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Best Famous Reviled Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Reviled poems. This is a select list of the best famous Reviled poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Reviled poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of reviled poems.

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Written by Edwin Arlington Robinson | Create an image from this poem

The Wandering Jew

 I saw by looking in his eyes 
That they remembered everything; 
And this was how I came to know 
That he was here, still wandering.
For though the figure and the scene Were never to be reconciled, I knew the man as I had known His image when I was a child.
With evidence at every turn, I should have held it safe to guess That all the newness of New York Had nothing new in loneliness; Yet here was one who might be Noah, Or Nathan, or Abimelech, Or Lamech, out of ages lost,— Or, more than all, Melchizedek.
Assured that he was none of these, I gave them back their names again, To scan once more those endless eyes Where all my questions ended then.
I found in them what they revealed That I shall not live to forget, And wondered if they found in mine Compassion that I might regret.
Pity, I learned, was not the least Of time’s offending benefits That had now for so long impugned The conservation of his wits: Rather it was that I should yield, Alone, the fealty that presents The tribute of a tempered ear To an untempered eloquence.
Before I pondered long enough On whence he came and who he was, I trembled at his ringing wealth Of manifold anathemas; I wondered, while he seared the world, What new defection ailed the race, And if it mattered how remote Our fathers were from such a place.
Before there was an hour for me To contemplate with less concern The crumbling realm awaiting us Than his that was beyond return, A dawning on the dust of years Had shaped with an elusive light Mirages of remembered scenes That were no longer for the sight.
For now the gloom that hid the man Became a daylight on his wrath, And one wherein my fancy viewed New lions ramping in his path.
The old were dead and had no fangs, Wherefore he loved them—seeing not They were the same that in their time Had eaten everything they caught.
The world around him was a gift Of anguish to his eyes and ears, And one that he had long reviled As fit for devils, not for seers.
Where, then, was there a place for him That on this other side of death Saw nothing good, as he had seen No good come out of Nazareth? Yet here there was a reticence, And I believe his only one, That hushed him as if he beheld A Presence that would not be gone.
In such a silence he confessed How much there was to be denied; And he would look at me and live, As others might have looked and died.
As if at last he knew again That he had always known, his eyes Were like to those of one who gazed On those of One who never dies.
For such a moment he revealed What life has in it to be lost; And I could ask if what I saw, Before me there, was man or ghost.
He may have died so many times That all there was of him to see Was pride, that kept itself alive As too rebellious to be free; He may have told, when more than once Humility seemed imminent, How many a lonely time in vain The Second Coming came and went.
Whether he still defies or not The failure of an angry task That relegates him out of time To chaos, I can only ask.
But as I knew him, so he was; And somewhere among men to-day Those old, unyielding eyes may flash, And flinch—and look the other way.

Written by Amy Lowell | Create an image from this poem

The Forsaken

 Holy Mother of God, Merciful Mary.
Hear me! I am very weary.
I have come from a village miles away, all day I have been coming, and I ache for such far roaming.
I cannot walk as light as I used, and my thoughts grow confused.
I am heavier than I was.
Mary Mother, you know the cause! Beautiful Holy Lady, take my shame away from me! Let this fear be only seeming, let it be that I am dreaming.
For months I have hoped it was so, now I am afraid I know.
Lady, why should this be shame, just because I haven't got his name.
He loved me, yes, Lady, he did, and he couldn't keep it hid.
We meant to marry.
Why did he die? That day when they told me he had gone down in the avalanche, and could not be found until the snow melted in Spring, I did nothing.
I could not cry.
Why should he die? Why should he die and his child live? His little child alive in me, for my comfort.
No, Good God, for my misery! I cannot face the shame, to be a mother, and not married, and the poor child to be reviled for having no father.
Merciful Mother, Holy Virgin, take away this sin I did.
Let the baby not be.
Only take the stigma off of me! I have told no one but you, Holy Mary.
My mother would call me "whore", and spit upon me; the priest would have me repent, and have the rest of my life spent in a convent.
I am no whore, no bad woman, he loved me, and we were to be married.
I carried him always in my heart, what did it matter if I gave him the least part of me too? You were a virgin, Holy Mother, but you had a son, you know there are times when a woman must give all.
There is some call to give and hold back nothing.
I swear I obeyed God then, and this child who lives in me is the sign.
What am I saying? He is dead, my beautiful, strong man! I shall never feel him caress me again.
This is the only baby I shall have.
Oh, Holy Virgin, protect my baby! My little, helpless baby! He will look like his father, and he will be as fast a runner and as good a shot.
Not that he shall be no scholar neither.
He shall go to school in winter, and learn to read and write, and my father will teach him to carve, so that he can make the little horses, and cows, and chamois, out of white wood.
Oh, No! No! No! How can I think such things, I am not good.
My father will have nothing to do with my boy, I shall be an outcast thing.
Oh, Mother of our Lord God, be merciful, take away my shame! Let my body be as it was before he came.
No little baby for me to keep underneath my heart for those long months.
To live for and to get comfort from.
I cannot go home and tell my mother.
She is so hard and righteous.
She never loved my father, and we were born for duty, not for love.
I cannot face it.
Holy Mother, take my baby away! Take away my little baby! I don't want it, I can't bear it! And I shall have nothing, nothing! Just be known as a good girl.
Have other men want to marry me, whom I could not touch, after having known my man.
Known the length and breadth of his beautiful white body, and the depth of his love, on the high Summer Alp, with the moon above, and the pine-needles all shiny in the light of it.
He is gone, my man, I shall never hear him or feel him again, but I could not touch another.
I would rather lie under the snow with my own man in my arms! So I shall live on and on.
Just a good woman.
With nothing to warm my heart where he lay, and where he left his baby for me to care for.
I shall not be quite human, I think.
Merely a stone-dead creature.
They will respect me.
What do I care for respect! You didn't care for people's tongues when you were carrying our Lord Jesus.
God had my man give me my baby, when He knew that He was going to take him away.
His lips will comfort me, his hands will soothe me.
All day I will work at my lace-making, and all night I will keep him warm by my side and pray the blessed Angels to cover him with their wings.
Dear Mother, what is it that sings? I hear voices singing, and lovely silver trumpets through it all.
They seem just on the other side of the wall.
Let me keep my baby, Holy Mother.
He is only a poor lace-maker's baby, with a stain upon him, but give me strength to bring him up to be a man.
Written by Robert William Service | Create an image from this poem

While The Bannock Bakes

 Light up your pipe again, old chum, and sit awhile with me;
I've got to watch the bannock bake -- how restful is the air!
You'd little think that we were somewhere north of Sixty-three,
Though where I don't exactly know, and don't precisely care.
The man-size mountains palisade us round on every side; The river is a-flop with fish, and ripples silver-clear; The midnight sunshine brims yon cleft -- we think it's the Divide; We'll get there in a month, maybe, or maybe in a year.
It doesn't matter, does it, pal? We're of that breed of men With whom the world of wine and cards and women disagree; Your trouble was a roofless game of poker now and then, And "raising up my elbow", that's what got away with me.
We're merely "Undesirables", artistic more or less; My horny hands are Chopin-wise; you quote your Browning well; And yet we're fooling round for gold in this damned wilderness: The joke is, if we found it, we would both go straight to hell.
Well, maybe we won't find it -- and at least we've got the "life".
We're both as brown as berries, and could wrestle with a bear: (That bannock's raising nicely, pal; just jab it with your knife.
) Fine specimens of manhood they would reckon us out there.
It's the tracking and the packing and the poling in the sun; It's the sleeping in the open, it's the rugged, unfaked food; It's the snow-shoe and the paddle, and the campfire and the gun, And when I think of what I was, I know that it is good.
Just think of how we've poled all day up this strange little stream; Since life began no eye of man has seen this place before; How fearless all the wild things are! the banks with goose-grass gleam, And there's a bronzy musk-rat sitting sniffing at his door.
A mother duck with brood of ten comes squattering along; The tawny, white-winged ptarmigan are flying all about; And in that swirly, golden pool, a restless, gleaming throng, The trout are waiting till we condescend to take them out.
Ah, yes, it's good! I'll bet that there's no doctor like the Wild: (Just turn that bannock over there; it's getting nicely brown.
) I might be in my grave by now, forgotten and reviled, Or rotting like a sickly cur in some far, foreign town.
I might be that vile thing I was, -- it all seems like a dream; I owed a man a grudge one time that only life could pay; And yet it's half-forgotten now -- how petty these things seem! (But that's "another story", pal; I'll tell it you some day.
) How strange two "irresponsibles" should chum away up here! But round the Arctic Circle friends are few and far between.
We've shared the same camp-fire and tent for nigh on seven year, And never had a word that wasn't cheering and serene.
We've halved the toil and split the spoil, and borne each other's packs; By all the Wild's freemasonry we're brothers, tried and true; We've swept on danger side by side, and fought it back to back, And you would die for me, old pal, and I would die for you.
Now there was that time I got lost in Rory Bory Land, (How quick the blizzards sweep on one across that Polar sea!) You formed a rescue crew of One, and saw a frozen hand That stuck out of a drift of snow -- and, partner, it was Me.
But I got even, did I not, that day the paddle broke? White water on the Coppermine -- a rock -- a split canoe -- Two fellows struggling in the foam (one couldn't swim a stroke): A half-drowned man I dragged ashore .
and partner, it was You.
* * * * * In Rory Borealis Land the winter's long and black.
The silence seems a solid thing, shot through with wolfish woe; And rowelled by the eager stars the skies vault vastly back, And man seems but a little mite on that weird-lit plateau.
No thing to do but smoke and yarn of wild and misspent lives, Beside the camp-fire there we sat -- what tales you told to me Of love and hate, and chance and fate, and temporary wives! In Rory Borealis Land, beside the Arctic Sea.
One yarn you told me in those days I can remember still; It seemed as if I visioned it, so sharp you sketched it in; Bellona was the name, I think; a coast town in Brazil, Where nobody did anything but serenade and sin.
I saw it all -- the jewelled sea, the golden scythe of sand, The stately pillars of the palms, the feathery bamboo, The red-roofed houses and the swart, sun-dominated land, The people ever children, and the heavens ever blue.
You told me of that girl of yours, that blossom of old Spain, All glamour, grace and witchery, all passion, verve and glow.
How maddening she must have been! You made me see her plain, There by our little camp-fire, in the silence and the snow.
You loved her and she loved you.
She'd a husband, too, I think, A doctor chap, you told me, whom she treated like a dog, A white man living on the beach, a hopeless slave to drink -- (Just turn that bannock over there, that's propped against the log.
) That story seemed to strike me, pal -- it happens every day: You had to go away awhile, then somehow it befell The doctor chap discovered, gave her up, and disappeared; You came back, tired of her in time .
there's nothing more to tell.
Hist! see those willows silvering where swamp and river meet! Just reach me up my rifle quick; that's Mister Moose, I know -- There now, I've got him dead to rights .
but hell! we've lots to eat I don't believe in taking life -- we'll let the beggar go.
Heigh ho! I'm tired; the bannock's cooked; it's time we both turned in.
The morning mist is coral-kissed, the morning sky is gold.
The camp-fire's a confessional -- what funny yarns we spin! It sort of made me think a bit, that story that you told.
The fig-leaf belt and Rory Bory are such odd extremes, Yet after all how very small this old world seems to be .
Yes, that was quite a yarn, old pal, and yet to me it seems You missed the point: the point is that the "doctor chap" .
was ME.
Written by Eugene Field | Create an image from this poem

The delectable ballad of the waller lot

 Up yonder in Buena Park
There is a famous spot,
In legend and in history
Yclept the Waller Lot.
There children play in daytime And lovers stroll by dark, For 't is the goodliest trysting-place In all Buena Park.
Once on a time that beauteous maid, Sweet little Sissy Knott, Took out her pretty doll to walk Within the Waller Lot.
While thus she fared, from Ravenswood Came Injuns o'er the plain, And seized upon that beauteous maid And rent her doll in twain.
Oh, 't was a piteous thing to hear Her lamentations wild; She tore her golden curls and cried: "My child! My child! My child!" Alas, what cared those Injun chiefs How bitterly wailed she? They never had been mothers, And they could not hope to be! "Have done with tears," they rudely quoth, And then they bound her hands; For they proposed to take her off To distant border lands.
But, joy! from Mr.
Eddy's barn Doth Willie Clow behold The sight that makes his hair rise up And all his blood run cold.
He put his fingers in his mouth And whistled long and clear, And presently a goodly horde Of cow-boys did appear.
Cried Willie Clow: "My comrades bold, Haste to the Waller Lot, And rescue from that Injun band Our charming Sissy Knott!" "Spare neither Injun buck nor squaw, But smite them hide and hair! Spare neither sex nor age nor size, And no condition spare!" Then sped that cow-boy band away, Full of revengeful wrath, And Kendall Evans rode ahead Upon a hickory lath.
And next came gallant Dady Field And Willie's brother Kent, The Eddy boys and Robbie James, On murderous purpose bent.
For they were much beholden to That maid - in sooth, the lot Were very, very much in love With charming Sissy Knott.
What wonder? She was beauty's queen, And good beyond compare; Moreover, it was known she was Her wealthy father's heir! Now when the Injuns saw that band They trembled with affright, And yet they thought the cheapest thing To do was stay and fight.
So sturdily they stood their ground, Nor would their prisoner yield, Despite the wrath of Willie Clow And gallant Dady Field.
Oh, never fiercer battle raged Upon the Waller Lot, And never blood more freely flowed Than flowed for Sissy Knott! An Injun chief of monstrous size Got Kendall Evans down, And Robbie James was soon o'erthrown By one of great renown.
And Dady Field was sorely done, And Willie Clow was hurt, And all that gallant cow-boy band Lay wallowing in the dirt.
But still they strove with might and main Till all the Waller Lot Was strewn with hair and gouts of gore - All, all for Sissy Knott! Then cried the maiden in despair: "Alas, I sadly fear The battle and my hopes are lost, Unless some help appear!" Lo, as she spoke, she saw afar The rescuer looming up - The pride of all Buena Park, Clow's famous yellow pup! "Now, sick'em, Don," the maiden cried, "Now, sick'em, Don!" cried she; Obedient Don at once complied - As ordered, so did he.
He sicked'em all so passing well That, overcome by fright, The Indian horde gave up the fray And safety sought in flight.
They ran and ran and ran and ran O'er valley, plain, and hill; And if they are not walking now, Why, then, they're running still.
The cow-boys rose up from the dust With faces black and blue; "Remember, beauteous maid," said they, "We've bled and died for you!" "And though we suffer grievously, We gladly hail the lot That brings us toils and pains and wounds For charming Sissy Knott!" But Sissy Knott still wailed and wept, And still her fate reviled; For who could patch her dolly up - Who, who could mend her child? Then out her doting mother came, And soothed her daughter then; "Grieve not, my darling, I will sew Your dolly up again!" Joy soon succeeded unto grief, And tears were soon dried up, And dignities were heaped upon Clow's noble yellow pup.
Him all that goodly company Did as deliverer hail - They tied a ribbon round his neck, Another round his tail.
And every anniversary day Upon the Waller Lot They celebrate the victory won For charming Sissy Knott.
And I, the poet of these folk, Am ordered to compile This truly famous history In good old ballad style.
Which having done as to have earned The sweet rewards of fame, In what same style I did begin I now shall end the same.
So let us sing: Long live the King, Long live the Queen and Jack, Long live the ten-spot and the ace, And also all the pack.
Written by Victor Hugo | Create an image from this poem


 ("Gastibelza, l'homme à la carabine.") 
 {XXII., March, 1837.} 

 Gastibelza, with gun the measure beating, 
 Would often sing: 
 "Has one o' ye with sweet Sabine been meeting, 
 As, gay, ye bring 
 Your songs and steps which, by the music, 
 Are reconciled— 
 Oh! this chill wind across the mountain rushing 
 Will drive me wild! 
 "You stare as though you hardly knew my lady— 
 Sabine's her name! 
 Her dam inhabits yonder cavern shady, 
 A witch of shame, 
 Who shrieks o' nights upon the Haunted Tower, 
 With horrors piled— 
 Oh! this chill wind, etc. 
 "Sing on and leap—enjoying all the favors 
 Good heaven sends; 
 She, too, was young—her lips had peachy savors 
 With honey blends; 
 Give to that hag—not always old—a penny, 
 Though crime-defiled— 
 Oh! this chill wind, etc. 
 "The queen beside her looked a wench uncomely, 
 When, near to-night, 
 She proudly stalked a-past the maids so homely, 
 In bodice tight 
 And collar old as reign of wicked Julian, 
 By fiend beguiled— 
 Oh! this chill wind, etc. 
 "The king himself proclaimed her peerless beauty 
 Before the court, 
 And held it were to win a kiss his duty 
 To give a fort, 
 Or, more, to sign away all bright Dorado, 
 Tho' gold-plate tiled— 
 Oh! this chill wind, etc. 
 "Love her? at least, I know I am most lonely 
 Without her nigh; 
 I'm but a hound to follow her, and only 
 At her feet die. 
 I'd gayly spend of toilsome years a dozen— 
 A felon styled— 
 Oh! this chill wind, etc. 
 "One summer day when long—so long? I'd missed her, 
 She came anew, 
 To play i' the fount alone but for her sister, 
 And bared to view 
 The finest, rosiest, most tempting ankle, 
 Like that of child— 
 Oh! this chill wind, etc. 
 "When I beheld her, I—a lowly shepherd— 
 Grew in my mind 
 Till I was Caesar—she that crownèd leopard 
 He crouched behind, 
 No Roman stern, but in her silken leashes 
 A captive mild— 
 Oh! this chill wind, etc. 
 "Yet dance and sing, tho' night be thickly falling;— 
 In selfsame time 
 Poor Sabine heard in ecstasy the calling, 
 In winning rhyme, 
 Of Saldane's earl so noble, ay, and wealthy, 
 Name e'er reviled— 
 Oh! this chill wind, etc. 
 "(Let me upon this bench be shortly resting, 
 So weary, I!) 
 That noble bore her smiling, unresisting, 
 By yonder high 
 And ragged road that snakes towards the summit 
 Where crags are piled— 
 Oh! this chill wind, etc. 
 "I saw her pass beside my lofty station— 
 A glance—'twas all! 
 And yet I loathe my daily honest ration, 
 The air's turned gall! 
 My soul's in chase, my body chafes to wander— 
 My dagger's filed— 
 Oh! this chill wind may change, and o'er the mountain 
 May drive me wild!" 


Written by John Greenleaf Whittier | Create an image from this poem

Barclay Of Ury

 Up the streets of Aberdeen,
By the kirk and college green,
Rode the Laird of Ury;
Close behind him, close beside,
Foul of mouth and evil-eyed,
Pressed the mob in fury.
Flouted him the drunken churl, Jeered at him the serving-girl, Prompt to please her master; And the begging carlin, late Fed and clothed at Ury's gate, Cursed him as he passed her.
Yet, with calm and stately mien, Up the streets of Aberdeen Came he slowly riding; And, to all he saw and heard, Answering not with bitter word, Turning not for chiding.
Came a troop with broad swords swinging, Bits and bridles sharply ringing, Loose and free and forward; Quoth the foremost, 'Ride him down! Push him! prick him! through the town Drive the Quaker coward!' But from out the thickening crowd Cried a sudden voice and loud: 'Barclay! Ho! a Barclay! And the old man at his side Saw a comrade, battle tried, Scarred and sunburned darkly, Who with ready weapon bare, Fronting to the troopers there, Cried aloud: 'God save us, Call ye coward him who stood Ankle deep in Lutzen's blood, With the brave Gustavus?' 'Nay, I do not need thy sword, Comrade mine,' said Ury's lord.
'Put it up, I pray thee: Passive to His holy will, Trust I in my Master still, Even though He slay me.
'Pledges of thy love and faith, Proved on many a field of death, Not by me are needed.
' Marvelled much that henchman bold, That his laird, so stout of old, Now so meekly pleaded.
'Woe's the day!' he sadly said, With a slowly shaking head, And a look of pity; 'Ury's honest lord reviled, Mock of knave and sport of child, In his own good city! 'Speak the word, and, master mine, As we charged on Tilly's line, And his Walloon lancers, Smiting through their midst we'll teach Civil look and decent speech To these boyish prancers!' 'Marvel not, mine ancient friend, Like beginning, like the end,' Quoth the Laird of Ury; 'Is the sinful servant more Than his gracious Lord who bore Bonds and stripes in Jewry? 'Give me joy that in his name I can bear, with patient frame, All these vain ones offer; While for them He suffereth long, Shall I answer wrong with wrong, Scoffing with the scoffer? 'Happier I, with loss of all, Hunted, outlawed, held in thrall, With few friends to greet me, Than when reeve and squire were seen, Riding our from Aberdeen, With bared heads to meet me.
'When each goodwife, o'er and o'er, Blessed me as I passed her door; And the snooded daughter, Through her casement glancing down, Smiled on him who bore renown From red fields of slaughter.
'Hard to feel the stranger's scoff, Hard the old friend's falling off, Hard to learn forgiving; But the Lord His own rewards, And His love with theirs accords, Warm and fresh and living.
'Through this dark and stormy night Faith beholds a feeble light Up the blackness streaking; Knowing God's own time is best, In a patient hope I rest For the full day-breaking!' So the Laird of Ury said, Turning slow his horse's head Towards the Tolbooth prison, Where, through iron gates, he heard Poor disciples of thee Word Preach of Christ arisen! Not in vain, Confessor old, Unto us the tale is told Of thy day of trial; Every age on him who strays From its broad and beaten ways Pours its seven-fold vial.
Happy he whose inward ear Angel comfortings can hear, O'er the rabble's laughter; And while Hatred's fagots burn, Glimpses through the smoke discern Of the good hereafter.
Knowing this, that never yet Share of Truth was vainly set In the world's wide fallow; After hands shall sow the seed, After hands from hill and mead Reap the harvests yellow.
Thus, with somewhat of the Seer, Must the moral pioneer From the Future borrow; Clothe the waste with dreams of grain, And, on midnight's sky of rain, Paint the golden morrow!
Written by Edwin Arlington Robinson | Create an image from this poem

The Master

 A flying word from here and there 
Had sown the name at which we sneered, 
To be reviled and then revered: 
A presence to be loved and feared-- 
We cannot hide it, or deny 
That we, the gentlemen who jeered, 
May be forgotten by and by.
He came when days were perilous And hearts of men were sore beguiled, And having made his note of us, He pondered and was reconciled.
Was ever master yet so mild As he, and so untamable? We doubted, even when he smiled, Not knowing what he knew so well.
He knew that undeceiving fate Would shame us whom he served unsought; He knew that he must wince and wait-- The jest of those for whom he fought; He knew devoutly what he thought Of us and of our ridicule; He knew that we must all be taught Like little children in a school.
We gave a glamour to the task That he encountered and saw through; But little of us did he ask, And little did we ever do.
And what appears if we review The season when we railed and chaffed?-- It is the face of one who knew That we were learning while we laughed.
The face that in our vision feels Again the venom that we flung, Transfigured to the world reveals The vigilance to which we clung.
Shrewd, hallowed, harrassed, and among The mysteries that are untold-- The face we see was never young, Nor could it wholly have been old.
For he, to whom we had applied Our shopman's test of age and worth, Was elemental when he died As he was ancient at his birth: The saddest among kings of earth, Bowed with a galling crown, this man Met rancor with a cryptic mirth, Laconic--and Olympian.
The love, the grandeur, and the fame Are bounded by the world alone; The calm, the smouldering, and the flame Of awful patience were his own: With him they are forever flown Past all our fond self-shadowings, Wherewith we cumber the Unknown As with inept Icarian wings.
For we were not as other men: 'Twas ours to soar and his to see.
But we are coming down again, And we shall come down pleasantly; Nor shall we longer disagree On what it is to be sublime, But flourish in our pedigree And have one Titan at a time.
Written by Algernon Charles Swinburne | Create an image from this poem


 Reconciled by death's mild hand, that giving
Peace gives wisdom, not more strong than mild,
Love beholds them, each without misgiving
Each on earth alike of earth reviled, Hated, feared, derided, and forgiving, Each alike had heaven at heart, and smiled.
Both bright names, clothed round with man's thanksgiving, Shine, twin stars above the storm-drifts piled, Dead and deathless, whom we saw not living Reconciled.
Written by Emily Dickinson | Create an image from this poem

My Soul -- accused me -- And I quailed --

 My Soul -- accused me -- And I quailed --
As Tongue of Diamond had reviled
All else accused me -- and I smiled --
My Soul -- that Morning -- was My friend --

Her favor -- is the best Disdain
Toward Artifice of Time -- or Men --
But Her Disdain -- 'twere lighter bear
A finger of Enamelled Fire --

Book: Shattered Sighs