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Best Famous Shirk Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Shirk poems. This is a select list of the best famous Shirk poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Shirk poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of shirk poems.

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Written by Walt Whitman | Create an image from this poem

Poem of Remembrance for a Girl or a Boy

 YOU just maturing youth! You male or female! 
Remember the organic compact of These States, 
Remember the pledge of the Old Thirteen thenceforward to the rights, life, liberty,
 equality of
Remember what was promulged by the founders, ratified by The States, signed in black and
 by the Commissioners, and read by Washington at the head of the army, 
Remember the purposes of the founders,—Remember Washington;
Remember the copious humanity streaming from every direction toward America; 
Remember the hospitality that belongs to nations and men; (Cursed be nation, woman, man,
 without hospitality!) 
Remember, government is to subserve individuals, 
Not any, not the President, is to have one jot more than you or me, 
Not any habitan of America is to have one jot less than you or me.
Anticipate when the thirty or fifty millions, are to become the hundred, or two hundred millions, of equal freemen and freewomen, amicably joined.
Recall ages—One age is but a part—ages are but a part; Recall the angers, bickerings, delusions, superstitions, of the idea of caste, Recall the bloody cruelties and crimes.
Anticipate the best women; I say an unnumbered new race of hardy and well-defined women are to spread through all These States, I say a girl fit for These States must be free, capable, dauntless, just the same as a boy.
Anticipate your own life—retract with merciless power, Shirk nothing—retract in time—Do you see those errors, diseases, weaknesses, lies, thefts? Do you see that lost character?—Do you see decay, consumption, rum-drinking, dropsy, fever, mortal cancer or inflammation? Do you see death, and the approach of death?

Written by William Butler Yeats | Create an image from this poem

Under Ben Bulben


Swear by what the sages spoke
Round the Mareotic Lake
That the Witch of Atlas knew,
Spoke and set the cocks a-crow.
Swear by those horsemen, by those women Complexion and form prove superhuman, That pale, long-visaged company That air in immortality Completeness of their passions won; Now they ride the wintry dawn Where Ben Bulben sets the scene.
Here's the gist of what they mean.
II Many times man lives and dies Between his two eternities, That of race and that of soul, And ancient Ireland knew it all.
Whether man die in his bed Or the rifle knocks him dead, A brief parting from those dear Is the worst man has to fear.
Though grave-diggers' toil is long, Sharp their spades, their muscles strong.
They but thrust their buried men Back in the human mind again.
III You that Mitchel's prayer have heard, 'Send war in our time, O Lord!' Know that when all words are said And a man is fighting mad, Something drops from eyes long blind, He completes his partial mind, For an instant stands at ease, Laughs aloud, his heart at peace.
Even the wisest man grows tense With some sort of violence Before he can accomplish fate, Know his work or choose his mate.
IV Poet and sculptor, do the work, Nor let the modish painter shirk What his great forefathers did.
Bring the soul of man to God, Make him fill the cradles right.
Measurement began our might: Forms a stark Egyptian thought, Forms that gentler phidias wrought.
Michael Angelo left a proof On the Sistine Chapel roof, Where but half-awakened Adam Can disturb globe-trotting Madam Till her bowels are in heat, proof that there's a purpose set Before the secret working mind: Profane perfection of mankind.
Quattrocento put in paint On backgrounds for a God or Saint Gardens where a soul's at ease; Where everything that meets the eye, Flowers and grass and cloudless sky, Resemble forms that are or seem When sleepers wake and yet still dream.
And when it's vanished still declare, With only bed and bedstead there, That heavens had opened.
Gyres run on; When that greater dream had gone Calvert and Wilson, Blake and Claude, Prepared a rest for the people of God, Palmer's phrase, but after that Confusion fell upon our thought.
V Irish poets, earn your trade, Sing whatever is well made, Scorn the sort now growing up All out of shape from toe to top, Their unremembering hearts and heads Base-born products of base beds.
Sing the peasantry, and then Hard-riding country gentlemen, The holiness of monks, and after Porter-drinkers' randy laughter; Sing the lords and ladies gay That were beaten into the clay Through seven heroic centuries; Cast your mind on other days That we in coming days may be Still the indomitable Irishry.
VI Under bare Ben Bulben's head In Drumcliff churchyard Yeats is laid.
An ancestor was rector there Long years ago, a church stands near, By the road an ancient cross.
No marble, no conventional phrase; On limestone quarried near the spot By his command these words are cut: Cast a cold eye On life, on death.
Horseman, pass by!
Written by Rudyard Kipling | Create an image from this poem


 Help for a patriot distressed, a spotless spirit hurt,
Help for an honourable clan sore trampled in the dirt!
From Queenstown Bay to Donegal, O listen to my song,
The honourable gentlemen have suffered grievous wrong.
Their noble names were mentioned -- O the burning black disgrace! -- By a brutal Saxon paper in an Irish shooting-case; They sat upon it for a year, then steeled their heart to brave it, And "coruscating innocence" the learned Judges gave it.
Bear witness, Heaven, of that grim crime beneath the surgeon's knife, The honourable gentlemen deplored the loss of life! Bear witness of those chanting choirs that burk and shirk and snigger, No man laid hand upon the knife or finger to the trigger! Cleared in the face of all mankind beneath the winking skies, Like ph]oenixes from Ph]oenix Park (and what lay there) they rise! Go shout it to the emerald seas -- give word to Erin now, Her honourable gentlemen are cleared -- and this is how: -- They only paid the Moonlighter his cattle-hocking price, They only helped the murderer with counsel's best advice, But -- sure it keeps their honour white -- the learned Court believes They never gave a piece of plate to murderers and thieves.
They never told the ramping crowd to card a woman's hide, They never marked a man for death -- what fault of theirs he died? -- They only said "intimidate", and talked and went away -- By God, the boys that did the work were braver men than they! Their sin it was that fed the fire -- small blame to them that heard -- The "bhoys" get drunk on rhetoric, and madden at a word -- They knew whom they were talking at, if they were Irish too, The gentlemen that lied in Court, they knew, and well they knew.
They only took the Judas-gold from Fenians out of jail, They only fawned for dollars on the blood-dyed Clanna-Gael.
If black is black or white is white, in black and white it's down, They're only traitors to the Queen and rebels to the Crown.
"Cleared", honourable gentlemen! Be thankful it's no more: -- The widow's curse is on your house, the dead are at your door.
On you the shame of open shame, on you from North to South The hand of every honest man flat-heeled across your mouth.
"Less black than we were painted"? -- Faith, no word of black was said; The lightest touch was human blood, and that, you know, runs red.
It's sticking to your fist to-day for all your sneer and scoff, And by the Judge's well-weighed word you cannot wipe it off.
Hold up those hands of innocence -- go, scare your sheep together, The blundering, tripping tups that bleat behind the old bell-wether; And if they snuff the taint and break to find another pen, Tell them it's tar that glistens so, and daub them yours again! "The charge is old"? -- As old as Cain -- as fresh as yesterday; Old as the Ten Commandments -- have ye talked those laws away? If words are words, or death is death, or powder sends the ball, You spoke the words that sped the shot -- the curse be on you all.
"Our friends believe"? -- Of course they do -- as sheltered women may; But have they seen the shrieking soul ripped from the quivering clay? They! -- If their own front door is shut, they'll swear the whole world's warm; What do they know of dread of death or hanging fear of harm? The secret half a county keeps, the whisper in the lane, The shriek that tells the shot went home behind the broken pane, The dry blood crisping in the sun that scares the honest bees, And shows the "bhoys" have heard your talk -- what do they know of these? But you -- you know -- ay, ten times more; the secrets of the dead, Black terror on the country-side by word and whisper bred, The mangled stallion's scream at night, the tail-cropped heifer's low.
Who set the whisper going first? You know, and well you know! My soul! I'd sooner lie in jail for murder plain and straight, Pure crime I'd done with my own hand for money, lust, or hate, Than take a seat in Parliament by fellow-felons cheered, While one of those "not provens" proved me cleared as you are cleared.
Cleared -- you that "lost" the League accounts -- go, guard our honour still, Go, help to make our country's laws that broke God's law at will -- One hand stuck out behind the back, to signal "strike again"; The other on your dress-shirt-front to show your heart is clane.
If black is black or white is white, in black and white it's down, You're only traitors to the Queen and rebels to the Crown.
If print is print or words are words, the learned Court perpends: -- We are not ruled by murderers, but only -- by their friends.
Written by Eugene Field | Create an image from this poem

Mr. Dana of the New York Sun

 Thar showed up out'n Denver in the spring uv '81
A man who'd worked with Dana on the Noo York Sun.
His name wuz Cantell Whoppers, 'nd he wuz a sight ter view Ez he walked inter the orfice 'nd inquired fer work ter do.
Thar warn't no places vacant then,--fer be it understood, That wuz the time when talent flourished at that altitood; But thar the stranger lingered, tellin' Raymond 'nd the rest Uv what perdigious wonders he could do when at his best, Till finally he stated (quite by chance) that he hed done A heap uv work with Dana on the Noo York Sun.
Wall, that wuz quite another thing; we owned that ary cuss Who'd worked f'r Mr.
Dana must be good enough fer us! And so we tuk the stranger's word 'nd nipped him while we could, For if we didn't take him we knew John Arkins would; And Cooper, too, wuz mouzin' round fer enterprise 'nd brains, Whenever them commodities blew in across the plains.
At any rate we nailed him, which made ol' Cooper swear And Arkins tear out handfuls uv his copious curly hair; But we set back and cackled, 'nd bed a power uv fun With our man who'd worked with Dana on the Noo York Sun.
It made our eyes hang on our cheeks 'nd lower jaws ter drop, Ter hear that feller tellin' how ol' Dana run his shop: It seems that Dana wuz the biggest man you ever saw,-- He lived on human bein's, 'nd preferred to eat 'em raw! If he hed Democratic drugs ter take, before he took 'em, As good old allopathic laws prescribe, he allus shook 'em.
The man that could set down 'nd write like Dany never grew, And the sum of human knowledge wuzn't half what Dana knew; The consequence appeared to be that nearly every one Concurred with Mr.
Dana of the Noo York Sun.
This feller, Cantell Whoppers, never brought an item in,-- He spent his time at Perrin's shakin' poker dice f'r gin.
Whatever the assignment, he wuz allus sure to shirk, He wuz very long on likker and all-fired short on work! If any other cuss had played the tricks he dared ter play, The daisies would be bloomin' over his remains to-day; But somehow folks respected him and stood him to the last, Considerin' his superior connections in the past.
So, when he bilked at poker, not a sucker drew a gun On the man who 'd worked with Dana on the Noo York Sun.
Wall, Dana came ter Denver in the fall uv '83.
A very different party from the man we thought ter see,-- A nice 'nd clean old gentleman, so dignerfied 'nd calm, You bet yer life he never did no human bein' harm! A certain hearty manner 'nd a fulness uv the vest Betokened that his sperrits 'nd his victuals wuz the best; His face wuz so benevolent, his smile so sweet 'nd kind, That they seemed to be the reflex uv an honest, healthy mind; And God had set upon his head a crown uv silver hair In promise uv the golden crown He meaneth him to wear.
So, uv us boys that met him out'n Denver, there wuz none But fell in love with Dana uv the Noo York Sun.
But when he came to Denver in that fall uv '83, His old friend Cantell Whoppers disappeared upon a spree; The very thought uv seein' Dana worked upon him so (They hadn't been together fer a year or two, you know), That he borrered all the stuff he could and started on a bat, And, strange as it may seem, we didn't see him after that.
So, when ol' Dana hove in sight, we couldn't understand Why he didn't seem to notice that his crony wa'n't on hand; No casual allusion, not a question, no, not one, For the man who'd "worked with Dana on the Noo York Sun!" We broke it gently to him, but he didn't seem surprised, Thar wuz no big burst uv passion as we fellers had surmised.
He said that Whoppers wuz a man he 'd never heerd about, But he mought have carried papers on a Jarsey City route; And then he recollected hearin' Mr.
Laffan say That he'd fired a man named Whoppers fur bein' drunk one day, Which, with more likker underneath than money in his vest, Had started on a freight-train fur the great 'nd boundin' West, But further information or statistics he had none Uv the man who'd "worked with Dana on the Noo York Sun.
" We dropped the matter quietly 'nd never made no fuss,-- When we get played for suckers, why, that's a horse on us!-- But every now 'nd then we Denver fellers have to laff To hear some other paper boast uv havin' on its staff A man who's "worked with Dana," 'nd then we fellers wink And pull our hats down on our eyes 'nd set around 'nd think.
It seems like Dana couldn't be as smart as people say, If he educates so many folks 'nd lets 'em get away; And, as for us, in future we'll be very apt to shun The man who "worked with Dana on the Noo York Sun.
" But bless ye, Mr.
Dana! may you live a thousan' years, To sort o' keep things lively in this vale of human tears; An' may I live a thousan', too,--a thousan' less a day, For I shouldn't like to be on earth to hear you'd passed away.
And when it comes your time to go you'll need no Latin chaff Nor biographic data put in your epitaph; But one straight line of English and of truth will let folks know The homage 'nd the gratitude 'nd reverence they owe; You'll need no epitaph but this: "Here sleeps the man who run That best 'nd brightest paper, the Noo York Sun.
Written by Edgar Albert Guest | Create an image from this poem

The Bachelors Soliloquy

 To wed, or not to wed; that is the question;
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The bills and house rent of a wedded fortune,
Or to say "nit" when she proposes,
And by declining cut her.
To wed; to smoke No more; And have a wife at home to mend The holes in socks and shirts And underwear and so forth.
'Tis a consummation Devoutly to be wished.
To wed for life; To wed; perchance to fight; ay, there's the rub; For in that married life what fights may come, When we have honeymooning ceased Must give us pause; there's the respect That makes the joy of single life.
For who would bear her mother's scornful tongue, Canned goods for tea, the dying furnace fire; The pangs of sleepless nights when baby cries; The pain of barking shins upon a chair and Closing waists that button down the back, When he himself might all these troubles shirk With a bare refusal? Who would bundles bear, And grunt and sweat under a shopping load? Who would samples match; buy rats for hair, Cart cheese and crackers home to serve at night For lunch to feed your friends; play pedro After tea; sing rag time songs, amusing Friendly neighbors.
Buy garden tools To lend unto the same.
Stay home at nights In smoking coat and slippers and slink to bed At ten o'clock to save the light bills? Thus duty does make cowards of us all, And thus the native hue of matrimony Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of chores; And thus the gloss of marriage fades away, And loses its attraction.

Written by A S J Tessimond | Create an image from this poem

Cocoon For A Skeleton

 Clothes: to compose
The furtive, lone
Pillar of bone
To some repose.
To let hands shirk Utterance behind A pocket's blind Deceptive smirk.
To mask, belie The undue haste Of breast for breast Or thigh for thigh.
To screen, conserve The pose, when death Half strips the sheath And leaves the nerve.
To edit, glose Lyric desire And slake its fire In polished prose.
Written by Rudyard Kipling | Create an image from this poem

The eathen

 The 'eathen in 'is blindness bows down to wood an' stone;
'E don't obey no orders unless they is 'is own;
'E keeps 'is side-arms awful: 'e leaves 'em all about,
An' then comes up the Regiment an' pokes the 'eathen out.
All along o' dirtiness, all along o' mess, All along o' doin' things rather-more-or-less, All along of abby-nay, kul, an' hazar-ho, Mind you keep your rifle an' yourself jus' so! The young recruit is 'aughty -- 'e draf's from Gawd knows where; They bid 'im show 'is stockin's an' lay 'is mattress square; 'E calls it bloomin' nonsense -- 'e doesn't know, no more -- An' then up comes 'is Company an'kicks'im round the floor! The young recruit is 'ammered -- 'e takes it very hard; 'E 'angs 'is 'ead an' mutters -- 'e sulks about the yard; 'E talks o' "cruel tyrants" which 'e'll swing for by-an'-by, An' the others 'ears an' mocks 'im, an' the boy goes orf to cry.
The young recruit is silly -- 'e thinks o' suicide.
'E's lost 'is gutter-devil; 'e 'asn't got 'is pride; But day by day they kicks 'im, which 'elps 'im on a bit, Till 'e finds 'isself one mornin' with a full an' proper kit.
Gettin' clear o' dirtiness, gettin' done with mess, Gettin' shut o' doin' things rather-more-or-less; Not so fond of abby-nay, kul, nor hazar-ho, Learns to keep 'is ripe an "isself jus'so! The young recruit is 'appy -- 'e throws a chest to suit; You see 'im grow mustaches; you 'ear 'im slap' is boot.
'E learns to drop the "bloodies" from every word 'e slings, An 'e shows an 'ealthy brisket when 'e strips for bars an' rings.
The cruel-tyrant-sergeants they watch 'im 'arf a year; They watch 'im with 'is comrades, they watch 'im with 'is beer; They watch 'im with the women at the regimental dance, And the cruel-tyrant-sergeants send 'is name along for "Lance.
" An' now 'e's 'arf o' nothin', an' all a private yet, 'Is room they up an' rags 'im to see what they will get.
They rags 'im low an' cunnin', each dirty trick they can, But 'e learns to sweat 'is temper an 'e learns to sweat 'is man.
An', last, a Colour-Sergeant, as such to be obeyed, 'E schools 'is men at cricket, 'e tells 'em on parade, They sees 'im quick an 'andy, uncommon set an' smart, An' so 'e talks to orficers which 'ave the Core at 'eart.
'E learns to do 'is watchin' without it showin' plain; 'E learns to save a dummy, an' shove 'im straight again; 'E learns to check a ranker that's buyin' leave to shirk; An 'e learns to malce men like 'im so they'll learn to like their work.
An' when it comes to marchin' he'll see their socks are right, An' when it comes: to action 'e shows 'em how to sight.
'E knows their ways of thinkin' and just what's in their mind; 'E knows when they are takin' on an' when they've fell be'ind.
'E knows each talkin' corp'ral that leads a squad astray; 'E feels 'is innards 'eavin', 'is bowels givin' way; 'E sees the blue-white faces all tryin 'ard to grin, An 'e stands an' waits an' suffers till it's time to cap'em in.
An' now the hugly bullets come peckin' through the dust, An' no one wants to face 'em, but every beggar must; So, like a man in irons, which isn't glad to go, They moves 'em off by companies uncommon stiff an' slow.
Of all 'is five years' schoolin' they don't remember much Excep' the not retreatin', the step an' keepin' touch.
It looks like teachin' wasted when they duck an' spread an 'op -- But if 'e 'adn't learned 'em they'd be all about the shop.
An' now it's "'Oo goes backward?" an' now it's "'Oo comes on?" And now it's "Get the doolies," an' now the Captain's gone; An' now it's bloody murder, but all the while they 'ear 'Is voice, the same as barrick-drill, a-shepherdin' the rear.
'E's just as sick as they are, 'is 'eart is like to split, But 'e works 'em, works 'em, works 'em till he feels them take the bit; The rest is 'oldin' steady till the watchful bugles play, An 'e lifts 'em, lifts 'em, lifts 'em through the charge that wins the day! The 'eathen in 'is blindness bows down to wood an' stone -- 'E don't obey no orders unless they is 'is own.
The 'eathen in 'is blindness must end where 'e began But the backbone of the Army is the Non-commissioned Man! Keep away from dirtiness -- keep away from mess, Don't get into doin' things rather-more-or-less! Let's ha' done with abby-nay, kul, and hazar-ho; Mind you keep your rifle an' yourself jus' so!
Written by Robert William Service | Create an image from this poem


 Let laureates sing with rapturous swing
Of the wonder and glory of work;
Let pulpiteers preach and with passion impeach
The indolent wretches who shirk.
No doubt they are right: in the stress of the fight It's the slackers who go to the wall; So though it's my shame I perversely proclaim It's fine to do nothing at all.
It's fine to recline on the flat of one's spine, With never a thought in one's head: It's lovely to le staring up at the sky When others are earning their bread.
It's great to feel one with the soil and the sun, Drowned deep in the grasses so tall; Oh it's noble to sweat, pounds and dollars to get, But - it's grand to do nothing at all.
So sing to the praise of the fellows who laze Instead of lambasting the soil; The vagabonds gay who lounge by the way, Conscientious objectors to toil.
But lest you should think, by this spatter of ink, The Muses still hold me in thrall, I'll round out my rhyme, and (until the next time) Work like hell - doing nothing at all.
Written by Gelett Burgess | Create an image from this poem

An Alphabet of Famous Goops

Which you 'll Regard with Yells and Whoops.
Futile Acumen! For you Yourselves are Doubtless Dupes Of Failings Such as Mar these Groups -- We all are Human! 1 ABEDNEGO was Meek and Mild; he Softly Spoke, he Sweetly Smiled.
2 He never Called his Playmates Names, and he was Good in Running Games; 3 But he was Often in Disgrace because he had a Dirty Face! 4 BOHUNKUS would Take Off his Hat, and Bow and Smile, and Things like That.
5 His Face and Hair were Always Neat, and when he Played he did not Cheat; 6 But Oh! what Awful Words he Said, when it was Time to Go to Bed! 7 The Gentle CEPHAS tried his Best to Please his Friends with Merry Jest; 8 He tried to Help Them, when he Could, for CEPHAS, he was Very Good; 9 And Yet -- They Say he Used to Cry, and Once or Twice he Told a Lie! 10 DANIEL and DAGO were a Pair who Acted Kindly Everywhere; 11 They studied Hard, as Good as Gold, they Always did as They were Told; 12 They Never Put on Silly Airs, but They Took Things that were Not Theirs.
13 EZEKIEL, so his Parents said, just Simply Loved to Go to Bed; 14 He was as Quiet as could Be whenever there were Folks to Tea; 15 And yet, he had a Little Way of Grumbling, when he should Obey.
16 When FESTUS was but Four Years Old his Parents Seldom had to Scold; 17 They never Called him 'FESTUS DON'T!' he Never Whined and said 'I Won't!' 18 Yet it was Sad to See him Dine.
His Table Manners were Not Fine.
19 GAMALIEL took Peculiar Pride in Making Others Satisfied.
20 One Time I asked him for his Head.
'Why, Certainly! GAMALIEL Said.
21 He was Too Generous, in Fact.
But Bravery he Wholly Lacked.
22 HAZAEL was (at Least he Said he Was) Exceedingly Well Bred; 23 Forbidden Sweets he would not Touch, though he might Want them very Much.
24 But Oh, Imagination Fails to quite Describe his Finger Nails! 25 How Interesting ISAAC Seemed! He never Fibbed, he Seldom Screamed; 26 His Company was Quite a Treat to all the Children on the Street; 27 But Nurse has Told me of his Wrath when he was Made to Take a Bath! 28 Oh, Think of JONAH when you 're Bad; Think what a Happy Way he had 29 Of Saying 'Thank You! -- 'If you Please' -- 'Excuse Me, Sir,' and Words like These.
30 Still, he was Human, like Us All.
His Muddy Footprints Tracked the Hall.
31 Just fancy KADESH for a Name! Yet he was Clever All the Same; 32 He knew Arithmetic, at Four, as Well as Boys of Nine or More! 33 But I Prefer far Duller Boys, who do Not Make such Awful Noise! 34 Oh, Laugh at LABAN, if you Will, but he was Brave when he was Ill.
35 When he was Ill, he was so Brave he Swallowed All his Mother Gave! 36 But Somehow, She could never Tell why he was Worse when he was Well! 37 If MICAH's Mother Told him 'No' he Made but Little of his Woe; 38 He Always Answered, 'Yes, I'll Try!' for MICAH Thought it Wrong to Cry.
39 Yet he was Always Asking Questions and Making quite Ill-timed Suggestions.
40 I Fancy NICODEMUS Knew as Much as I, or even You; 41 He was Too Careful, I am Sure, to Scratch or Soil the Furniture; 42 He never Squirmed, he never Squalled; he Never Came when he was Called! 43 Some think that OBADIAH'S Charm was that he Never Tried to Harm 44 Dumb Animals in any Way, though Some are Cruel when they Play.
45 But though he was so Sweet and Kind, his Mother found him Slow to Mind.
46 When PELEG had a Penny Earned, to Share it with his Friends he Yearned.
47 And if he Bought a Juicy Fig, his Sister's Half was Very Big! 48 Had he not Hated to Forgive, he would have been Too Good to Live! 49 When QUARTO'S brother QUARTO Hit, was QUARTO Angry? Not a Bit! 50 He Called the Blow a Little Joke, and so Affectionately Spoke, 51 That Everybody Loved the Lad.
Yet Oh, What Selfish Ways he had! 52 Was REUBEN Happy? I should Say! He laughed and Sang the Livelong Day.
53 He Made his Mother Smile with Joy to See her Sunny-Tempered Boy.
54 However, she was Not so Gay when REUB Refused to Stop his Play! 55 When SHADRACH Cared to be Polite, they Called him Gentlemanly, Quite; 56 His Manners were Correct and Nice; he Never Asked for Jelly Twice! 57 Still, when he Tried to Misbehave, O, how Much Trouble SHADRACH Gave! 58 Don't Think that TIMOTHY was Ill because he Sometimes Kept so Still.
59 He knew his Mother Did Not Care to Hear him Talking Everywhere.
60 He did not Tease, he did Not Cry, but he was Always Asking 'WHY?' 61 URIAH Never Licked his Knife, nor Sucked his Fingers, in his Life.
62 He Never Reached, to Help Himself, the Sugar Bowl upon the Shelf.
63 He Never Popped his Cherry Pits; but he had Horrid Sulky Fits! 64 To See young VIVIUS at his Work, you Knew he 'd Never Try to Shirk.
65 The Most Unpleasant Things he 'd Do, if but his Mother Asked him To.
66 But when young Vivius Grew Big, it Seems he was a Norful Prig! 67 Why WABAN always Seemed so Sweet, was that he Kept so Clean and Neat.
68 He never Smooched his Face with Coal, his Picture Books were Fresh and Whole.
69 He washed His Hands Ten Times a Day; but, Oh, what Horrid Words he 'd Say! 70 What shall I say of XENOGOR, Save that he Always Shut the Door! 71 He always Put his Toys Away when he had Finished with his Play.
72 But here his List of Virtues Ends.
A Tattle-Tale does not Make Friends.
73 YERO was Noted for the Way with which he Helped his Comrades Play; 74 He 'd Lend his Cart, he 'd Lend his Ball, his Marbles, and his Tops and All! 75 And Yet (I Doubt if you' ll Believe), he Wiped his Nose upon his Sleeve! 76 The Zealous ZIBEON was Such as Casual Callers Flatter Much.
77 His Maiden Aunts would Say, with Glee, 'How Good, how Pure, how Dear is He!' 78 And Yet, he Drove his Mother Crazy -- he was so Slow, he was so Lazy!
Written by Robert William Service | Create an image from this poem


 When twenty-one I loved to dream,
 And was to loafing well inclined;
Somehow I couldn't get up steam
 To welcome work of any kind.
While students burned the midnight lamp, With dour ambition as their goad, I longed to be a gayful tramp And greet adventure on the road.
But now that sixty years have sped, Behold! I toil from morn to night.
The thoughts that teem into my head I pray: God give me time to write.
With eager and unflagging pen No drudgery of desk I shirk, And preach to all retiring men The gospel of unceasing work.
And yet I do not sadly grieve Such squandering of golden days; For from my dreaming I believe Have stemmed my least unworthy lays.
Aye, toil is best when all is said, As age has made me understand .
So fitly fold, when I am dead, A pencil in my hand.

Book: Shattered Sighs