a very great height, And fills the stranger's heart with wonder at first sight; And with all its loftiness I venture to say It cannot surpass the new railway bridge of the Silvery Tay.
And there's also ten thousand rumsellers there-- Oh, wonderful to think of, I do declare! To accommodate the people of New York therein, And to encourage them to commit all sorts of sin.
And on the Sabbath day ye will see many a man Going for beer with a big tin can, And seems proud to be seen carrying home the beer To treat his neighbours and his family dear.
Then at night numbers of the people dance and sing, Making the walls of their houses to ring With their songs and dancing on Sabbath night, Which I witnessed with disgust, and fled from the sight.
And with regard to New York and the sights I did see-- Believe me, I never saw such sights in Dundee; And the morning I sailed from the city of New York My heart it felt as light as a cork.
Written by Ben Jonson | Create an image from this poem

On Salathiel Pavy

A child of Queen Elizabeth's Chapel 
Epitaphs: ii

WEEP with me all you that read 
This little story; 
And know for whom a tear you shed 
Death's self is sorry.
'Twas a child that so did thrive 5 In grace and feature As Heaven and Nature seem'd to strive Which own'd the creature.
Years he number'd scarce thirteen When Fates turn'd cruel 10 Yet three fill'd zodiacs had he been The stage's jewel; And did act (what now we moan) Old men so duly As sooth the Parcae thought him one 15 He play'd so truly.
So by error to his fate They all consented; But viewing him since alas too late! They have repented; 20 And have sought to give new birth In baths to steep him; But being so much too good for earth Heaven vows to keep him.
Written by William Browne | Create an image from this poem

Britannias Pastorals

 Now as an angler melancholy standing
Upon a green bank yielding room for landing,
A wriggling yellow worm thrust on his hook,
Now in the midst he throws, then in a nook:
Here pulls his line, there throws it in again,
Mendeth his cork and bait, but all in vain,
He long stands viewing of the curled stream;
At last a hungry pike, or well-grown bream
Snatch at the worm, and hasting fast away,
He knowing it a fish of stubborn sway,
Pulls up his rod, but soft, as having skill,
Wherewith the hook fast holds the fish's gill;
Then all his line he freely yieldeth him,
Whilst furiously all up and down doth swim
Th' insnared fish, here on the top doth scud,
There underneath the banks, then in the mud,
And with his frantic fits so scares the shoal,
That each one takes his hide, or starting hole:
By this the pike, clean wearied, underneath
A willow lies, and pants (if fishes breathe)
Wherewith the angler gently pulls him to him,
And lest his haste might happen to undo him,
Lays down his rod, then takes his line in hand,
And by degrees getting the fish to land,
Walks to another pool: at length is winner
Of such a dish as serves him for his dinner:
So when the climber half the way had got,
Musing he stood, and busily 'gan plot
How (since the mount did always steeper tend)
He might with steps secure his journey end.
At last (as wand'ring boys to gather nuts) A hooked pole he from a hazel cuts; Now throws it here, then there to take some hold, But bootless and in vain, the rocky mould Admits no cranny where his hazel hook Might promise him a step, till in a nook Somewhat above his reach he hath espied A little oak, and having often tried To catch a bough with standing on his toe, Or leaping up, yet not prevailing so, He rolls a stone towards the little tree, Then gets upon it, fastens warily His pole unto a bough, and at his drawing The early-rising crow with clam'rous cawing, Leaving the green bough, flies about the rock, Whilst twenty twenty couples to him flock: And now within his reach the thin leaves wave, With one hand only then he holds his stave, And with the other grasping first the leaves, A pretty bough he in his fist receives; Then to his girdle making fast the hook, His other hand another bough hath took; His first, a third, and that, another gives, To bring him to the place where his root lives.
Then, as a nimble squirrel from the wood, Ranging the hedges for his filberd-food, Sits peartly on a bough his brown nuts cracking, And from the shell the sweet white kernel taking, Till with their crooks and bags a sort of boys, To share with him, come with so great a noise, That he is forc'd to leave a nut nigh broke, And for his life leap to a neighbour oak, Thence to a beech, thence to a row of ashes; Whilst through the quagmires, and red water plashes, The boys run dabbling thorough thick and thin; One tears his hose, another breaks his shin, This, torn and tatter'd, hath with much ado Got by the briars; and that hath lost his shoe; This drops his band; that headlong falls for haste; Another cries behind for being last; With sticks and stones, and many a sounding holloa, The little fool, with no small sport, they follow, Whilst he, from tree to tree, from spray to spray, Gets to the wood, and hides him in his dray: Such shift made Riot ere he could get up, And so from bough to bough he won the top, Though hindrances, for ever coming there, Were often thrust upon him by Despair.
Written by William Topaz McGonagall | Create an image from this poem

The Newport Railway

 Success to the Newport Railway,
Along the braes of the Silvery Tay,
And to Dundee straghtway,
Across the Railway Bridge o' the Silvery Tay,
Which was opened on the 12th of May,
In the year of our Lord 1879,
Which will clear all expenses in a very short time
Because the thrifty housewives of Newport
To Dundee will often resort,
Which will be to them profit and sport,
By bringing cheap tea, bread, and jam,
And also some of Lipton's ham,
Which will make their hearts feel light and gay,
And cause them to bless the opening day
Of the Newport Railway.
The train is most beautiful to be seen, With its long, white curling cloud of steam, As the Train passes on her way Along the bonnie braes o' the Silvery Tay.
And if the people of Dundee Should feel inclined to have a spree, I am sure 'twill fill their hearts with glee By crossing o'er to Newport, And there they can have excellent sport, By viewing the scenery beautiful and gay, During the livelong summer day, And then they can return at night With spirits light and gay, By the Newport Railway, By night or by day, Across the Railway Gridge o' the Silvery Tay.
Success to the undertakers of the Newport Railway, Hoping the Lord will their labours repay, And prove a blessing to the people For many a long day Who live near by Newport On the bonnie braes o' the Silvery Tay.

Book: Shattered Sighs