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Best Famous Reverted Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Reverted poems. This is a select list of the best famous Reverted poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Reverted poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of reverted poems.

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Written by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow | Create an image from this poem

The Jewish Cemetery at Newport

 How strange it seems! These Hebrews in their graves,
Close by the street of this fair seaport town,
Silent beside the never-silent waves,
At rest in all this moving up and down!

The trees are white with dust, that o'er their sleep
Wave their broad curtains in the southwind's breath,
While underneath these leafy tents they keep
The long, mysterious Exodus of Death.
And these sepulchral stones, so old and brown, That pave with level flags their burial-place, Seem like the tablets of the Law, thrown down And broken by Moses at the mountain's base.
The very names recorded here are strange, Of foreign accent, and of different climes; Alvares and Rivera interchange With Abraham and Jacob of old times.
"Blessed be God! for he created Death!" The mourner said, "and Death is rest and peace!" Then added, in the certainty of faith, "And giveth Life that nevermore shall cease.
" Closed are the portals of their Synagogue, No Psalms of David now the silence break, No Rabbi reads the ancient Decalogue In the grand dialect the Prophets spake.
Gone are the living, but the dead remain, And not neglected; for a hand unseen, Scattering its bounty, like a summer rain, Still keeps their graves and their remembrance green.
How came they here? What burst of Christian hate, What persecution, merciless and blind, Drove o'er the sea -that desert desolate - These Ishmaels and Hagars of mankind? They lived in narrow streets and lanes obscure, Ghetto and Judenstrass, in mirk and mire; Taught in the school of patience to endure The life of anguish and the death of fire.
All their lives long, with the unleavened bread And bitter herbs of exile and its fears, The wasting famine of the heart they fed, And slaked its thirst with marah of their tears.
Anathema maranatha! was the cry That rang from town to town, from street to street: At every gate the accursed Mordecai Was mocked and jeered, and spurned by Christian feet.
Pride and humiliation hand in hand Walked with them through the world where'er they went; Trampled and beaten were they as the sand, And yet unshaken as the continent.
For in the background figures vague and vast Of patriarchs and of prophets rose sublime, And all the great traditions of the Past They saw reflected in the coming time.
And thus forever with reverted look The mystic volume of the world they read, Spelling it backward, like a Hebrew book, Till life became a Legend of the Dead.
But ah! what once has been shall be no more! The groaning earth in travail and in pain Brings forth its races, but does not restore, And the dead nations never rise again.

Written by William Topaz McGonagall | Create an image from this poem

Annie Marshall the Foundling

 Annie Marshall was a foundling, and lived in Downderry,
And was trained up by a coast-guardsman, kind-hearted and merry
And he loved Annie Marshall as dear as his life,
And he resolved to make her his own loving wife.
The night was tempestuous, most terrific, and pitch dark, When Matthew Pengelly rescued Annie Marshall from an ill-fated barque, But her parents were engulfed in the briny deep, Which caused poor Annie at times to sigh and weep.
One day Matthew asked Annie if she would be his wife, And Annie replied, I never thought of it in all my life; Yes, my wife, Annie, replied Matthew, hold hard a bit, Remember, Annie, I've watched you grow up, and consider you most fit.
Poor Annie did not speak, she remained quite mute, And with agitation she trembled from head to foot, The poor girl was in a dilemma, she knew not what to say, And owing to Matthew training her, she couldn't say him nay.
Oh! Matthew, I'm afraid I would not make you a good wife, And in that respect there would be too much strife, And the thought thereof, believe me, makes me feel ill, Because I'm unfit to be thy wife, Matthew, faltered the poor girl.
Time will prove that, dear Annie, but why are you so calm? Then Annie put her hand shyly into Matthew's brown palm Just then the flashing lightning played upon Annie's face, And the loud thunder drowned Matthew's words as Annie left the place.
But Matthew looked after her as she went home straightway, And his old heart felt light and gay, As he looked forward for his coming marriage day, Because he knew that Annie Marshall couldn't say him nay.
Then the sky drew dark, and the sea lashed itself into foam, But he heeded it not as he sat there alone, Till the sound of a gun came booming o'er the sea, Then Matthew had to attend to his duty immediately.
A ship, he muttered, Lord, help them! and coming right in by the sound, And in a few minutes she will run aground.
And the vessel was dashed against the rocks with her helpless crew, Then in hot haste for assistance Matthew instantly flew.
Then Matthew returned with a few men all willing to lend their aid, But amongst them all Matthew seemed the least afraid; Then an old man cried, Save my boy, for his mother's sake, Oh! Matthew, try and save him, or my heart will break! I will, Heaven helping me, Matthew said solemnly, Come, bear a hand, mates, and lower me over the cliff quietly; Then Matthew was lowered with ropes into what seemed a watery grave, At the risk of his own life, old Jonathan Bately's son to save.
So Matthew Pengelly saved Jonathan Bately's son, And the old man thanked God and Matthew for what he had done, And the mother's heart was full of gratitude and joy, For the restoration of her darling boy.
So Matthew resolved to marry Annie Marshall, But first he'd go to sea whatever did befall, To earn a few pounds to make the marriage more grand, So he joined a whaling vessel and went to Greenland And while Matthew was away at Greenland, David Bately wanted to marry Annie Marshall right off hand, But Annie refused to marry David Bately, So in anger David Bately went another voyage to sea.
A few nights after David Bately had gone to sea, Annie's thoughts reverted to Matthew Pengelly, And as she sat in the Downderry station watching the boiling waves below, The wind blew a terrific gale, which filled her heart with woe.
And as she sat there the big waves did loudly roar, When a man cried, Help! help! there's a corpse washed ashore; Then Annie rushed madly to the little beach, And when she saw the corpse she gave a loud screech So there is but little more to tell of this sad history, Only that Annie Marshall mourned long for Matthew Pengelly, Who had floated home to be buried amongst his own kin, But, alas! the rest of the crew were buried in the sea, save him.
Written by Rg Gregory | Create an image from this poem

the man the gun and the dog

 yesterday the man was pleased
the sun sat in the tree and all
upon the land held to the harmony
his coming then expected

 his gun in his arm
 his dog at his heels

a blackbird sang on a high branch
a white horse ambled by the hedge
a brindled cow munched grass - the man
shared his heartbeat with them

 his gun in his arm
 his dog at his heels

today he was disturbed - a mist
obscured what grew inside and out
a tree loomed upon him like a threat
his walk had nothing safe about it

 a gun in his arm
 a dog at his heels

a huge crow shrieked from the tree
its wings churning the mist
its beak sharpening for attack
its claws reaching for the man's eyes

 shoot said the gun
 the dog stayed at his heels

the man shot - once - and the crow
reared backwards from the blast
a thunder cloud dripping red rain
and fell to earth a muted blackbird

 good said the gun
 the dog stayed at his heels

an elephant (but white as leprosy)
with trunk and tusks upraised crashed 
through the hedge trumpeting and causing 
earth and man to shudder violently

 shoot shoot said the gun
 the dog stayed at his heels

the man shot - twice - and the beast
bellowing with a disbelieving pain
exploded (staining the mist deep red) 
and fell to earth an old white horse

 good good said the gun
 the dog stayed at his heels

a mammoth buffalo brindled and bristling
a taste for death snorting from its snout
hurtled towards the man - with flecks 
of flesh still hanging from its jaws

 shoot shoot shoot said the gun
 the dog stayed at his heels

the man shot - thrice - and the monster
spun round with the savagest of roars
drenching the landscape in a hot red spray
then fell to earth a gentle brindled cow

 good good good said the gun
 the dog barked once

the man stood stunned in the thick mist
alien to the fields he had known
from his first breath - he comprehended
nothing but the gun in his hand

 shoot shoot shoot shoot said the gun
 the dog barked twice

the man shot - four times - and the dog
with not a sound fell to earth
and rolled on its back - its four
legs sticking stiffly in the air

 good good good good said the gun
 as the dog lay still

the man looked hard at the dog and saw
an upside down reflection of himself
he hurled the gun (bereft of bullets)
into a pond - it stuck stock-upwards

 the gun reverted to the tree
 its wood had come from

 the dog was lifted skywards
 by invisible cords

the man went on walking - for days the man stood stunned in the thick mist
alien to the fields he had known
from his first breath - he comprehended
nothing but the gun in his hand

 shoot shoot shoot shoot said the gun
 the dog barked twice

the man shot - four times - and the dog
with not a sound fell to earth
and rolled on its back - its four
legs sticking stiffly in the air

 good good good good said the gun
 as the dog lay still

the man looked hard at the dog and saw
an upside down reflection of himself
he hurled the gun (bereft of bullets)
into a pond - it stuck stock-upwards

 the gun reverted to the tree
 its wood had come from

 the dog was lifted skywards
 by invisible cords

the man went on walking - for days
weeks months even till the sun returned -
loving the mist (its near wisdom
its light uncompromising touch)

 now he is free of the gun
 he understands the dog

a blackbird sings in a high branch
a white horse ambles by the hedge
a brindled cow munches grass - the man
shares his heartbeat with them
Written by Emily Dickinson | Create an image from this poem

If He were living -- dare I ask --

 If He were living -- dare I ask --
And how if He be dead --
And so around the Words I went --
Of meeting them -- afraid --

I hinted Changes -- Lapse of Time --
The Surfaces of Years --
I touched with Caution -- lest they crack --
And show me to my fears --

Reverted to adjoining Lives --
Adroitly turning out
Wherever I suspected Graves --
'Twas prudenter -- I thought --

And He -- I pushed -- with sudden force --
In face of the Suspense --
"Was buried" -- "Buried"! "He!"
My Life just holds the Trench --
Written by Thomas Gray | Create an image from this poem

Ode On The Pleasure Arising From Vicissitude

 Now the golden Morn aloft
Waves her dew-bespangled wing,
With vermeil cheek and whisper soft
She wooes the tardy Spring:
Till April starts, and calls around
The sleeping fragrance from the ground,
And lightly o'er the living scene
Scatters his freshest, tenderest green.
New-born flocks, in rustic dance, Frisking ply their feeble feet; Forgetful of their wintry trance The birds his presence greet: But chief, the skylark warbles high His trembling thrilling ecstasy; And, lessening from the dazzled sight, Melts into air and liquid light.
Yesterday the sullen year Saw the snowy whirlwind fly; Mute was the music of the air, The herd stood drooping by: Their raptures now that wildly flow No yesterday nor morrow know; 'Tis Man alone that joy descries With forward and reverted eyes.
Smiles on past Misfortune's brow Soft Reflection's hand can trace, And o'er the cheek of Sorrow throw A melancholy grace; While Hope prolongs our happier hour, Or deepest shades, that dimly lour And blacken round our weary way, Gilds with a gleam of distant day.
Still, where rosy Pleasure leads See a kindred Grief pursue; Behind the steps that Misery treads Approaching Comfort view: The hues of bliss more brightly glow Chastised by sabler tints of woe, And blended form, with artful strife, The strength and harmony of life.
See the wretch that long has tost On the thorny bed of pain, At length repair his vigour lost, And breathe and walk again: The meanest floweret of the vale, The simplest note that swells the gale, The common sun, the air, the skies, To him are opening Paradise.

Written by Walter Savage Landor | Create an image from this poem


 Now it's over, and now it's done; 
Why does everything look the same? 
Just as bright, the unheeding sun, -- 
Can't it see that the parting came? 
People hurry and work and swear, 
Laugh and grumble and die and wed, 
Ponder what they will eat and wear, -- 
Don't they know that our love is dead? 

Just as busy, the crowded street; 
Cars and wagons go rolling on, 
Children chuckle, and lovers meet, -- 
Don't they know that our love is gone? 
No one pauses to pay a tear; 
None walks slow, for the love that's through, -- 
I might mention, my recent dear, 
I've reverted to normal, too.

Book: Shattered Sighs