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Best Famous Stoutest Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Stoutest poems. This is a select list of the best famous Stoutest poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Stoutest poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of stoutest poems.

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Written by Rudyard Kipling | Create an image from this poem

The English Flag

 Above the portico a flag-staff, bearing the Union Jack,
remained fluttering in the flames for some time, but ultimately
when it fell the crowds rent the air with shouts,
and seemed to see significance in the incident.
Winds of the World, give answer! They are whimpering to and fro -- And what should they know of England who only England know? -- The poor little street-bred people that vapour and fume and brag, They are lifting their heads in the stillness to yelp at the English Flag! Must we borrow a clout from the Boer -- to plaster anew with dirt? An Irish liar's bandage, or an English coward's shirt? We may not speak of England; her Flag's to sell or share.
What is the Flag of England? Winds of the World, declare! The North Wind blew: -- "From Bergen my steel-shod vanguards go; I chase your lazy whalers home from the Disko floe; By the great North Lights above me I work the will of God, And the liner splits on the ice-field or the Dogger fills with cod.
"I barred my gates with iron, I shuttered my doors with flame, Because to force my ramparts your nutshell navies came; I took the sun from their presence, I cut them down with my blast, And they died, but the Flag of England blew free ere the spirit passed.
"The lean white bear hath seen it in the long, long Arctic night, The musk-ox knows the standard that flouts the Northern Light: What is the Flag of England? Ye have but my bergs to dare, Ye have but my drifts to conquer.
Go forth, for it is there!" The South Wind sighed: -- "From the Virgins my mid-sea course was ta'en Over a thousand islands lost in an idle main, Where the sea-egg flames on the coral and the long-backed breakers croon Their endless ocean legends to the lazy, locked lagoon.
"Strayed amid lonely islets, mazed amid outer keys, I waked the palms to laughter -- I tossed the scud in the breeze -- Never was isle so little, never was sea so lone, But over the scud and the palm-trees an English flag was flown.
"I have wrenched it free from the halliard to hang for a wisp on the Horn; I have chased it north to the Lizard -- ribboned and rolled and torn; I have spread its fold o'er the dying, adrift in a hopeless sea; I have hurled it swift on the slaver, and seen the slave set free.
"My basking sunfish know it, and wheeling albatross, Where the lone wave fills with fire beneath the Southern Cross.
What is the Flag of England? Ye have but my reefs to dare, Ye have but my seas to furrow.
Go forth, for it is there!" The East Wind roared: -- "From the Kuriles, the Bitter Seas, I come, And me men call the Home-Wind, for I bring the English home.
Look -- look well to your shipping! By the breath of my mad typhoon I swept your close-packed Praya and beached your best at Kowloon! "The reeling junks behind me and the racing seas before, I raped your richest roadstead -- I plundered Singapore! I set my hand on the Hoogli; as a hooded snake she rose, And I flung your stoutest steamers to roost with the startled crows.
"Never the lotus closes, never the wild-fowl wake, But a soul goes out on the East Wind that died for England's sake -- Man or woman or suckling, mother or bride or maid -- Because on the bones of the English the English Flag is stayed.
"The desert-dust hath dimmed it, the flying wild-ass knows, The scared white leopard winds it across the taintless snows.
What is the Flag of England? Ye have but my sun to dare, Ye have but my sands to travel.
Go forth, for it is there!" The West Wind called: -- "In squadrons the thoughtless galleons fly That bear the wheat and cattle lest street-bred people die.
They make my might their porter, they make my house their path, Till I loose my neck from their rudder and whelm them all in my wrath.
"I draw the gliding fog-bank as a snake is drawn from the hole, They bellow one to the other, the frighted ship-bells toll, For day is a drifting terror till I raise the shroud with my breath, And they see strange bows above them and the two go locked to death.
"But whether in calm or wrack-wreath, whether by dark or day, I heave them whole to the conger or rip their plates away, First of the scattered legions, under a shrieking sky, Dipping between the rollers, the English Flag goes by.
"The dead dumb fog hath wrapped it -- the frozen dews have kissed -- The naked stars have seen it, a fellow-star in the mist.
What is the Flag of England? Ye have but my breath to dare, Ye have but my waves to conquer.
Go forth, for it is there!"

Written by Lewis Carroll | Create an image from this poem

Lays of Sorrow

 The day was wet, the rain fell souse
Like jars of strawberry jam, [1] a
sound was heard in the old henhouse,
A beating of a hammer.
Of stalwart form, and visage warm, Two youths were seen within it, Splitting up an old tree into perches for their poultry At a hundred strokes [2] a minute.
The work is done, the hen has taken Possession of her nest and eggs, Without a thought of eggs and bacon, [3] (Or I am very much mistaken happy) She turns over each shell, To be sure that all's well, Looks into the straw To see there's no flaw, Goes once round the house, [4] Half afraid of a mouse, Then sinks calmly to rest On the top of her nest, First doubling up each of her legs.
Time rolled away, and so did every shell, "Small by degrees and beautifully less," As the large mother with a powerful spell [5] Forced each in turn its contents to express, [6] But ah! "imperfect is expression," Some poet said, I don't care who, If you want to know you must go elsewhere, One fact I can tell, if you're willing to hear, He never attended a Parliament Session, For I'm certain that if he had ever been there, Full quickly would he have changed his ideas, With the hissings, the hootings, the groans and the cheers.
And as to his name it is pretty clear That it wasn't me and it wasn't you! And so it fell upon a day, (That is, it never rose again) A chick was found upon the hay, Its little life had ebbed away.
No longer frolicsome and gay, No longer could it run or play.
"And must we, chicken, must we part?" Its master [7] cried with bursting heart, And voice of agony and pain.
So one, whose ticket's marked "Return", [8] When to the lonely roadside station He flies in fear and perturbation, Thinks of his home--the hissing urn-- Then runs with flying hat and hair, And, entering, finds to his despair He's missed the very last train.
[9] Too long it were to tell of each conjecture Of chicken suicide, and poultry victim, The deadly frown, the stern and dreary lecture, The timid guess, "perhaps some needle pricked him!" The din of voice, the words both loud and many, The sob, the tear, the sigh that none could smother, Till all agreed "a shilling to a penny It killed itself, and we acquit the mother!" Scarce was the verdict spoken, When that still calm was broken, A childish form hath burst into the throng; With tears and looks of sadness, That bring no news of gladness, But tell too surely something hath gone wrong! "The sight I have come upon The stoutest heart [10] would sicken, That nasty hen has been and gone And killed another chicken!"
Written by Henry Lawson | Create an image from this poem

The Man Who Raised Charlestown

 They were hanging men in Buckland who would not cheer King George – 
The parson from his pulpit and the blacksmith from his forge; 
They were hanging men and brothers, and the stoutest heart was down, 
When a quiet man from Buckland rode at dusk to raise Charlestown.
Not a young man in his glory filled with patriotic fire, Not an orator or soldier, or a known man in his shire; He was just the Unexpected – one of Danger's Volunteers, At a time for which he'd waited, all unheard of, many years.
And Charlestown met in council, the quiet man to hear – The town was large and wealthy, but the folks were filled with fear, The fear of death and plunder; and none to lead had they, And Self fought Patriotism as will always be the way.
The man turned to the people, and he spoke in anger then.
And crooked his finger here and there to those he marked as men.
And many gathered round him to see what they could do – For men know men in danger, as they know the cowards too.
He chose his men and captains, and sent them here and there, The arms and ammunition were gathered in the square; While peaceful folk were praying or croaking, every one, He was working with his blacksmiths at the carriage of a gun.
While the Council sat on Sunday, and the church bells rang their peal, The quiet man was mending a broken waggon wheel; While they passed their resolutions on his doings (and the likes), From a pile his men brought to him he was choosing poles for pikes.
(They were hanging men in Buckland who would not cheer King George – They were making pikes in Charlestown at every blacksmith's forge: While the Council sat in session and the same old song they sang, They heard the horsemen gallop out, and the blacksmiths' hammers clang.
) And a thrill went through the city ere the drums began to roll, And the coward found his courage, and the drunkard found his soul.
So a thrill went through the city that would go through all the land, For the quiet man from Buckland held men's hearts in his right hand.
And he caught a Charlestown poet (there are many tell the tale), And he took him by the collar when he'd filled him up with ale; "Now, then, write a song for Charlestown that shall lift her on her way, For she's marching out to Buckland and to Death at break o' day.
" And he set the silenced women tearing sheet and shift and shirt To make bandages and roll them for the men that would get hurt.
And he called out his musicians and he told them what to play: "For I want my men excited when they march at break o' day.
" And he set the women cooking – with a wood-and-water crew – "For I want no empty stomachs for the work we have to do.
" Then he said to his new soldiers: "Eat your fill while yet you may; 'Tis a heavy road to Buckland that we'll march at break o' day.
" And a shout went through the city when the drums began to roll (And the coward was a brave man and the beggar had a soul), And the drunken Charlestown poet cared no more if he should hang, For his song of "Charlestown's Coming" was the song the soldiers sang.
And they cursed the King of England, and they shouted in their glee, And they swore to drive the British and their friends into the sea; But when they'd quite finished swearing, said their leader "Let us pray, For we march to Death and Freedom, and it's nearly dawn of day.
" There were marching feet at daybreak, and close upon their heels Came the scuffling tread of horses and the heavy crunch of wheels; So they took the road to Buckland, with their scout out to take heed, And a quiet man of fifty on a grey horse in the lead.
There was silence in the city, there was silence as of night – Women in the ghostly daylight, kneeling, praying, deathly white, As their mothers knelt before them, as their daughters knelt since then, And as ours shall, in the future, kneel and pray for fighting men.
For their men had gone to battle, as our sons and grandsons too Must go out, for Life and Freedom, as all nations have to do.
And the Charlestown women waited for the sounds that came too soon – Though they listened, almost breathless, till the early afternoon.
Then they heard the tones of danger for their husbands, sweethearts, sons, And they stopped their ears in terror, crying, "Oh, my God! The guns!" Then they strained their ears to listen through the church-bells' startled chime – Far along the road to Buckland, Charlestown's guns were marking time.
"They advance!" "They halt!" "Retreating!" "They come back!" The guns are done!" But the calmer spirits, listening, said: "Our guns are going on.
" And the friend and foe in Buckland felt two different kinds of thrills When they heard the Charlestown cannon talking on the Buckland hills.
And the quiet man of Buckland sent a message in that day, And he gave the British soldiers just two hours to march away.
And they hang men there no longer, there is peace on land and wave; On the sunny hills of Buckland there is many a quiet grave.
There is peace upon the land, and there is friendship on the waves – On the sunny hills of Buckland there are rows of quiet graves.
And an ancient man in Buckland may be seen in sunny hours, Pottering round about his garden, and his kitchen stuff and flowers.
Written by T S (Thomas Stearns) Eliot | Create an image from this poem

Bustopher Jones: The Cat About Town

 Bustopher Jones is not skin and bones--
In fact, he's remarkably fat.
He doesn't haunt pubs--he has eight or nine clubs, For he's the St.
James's Street Cat! He's the Cat we all greet as he walks down the street In his coat of fastidious black: No commonplace mousers have such well-cut trousers Or such an impreccable back.
In the whole of St.
James's the smartest of names is The name of this Brummell of Cats; And we're all of us proud to be nodded or bowed to By Bustopher Jones in white spats! His visits are occasional to the Senior Educational And it is against the rules For any one Cat to belong both to that And the Joint Superior Schools.
For a similar reason, when game is in season He is found, not at Fox's, but Blimpy's; He is frequently seen at the gay Stage and Screen Which is famous for winkles and shrimps.
In the season of venison he gives his ben'son To the Pothunter's succulent bones; And just before noon's not a moment too soon To drop in for a drink at the Drones.
When he's seen in a hurry there's probably curry At the Siamese--or at the Glutton; If he looks full of gloom then he's lunched at the Tomb On cabbage, rice pudding and mutton.
So, much in this way, passes Bustopher's day- At one club or another he's found.
It can be no surprise that under our eyes He has grown unmistakably round.
He's a twenty-five pounder, or I am a bounder, And he's putting on weight every day: But he's so well preserved because he's observed All his life a routine, so he'll say.
Or, to put it in rhyme: "I shall last out my time" Is the word of this stoutest of Cats.
It must and it shall be Spring in Pall Mall While Bustopher Jones wears white spats!
Written by Adam Lindsay Gordon | Create an image from this poem

The Swimmer

 With short, sharp violent lights made vivid,
To the southward far as the sight can roam,
Only the swirl of the surges livid,
The seas that climb and the surfs that comb,
Only the crag and the cliff to nor'ward,
And rocks receding, and reefs flung forward,
And waifs wreck'd seaward and wasted shoreward
On shallows sheeted with flaming foam.
A grim grey coast and a seaboard ghastly, And shores trod seldom by feet of men -- Where the batter'd hull and the broken mast lie They have lain embedded these long years ten.
Love! when we wander'd here together, Hand in hand through the sparkling weather, From the heights and hollows of fern and heather, God surely loved us a little then.
Then skies were fairer and shores were firmer -- The blue sea over the bright sand roll'd; Babble and prattle, and ripple and murmur, Sheen of silver and glamour of gold -- And the sunset bath'd in the gulf to lend her A garland of pinks and of purples tender, A tinge of the sun-god's rosy splendour, A tithe of his glories manifold.
Man's works are craven, cunning, and skillful On earth where his tabernacles are; But the sea is wanton, the sea is wilful, And who shall mend her and who shall mar? Shall we carve success or record disaster On her bosom of heaving alabaster? Will her purple pulse beat fainter or faster For fallen sparrow or fallen star? I would that with sleepy soft embraces The sea would fold me -- would find me rest In luminous shades of her secret places, In depths where her marvels are manifest, So the earth beneath her should not discover My hidden couch -- nor the heaven above her -- As a strong love shielding a weary lover, I would have her shield me with shining breast.
When light in the realms of space lay hidden, When life was yet in the womb of time, Ere flesh was fettered to fruits forbidden, And souls were wedded to care and crime, Was the course foreshaped for the future spirit -- A burden of folly, a void of merit -- That would fain the wisdom of stars inherit, And cannot fathom the seas sublime? Under the sea or the soil (what matter? The sea and the soil are under the sun), As in the former days in the latter The sleeping or waking is known of none, Surely the sleeper shall not awaken To griefs forgotten or joys forsaken, For the price of all things given and taken, The sum of all things done and undone.
Shall we count offences or coin excuses, Or weigh with scales the soul of a man, Whom a strong hand binds and a sure hand looses, Whose light is a spark and his life a span? The seed he sowed or the soil he cumber'd, The time he served or the space he slumber'd, Will it profit a man when his days are number'd, Or his deeds since the days of his life began? One, glad because of the light, saith, "Shall not The righteous judges of all the earth do right, For behold the sparrows on the house-tops fall not Save as seemeth to Him good in His sight?" And this man's joy shall have no abiding Through lights departing and lives dividing, He is soon as one in the darkness hiding, One loving darkness rather than light.
A little season of love and laughter, Of light and life, and pleasure and pain, And a horror of outer darkness after, And dust returneth to dust again; Then the lesser life shall be as the greater, And the lover of light shall join the hater, And the one thing cometh sooner or later, And no one knoweth the loss or gain.
Love of my life! we had lights in season -- Hard to part with, harder to keep -- We had strength to labour and souls to reason, And seed to scatter and fruits to reap.
Though time estranges and fate disperses, We have had our loves and loving mercies.
Though the gifts of the light in the end are curses, Yet bides the gift of darkness -- sleep! See! girt with tempest and wing'd with thunder, And clad with lightning and shod with sleet, The strong winds treading the swift waves sunder The flying rollers with frothy feet.
One gleam like a bloodshot swordblade swims on The skyline, staining the green gulf crimson A death stroke fiercely dealt by a dim sun That strikes through his stormy winding sheet.
Oh, brave white horses! you gather and gallop, The storm sprite loosens the gusty reins; Now the stoutest ship were the frailest shallop In your hollow backs, or your high arch'd manes.
I would ride as never a man has ridden In your sleepy swirling surges hidden, To gulfs foreshadow'd, through straits forbidden, Where no light wearies and no love wanes.

Written by Robert Browning | Create an image from this poem

Master Hugues Of Saxe-Gotha

 An imaginary composer.
] I.
Hist, but a word, fair and soft! Forth and be judged, Master Hugues! Answer the question I've put you so oft: What do you mean by your mountainous fugues? See, we're alone in the loft,--- II.
I, the poor organist here, Hugues, the composer of note, Dead though, and done with, this many a year: Let's have a colloquy, something to quote, Make the world prick up its ear! III.
See, the church empties apace: Fast they extinguish the lights.
Hallo there, sacristan! Five minutes' grace! Here's a crank pedal wants setting to rights, Baulks one of holding the base.
See, our huge house of the sounds, Hushing its hundreds at once, Bids the last loiterer back to his bounds! O you may challenge them, not a response Get the church-saints on their rounds! V.
(Saints go their rounds, who shall doubt? ---March, with the moon to admire, Up nave, down chancel, turn transept about, Supervise all betwixt pavement and spire, Put rats and mice to the rout--- VI.
Aloys and Jurien and Just--- Order things back to their place, Have a sharp eye lest the candlesticks rust, Rub the church-plate, darn the sacrament-lace, Clear the desk-velvet of dust.
) VII.
Here's your book, younger folks shelve! Played I not off-hand and runningly, Just now, your masterpiece, hard number twelve? Here's what should strike, could one handle it cunningly: HeIp the axe, give it a helve! VIII.
Page after page as I played, Every bar's rest, where one wipes Sweat from one's brow, I looked up and surveyed, O'er my three claviers yon forest of pipes Whence you still peeped in the shade.
Sure you were wishful to speak? You, with brow ruled like a score, Yes, and eyes buried in pits on each cheek, Like two great breves, as they wrote them of yore, Each side that bar, your straight beak! X.
Sure you said---``Good, the mere notes! ``Still, couldst thou take my intent, ``Know what procured me our Company's votes--- ``A master were lauded and sciolists shent, ``Parted the sheep from the goats!'' XI.
Well then, speak up, never flinch! Quick, ere my candle's a snuff ---Burnt, do you see? to its uttermost inch--- _I_ believe in you, but that's not enough: Give my conviction a clinch! XII.
First you deliver your phrase ---Nothing propound, that I see, Fit in itself for much blame or much praise--- Answered no less, where no answer needs be: Off start the Two on their ways.
Straight must a Third interpose, Volunteer needlessly help; In strikes a Fourth, a Fifth thrusts in his nose, So the cry's open, the kennel's a-yelp, Argument's hot to the close.
One dissertates, he is candid; Two must discept,--has distinguished; Three helps the couple, if ever yet man did; Four protests; Five makes a dart at the thing wished: Back to One, goes the case bandied.
One says his say with a difference More of expounding, explaining! All now is wrangle, abuse, and vociferance; Now there's a truce, all's subdued, self-restraining: Five, though, stands out all the stiffer hence.
One is incisive, corrosive: Two retorts, nettled, curt, crepitant; Three makes rejoinder, expansive, explosive; Four overbears them all, strident and strepitant, Five .
O Danaides, O Sieve! XVII.
Now, they ply axes and crowbars; Now, they prick pins at a tissue Fine as a skein of the casuist Escobar's Worked on the bone of a lie.
To what issue? Where is our gain at the Two-bars? XVIII.
_Est fuga, volvitur rota.
_ On we drift: where looms the dim port? One, Two, Three, Four, Five, contribute their quota; Something is gained, if one caught but the import--- Show it us, Hugues of Saxe-Gotha! XIX.
What with affirming, denying, Holding, risposting, subjoining, All's like .
it's like .
for an instance I'm trying .
There! See our roof, its gilt moulding and groining Under those spider-webs lying! XX.
So your fugue broadens and thickens, Greatens and deepens and lengthens, Till we exclaim---``But where's music, the dickens? ``Blot ye the gold, while your spider-web strengthens ``---Blacked to the stoutest of tickens?'' XXI.
I for man's effort am zealous: Prove me such censure unfounded! Seems it surprising a lover grows jealous--- Hopes 'twas for something, his organ-pipes sounded, Tiring three boys at the bellows? XXII.
Is it your moral of Life? Such a web, simple and subtle, Weave we on earth here in impotent strife, Backward and forward each throwing his shuttle, Death ending all with a knife? XXIII.
Over our heads truth and nature--- Still our life's zigzags and dodges, Ins and outs, weaving a new legislature--- God's gold just shining its last where that lodges, Palled beneath man's usurpature.
So we o'ershroud stars and roses, Cherub and trophy and garland; Nothings grow something which quietly closes Heaven's earnest eye: not a glimpse of the far land Gets through our comments and glozes.
Ah but traditions, inventions, (Say we and make up a visage) So many men with such various intentions, Down the past ages, must know more than this age! Leave we the web its dimensions! XXVI.
Who thinks Hugues wrote for the deaf, Proved a mere mountain in labour? Better submit; try again; what's the clef? 'Faith, 'tis no trifle for pipe and for tabor--- Four flats, the minor in F.
Friend, your fugue taxes the finger Learning it once, who would lose it? Yet all the while a misgiving will linger, Truth's golden o'er us although we refuse it--- Nature, thro' cobwebs we string her.
Hugues! I advise _Me Pn_ (Counterpoint glares like a Gorgon) Bid One, Two, Three, Four, Five, clear the arena! Say the word, straight I unstop the full-organ, Blare out the _mode Palestrina.
While in the roof, if I'm right there, .
Lo you, the wick in the socket! Hallo, you sacristan, show us a light there! Down it dips, gone like a rocket.
What, you want, do you, to come unawares, Sweeping the church up for first morning-prayers, And find a poor devil has ended his cares At the foot of your rotten-runged rat-riddled stairs? Do I carry the moon in my pocket? * 1 A fugue is a short melody.
* 2 Keyboard of organ.
* 3 A note in music.
* 4 The daughters of Danaus, condemned to pour water * into a sieve.
* 5 The Spanish casuist, so severely mauled by Pascal.
* 6 A quick return in fencing.
* 7 A closely woven fabric.
* 8 _Giovanni P.
da Palestrina_, celebrated musician (1524-1594).
Written by Friedrich von Schiller | Create an image from this poem

Hero And Leander

 See you the towers, that, gray and old,
Frown through the sunlight's liquid gold,
Steep sternly fronting steep?
The Hellespont beneath them swells,
And roaring cleaves the Dardanelles,
The rock-gates of the deep!
Hear you the sea, whose stormy wave,
From Asia, Europe clove in thunder?
That sea which rent a world, cannot
Rend love from love asunder!

In Hero's, in Leander's heart,
Thrills the sweet anguish of the dart
Whose feather flies from love.
All Hebe's bloom in Hero's cheek-- And his the hunter's steps that seek Delight, the hills above! Between their sires the rival feud Forbids their plighted hearts to meet; Love's fruits hang over danger's gulf, By danger made more sweet.
Alone on Sestos' rocky tower, Where upward sent in stormy shower, The whirling waters foam,-- Alone the maiden sits, and eyes The cliffs of fair Abydos rise Afar--her lover's home.
Oh, safely thrown from strand to strand, No bridge can love to love convey; No boatman shoots from yonder shore, Yet Love has found the way.
-- That love, which could the labyrinth pierce-- Which nerves the weak, and curbs the fierce, And wings with wit the dull;-- That love which o'er the furrowed land Bowed--tame beneath young Jason's hand-- The fiery-snorting bull! Yes, Styx itself, that ninefold flows, Has love, the fearless, ventured o'er, And back to daylight borne the bride, From Pluto's dreary shore! What marvel then that wind and wave, Leander doth but burn to brave, When love, that goads him, guides! Still when the day, with fainter glimmer, Wanes pale--he leaps, the daring swimmer, Amid the darkening tides; With lusty arms he cleaves the waves, And strikes for that dear strand afar; Where high from Hero's lonely tower Lone streams the beacon-star.
In vain his blood the wave may chill, These tender arms can warm it still-- And, weary if the way, By many a sweet embrace, above All earthly boons--can liberal love The lover's toil repay, Until Aurora breaks the dream, And warns the loiterer to depart-- Back to the ocean's icy bed, Scared from that loving heart.
So thirty suns have sped their flight-- Still in that theft of sweet delight Exult the happy pair; Caress will never pall caress, And joys that gods might envy, bless The single bride-night there.
Ah! never he has rapture known, Who has not, where the waves are driven Upon the fearful shores of hell, Plucked fruits that taste of heaven! Now changing in their season are, The morning and the Hesper star;-- Nor see those happy eyes The leaves that withering droop and fall, Nor hear, when, from its northern hall, The neighboring winter sighs; Or, if they see, the shortening days But seem to them to close in kindness; For longer joys, in lengthening nights, They thank the heaven in blindness.
It is the time, when night and day, In equal scales contend for sway-- Lone, on her rocky steep, Lingers the girl with wistful eyes That watch the sun-steeds down the skies, Careering towards the deep.
Lulled lay the smooth and silent sea, A mirror in translucent calm, The breeze, along that crystal realm, Unmurmuring, died in balm.
In wanton swarms and blithe array, The merry dolphins glide and play Amid the silver waves.
In gray and dusky troops are seen, The hosts that serve the ocean-queen, Upborne from coral caves: They--only they--have witnessed love To rapture steal its secret way: And Hecate [36] seals the only lips That could the tale betray! She marks in joy the lulled water, And Sestos, thus thy tender daughter, Soft-flattering, woos the sea! "Fair god--and canst thou then betray? No! falsehood dwells with them that say That falsehood dwells with thee! Ah! faithless is the race of man, And harsh a father's heart can prove; But thee, the gentle and the mild, The grief of love can move!" "Within these hated walls of stone, Should I, repining, mourn alone, And fade in ceaseless care, But thou, though o'er thy giant tide, Nor bridge may span, nor boat may glide, Dost safe my lover bear.
And darksome is thy solemn deep, And fearful is thy roaring wave; But wave and deep are won by love-- Thou smilest on the brave!" "Nor vainly, sovereign of the sea, Did Eros send his shafts to thee What time the rain of gold, Bright Helle, with her brother bore, How stirred the waves she wandered o'er, How stirred thy deeps of old! Swift, by the maiden's charms subdued, Thou cam'st from out the gloomy waves, And in thy mighty arms, she sank Into thy bridal caves.
" "A goddess with a god, to keep In endless youth, beneath the deep, Her solemn ocean-court! And still she smooths thine angry tides, Tames thy wild heart, and favoring guides The sailor to the port! Beautiful Helle, bright one, hear Thy lone adoring suppliant pray! And guide, O goddess--guide my love Along the wonted way!" Now twilight dims the waters' flow, And from the tower, the beacon's glow Waves flickering o'er the main.
Ah, where athwart the dismal stream, Shall shine the beacon's faithful beam The lover's eyes shall strain! Hark! sounds moan threatening from afar-- From heaven the blessed stars are gone-- More darkly swells the rising sea The tempest labors on! Along the ocean's boundless plains Lies night--in torrents rush the rains From the dark-bosomed cloud-- Red lightning skirs the panting air, And, loosed from out their rocky lair, Sweep all the storms abroad.
Huge wave on huge wave tumbling o'er, The yawning gulf is rent asunder, And shows, as through an opening pall, Grim earth--the ocean under! Poor maiden! bootless wail or vow-- "Have mercy, Jove--be gracious, thou! Dread prayer was mine before!" What if the gods have heard--and he, Lone victim of the stormy sea, Now struggles to the shore! There's not a sea-bird on the wave-- Their hurrying wings the shelter seek; The stoutest ship the storms have proved, Takes refuge in the creek.
"Ah, still that heart, which oft has braved The danger where the daring saved, Love lureth o'er the sea;-- For many a vow at parting morn, That naught but death should bar return, Breathed those dear lips to me; And whirled around, the while I weep, Amid the storm that rides the wave, The giant gulf is grasping down The rash one to the grave! "False Pontus! and the calm I hailed, The awaiting murder darkly veiled-- The lulled pellucid flow, The smiles in which thou wert arrayed, Were but the snares that love betrayed To thy false realm below! Now in the midway of the main, Return relentlessly forbidden, Thou loosenest on the path beyond The horrors thou hadst hidden.
" Loud and more loud the tempest raves In thunder break the mountain waves, White-foaming on the rock-- No ship that ever swept the deep Its ribs of gnarled oak could keep Unshattered by the shock.
Dies in the blast the guiding torch To light the struggler to the strand; 'Tis death to battle with the wave, And death no less to land! On Venus, daughter of the seas, She calls the tempest to appease-- To each wild-shrieking wind Along the ocean-desert borne, She vows a steer with golden horn-- Vain vow--relentless wind! On every goddess of the deep, On all the gods in heaven that be, She calls--to soothe in calm, awhile The tempest-laden sea! "Hearken the anguish of my cries! From thy green halls, arise--arise, Leucothoe the divine! Who, in the barren main afar, Oft on the storm-beat mariner Dost gently-saving shine.
Oh,--reach to him thy mystic veil, To which the drowning clasp may cling, And safely from that roaring grave, To shore my lover bring!" And now the savage winds are hushing.
And o'er the arched horizon, blushing, Day's chariot gleams on high! Back to their wonted channels rolled, In crystal calm the waves behold One smile on sea and sky! All softly breaks the rippling tide, Low-murmuring on the rocky land, And playful wavelets gently float A corpse upon the strand! 'Tis he!--who even in death would still Not fail the sweet vow to fulfil; She looks--sees--knows him there! From her pale lips no sorrow speaks, No tears glide down her hueless cheeks; Cold-numbed in her despair-- She looked along the silent deep, She looked upon the brightening heaven, Till to the marble face the soul Its light sublime had given! "Ye solemn powers men shrink to name, Your might is here, your rights ye claim-- Yet think not I repine Soon closed my course; yet I can bless The life that brought me happiness-- The fairest lot was mine! Living have I thy temple served, Thy consecrated priestess been-- My last glad offering now receive Venus, thou mightiest queen!" Flashed the white robe along the air, And from the tower that beetled there She sprang into the wave; Roused from his throne beneath the waste, Those holy forms the god embraced-- A god himself their grave! Pleased with his prey, he glides along-- More blithe the murmured music seems, A gush from unexhausted urns His everlasting streams!
Written by Henry Lawson | Create an image from this poem

The Roaring Days

 The night too quickly passes 
And we are growing old, 
So let us fill our glasses 
And toast the Days of Gold; 
When finds of wondrous treasure 
Set all the South ablaze, 
And you and I were faithful mates 
All through the roaring days! 

Then stately ships came sailing 
From every harbour's mouth, 
And sought the land of promise 
That beaconed in the South; 
Then southward streamed their streamers 
And swelled their canvas full 
To speed the wildest dreamers 
E'er borne in vessel's hull.
Their shining Eldorado, Beneath the southern skies, Was day and night for ever Before their eager eyes.
The brooding bush, awakened, Was stirred in wild unrest, And all the year a human stream Went pouring to the West.
The rough bush roads re-echoed The bar-room's noisy din, When troops of stalwart horsemen Dismounted at the inn.
And oft the hearty greetings And hearty clasp of hands Would tell of sudden meetings Of friends from other lands; When, puzzled long, the new-chum Would recognise at last, Behind a bronzed and bearded skin, A comrade of the past.
And when the cheery camp-fire Explored the bush with gleams, The camping-grounds were crowded With caravans of teams; Then home the jests were driven, And good old songs were sung, And choruses were given The strength of heart and lung.
Oh, they were lion-hearted Who gave our country birth! Oh, they were of the stoutest sons From all the lands on earth! Oft when the camps were dreaming, And fires began to pale, Through rugged ranges gleaming Would come the Royal Mail.
Behind six foaming horses, And lit by flashing lamps, Old `Cobb and Co.
's', in royal state, Went dashing past the camps.
Oh, who would paint a goldfield, And limn the picture right, As we have often seen it In early morning's light; The yellow mounds of mullock With spots of red and white, The scattered quartz that glistened Like diamonds in light; The azure line of ridges, The bush of darkest green, The little homes of calico That dotted all the scene.
I hear the fall of timber From distant flats and fells, The pealing of the anvils As clear as little bells, The rattle of the cradle, The clack of windlass-boles, The flutter of the crimson flags Above the golden holes.
Ah, then our hearts were bolder, And if Dame Fortune frowned Our swags we'd lightly shoulder And tramp to other ground.
But golden days are vanished, And altered is the scene; The diggings are deserted, The camping-grounds are green; The flaunting flag of progress Is in the West unfurled, The mighty bush with iron rails Is tethered to the world.
Written by Andrew Barton Paterson | Create an image from this poem

An answer to Various Bards

 Well, I've waited mighty patient while they all came rolling in, 
Mister Lawson, Mister Dyson, and the others of their kin, 
With their dreadful, dismal stories of the Overlander's camp, 
How his fire is always smoky, and his boots are always damp; 
And they paint it so terrific it would fill one's soul with gloom -- 
But you know they're fond of writing about "corpses" and "the tomb".
So, before they curse the bushland, they should let their fancy range, And take something for their livers, and be cheerful for a change.
Now, for instance, Mr Lawson -- well, of course, we almost cried At the sorrowful description how his "little 'Arvie" died, And we lachrymosed in silence when "His Father's mate" was slain; Then he went and killed the father, and we had to weep again.
Ben Duggan and Jack Denver, too, he caused them to expire, After which he cooked the gander of Jack Dunn, of Nevertire; And, no doubt, the bush is wretched if you judge it by the groan Of the sad and soulful poet with a graveyard of his own.
And he spoke in terms prophetic of a revolution's heat, When the world should hear the clamour of those people in the street; But the shearer chaps who start it -- why, he rounds on them the blame, And he calls 'em "agitators who are living on the game".
Bur I "over-write" the bushmen! Well, I own without a doubt That I always see the hero in the "man from furthest out".
I could never contemplate him through an atmosphere of gloom, And a bushman never struck me as a subject for "the tomb".
If it ain't all "golden sunshine" where the "wattle branches wave", Well, it ain't all damp and dismal, and it ain't all "lonely grave".
And, of course, there's no denying that the bushman's life is rough, But a man can easy stand it if he's built of sterling stuff; Though it's seldom that the drover gets a bed of eiderdown, Yet the man who's born a bushman, he gets mighty sick of town, For he's jotting down the figures, and he's adding up the bills While his heart is simply aching for a sight of Southern hills.
Then he hears a wool-team passing with a rumble and a lurch, And, although the work is pressing, yet it brings him off his perch, For it stirs him like a message from his station friends afar And he seems to sniff the ranges in the scent of wool and tar; And it takes him back in fancy, half in laughter, half in tears, to a sound of other voices and a thought of other years, When the woolshed rang with bustle from the dawning of the day, And the shear-blades were a-clicking to the cry of "Wool away!" Then his face was somewhat browner, and his frame was firmer set -- And he feels his flabby muscles with a feeling of regret.
But the wool-team slowly passes, and his eyes go slowly back To the dusty little table and the papers in the rack, And his thoughts go to the terrace where his sickly children squall, And he thinks there's something healthy in the bush-life after all.
But we'll go no more a-droving in the wind or in the sun, For out fathers' hearts have failed us, and the droving days are done.
There's a nasty dash of danger where the long-horned bullock wheels, And we like to live in comfort and to get our reg'lar meals.
For to hang around the township suits us better, you'll agree, And a job at washing bottles is the job for such as we.
Let us herd into the cities, let us crush and crowd and push Till we lose the love of roving, and we learn to hate the bush; And we'll turn our aspirations to a city life and beer, And we'll slip across to England -- it's a nicer place than here; For there's not much risk of hardship where all comforts are in store, And the theatres are in plenty, and the pubs are more and more.
But that ends it, Mr Lawson, and it's time to say good-bye, So we must agree to differ in all friendship, you and I.
Yes, we'll work our own salvation with the stoutest hearts we may, And if fortune only favours we will take the road some day, And go droving down the river 'neath the sunshine and the stars, And then return to Sydney and vermilionize the bars.
Written by George Meredith | Create an image from this poem

Phoebus with Admetus

 WHEN by Zeus relenting the mandate was revoked, 
 Sentencing to exile the bright Sun-God, 
Mindful were the ploughmen of who the steer had yoked, 
 Who: and what a track show'd the upturn'd sod! 
Mindful were the shepherds, as now the noon severe 
 Bent a burning eyebrow to brown evetide, 
How the rustic flute drew the silver to the sphere, 
 Sister of his own, till her rays fell wide.
God! of whom music And song and blood are pure, The day is never darken'd That had thee here obscure.
Chirping none, the scarlet cicalas crouch'd in ranks: Slack the thistle-head piled its down-silk gray: Scarce the stony lizard suck'd hollows in his flanks: Thick on spots of umbrage our drowsed flocks lay.
Sudden bow'd the chestnuts beneath a wind unheard, Lengthen'd ran the grasses, the sky grew slate: Then amid a swift flight of wing'd seed white as curd, Clear of limb a Youth smote the master's gate.
God! of whom music And song and blood are pure, The day is never darken'd That had thee here obscure.
Water, first of singers, o'er rocky mount and mead, First of earthly singers, the sun-loved rill, Sang of him, and flooded the ripples on the reed, Seeking whom to waken and what ear fill.
Water, sweetest soother to kiss a wound and cool, Sweetest and divinest, the sky-born brook, Chuckled, with a whimper, and made a mirror-pool Round the guest we welcomed, the strange hand shook.
God! of whom music And song and blood are pure, The day is never darken'd That had thee here obscure.
Many swarms of wild bees descended on our fields: Stately stood the wheatstalk with head bent high: Big of heart we labour'd at storing mighty yields, Wool and corn, and clusters to make men cry! Hand-like rush'd the vintage; we strung the bellied skins Plump, and at the sealing the Youth's voice rose: Maidens clung in circle, on little fists their chins; Gentle beasties through push'd a cold long nose.
God! of whom music And song and blood are pure, The day is never darken'd That had thee here obscure.
Foot to fire in snowtime we trimm'd the slender shaft: Often down the pit spied the lean wolf's teeth Grin against his will, trapp'd by masterstrokes of craft; Helpless in his froth-wrath as green logs seethe! Safe the tender lambs tugg'd the teats, and winter sped Whirl'd before the crocus, the year's new gold.
Hung the hooky beak up aloft, the arrowhead Redden'd through his feathers for our dear fold.
God! of whom music And song and blood are pure, The day is never darken'd That had thee here obscure.
Tales we drank of giants at war with gods above: Rocks were they to look on, and earth climb'd air! Tales of search for simples, and those who sought of love Ease because the creature was all too fair.
Pleasant ran our thinking that while our work was good.
Sure as fruits for sweat would the praise come fast.
He that wrestled stoutest and tamed the billow-brood Danced in rings with girls, like a sail-flapp'd mast.
God! of whom music And song and blood are pure, The day is never darken'd That had thee here obscure.
Lo, the herb of healing, when once the herb is known, Shines in shady woods bright as new-sprung flame.
Ere the string was tighten'd we heard the mellow tone, After he had taught how the sweet sounds came.
Stretch'd about his feet, labour done, 'twas as you see Red pomegranates tumble and burst hard rind.
So began contention to give delight and be Excellent in things aim'd to make life kind.
God! of whom music And song and blood are pure, The day is never darken'd That had thee here obscure.
You with shelly horns, rams! and, promontory goats, You whose browsing beards dip in coldest dew! Bulls, that walk the pastures in kingly-flashing coats! Laurel, ivy, vine, wreathed for feasts not few! You that build the shade-roof, and you that court the rays, You that leap besprinkling the rock stream-rent: He has been our fellow, the morning of our days; Us he chose for housemates, and this way went.
God! of whom music And song and blood are pure, The day is never darken'd That had thee here obscure.
NOW the North wind ceases, The warm South-west awakes; Swift fly the fleeces, Thick the blossom-flakes.
Now hill to hill has made the stride, And distance waves the without-end: Now in the breast a door flings wide; Our farthest smiles, our next is friend.
And song of England's rush of flowers Is this full breeze with mellow stops, That spins the lark for shine, for showers; He drinks his hurried flight, and drops.
The stir in memory seem these things, Which out of moisten'd turf and clay, Astrain for light push patient rings, Or leap to find the waterway.
'Tis equal to a wonder done, Whatever simple lives renew Their tricks beneath the father sun, As though they caught a broken clue: So hard was earth an eyewink back; But now the common life has come, The blotting cloud a dappled pack, The grasses one vast underhum.
A City clothed in snow and soot, With lamps for day in ghostly rows, Breaks to the scene of hosts afoot, The river that reflective flows: And there did fog down crypts of street Play spectre upon eye and mouth:-- Their faces are a glass to greet This magic of the whirl for South.
A burly joy each creature swells With sound of its own hungry quest; Earth has to fill her empty wells, And speed the service of the nest; The phantom of the snow-wreath melt, That haunts the farmer's look abroad, Who sees what tomb a white night built, Where flocks now bleat and sprouts the clod.
For iron Winter held her firm; Across her sky he laid his hand; And bird he starved, he stiffen'd worm; A sightless heaven, a shaven land.
Her shivering Spring feign'd fast asleep, The bitten buds dared not unfold: We raced on roads and ice to keep Thought of the girl we love from cold.
But now the North wind ceases, The warm South-west awakes, The heavens are out in fleeces, And earth's green banner shakes.

Book: Shattered Sighs