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Best Famous Val Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Val poems. This is a select list of the best famous Val poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Val poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of val poems.

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Written by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow | Create an image from this poem

Divina Commedia

 Oft have I seen at some cathedral door 
A laborer, pausing in the dust and heat, .
Lay down his burden, and with reverent feet .
Enter, and cross himself, and on the floor .
Kneel to repeat his paternoster o'er; .
Far off the noises of the world retreat; .
The loud vociferations of the street .
Become an undistinguishable roar.
So, as I enter here from day to day, .
And leave my burden at this minster gate, .
Kneeling in prayer, and not ashamed to pray, .
The tumult of the time disconsolate .
To inarticulate murmurs dies away, .
While the eternal ages watch and wait.
How strange the sculptures that adorn these towers! .
This crowd of statues, in whose folded sleeves .
Birds build their nests; while canopied with leaves .
Parvis and portal bloom like trellised bowers, .
And the vast minster seems a cross of flowers! .
But fiends and dragons on the gargoyled eaves .
Watch the dead Christ between the living thieves, .
And, underneath, the traitor Judas lowers! .
Ah! from what agonies of heart and brain, .
What exultations trampling on despair, .
What tenderness, what tears, what hate of wrong, .
What passionate outcry of a soul in pain, .
Uprose this poem of the earth and air, .
This medi?val miracle of song! III.
Written December 22, 1865.
I enter, and I see thee in the gloom .
Of the long aisles, O poet saturnine! .
And strive to make my steps keep pace with thine.
The air is filled with some unknown perfume; .
The congregation of the dead make room .
For thee to pass; the votive tapers shine; .
Like rooks that haunt Ravenna's groves of pine .
The hovering echoes fly from tomb to tomb.
From the confessionals I hear arise .
Rehearsals of forgotten tragedies, .
And lamentations from the crypts below; .
And then a voice celestial that begins .
With the pathetic words, "Although your sins .
As scarlet be," and ends with "as the snow.
" IV.
Written May 5, 1867.
With snow-white veil and garments as of flame, .
She stands before thee, who so long ago .
Filled thy young heart with passion and the woe .
From which thy song and all its splendors came; .
And while with stern rebuke she speaks thy name, .
The ice about thy heart melts as the snow .
On mountain heights, and in swift overflow .
Comes gushing from thy lips in sobs of shame.
Thou makest full confession; and a gleam, .
As of the dawn on some dark forest cast, .
Seems on thy lifted forehead to increase; .
Lethe and Euno? -- the remembered dream .
And the forgotten sorrow -- bring at last .
That perfect pardon which is perfect peace.
Written January 16, 1866.
I lift mine eyes, and all the windows blaze .
With forms of Saints and holy men who died, .
Here martyred and hereafter glorified; .
And the great Rose upon its leaves displays .
Christ's Triumph, and the angelic roundelays, .
With splendor upon splendor multiplied; .
And Beatrice again at Dante's side .
No more rebukes, but smiles her words of praise.
And then the organ sounds, and unseen choirs .
Sing the old Latin hymns of peace and love .
And benedictions of the Holy Ghost; .
And the melodious bells among the spires .
O'er all the house-tops and through heaven above .
Proclaim the elevation of the Host! VI.
Written March 7, 1866.
O star of morning and of liberty! .
O bringer of the light, whose splendor shines .
Above the darkness of the Apennines, .
Forerunner of the day that is to be! .
The voices of the city and the sea, .
The voices of the mountains and the pines, .
Repeat thy song, till the familiar lines .
Are footpaths for the thought of Italy! .
Thy fame is blown abroad from all the heights, .
Through all the nations, and a sound is heard, .
As of a mighty wind, and men devout, .
Strangers of Rome, and the new proselytes, .
In their own language hear thy wondrous word, .
And many are amazed and many doubt.

Written by Lewis Carroll | Create an image from this poem


 (To Miss May Forshall.
) HE shouts amain, he shouts again, (Her brother, fierce, as bluff King Hal), "I tell you flat, I shall do that!" She softly whispers " 'May' for 'shall'!" He wistful sighed one eventide (Her friend, that made this Madrigal), "And shall I kiss you, pretty Miss!" Smiling she answered " 'May' for 'shall'!" With eager eyes my reader cries, "Your friend must be indeed a val- -uable child, so sweet, so mild! What do you call her?" "May For shall.
Written by Barry Tebb | Create an image from this poem


 It was Karl Shapiro who wrote in his ‘Defence of Ignorance’ how many poets

Go mad or seem to be so and the majority think we should all be in jail

Or mental hospital and you have ended up in both places - fragile as bone china,

Your pale skin taut, your fingers clasped tight round a cup, sitting in a pool

Of midnight light, your cats stretched flat on your desk top’s scatter

Under the laughing eyes of Sexton and Lowell beneath Rollie McKenna’s seamless shutter.
Other nights you hunch in your rocking chair, spilling rhythms Silently as a bat weaves through midnight’s jade waves Your sibylline tongue tapping every twist or the syllable count Deftly as Whistler mixed tints for Nocturnes’ nuances or shade Or Hokusai tipped every wave crest.
You pause when down the hall a cat snatches at a forbidden plant, “Schubert, Schubert”, you whisper urgently for it is night and there are neighbours.
The whistle of the forgotten kettle shrills: you turn down the gas And scurry back to your poem as you would to a sick child And ease the pain of disordered lines.
The face of your mother smiles like a Madonna bereft And the faces of our children are always somewhere As you focus your midnight eyes soft with tears.
You create to survive, a Balzac writing against the clock A Baudelaire writing against the bailiff’s knock A Val?ry in the throes of ‘Narcisse Parle’.
When a far clock chimes you sigh and set aside the page: There is no telephone to ring or call: I am distant and sick, Frail as an old stick Our spirits rise and fall like the barometer’s needle Jerk at a finger tapping on glass Flashbacks or inspiration cry out at memory loss.
You peer through a magnifying glass at the typeface Your knuckles white with pain as the sonnet starts to strain Like a child coming to birth, the third you never bore.
All births, all babies, all poems are the same in coming The spark of inspiration or spurt of semen, The silent months of gestation, the waiting and worrying Until the final agony of creation: for our first son’s Birth at Oakes we had only a drawer for a crib.
Memories blur: all I know is that it was night And at home as you always insisted, against all advice But mine.
I remember feebly holding the mask in place As the Indian woman doctor brutally stitched you without an anaesthetic And the silence like no other when even the midwives Had left: the child slept and we crept round his make-shift cradle.
At Brudenell Road again it was night in the cold house With bare walls and plug-in fires: Bob, the real father Paced the front, deep in symphonic thought: Isaiah slept: I waited and watched - an undiagnosed breech The doctor’s last minute discovery - made us rush And scatter to have you admitted.
I fell asleep in the silent house and woke to a chaos Of blood and towels and discarded dressings and a bemused five year old.
We brought you armsful of daffodils, Easter’s remainders.
“Happy Easter, are the father?” Staff beamed As we sat by the bedside, Bob, myself and John MacKendrick, Brecht and Rilke’s best translator Soon to die by his own hand.
Poetry is born in the breech position Poems beget poems.
Written by Barry Tebb | Create an image from this poem


 The Poetry School, The Poetry Book Society, The Poetry Business:

So much poetry about you’d think I’d want to shout, “Hurray, hurray,

Every day’s Poetry Day!” but I don’t and you don’t either-

You know its flim-flam on the ether, grants for Jack-the-lads

Of both sexes, poets who’ve never been seen in a little magazine

Then gone on to win the Oopla Prize and made baroque architecture

The subject of an O.
Seventy five pounds for a seminar on sensitivity in verse; A hundred and fifty for an infinitely worse whole weekend of ‘Steps towards a personal fiction in post-modern diction’; And the inevitable course anthology, eight pounds for eleven Nameless poets Pascale Petit and Mimi Kahlvati carefully selected From, well honestly! Who cares? God only knows how banal they’re Bound to be.
Budding Roddy Lumsdens, (Has anyone read a Roddy Lumsden Poem?) “Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!” his first collection short-listed here and there - The sheer hype’s enough to put me off for life.
I still write at bus-stops and avoid competitions like the plague.
I’m not lucky that way, I’ve still to win a single literary prize.
Is there one for every day of the year? And as for James Kirkup, My mentor of forty-odd years, his name evokes blank stares; but Look him up in ‘Who’s Who’, countless OUP collections, the best- ever Version of Val?ry’s ‘Cimeti?re Marin’, translations from eleven tongues Including Vietnamese.
Is there nothing Jamie can do to please? I help one poet to write and one to stay alive; Please God help poor poets thrive.
Written by Barry Tebb | Create an image from this poem


 Any poets about or bored muses fancying a day out?

Rainy, windy, cold Leeds City Station

Half-way through its slow chaotic transformation

Contractors’ morning break, overalls, hard hats and harness

Flood McDonalds where I sip my tea and try to translate Val?ry.
London has everything except my bardic inspiration I’ve only to step off the coach in Leeds and it whistles Its bravuras down every wind, rattles the cobbles in Kirkgate Market Hovers in the drunken brogue of a Dubliner in the chippie As we share our love of Joyce the Aire becomes the Liffey.
All my three muses have abandoned me.
Daisy in Asia, Brenda protesting outside the Royal Free, Barbara seeing clients at the C.
Past Saltaire’s Mill, the world’s eighth wonder, The new electric train whisperglides on wet rails Past Shipley’s fairy glen and other tourist trails Past Kirkstall’s abandoned abbey and redundant forge To Grandma Wild’s in Keighley where I sit and gorge.
I’ve travelled on the Haworth bus so often The driver chats as if I were a local But when the rainbow’s lightning flash Illumines all the valleys there’s a hush And every pensioner's rheumy eye is rooted On the gleaming horizon as its mooted The Bronte’s spirits make the thunder crack Three cloaked figures converging round the Oakworth track.
Haworth in a storm is a storm indeed The lashing and the crashing makes the gravestones bleed The mashing and the bashing makes the light recede And on the moor top I lose my way and find it Half a dozen times slipping in the mud and heather Heather than can stand the thrust of any weather.
Just as suddenly as it had come the storm abated Extremes demand those verbs so antiquated Archaic and abhorred and second-rated Yet still they stand like moorland rocks in mist And wait as I do till the storm has passed Buy postcards at the parsonage museum shop Sit half an hour in the tea room drying off And pen a word or two to my three muses Who after all presented their excuses But nonetheless the three all have their uses.

Written by Claude McKay | Create an image from this poem

La Paloma in London

 About Soho we went before the light; 
We went, unresting six, craving new fun, 
New scenes, new raptures, for the fevered night 
Of rollicking laughter, drink and song, was done.
The vault was void, but for the dawn's great star That shed upon our path its silver flame, When La Paloma on a low guitar Abruptly from a darkened casement came-- Harlem! All else shut out, I saw the hall, And you in your red shoulder sash come dancing With Val against me languid by the wall, Your burning coffee-colored eyes keen glancing Aslant at mine, proud in your golden glory! I loved you, Cuban girl, fond sweet Diory.
Written by Edward Lear | Create an image from this poem

The Courtship of the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo


On the Coast of Coromandel
Where the early pumpkins blow,
In the middle of the woods
Lived the Yonghy-Bonghy-B?.
Two old chairs, and half a candle,-- One old jug without a handle,-- These were all his worldly goods: In the middle of the woods, These were all the worldly goods, Of the Yonghy-Bonghy-B?, Of the Yonghy-Bonghy-B?.
II Once, among the Bong-trees walking Where the early pumpkins blow, To a little heap of stones Came the Yonghy-Bonghy-B?.
There he heard a Lady talking, To some milk-white Hens of Dorking,-- ''Tis the lady Jingly Jones! 'On that little heap of stones 'Sits the Lady Jingly Jones!' Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-B?, Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-B?.
III 'Lady Jingly! Lady Jingly! 'Sitting where the pumpkins blow, 'Will you come and be my wife?' Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-B?.
'I am tired of living singly,-- 'On this coast so wild and shingly,-- 'I'm a-weary of my life: 'If you'll come and be my wife, 'Quite serene would be my life!'-- Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-B?, Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-B?.
IV 'On this Coast of Coromandel, 'Shrimps and watercresses grow, 'Prawns are plentiful and cheap,' Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-B?.
'You shall have my chairs and candle, 'And my jug without a handle!-- 'Gaze upon the rolling deep ('Fish is plentiful and cheap) 'As the sea, my love is deep!' Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-B?, Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-B?.
V Lady Jingly answered sadly, And her tears began to flow,-- 'Your proposal comes too late, 'Mr.
Yonghy-Bonghy-B?! 'I would be your wife most gladly!' (Here she twirled her fingers madly,) 'But in England I've a mate! 'Yes! you've asked me far too late, 'For in England I've a mate, 'Mr.
Yonghy-Bonghy-B?! 'Mr.
Yonghy-Bonghy-B?!' VI 'Mr.
Jones -- (his name is Handel,-- 'Handel Jones, Esquire, & Co.
) 'Dorking fowls delights to send, 'Mr.
Yonghy-Bonghy-B?! 'Keep, oh! keep your chairs and candle, 'And your jug without a handle,-- 'I can merely be your friend! '-- Should my Jones more Dorkings send, 'I will give you three, my friend! 'Mr.
Yonghy-Bonghy-B?! 'Mr.
Yonghy-Bonghy-B?!' VII 'Though you've such a tiny body, 'And your head so large doth grow,-- 'Though your hat may blow away, 'Mr.
Yonghy-Bonghy-B?! 'Though you're such a Hoddy Doddy-- 'Yet a wish that I could modi- 'fy the words I needs must say! 'Will you please to go away? 'That is all I have to say-- 'Mr.
Yonghy-Bonghy-B?! 'Mr.
VIII Down the slippery slopes of Myrtle, Where the early pumpkins blow, To the calm and silent sea Fled the Yonghy-Bonghy-B?.
There, beyond the Bay of Gurtle, Lay a large and lively Turtle,-- 'You're the Cove,' he said, 'for me 'On your back beyond the sea, 'Turtle, you shall carry me!' Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-B?, Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-B?.
IX Through the silent-roaring ocean Did the Turtle swiftly go; Holding fast upon his shell Rode the Yonghy-Bonghy-B?.
With a sad prim?val motion Towards the sunset isles of Boshen Still the Turtle bore him well.
Holding fast upon his shell, 'Lady Jingly Jones, farewell!' Sang the Yonghy-Bonghy-B?, Sang the Yonghy-Bonghy-B?.
X From the Coast of Coromandel, Did that Lady never go; On that heap of stones she mourns For the Yonghy-Bonghy-B?.
On that Coast of Coromandel, In his jug without a handle Still she weeps, and daily moans; On that little hep of stones To her Dorking Hens she moans, For the Yonghy-Bonghy-B?, For the Yonghy-Bonghy-B?.
Written by Hilaire Belloc | Create an image from this poem

The Death and Last Confession of Wandering Peter

 When Peter Wanderwide was young
He wandered everywhere he would:
All that he approved was sung,
And most of what he saw was good.
When Peter Wanderwide was thrown By Death himself beyond Auxerre, He chanted in heroic tone To priests and people gathered there: "If all that I have loved and seen Be with me on the Judgment Day, I shall be saved the crowd between From Satan and his foul array.
"Almighty God will surely cry, 'St.
Michael! Who is this that stands With Ireland in his dubious eye, And Perigord between his hands, "'And on his arm the stirrup-thongs, And in his gait the narrow seas, And in his mouth Burgundian songs, But in his heart the Pyrenees?' "St.
Michael then will answer right (And not without angelic shame), 'I seem to know his face by sight: I cannot recollect his name .
?' "St.
Peter will befriend me then, Because my name is Peter too: 'I know him for the best of men That ever walloped barley brew.
"'And though I did not know him well And though his soul were clogged with sin, I hold the keys of Heaven and Hell.
Be welcome, noble Peterkin.
' "Then shall I spread my native wings And tread secure the heavenly floor, And tell the blessed doubtful things Of Val d'Aran and Perigord.
" _________ This was the last and solemn jest Of weary Peter Wanderwide.
He spoke it with a failing zest, And having spoken it, he died.
Written by Barry Tebb | Create an image from this poem


 Barbarous insult to Yeats’ memory and Claudel’s

Allen, thank God you are dead, you who breathed the air of Apollinaire,

Ghost of Reverdy bear witness to the mendacity of his clamour,

Hart Crane, rise from the estuary of the great river you drowned in,

John Clare, rise from your country churchyard grave,

Gray, from your carv?d tomb and Wilde, cast off your winged shield

In P?re Lachaise,

Rise poets, rise and drive the barbarous horde without the sacred gates

of Art

Where it has crept and quenched the flame, rendering the Nine silent

And bereft and covered in shame.
Pastmaster of Post Modernist jargon, defiler of the tombs of great poets Whose souls hover in Elysium or crouch along the banks of black Lethe Begging a crown to lay on Charon’s palm.
Souls of the great dead rise and deliver us from one who negates Poetry as the realm of the numinous, toyer with words, vain hack of Academe, Spoiler of the silver stream of poetry’s wind-harp voice unseen Traducer, seducer, traitor, hands red with blood, bearer of the ultimate guilt Of trahison des clercs, murderer of the subtle spirit of Mallarm?, Defiler of poetry’s purity as defined by Rilke and Val?ry Praiser of ultimate poetastry-Duhig’s penny ranting-condemner of Jimmy Simmons- One Leeds Jimmy who could fix the world’s Duhigs once and for all, Write them into the ground and still have a hundred lyrics in his quiver.
Written by John Milton | Create an image from this poem

Sonnet 02


Donna leggiadra il cui bel nome honora
L'herbosa val di Rheno, e il nobil varco,
Ben e colui d'ogni valore scarco
Qual tuo spirto gentil non innamora,
Che dolcemente mostra si di fuora
De suoi atti soavi giamai parco,
E i don', che son d'amor saette ed arco,
La onde l' alta tua virtu s'infiora.
Quando tu vaga parli, O lieta canti Che mover possa duro alpestre legno, Guardi ciascun a gli occhi ed a gli orecchi L'entrata, chi di te si truova indegno; Gratia sola di su gli vaglia, inanti Che'l disio amoroso al cuor s'invecchi.

Book: Shattered Sighs