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Best Famous Rallies Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Rallies poems. This is a select list of the best famous Rallies poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Rallies poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of rallies poems.

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Written by James Tate | Create an image from this poem


 This is the hardest part:
When I came back to life
I was a good family dog
and not too friendly to strangers.
I got a thirty-five dollar raise in salary, and through the pea-soup fogs I drove the General, and introduced him at rallies.
I had a totalitarian approach and was a massive boost to his popularity.
I did my best to reduce the number of people.
The local bourgeoisie did not exist.
One of them was a mystic and walked right over me as if I were a bed of hot coals.
This is par for the course- I will be employing sundry golf metaphors henceforth, because a dog, best friend and chief advisor to the General, should.
While dining with the General I said, "Let's play the back nine in a sacred rage.
Let's tee-off over the foredoomed community and putt ourselves thunderously, touching bottom.
" He drank it all in, rugged and dusky.
I think I know what he was thinking.
He held his automatic to my little head and recited a poem about my many weaknesses, for which I loved him so.

Written by Edward Taylor | Create an image from this poem


 This is the hardest part:
When I came back to life
I was a good family dog
and not too friendly to strangers.
I got a thirty-five dollar raise in salary, and through the pea-soup fogs I drove the General, and introduced him at rallies.
I had a totalitarian approach and was a massive boost to his popularity.
I did my best to reduce the number of people.
The local bourgeoisie did not exist.
One of them was a mystic and walked right over me as if I were a bed of hot coals.
This is par for the course- I will be employing sundry golf metaphors henceforth, because a dog, best friend and chief advisor to the General, should.
While dining with the General I said, "Let's play the back nine in a sacred rage.
Let's tee-off over the foredoomed community and putt ourselves thunderously, touching bottom.
" He drank it all in, rugged and dusky.
I think I know what he was thinking.
He held his automatic to my little head and recited a poem about my many weaknesses, for which I loved him so.
Written by Emily Dickinson | Create an image from this poem

This World is not Conclusion

 This World is not Conclusion.
A Species stands beyond -- Invisible, as Music -- But positive, as Sound -- It beckons, and it baffles -- Philosophy -- don't know -- And through a Riddle, at the last -- Sagacity, must go -- To guess it, puzzles scholars -- To gain it, Men have borne Contempt of Generations And Crucifixion, shown -- Faith slips -- and laughs, and rallies -- Blushes, if any see -- Plucks at a twig of Evidence -- And asks a Vane, the way -- Much Gesture, from the Pulpit -- Strong Hallelujahs roll -- Narcotics cannot still the Tooth That nibbles at the soul --
Written by Joyce Kilmer | Create an image from this poem

The Cathedral of Rheims

 (From the French of Emile Verhaeren)

He who walks through the meadows of Champagne
At noon in Fall, when leaves like gold appear,
Sees it draw near
Like some great mountain set upon the plain,
From radiant dawn until the close of day,
Nearer it grows
To him who goes
Across the country.
When tall towers lay Their shadowy pall Upon his way, He enters, where The solid stone is hollowed deep by all Its centuries of beauty and of prayer.
Ancient French temple! thou whose hundred kings Watch over thee, emblazoned on thy walls, Tell me, within thy memory-hallowed halls What chant of triumph, or what war-song rings? Thou hast known Clovis and his Frankish train, Whose mighty hand Saint Remy's hand did keep And in thy spacious vault perhaps may sleep An echo of the voice of Charlemagne.
For God thou has known fear, when from His side Men wandered, seeking alien shrines and new, But still the sky was bountiful and blue And thou wast crowned with France's love and pride.
Sacred thou art, from pinnacle to base; And in thy panes of gold and scarlet glass The setting sun sees thousandfold his face; Sorrow and joy, in stately silence pass Across thy walls, the shadow and the light; Around thy lofty pillars, tapers white Illuminate, with delicate sharp flames, The brows of saints with venerable names, And in the night erect a fiery wall.
A great but silent fervour burns in all Those simple folk who kneel, pathetic, dumb, And know that down below, beside the Rhine -- Cannon, horses, soldiers, flags in line -- With blare of trumpets, mighty armies come.
Suddenly, each knows fear; Swift rumours pass, that every one must hear, The hostile banners blaze against the sky And by the embassies mobs rage and cry.
Now war has come, and peace is at an end.
On Paris town the German troops descend.
They are turned back, and driven to Champagne.
And now, as to so many weary men, The glorious temple gives them welcome, when It meets them at the bottom of the plain.
At once, they set their cannon in its way.
There is no gable now, nor wall That does not suffer, night and day, As shot and shell in crushing torrents fall.
The stricken tocsin quivers through the tower; The triple nave, the apse, the lonely choir Are circled, hour by hour, With thundering bands of fire And Death is scattered broadcast among men.
And then That which was splendid with baptismal grace; The stately arches soaring into space, The transepts, columns, windows gray and gold, The organ, in whose tones the ocean rolled, The crypts, of mighty shades the dwelling places, The Virgin's gentle hands, the Saints' pure faces, All, even the pardoning hands of Christ the Lord Were struck and broken by the wanton sword Of sacrilegious lust.
O beauty slain, O glory in the dust! Strong walls of faith, most basely overthrown! The crawling flames, like adders glistening Ate the white fabric of this lovely thing.
Now from its soul arose a piteous moan, The soul that always loved the just and fair.
Granite and marble loud their woe confessed, The silver monstrances that Popes had blessed, The chalices and lamps and crosiers rare Were seared and twisted by a flaming breath; The horror everywhere did range and swell, The guardian Saints into this furnace fell, Their bitter tears and screams were stilled in death.
Around the flames armed hosts are skirmishing, The burning sun reflects the lurid scene; The German army, fighting for its life, Rallies its torn and terrified left wing; And, as they near this place The imperial eagles see Before them in their flight, Here, in the solemn night, The old cathedral, to the years to be Showing, with wounded arms, their own disgrace.
Written by Edgar Lee Masters | Create an image from this poem

Elsa Wertman

 I was a peasant girl from Germany,
Blue-eyed, rosy, happy and strong.
And the first place I worked was at Thomas Greene's.
On a summer's day when she was away He stole into the kitchen and took me Right in his arms and kissed me on my throat, I turning my head.
Then neither of us Seemed to know what happened.
And I cried for what would become of me.
And cried and cried as my secret began to show.
One day Mrs.
Greene said she understood, And would make no trouble for me, And, being childless, would adopt it.
(He had given her a farm to be still.
) So she hid in the house and sent out rumors, As if it were going to happen to her.
And all went well and the child was born -- They were so kind to me.
Later I married Gus Wertman, and years passed.
But -- at political rallies when sitters-by thought I was crying At the eloquence of Hamilton Greene -- That was not it.
No! I wanted to say: That's my son! That's my son!

Written by John Masefield | Create an image from this poem

On Growing Old

 Be with me, Beauty, for the fire is dying; 
My dog and I are old, too old for roving.
Man, whose young passion sets the spindrift flying, Is soon too lame to march, too cold for loving.
I take the book and gather to the fire, Turning old yellow leaves; minute by minute The clock ticks to my heart.
A withered wire, Moves a thiun ghost of music in the spinet.
I cannot sail your seas, I cannot wander Your cornland, nor your hill-land, nor your valleys Ever again, nore share the battle yonder Where the young knight the broken squadron rallies.
Only stay quiet while my mind remembers The beauty of fire from the beauty of embers.
Beauty, have pity! for the strong have power, The rich their wealth, the beautiful their grace, Summer of man its sunlight and its flower.
Spring-time of man, all April in a face.
Only, as in the jostling in the Strand, Where the mob thrusts, or loiters, or is loud, The beggar with the saucer in his hand Asks only a penny from the passing crowd, So, from this glittering world with all its fashion, Its fire, and play of men, its stir, its march, Let me have wisdom, Beauty, wisdom and passion, Bread to the soul, rain when the summers parch.
Give me but these, and though the darkness close Even the night will blossom as the rose.
Written by Sir Henry Newbolt | Create an image from this poem

Vita? Lampada

 There's a breathless hush in the Close to-night -- 
Ten to make and the match to win -- 
A bumping pitch and a blinding light, 
An hour to play and the last man in.
And it's not for the sake of a ribboned coat, Or the selfish hope of a season's fame, But his Captain's hand on his shoulder smote "Play up! play up! and play the game!" The sand of the desert is sodden red, -- Red with the wreck of a square that broke; -- The Gatling's jammed and the colonel dead, And the regiment blind with dust and smoke.
The river of death has brimmed his banks, And England's far, and Honour a name, But the voice of schoolboy rallies the ranks, "Play up! play up! and play the game!" This is the word that year by year While in her place the School is set Every one of her sons must hear, And none that hears it dare forget.
This they all with a joyful mind Bear through life like a torch in flame, And falling fling to the host behind -- "Play up! play up! and play the game!"
Written by Emily Dickinson | Create an image from this poem

Fairer through Fading -- as the Day

 Fairer through Fading -- as the Day
Into the Darkness dips away --
Half Her Complexion of the Sun --
Hindering -- Haunting -- Perishing --

Rallies Her Glow, like a dying Friend --
Teasing with glittering Amend --
Only to aggravate the Dark
Through an expiring -- perfect -- look --

Book: Shattered Sighs