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Best Famous Teas Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Teas poems. This is a select list of the best famous Teas poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Teas poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of teas poems.

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Written by Alec Derwent (A D) Hope | Create an image from this poem

Observation Car

 To be put on the train and kissed and given my ticket, 
Then the station slid backward, the shops and the neon lighting, 
Reeling off in a drunken blur, with a whole pound note in my pocket 
And the holiday packed with Perhaps.
It used to be very exciting.
The present and past were enough.
I did not mind having my back To the engine.
I sat like a spider and spun Time backward out of my guts - or rather my eyes - and the track Was a Now dwindling off to oblivion.
I thought it was fun: The telegraph poles slithered up in a sudden crescendo As we sliced the hill and scattered its grazing sheep; The days were a wheeling delirium that led without end to Nights when we plunged into roaring tunnels of sleep.
But now I am tired of the train.
I have learned that one tree Is much like another, one hill the dead spit of the next I have seen tailing off behind all the various types of country Like a clock running down.
I am bored and a little perplexed; And weak with the effort of endless evacuation Of the long monotonous Now, the repetitive, tidy Officialdom of each siding, of each little station Labelled Monday, Tuesday - and goodness ! what happened to - Friday ? And the maddening way the other passengers alter: The schoolgirl who goes to the Ladies' comes back to her seat A lollipop blonde who leads you on to assault her, And you've just got her skirts round her waist and her pants round her feet When you find yourself fumbling about the nightmare knees Of a pink hippopotamus with a permanent wave Who sends you for sandwiches and a couple of teas, But by then she has whiskers, no teeth and one foot in the grave.
I have lost my faith that the ticket tells where we are going.
There are rumours the driver is mad - we are all being trucked To the abattoirs somewhere - the signals are jammed and unknowing We aim through the night full speed at a wrecked viaduct.
But I do not believe them.
The future is rumour and drivel; Only the past is assured.
From the observation car I stand looking back and watching the landscape shrivel, Wondering where we are going and just where the hell we are, Remembering how I planned to break the journey, to drive My own car one day, to have choice in my hands and my foot upon power, To see through the trumpet throat of vertiginous perspective My urgent Now explode continually into flower, To be the Eater of Time, a poet and not that sly Anus of mind the historian.
It was so simple and plain To live by the sole, insatiable influx of the eye.
But something went wrong with the plan: I am still on the train.

Written by Alec Derwent (A D) Hope | Create an image from this poem

Morning Coffee

 Reading the menu at the morning service: 
- Iced Venusberg perhaps, or buttered bum - 
Orders the usual sex-ersatz, and, nervous, 
Glances around - Will she or won't she come? 

The congregation dissected into pews 
Gulping their strip teas in the luminous cavern 
Agape's sacamental berry stews; 
The nickel-plated light and clatter of heaven 

Receive him, temporary Tantalus 
Into the Lookingglassland's firescape.
Suckled on Jungfraumilch his eyes discuss, The werwolf twins, their mock Sabellian rape.
This is their time to reap the standing scorn, Blonde Rumina's crop.
Beneath her leafless tree Ripe-rumped she lolls and clasps the plenteous horn.
Cool customers who defy his Trinity Feel none the less, and thrill, ur-vater Fear Caged in the son.
For, though this ghost behave Experienced daughters recognize King Leer: Lot also had his daughters in a cave.
Full sail the proud three-decker sandwiches With the eye-fumbled priestesses repass; On their swan lake the enchanted icecreams freeze, The amorous fountain prickles in the glass And at the introit of this mass emotion She comes, she comes, a balanced pillar of blood, Guides through the desert, divides the sterile ocean, Brings sceptic Didymus his berserk food, Sits deftly, folding elegant thighs, and takes Her time.
She skins her little leather hands, Conscious that wavering towards her like tame snakes The polyp eyes converge.
The prophet stands Dreading the answer from her burning bush: This unconsuming flame, the outlaw's blow, Plague, exodus, Sinai, ruptured stones that gush, God's telegram: Dare Now! Let this people go!
Written by Christopher Smart | Create an image from this poem

Epistle to Mrs. Tyler

 It ever was allow'd, dear Madam, 
Ev'n from the days of father Adam, 
Of all perfection flesh is heir to, 
Fair patience is the gentlest virtue; 
This is a truth our grandames teach, 
Our poets sing, and parsons preach; 
Yet after all, dear Moll, the fact is 
We seldom put it into practice; 
I'll warrant (if one knew the truth) 
You've call'd me many an idle youth, 
And styl'd me rude ungrateful bear, 
Enough to make a parson swear.
I shall not make a long oration in order for my vindication, For what the plague can I say more Than lazy dogs have done before; Such stuff is naught but mere tautology, And so take that for my apology.
First then for custards, my dear Mary, The produce of your dainty dairy, For stew'd, for bak'd, for boil'd, for roast, And all the teas and all the toast; With thankful tongue and bowing attitude, I here present you with my gratitude: Next for you apples, pears, and plums Acknowledgment in order comes; For wine, for ale, for fowl, for fish--for Ev'n all one's appetite can wish for: But O ye pens and O ye pencils, And all ye scribbling utensils, Say in what words and in what meter, Shall unfeign'd admiration greet her, For that rich banquet so refin'd Her conversation gave the mind; The solid meal of sense and worth, Set off by the desert of mirth; Wit's fruit and pleasure's genial bowl, And all the joyous flow of soul; For these, and every kind ingredient That form'd your love--your most obedient.
Written by Robert William Service | Create an image from this poem

The Philistine And The Bohemian

 She was a Philistine spick and span,
He was a bold Bohemian.
She had the mode, and the last at that; He had a cape and a brigand hat.
She was so riant and chic and trim; He was so shaggy, unkempt and grim.
On the rue de la Paix she was wont to shine; The rue de la Gaîté was more his line.
She doted on Barclay and Dell and Caine; He quoted Mallarmé and Paul Verlaine.
She was a triumph at Tango teas; At Vorticist's suppers he sought to please.
She thought that Franz Lehar was utterly great; Of Strauss and Stravinsky he'd piously prate.
She loved elegance, he loved art; They were as wide as the poles apart: Yet -- Cupid and Caprice are hand and glove -- They met at a dinner, they fell in love.
Home he went to his garret bare, Thrilling with rapture, hope, despair.
Swift he gazed in his looking-glass, Made a grimace and murmured: "Ass!" Seized his scissors and fiercely sheared, Severed his buccaneering beard; Grabbed his hair, and clip! clip! clip! Off came a bunch with every snip.
Ran to a tailor's in startled state, Suits a dozen commanded straight; Coats and overcoats, pants in pairs, Everything that a dandy wears; Socks and collars, and shoes and ties, Everything that a dandy buys.
Chums looked at him with wondering stare, Fancied they'd seen him before somewhere; A Brummell, a D'Orsay, a beau so fine, A shining, immaculate Philistine.
Home she went in a raptured daze, Looked in a mirror with startled gaze, Didn't seem to be pleased at all; Savagely muttered: "Insipid Doll!" Clutched her hair and a pair of shears, Cropped and bobbed it behind the ears; Aimed at a wan and willowy-necked Sort of a Holman Hunt effect; Robed in subtile and sage-green tones, Like the dames of Rossetti and E.
Burne-Jones; Girdled her garments billowing wide, Moved with an undulating glide; All her frivolous friends forsook, Cultivated a soulful look; Gushed in a voice with a creamy throb Over some weirdly Futurist daub -- Did all, in short, that a woman can To be a consummate Bohemian.
A year went past with its hopes and fears, A year that seemed like a dozen years.
They met once more.
Oh, at last! At last! They rushed together, they stopped aghast.
They looked at each other with blank dismay, They simply hadn't a word to say.
He thought with a shiver: "Can this be she?" She thought with a shudder: "This can't be he?" This simpering dandy, so sleek and spruce; This languorous lily in garments loose; They sought to brace from the awful shock: Taking a seat, they tried to talk.
She spoke of Bergson and Pater's prose, He prattled of dances and ragtime shows; She purred of pictures, Matisse, Cezanne, His tastes to the girls of Kirchner ran; She raved of Tchaikovsky and Caesar Franck, He owned that he was a jazz-band crank! They made no headway.
Alas! alas! He thought her a bore, she thought him an ass.
And so they arose and hurriedly fled; Perish Illusion, Romance, you're dead.
He loved elegance, she loved art, Better at once to part, to part.
And what is the moral of all this rot? Don't try to be what you know you're not.
And if you're made on a muttonish plan, Don't seek to seem a Bohemian; And if to the goats your feet incline, Don't try to pass for a Philistine.
Written by G K Chesterton | Create an image from this poem

The Song against Grocers

 God made the wicked Grocer
For a mystery and a sign,
That men might shun the awful shops
And go to inns to dine;
Where the bacon's on the rafter
And the wine is in the wood,
And God that made good laughter
Has seen that they are good.
The evil-hearted Grocer Would call his mother "Ma'am," And bow at her and bob at her, Her aged soul to damn, And rub his horrid hands and ask What article was next Though MORTIS IN ARTICULO Should be her proper text.
His props are not his children, But pert lads underpaid, Who call out "Cash!" and bang about To work his wicked trade; He keeps a lady in a cage Most cruelly all day, And makes her count and calls her "Miss" Until she fades away.
The righteous minds of innkeepers Induce them now and then To crack a bottle with a friend Or treat unmoneyed men, But who hath seen the Grocer Treat housemaids to his teas Or crack a bottle of fish sauce Or stand a man a cheese? He sells us sands of Araby As sugar for cash down; He sweeps his shop and sells the dust The purest salt in town, He crams with cans of poisoned meat Poor subjects of the King, And when they die by thousands Why, he laughs like anything.
The wicked Grocer groces In spirits and in wine, Not frankly and in fellowship As men in inns do dine; But packed with soap and sardines And carried off by grooms, For to be snatched by Duchesses And drunk in dressing-rooms.
The hell-instructed Grocer Has a temple made of tin, And the ruin of good innkeepers Is loudly urged therein; But now the sands are running out From sugar of a sort, The Grocer trembles; for his time, Just like his weight, is short.

Written by Robert William Service | Create an image from this poem

The Petit Vieux

 "Sow your wild oats in your youth," so we're always told;
But I say with deeper sooth: "Sow them when you're old.
" I'll be wise till I'm about seventy or so: Then, by Gad! I'll blossom out as an ancient beau.
I'll assume a dashing air, laugh with loud Ha! ha! .
How my grandchildren will stare at their grandpapa! Their perfection aureoled I will scandalize: Won't I be a hoary old sinner in their eyes! Watch me, how I'll learn to chaff barmaids in a bar; Scotches daily, gayly quaff, puff a fierce cigar.
I will haunt the Tango teas, at the stage-door stand; Wait for Dolly Dimpleknees, bouquet in my hand.
Then at seventy I'll take flutters at roulette; While at eighty hope I'll make good at poker yet; And in fashionable togs to the races go, Gayest of the gay old dogs, ninety years or so.
"Sow your wild oats while you're young," that's what you are told; Don't believe the foolish tongue -- sow 'em when you're old.
Till you're threescore years and ten, take my humble tip, Sow your nice tame oats and then .
Hi, boys! Let 'er rip.

Book: Shattered Sighs