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Best Famous Stuart Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Stuart poems. This is a select list of the best famous Stuart poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Stuart poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of stuart poems.

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Written by William Topaz McGonagall | Create an image from this poem

The Inauguration of the University College

 Good people of Dundee, your voices raise,
And to Miss Baxter give great praise;
Rejoice and sing and dance with glee,
Because she has founded a College in Bonnie Dundee.
Therefore loudly in her praise sing, And make Dundee with your voices ring, And give honour to whom honour is due, Because ladies like her are very few.
'Twas on the 5th day of October, in the year of 1883, That the University College was opened in Dundee, And the opening proceedings were conducted in the College Hall, In the presence of ladies and gentlemen both great and small.
Worthy Provost Moncur presided over the meeting, And received very great greeting; And Professor Stuart made an eloquent speech there, And also Lord Dalhousie, I do declare.
Also, the Right Hon W.
Baxter was there on behalf of his aunt, And acknowledged her beautiful portrait without any rant, And said that she requested him to hand it over to the College, As an incentive to others to teach the ignorant masses knowledge, Success to Miss Baxter, and praise to the late Doctor Baxter, John Boyd, For I think the Dundonians ought to feel overjoyed For their munificent gifts to the town of Dundee, Which will cause their names to be handed down to posterity.
The College is most handsome and magnificent to be seen, And Dundee can now almost cope with Edinburgh or Aberdeen, For the ladies of Dundee can now learn useful knowledge By going to their own beautiful College.
I hope the ladies and gentlemen of Dundee will try and learn knowledge At home in Dundee in their nice little College, Because knowledge is sweeter than honey or jam, Therefore let them try and gain knowledge as quick as they can.
It certainly is a great boon and an honour to Dundee To have a College in our midst, which is most charming to see, All through Miss Baxter and the late Dr Baxter, John Boyd, Which I hope by the people of Dundee will long be enjoyed Now since Miss Baxter has lived to see it erected, I hope by the students she will long be respected For establishing a College in Bonnie Dundee, Where learning can be got of a very high degree.
"My son, get knowledge," so said the sage, For it will benefit you in your old age, And help you through this busy world to pass, For remember a man without knowledge is just like an ass.
I wish the Professors and teachers every success, Hoping the Lord will all their labours bless; And I hope the students will always be obedient to their teachers And that many of them may leam to be orators and preachers.
I hope Miss Baxter will prosper for many a long day For the money that she has given away, May God shower his blessings on her wise head, And may all good angels guard her while living and hereafter when dead.

Written by William Topaz McGonagall | Create an image from this poem

The Battle of Culloden

 'Twas in the year of 1746, and in April the 14th day,
That Prince Charles Stuart and his army marched on without delay,
And on the 14th of April they encamped on Culloden Moor,
But the army felt hungry, and no food could they procure.
And the calls of hunger could not brook delay, So they resolved to have food, come what may; They, poor men, were hungry and in sore distress, And many of them, as well as officers, slipped off to Inverness.
The Prince gave orders to bring provisions to the field, Because he knew without food his men would soon yield To the pangs of hunger, besides make them feel discontent, So some of them began to search the neighbourhood for refreshment.
And others, from exhaustion, lay down on the ground, And soon in the arms of Morpheus they were sleeping sound; While the Prince and some of his officers began to search for food, And got some bread and whisky, which they thought very good.
The Highland army was drawn up in three lines in grand array, All eager for the fray in April the 16th day, Consisting of the Athole Brigade, who made a grand display On the field of Culloden on that ever-memorable day.
Likewise the Camerons, Stewarts, and Macintoshes, Maclachlans and Macleans, And John Roy Stewart's regiment, united into one, these are their names; Besides the Macleods, Chisholms, Macdonalds of Clanranald and Glengarry, Also the noble chieftain Keppoch, all eager the English to harry.
The second line of the Highland army formed in column on the right, Consisting of the Gordons, under Lord Lewis Gordon, ready for the fight; Besides the French Royal Scots, the Irish Piquets or Brigade, Also Lord Kilmamock's Foot Guards, and a grand show they made.
Lord John Drummond's regiment and Glenbucket's were flanked on the right By Fitz-James's Dragoons and Lord Elcho's Horse Guards, a magnificent sight; And on the left by the Perth squadron under Lord Strathallan, A fine body of men, and resolved to fight to a man.
And there was Pitsligo, and the Prince's body guards under Lord Balmerino, And the third line was commanded by General Stapleton, a noble hero; Besides, Lord Ogilvie was in command of the third line or reserve, Consisting of the Duke of Perth's regiment and Lord Ogilvy's-- men of firm nerve.
The Prince took his station on a very small eminence, Surrounded by a troop of Fitz-James's horse for his defence, Where he had a complete view of the whole field of battle, Where he could see the front line and hear the cannons rattle.
Both armies were about the distance of a mile from each other, All ready to commence the fight, brother against brother, Each expecting that the other would advance To break a sword in combat, or shiver a lance.
To encourage his men the Duke of Cumberland rode along the line, Addressing himself hurriedly to every regiment, which was really sublime; Telling his men to use their bayonets, and allow the Highlanders to mingle with them, And look terror to the rebel foe, and have courage, my men.
Then Colonel Belford of the Duke's army opened fire from the front line, After the Highlanders had been firing for a short time; The Duke ordered Colonel Belford to continue the cannonade, To induce the Highlanders to advance, because they seemed afraid.
And with a cannon-ball the Prince's horse was shot above the knee, So that Charles had to change him for another immediately; And one of his servants who led the horse was killed on the spot, Which by Prince Charles Stuart was never forgot.
'Tis said in history, before the battle began The Macdonalds claimed the right as their due of leading the van, And because they wouldn't be allowed, with anger their hearts did burn, Because Bruce conferred that honour upon the Macdonalds at the Battle of Bannockburn.
And galled beyond endurance by the fire of the English that day, Which caused the Highlanders to cry aloud to be led forward without delay, Until at last the brave Clan Macintosh rushed forward without dismay, While with grape-shot from a side battery hundreds were swept away.
Then the Athole Highlanders and the Camerons rushed in sword in hand, And broke through Barrel's and Monro's regiments, a sight most grand; After breaking through these two regiments they gave up the contest, Until at last they had to retreat after doing their best.
Then, stung to the quick, the brave Keppoch, who was abandoned by his clan, Boldly advanced with his drawn sword in hand, the brave man.
But, alas! he was wounded by a musket-shot, which he manfully bore, And in the fight he received another shot, and fell to rise no more.
Nothing could be more disastrous to the Prince that day, Owing to the Macdonalds refusing to join in the deadly fray; Because if they had all shown their wonted courage that day, The proud Duke of Cumberland's army would have been forced to run away.
And, owing to the misconduct of the Macdonalds, the Highlanders had to yield, And General O'Sullivan laid hold of Charles's horse, and led him off the field, As the whole army was now in full retreat, And with the deepest concern the Prince lamented his sore defeat.
Prince Charles Stuart, of fame and renown, You might have worn Scotland's crown, If the Macdonalds and Glengarry at Culloden had proved true; But, being too ambitious for honour, that they didn't do, Which, I am sorry to say, proved most disastrous to you, Looking to the trials and struggles you passed through.
Written by Victor Hugo | Create an image from this poem


 ("Non! je n'y puis tenir.") 
 {CROMWELL, Act III. sc. iv.} 

 Stay! I no longer can contain myself, 
 But cry you: Look on John, who bares his mind 
 To Oliver—to Cromwell, Milton speaks! 
 Despite a kindling eye and marvel deep 
 A voice is lifted up without your leave; 
 For I was never placed at council board 
 To speak my promptings. When awed strangers come 
 Who've seen Fox-Mazarin wince at the stings 
 In my epistles—and bring admiring votes 
 Of learned colleges, they strain to see 
 My figure in the glare—the usher utters, 
 "Behold and hearken! that's my Lord Protector's 
 Cousin—that, his son-in-law—that next"—who cares! 
 Some perfumed puppet! "Milton?" "He in black— 
 Yon silent scribe who trims their eloquence!" 
 Still 'chronicling small-beer,'—such is my duty! 
 Yea, one whose thunder roared through martyr bones 
 Till Pope and Louis Grand quaked on their thrones, 
 And echoed "Vengeance for the Vaudois," where 
 The Sultan slumbers sick with scent of roses. 
 He is but the mute in this seraglio— 
 "Pure" Cromwell's Council! 
 But to be dumb and blind is overmuch! 
 Impatient Issachar kicks at the load! 
 Yet diadems are burdens painfuller, 
 And I would spare thee that sore imposition. 
 Dear brother Noll, I plead against thyself! 
 Thou aim'st to be a king; and, in thine heart, 
 What fool has said: "There is no king but thou?" 
 For thee the multitude waged war and won— 
 The end thou art of wrestlings and of prayer, 
 Of sleepless watch, long marches, hunger, tears 
 And blood prolifically spilled, homes lordless, 
 And homeless lords! The mass must always suffer 
 That one should reign! the collar's but newly clamp'd, 
 And nothing but the name thereon is changed— 
 Master? still masters! mark you not the red 
 Of shame unutterable in my sightless white? 
 Still hear me, Cromwell, speaking for your sake! 
 These fifteen years, we, to you whole-devoted, 
 Have sought for Liberty—to give it thee? 
 To make our interests your huckster gains? 
 The king a lion slain that you may flay, 
 And wear the robe—well, worthily—I say't, 
 For I will not abase my brother! 
 No! I would keep him in the realm serene, 
 My own ideal of heroes! loved o'er Israel, 
 And higher placed by me than all the others! 
 And such, for tinkling titles, hollow haloes 
 Like that around yon painted brow—thou! thou! 
 Apostle, hero, saint-dishonor thyself! 
 And snip and trim the flag of Naseby-field 
 As scarf on which the maid-of-honor's dog 
 Will yelp, some summer afternoon! That sword 
 Shrink into a sceptre! brilliant bauble! Thou, 
 Thrown on a lonely rock in storm of state, 
 Brain-turned by safety's miracle, thou risest 
 Upon the tott'ring stone whilst ocean ebbs, 
 And, reeking of no storms to come to-morrow, 
 Or to-morrow—deem that a certain pedestal 
 Whereon thou'lt be adored for e'er—e'en while 
 It shakes—o'ersets the rider! Tremble, thou! 
 For he who dazzles, makes men Samson-blind, 
 Will see the pillars of his palace kiss 
 E'en at the whelming ruin! Then, what word 
 Of answer from your wreck when I demand 
 Account of Cromwell! glory of the people 
 Smothered in ashes! through the dust thou'lt hear; 
 "What didst thou with thy virtue?" Will it respond: 
 "When battered helm is doffed, how soft is purple 
 On which to lay the head, lulled by the praise 
 Of thousand fluttering fans of flatterers! 
 Wearied of war-horse, gratefully one glides 
 In gilded barge, or in crowned, velvet car, 
 From gay Whitehall to gloomy Temple Bar—" 
 (Where—had you slipt, that head were bleaching now! 
 And that same rabble, splitting for a hedge, 
 Had joined their rows to cheer the active headsman; 
 Perchance, in mockery, they'd gird the skull 
 With a hop-leaf crown! Bitter the brewing, Noll!) 
 Are crowns the end-all of ambition? Remember 
 Charles Stuart! and that they who make can break! 
 This same Whitehall may black its front with crape, 
 And this broad window be the portal twice 
 To lead upon a scaffold! Frown! or laugh! 
 Laugh on as they did at Cassandra's speech! 
 But mark—the prophetess was right! Still laugh, 
 Like the credulous Ethiop in his faith in stars! 
 But give one thought to Stuart, two for yourself! 
 In his appointed hour, all was forthcoming— 
 Judge, axe, and deathsman veiled! and my poor eyes 
 Descry—as would thou saw'st!—a figure veiled, 
 Uplooming there—afar, like sunrise, coming! 
 With blade that ne'er spared Judas 'midst free brethren! 
 Stretch not the hand of Cromwell for the prize 
 Meant not for him, nor his! Thou growest old, 
 The people are ever young! Like her i' the chase 
 Who drave a dart into her lover, embowered, 
 Piercing the incense-clouds, the popular shaft 
 May slay thee in a random shot at Tyranny! 
 Man, friend, remain a Cromwell! in thy name, 
 Rule! and if thy son be worthy, he and his, 
 So rule the rest for ages! be it grander thus 
 To be a Cromwell than a Carolus. 
 No lapdog combed by wantons, but the watch 
 Upon the freedom that we won! Dismiss 
 Your flatterers—let no harpings, no gay songs 
 Prevent your calm dictation of good laws 
 To guard, to fortify, and keep enlinked 
 England and Freedom! Be thine old self alone! 
 And make, above all else accorded me, 
 My most desired claim on all posterity, 
 That thou in Milton's verse wert foremost of the free! 


Written by Robert Burns | Create an image from this poem

169. Address to Wm. Tytler Esq. of Woodhouselee

 REVERED defender of beauteous Stuart,
 Of Stuart, a name once respected;
A name, which to love was the mark of a true heart,
 But now ’tis despis’d and neglected.
Tho’ something like moisture conglobes in my eye, Let no one misdeem me disloyal; A poor friendless wand’rer may well claim a sigh, Still more if that wand’rer were royal.
My fathers that name have rever’d on a throne: My fathers have fallen to right it; Those fathers would spurn their degenerate son, That name should he scoffingly slight it.
Still in prayers for King George I most heartily join, The Queen, and the rest of the gentry: Be they wise, be they foolish, is nothing of mine; Their title’s avow’d by my country.
But why of that epocha make such a fuss, That gave us th’ Electoral stem? If bringing them over was lucky for us, I’m sure ’twas as lucky for them.
But, loyalty, truce! we’re on dangerous ground; Who knows how the fashions may alter? The doctrine, to-day, that is loyalty sound, To-morrow may bring us a halter! I send you a trifle, a head of a bard, A trifle scarce worthy your care; But accept it, good Sir, as a mark of regard, Sincere as a saint’s dying prayer.
Now life’s chilly evening dim shades on your eye, And ushers the long dreary night: But you, like the star that athwart gilds the sky, Your course to the latest is bright.
Written by Robert Burns | Create an image from this poem

180. Written by Somebody on the Window of an Inn at Stirling

 HERE Stuarts once in glory reigned,
And laws for Scotland’s weal ordained;
But now unroof’d their palace stands,
Their sceptre’s sway’d by other hands;
Fallen indeed, and to the earth
Whence groveling reptiles take their birth.
The injured Stuart line is gone, A race outlandish fills their throne; An idiot race, to honour lost; Who know them best despise them most.

Book: Shattered Sighs