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Best Famous Scenting Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Scenting poems. This is a select list of the best famous Scenting poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Scenting poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of scenting poems.

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Written by Siegfried Sassoon | Create an image from this poem

The Old Huntsman

 I’ve never ceased to curse the day I signed 
A seven years’ bargain for the Golden Fleece.
’Twas a bad deal all round; and dear enough It cost me, what with my daft management, And the mean folk as owed and never paid me, And backing losers; and the local bucks Egging me on with whiskys while I bragged The man I was when huntsman to the Squire.
I’d have been prosperous if I’d took a farm Of fifty acres, drove my gig and haggled At Monday markets; now I’ve squandered all My savings; nigh three hundred pound I got As testimonial when I’d grown too stiff And slow to press a beaten fox.
The Fleece! ’Twas the damned Fleece that wore my Emily out, The wife of thirty years who served me well; (Not like this beldam clattering in the kitchen, That never trims a lamp nor sweeps the floor, And brings me greasy soup in a foul crock.
) Blast the old harridan! What’s fetched her now, Leaving me in the dark, and short of fire? And where’s my pipe? ’Tis lucky I’ve a turn For thinking, and remembering all that’s past.
And now’s my hour, before I hobble to bed, To set the works a-wheezing, wind the clock That keeps the time of life with feeble tick Behind my bleared old face that stares and wonders.
It’s ***** how, in the dark, comes back to mind Some morning of September.
We’ve been digging In a steep sandy warren, riddled with holes, And I’ve just pulled the terrier out and left A sharp-nosed cub-face blinking there and snapping, Then in a moment seen him mobbed and torn To strips in the baying hurly of the pack.
I picture it so clear: the dusty sunshine On bracken, and the men with spades, that wipe Red faces: one tilts up a mug of ale.
And, having stopped to clean my gory hands, I whistle the jostling beauties out of the wood.
I’m but a daft old fool! I often wish The Squire were back again—ah! he was a man! They don’t breed men like him these days; he’d come For sure, and sit and talk and suck his briar Till the old wife brings up a dish of tea.
Ay, those were days, when I was serving Squire! I never knowed such sport as ’85, The winter afore the one that snowed us silly.
Once in a way the parson will drop in And read a bit o’ the Bible, if I’m bad, And pray the Lord to make my spirit whole In faith: he leaves some ’baccy on the shelf, And wonders I don’t keep a dog to cheer me Because he knows I’m mortal fond of dogs! I ask you, what’s a gent like that to me As wouldn’t know Elijah if I saw him, Nor have the wit to keep him on the talk? ’Tis kind of parson to be troubling still With such as me; but he’s a town-bred chap, Full of his college notions and Christmas hymns.
Religion beats me.
I’m amazed at folk Drinking the gospels in and never scratching Their heads for questions.
When I was a lad I learned a bit from mother, and never thought To educate myself for prayers and psalms.
But now I’m old and bald and serious-minded, With days to sit and ponder.
I’d no chance When young and gay to get the hang of all This Hell and Heaven: and when the clergy hoick And holloa from their pulpits, I’m asleep, However hard I listen; and when they pray It seems we’re all like children sucking sweets In school, and wondering whether master sees.
I used to dream of Hell when I was first Promoted to a huntsman’s job, and scent Was rotten, and all the foxes disappeared, And hounds were short of blood; and officers From barracks over-rode ’em all day long On weedy, whistling nags that knocked a hole In every fence; good sportsmen to a man And brigadiers by now, but dreadful hard On a young huntsman keen to show some sport.
Ay, Hell was thick with captains, and I rode The lumbering brute that’s beat in half a mile, And blunders into every blind old ditch.
Hell was the coldest scenting land I’ve known, And both my whips were always lost, and hounds Would never get their heads down; and a man On a great yawing chestnut trying to cast ’em While I was in a corner pounded by The ugliest hog-backed stile you’ve clapped your eyes on.
There was an iron-spiked fence round all the coverts, And civil-spoken keepers I couldn’t trust, And the main earth unstopp’d.
The fox I found Was always a three-legged ’un from a bag, Who reeked of aniseed and wouldn’t run.
The farmers were all ploughing their old pasture And bellowing at me when I rode their beans To cast for beaten fox, or galloped on With hounds to a lucky view.
I’d lost my voice Although I shouted fit to burst my guts, And couldn’t blow my horn.
And when I woke, Emily snored, and barn-cocks started crowing, And morn was at the window; and I was glad To be alive because I heard the cry Of hounds like church-bells chiming on a Sunday.
Ay, that’s the song I’d wish to hear in Heaven! The cry of hounds was Heaven for me: I know Parson would call me crazed and wrong to say it, But where’s the use of life and being glad If God’s not in your gladness? I’ve no brains For book-learned studies; but I’ve heard men say There’s much in print that clergy have to wink at: Though many I’ve met were jolly chaps, and rode To hounds, and walked me puppies; and could pick Good legs and loins and necks and shoulders, ay, And feet—’twas necks and feet I looked at first.
Some hounds I’ve known were wise as half your saints, And better hunters.
That old dog of the Duke’s, Harlequin; what a dog he was to draw! And what a note he had, and what a nose When foxes ran down wind and scent was catchy! And that light lemon ***** of the Squire’s, old Dorcas— She were a marvellous hunter, were old Dorcas! Ay, oft I’ve thought, ‘If there were hounds in Heaven, With God as master, taking no subscription; And all His bless?d country farmed by tenants, And a straight-necked old fox in every gorse!’ But when I came to work it out, I found There’d be too many huntsmen wanting places, Though some I’ve known might get a job with Nick! .
I’ve come to think of God as something like The figure of a man the old Duke was When I was turning hounds to Nimrod King, Before his Grace was took so bad with gout And had to quit the saddle.
Tall and spare, Clean-shaved and grey, with shrewd, kind eyes, that twinkled, And easy walk; who, when he gave good words, Gave them whole-hearted; and would never blame Without just cause.
Lord God might be like that, Sitting alone in a great room of books Some evening after hunting.
Now I’m tired With hearkening to the tick-tack on the shelf; And pondering makes me doubtful.
Riding home On a moonless night of cloud that feels like frost Though stars are hidden (hold your feet up, horse!) And thinking what a task I had to draw A pack with all those lame ’uns, and the lot Wanting a rest from all this open weather; That’s what I’m doing now.
And likely, too, The frost’ll be a long ’un, and the night One sleep.
The parsons say we’ll wake to find A country blinding-white with dazzle of snow.
The naked stars make men feel lonely, wheeling And glinting on the puddles in the road.
And then you listen to the wind, and wonder If folk are quite such bucks as they appear When dressed by London tailors, looking down Their boots at covert side, and thinking big.
This world’s a funny place to live in.
Soon I’ll need to change my country; but I know ’Tis little enough I’ve understood my life, And a power of sights I’ve missed, and foreign marvels.
I used to feel it, riding on spring days In meadows pied with sun and chasing clouds, And half forget how I was there to catch The foxes; lose the angry, eager feeling A huntsman ought to have, that’s out for blood, And means his hounds to get it! Now I know It’s God that speaks to us when we’re bewitched, Smelling the hay in June and smiling quiet; Or when there’s been a spell of summer drought, Lying awake and listening to the rain.
I’d like to be the simpleton I was In the old days when I was whipping-in To a little harrier-pack in Worcestershire, And loved a dairymaid, but never knew it Until she’d wed another.
So I’ve loved My life; and when the good years are gone down, Discover what I’ve lost.
I never broke Out of my blundering self into the world, But let it all go past me, like a man Half asleep in a land that’s full of wars.
What a grand thing ’twould be if I could go Back to the kennels now and take my hounds For summer exercise; be riding out With forty couple when the quiet skies Are streaked with sunrise, and the silly birds Grown hoarse with singing; cobwebs on the furze Up on the hill, and all the country strange, With no one stirring; and the horses fresh, Sniffing the air I’ll never breathe again.
You’ve brought the lamp, then, Martha? I’ve no mind For newspaper to-night, nor bread and cheese.
Give me the candle, and I’ll get to bed.

Written by Rudyard Kipling | Create an image from this poem

The Second Voyage

 We've sent our little Cupids all ashore --
 They were frightened, they were tired, they were cold:
Our sails of silk and purple go to store,
 And we've cut away our mast of beaten gold
  (Foul weather!)
Oh 'tis hemp and singing pine for to stand against the brine,
 But Love he is our master as of old!

The sea has shorn our galleries away,
 The salt has soiled our gilding past remede;
Our paint is flaked and blistered by the spray,
 Our sides are half a fathom furred in weed
  (Foul weather!)
And the Doves of Venus fled and the petrels came instead,
 But Love he was our master at our need!

'Was Youth would keep no vigil at the bow,
 'Was Pleasure at the helm too drunk to steer --
We've shipped three able quartermasters now.
Men call them Custom, Reverence, and Fear (Foul weather!) They are old and scarred and plain, but we'll run no risk again From any Port o' Paphos mutineer! We seek no more the tempest for delight, We skirt no more the indraught and the shoal -- We ask no more of any day or night Than to come with least adventure to our goal (Foul weather!) What we find we needs must brook, but we do not go to look, Nor tempt the Lord our God that saved us whole.
Yet, caring so, not overmuch we care To brace and trim for every foolish blast, If the squall be pleased to seep us unaware, He may bellow off to leeward like the last (Foul weather!) We will blame it on the deep (for the watch must have their sleep), And Love can come and wake us when 'tis past.
Oh launch them down with music from the beach, Oh warp them out with garlands from the quays -- Most resolute -- a damsel unto each -- New prows that seek the old Hesperides! (Foul weather!) Though we know their voyage is vain, yet we see our path again In the saffroned bridesails scenting all the seas! (Foul weather!)
Written by Wallace Stevens | Create an image from this poem



1 Just as my fingers on these keys 
2 Make music, so the self-same sounds 
3 On my spirit make a music, too.
4 Music is feeling, then, not sound; 5 And thus it is that what I feel, 6 Here in this room, desiring you, 7 Thinking of your blue-shadowed silk, 8 Is music.
It is like the strain 9 Waked in the elders by Susanna; 10 Of a green evening, clear and warm, 11 She bathed in her still garden, while 12 The red-eyed elders, watching, felt 13 The basses of their beings throb 14 In witching chords, and their thin blood 15 Pulse pizzicati of Hosanna.
II 16 In the green water, clear and warm, 17 Susanna lay.
18 She searched 19 The touch of springs, 20 And found 21 Concealed imaginings.
22 She sighed, 23 For so much melody.
24 Upon the bank, she stood 25 In the cool 26 Of spent emotions.
27 She felt, among the leaves, 28 The dew 29 Of old devotions.
30 She walked upon the grass, 31 Still quavering.
32 The winds were like her maids, 33 On timid feet, 34 Fetching her woven scarves, 35 Yet wavering.
36 A breath upon her hand 37 Muted the night.
38 She turned -- 39 A cymbal crashed, 40 Amid roaring horns.
III 41 Soon, with a noise like tambourines, 42 Came her attendant Byzantines.
43 They wondered why Susanna cried 44 Against the elders by her side; 45 And as they whispered, the refrain 46 Was like a willow swept by rain.
47 Anon, their lamps' uplifted flame 48 Revealed Susanna and her shame.
49 And then, the simpering Byzantines 50 Fled, with a noise like tambourines.
IV 51 Beauty is momentary in the mind -- 52 The fitful tracing of a portal; 53 But in the flesh it is immortal.
54 The body dies; the body's beauty lives.
55 So evenings die, in their green going, 56 A wave, interminably flowing.
57 So gardens die, their meek breath scenting 58 The cowl of winter, done repenting.
59 So maidens die, to the auroral 60 Celebration of a maiden's choral.
61 Susanna's music touched the bawdy strings 62 Of those white elders; but, escaping, 63 Left only Death's ironic scraping.
64 Now, in its immortality, it plays 65 On the clear viol of her memory, 66 And makes a constant sacrament of praise.
Written by Philip Larkin | Create an image from this poem


 The widest prairies have electric fences, 
For though old cattle know they must not stray 
Young steers are always scenting purer water 
Not here but anywhere.
Beyond the wires Leads them to blunder up against the wires Whose muscle-shredding violence gives no quarter.
Young steers become old cattle from that day, Electric limits to their widest senses.
Written by Alden Nowlan | Create an image from this poem

The Bull Moose

 Down from the purple mist of trees on the mountain, 
lurching through forests of white spruce and cedar, 
stumbling through tamarack swamps,
came the bull moose
to be stopped at last by a pole-fenced pasture.
Too tired to turn or, perhaps, aware there was no place left to go, he stood with the cattle.
They, scenting the musk of death, seeing his great head like the ritual mask of a blood god, moved to the other end of the field, and waited.
The neighbours heard of it, and by afternoon cars lined the road.
The children teased him with alder switches and he gazed at them like an old, tolerant collie.
The woman asked if he could have escaped from a Fair.
The oldest man in the parish remembered seeing a gelded moose yoked with an ox for plowing.
The young men snickered and tried to pour beer down his throat, while their girl friends took their pictures.
And the bull moose let them stroke his tick-ravaged flanks, let them pry open his jaws with bottles, let a giggling girl plant a little purple cap of thistles on his head.
When the wardens came, everyone agreed it was a shame to shoot anything so shaggy and cuddlesome.
He looked like the kind of pet women put to bed with their sons.
So they held their fire.
But just as the sun dropped in the river the bull moose gathered his strength like a scaffolded king, straightened and lifted his horns so that even the wardens backed away as they raised their rifles.
When he roared, people ran to their cars.
All the young men leaned on their automobile horns as he toppled.

Written by Rudyard Kipling | Create an image from this poem

Outsong in the Jungle

 For the sake of him who showed
One wise Frog the Jungle-Road,
Keep the Law the Man-Pack make
For thy blind old Baloo's sake!
Clean or tainted, hot or stale,
Hold it as it were the Trail,
Through the day and through the night,
Questing neither left nor right.
For the sake of him who loves Thee beyond all else that moves, When thy Pack would make thee pain, Say: " Tabaqui sings again.
" When thy Pack would work thee ill, Say: "Shere Khan is yet to kill.
" When the knife is drawn to slay, Keep the Law and go thy way.
(Root and honey, palm and spathe, Guard a cub from harm and scathe!) Wood and Water, Wind and Tree, Jungle-Favour go with thee! Kaa Anger is the egg of Fear-- Only lidless eyes see clear.
Cobra-poison none may leech-- Even so with Cobra-speech.
Open talk shall call to thee Strength, whose mate is Courtesy.
Send no lunge beyond thy length.
Lend no rotten bough thy strength.
Gauge thy gape with buck or goat, Lest thine eye should choke thy throat.
After gorging, wouldst thou sleep ? Look thy den be hid and deep, Lest a wrong, by thee forgot, Draw thy killer to the spot.
East and West and North and South, Wash thy hide and close thy mouth.
(Pit and rift and blue pool-brim, Middle-Jungle follow him!) Wood and Water, Wind and Tree, Jungle-Favour go with thee! Bagheera In the cage my life began; Well I know the worth of Man.
By the Broken Lock that freed-- Man-cub, ware the Man-cub's breed! Scenting-dew or starlight pale, Choose no tangled tree-cat trail.
Pack or council, hunt or den, Cry no truce with Jackal-Men.
Feed them silence when they say: "Come with us an easy way.
" Feed them silence when they seek Help of thine to hurt the weak.
Make no bandar's boast of skill; Hold thy peace above the kill.
Let nor call nor song nor sign Turn thee from thy hunting-line.
(Morning mist or twilight clear, Serve him, Wardens of the Deer!) Wood and Water, Wind and Tree, Jungle-Favour go with thee! The Three On the trail that thou must tread To the threshold of our dread, Where the Flower blossoms red; Through the nights when thou shalt lie Prisoned from our Mother-sky, Hearing us, thy loves, go by; In the dawns when thou.
shalt wake To the toil thou canst not break, Heartsick for the Jungle's sake; Wood and Water, Wind air Tree, Wisdom, Strength, and Courtesy, Jungle-Favour go with thee!
Written by Victor Hugo | Create an image from this poem


 ("En ce temps-là du ciel les portes.") 
 {Bk. I. v., December, 1822.} 

 The golden gates were opened wide that day, 
 All through the unveiled heaven there seemed to play 
 Out of the Holiest of Holy, light; 
 And the elect beheld, crowd immortal, 
 A young soul, led up by young angels bright, 
 Stand in the starry portal. 
 A fair child fleeing from the world's fierce hate, 
 In his blue eye the shade of sorrow sate, 
 His golden hair hung all dishevelled down, 
 On wasted cheeks that told a mournful story, 
 And angels twined him with the innocent's crown, 
 The martyr's palm of glory. 
 The virgin souls that to the Lamb are near, 
 Called through the clouds with voices heavenly clear, 
 God hath prepared a glory for thy brow, 
 Rest in his arms, and all ye hosts that sing 
 His praises ever on untired string, 
 Chant, for a mortal comes among ye now; 
 Do homage—"'Tis a king." 
 And the pale shadow saith to God in heaven: 
 "I am an orphan and no king at all; 
 I was a weary prisoner yestereven, 
 My father's murderers fed my soul with gall. 
 Not me, O Lord, the regal name beseems. 
 Last night I fell asleep in dungeon drear, 
 But then I saw my mother in my dreams, 
 Say, shall I find her here?" 
 The angels said: "Thy Saviour bids thee come, 
 Out of an impure world He calls thee home, 
 From the mad earth, where horrid murder waves 
 Over the broken cross her impure wings, 
 And regicides go down among the graves, 
 Scenting the blood of kings." 
 He cries: "Then have I finished my long life? 
 Are all its evils over, all its strife, 
 And will no cruel jailer evermore 
 Wake me to pain, this blissful vision o'er? 
 Is it no dream that nothing else remains 
 Of all my torments but this answered cry, 
 And have I had, O God, amid my chains, 
 The happiness to die? 
 "For none can tell what cause I had to pine, 
 What pangs, what miseries, each day were mine; 
 And when I wept there was no mother near 
 To soothe my cries, and smile away my tear. 
 Poor victim of a punishment unending, 
 Torn like a sapling from its mother earth, 
 So young, I could not tell what crime impending 
 Had stained me from my birth. 
 "Yet far off in dim memory it seems, 
 With all its horror mingled happy dreams, 
 Strange cries of glory rocked my sleeping head, 
 And a glad people watched beside my bed. 
 One day into mysterious darkness thrown, 
 I saw the promise of my future close; 
 I was a little child, left all alone, 
 Alas! and I had foes. 
 "They cast me living in a dreary tomb, 
 Never mine eyes saw sunlight pierce the gloom, 
 Only ye, brother angels, used to sweep 
 Down from your heaven, and visit me in sleep. 
 'Neath blood-red hands my young life withered there. 
 Dear Lord, the bad are miserable all, 
 Be not Thou deaf, like them, unto my prayer, 
 It is for them I call." 
 The angels sang: "See heaven's high arch unfold, 
 Come, we will crown thee with the stars above, 
 Will give thee cherub-wings of blue and gold, 
 And thou shalt learn our ministry of love, 
 Shalt rock the cradle where some mother's tears 
 Are dropping o'er her restless little one, 
 Or, with thy luminous breath, in distant spheres, 
 Shalt kindle some cold sun." 
 Ceased the full choir, all heaven was hushed to hear, 
 Bowed the fair face, still wet with many a tear, 
 In depths of space, the rolling worlds were stayed, 
 Whilst the Eternal in the infinite said: 
 "O king, I kept thee far from human state, 
 Who hadst a dungeon only for thy throne, 
 O son, rejoice, and bless thy bitter fate, 
 The slavery of kings thou hast not known, 
 What if thy wasted arms are bleeding yet, 
 And wounded with the fetter's cruel trace, 
 No earthly diadem has ever set 
 A stain upon thy face. 
 "Child, life and hope were with thee at thy birth, 
 But life soon bowed thy tender form to earth, 
 And hope forsook thee in thy hour of need. 
 Come, for thy Saviour had His pains divine; 
 Come, for His brow was crowned with thorns like thine, 
 His sceptre was a reed." 
 Dublin University Magazine. 


Book: Reflection on the Important Things