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Best Famous Prostrate Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Prostrate poems. This is a select list of the best famous Prostrate poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Prostrate poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of prostrate poems.

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Written by Anne Bradstreet | Create an image from this poem

In Honour of that High and Mighty Princess Queen ELIZABETH

1 Although great Queen, thou now in silence lie, 1.
2 Yet thy loud Herald Fame, doth to the sky 1.
3 Thy wondrous worth proclaim, in every clime, 1.
4 And so has vow'd, whilst there is world or time.
5 So great's thy glory, and thine excellence, 1.
6 The sound thereof raps every human sense 1.
7 That men account it no impiety 1.
8 To say thou wert a fleshly Deity.
9 Thousands bring off'rings (though out of date) 1.
10 Thy world of honours to accumulate.
11 'Mongst hundred Hecatombs of roaring Verse, 1.
12 'Mine bleating stands before thy royal Hearse.
13 Thou never didst, nor canst thou now disdain, 1.
14 T' accept the tribute of a loyal Brain.
15 Thy clemency did yerst esteem as much 1.
16 The acclamations of the poor, as rich, 1.
17 Which makes me deem, my rudeness is no wrong, 1.
18 Though I resound thy greatness 'mongst the throng.
The Poem.
1 No Ph{oe}nix Pen, nor Spenser's Poetry, 2.
2 No Speed's, nor Camden's learned History; 2.
3 Eliza's works, wars, praise, can e're compact, 2.
4 The World's the Theater where she did act.
5 No memories, nor volumes can contain, 2.
6 The nine Olymp'ades of her happy reign, 2.
7 Who was so good, so just, so learn'd, so wise, 2.
8 From all the Kings on earth she won the prize.
9 Nor say I more than truly is her due.
10 Millions will testify that this is true.
11 She hath wip'd off th' aspersion of her Sex, 2.
12 That women wisdom lack to play the Rex.
13 Spain's Monarch sa's not so, not yet his Host: 2.
14 She taught them better manners to their cost.
15 The Salic Law had not in force now been, 2.
16 If France had ever hop'd for such a Queen.
17 But can you Doctors now this point dispute, 2.
18 She's argument enough to make you mute, 2.
19 Since first the Sun did run, his ne'er runn'd race, 2.
20 And earth had twice a year, a new old face; 2.
21 Since time was time, and man unmanly man, 2.
22 Come shew me such a Ph{oe}nix if you can.
23 Was ever people better rul'd than hers? 2.
24 Was ever Land more happy, freed from stirs? 2.
25 Did ever wealth in England so abound? 2.
26 Her Victories in foreign Coasts resound? 2.
27 Ships more invincible than Spain's, her foe 2.
28 She rack't, she sack'd, she sunk his Armadoe.
29 Her stately Troops advanc'd to Lisbon's wall, 2.
30 Don Anthony in's right for to install.
31 She frankly help'd Franks' (brave) distressed King, 2.
32 The States united now her fame do sing.
33 She their Protectrix was, they well do know, 2.
34 Unto our dread Virago, what they owe.
35 Her Nobles sacrific'd their noble blood, 2.
36 Nor men, nor coin she shap'd, to do them good.
37 The rude untamed Irish she did quell, 2.
38 And Tiron bound, before her picture fell.
39 Had ever Prince such Counsellors as she? 2.
40 Her self Minerva caus'd them so to be.
41 Such Soldiers, and such Captains never seen, 2.
42 As were the subjects of our (Pallas) Queen: 2.
43 Her Sea-men through all straits the world did round, 2.
44 Terra incognitæ might know her sound.
45 Her Drake came laded home with Spanish gold, 2.
46 Her Essex took Cadiz, their Herculean hold.
47 But time would fail me, so my wit would too, 2.
48 To tell of half she did, or she could do.
49 Semiramis to her is but obscure; 2.
50 More infamy than fame she did procure.
51 She plac'd her glory but on Babel's walls, 2.
52 World's wonder for a time, but yet it falls.
53 Fierce Tomris (Cirus' Heads-man, Sythians' Queen) 2.
54 Had put her Harness off, had she but seen 2.
55 Our Amazon i' th' Camp at Tilbury, 2.
56 (Judging all valour, and all Majesty) 2.
57 Within that Princess to have residence, 2.
58 And prostrate yielded to her Excellence.
59 Dido first Foundress of proud Carthage walls 2.
60 (Who living consummates her Funerals), 2.
61 A great Eliza, but compar'd with ours, 2.
62 How vanisheth her glory, wealth, and powers.
63 Proud profuse Cleopatra, whose wrong name, 2.
64 Instead of glory, prov'd her Country's shame: 2.
65 Of her what worth in Story's to be seen, 2.
66 But that she was a rich Ægyptian Queen.
67 Zenobia, potent Empress of the East, 2.
68 And of all these without compare the best 2.
69 (Whom none but great Aurelius could quell) 2.
70 Yet for our Queen is no fit parallel: 2.
71 She was a Ph{oe}nix Queen, so shall she be, 2.
72 Her ashes not reviv'd more Ph{oe}nix she.
73 Her personal perfections, who would tell, 2.
74 Must dip his Pen i' th' Heliconian Well, 2.
75 Which I may not, my pride doth but aspire 2.
76 To read what others write and then admire.
77 Now say, have women worth, or have they none? 2.
78 Or had they some, but with our Queen is't gone? 2.
79 Nay Masculines, you have thus tax'd us long, 2.
80 But she, though dead, will vindicate our wrong.
81 Let such as say our sex is void of reason 2.
82 Know 'tis a slander now, but once was treason.
83 But happy England, which had such a Queen, 2.
84 O happy, happy, had those days still been, 2.
85 But happiness lies in a higher sphere.
86 Then wonder not, Eliza moves not here.
87 Full fraught with honour, riches, and with days, 2.
88 She set, she set, like Titan in his rays.
89 No more shall rise or set such glorious Sun, 2.
90 Until the heaven's great revolution: 2.
91 If then new things, their old form must retain, 2.
92 Eliza shall rule Albian once again.
Her Epitaph.
1 Here sleeps T H E Queen, this is the royal bed 3.
2 O' th' Damask Rose, sprung from the white and red, 3.
3 Whose sweet perfume fills the all-filling air, 3.
4 This Rose is withered, once so lovely fair: 3.
5 On neither tree did grow such Rose before, 3.
6 The greater was our gain, our loss the more.
1 Here lies the pride of Queens, pattern of Kings: 4.
2 So blaze it fame, here's feathers for thy wings.
3 Here lies the envy'd, yet unparallel'd Prince, 4.
4 Whose living virtues speak (though dead long since).
5 If many worlds, as that fantastic framed, 4.
6 In every one, be her great glory famed

Written by Kahlil Gibran | Create an image from this poem

Freedom XIV

 And an orator said, "Speak to us of Freedom.
" And he answered: At the city gate and by your fireside I have seen you prostrate yourself and worship your own freedom, Even as slaves humble themselves before a tyrant and praise him though he slays them.
Ay, in the grove of the temple and in the shadow of the citadel I have seen the freest among you wear their freedom as a yoke and a handcuff.
And my heart bled within me; for you can only be free when even the desire of seeking freedom becomes a harness to you, and when you cease to speak of freedom as a goal and a fulfillment.
You shall be free indeed when your days are not without a care nor your nights without a want and a grief, But rather when these things girdle your life and yet you rise above them naked and unbound.
And how shall you rise beyond your days and nights unless you break the chains which you at the dawn of your understanding have fastened around your noon hour? In truth that which you call freedom is the strongest of these chains, though its links glitter in the sun and dazzle the eyes.
And what is it but fragments of your own self you would discard that you may become free? If it is an unjust law you would abolish, that law was written with your own hand upon your own forehead.
You cannot erase it by burning your law books nor by washing the foreheads of your judges, though you pour the sea upon them.
And if it is a despot you would dethrone, see first that his throne erected within you is destroyed.
For how can a tyrant rule the free and the proud, but for a tyranny in their own freedom and a shame in their won pride? And if it is a care you would cast off, that care has been chosen by you rather than imposed upon you.
And if it is a fear you would dispel, the seat of that fear is in your heart and not in the hand of the feared.
Verily all things move within your being in constant half embrace, the desired and the dreaded, the repugnant and the cherished, the pursued and that which you would escape.
These things move within you as lights and shadows in pairs that cling.
And when the shadow fades and is no more, the light that lingers becomes a shadow to another light.
And thus your freedom when it loses its fetters becomes itself the fetter of a greater freedom.
Written by Robert William Service | Create an image from this poem

The Ballad Of How Macpherson Held The Floor

 Said President MacConnachie to Treasurer MacCall:
"We ought to have a piper for our next Saint Andrew's Ball.
Yon squakin' saxophone gives me the syncopated gripes.
I'm sick of jazz, I want to hear the skirling of the pipes.
" "Alas! it's true," said Tam MacCall.
"The young folk of to-day Are fox-trot mad and dinna ken a reel from Strathspey.
Now, what we want's a kiltie lad, primed up wi' mountain dew, To strut the floor at supper time, and play a lilt or two.
In all the North there's only one; of him I've heard them speak: His name is Jock MacPherson, and he lives on Boulder Creek; An old-time hard-rock miner, and a wild and wastrel loon, Who spends his nights in glory, playing pibrochs to the moon.
I'll seek him out; beyond a doubt on next Saint Andrew's night We'll proudly hear the pipes to cheer and charm our appetite.
Oh lads were neat and lassies sweet who graced Saint Andrew's Ball; But there was none so full of fun as Treasurer MacCall.
And as Maloney's rag-time bank struck up the newest hit, He smiled a smile behind his hand, and chuckled: "Wait a bit.
" And so with many a Celtic snort, with malice in his eye, He watched the merry crowd cavort, till supper time drew nigh.
Then gleefully he seemed to steal, and sought the Nugget Bar, Wherein there sat a tartaned chiel, as lonely as a star; A huge and hairy Highlandman as hearty as a breeze, A glass of whisky in his hand, his bag-pipes on his knees.
"Drink down your doch and doris, Jock," cried Treasurer MacCall; "The time is ripe to up and pipe; they wait you in the hall.
Gird up your loins and grit your teeth, and here's a pint of hooch To mind you of your native heath - jist pit it in your pooch.
Play on and on for all you're worth; you'll shame us if you stop.
Remember you're of Scottish birth - keep piping till you drop.
Aye, though a bunch of Willie boys should bluster and implore, For the glory of the Highlands, lad, you've got to hold the floor.
" The dancers were at supper, and the tables groaned with cheer, When President MacConnachie exclaimed: "What do I hear? Methinks it's like a chanter, and its coming from the hall.
" "It's Jock MacPherson tuning up," cried Treasurer MacCall.
So up they jumped with shouts of glee, and gaily hurried forth.
Said they: "We never thought to see a piper in the North.
" Aye, all the lads and lassies braw went buzzing out like bees, And Jock MacPherson there they saw, with red and rugged knees.
Full six foot four he strode the floor, a grizzled son of Skye, With glory in his whiskers and with whisky in his eye.
With skelping stride and Scottish pride he towered above them all: "And is he no' a bonny sight?" said Treasurer MacCall.
While President MacConnachie was fairly daft with glee, And there was jubilation in the Scottish Commy-tee.
But the dancers seemed uncertain, and they signified their doubt, By dashing back to eat as fast as they had darted out.
And someone raised the question 'twixt the coffee and the cakes: "Does the Piper walk to get away from all the noise he makes?" Then reinforced with fancy food they slowly trickled forth, And watching in patronizing mood the Piper of the North.
Proud, proud was Jock MacPherson, as he made his bag-pipes skirl, And he set his sporran swinging, and he gave his kilts a whirl.
And President MacConnachie was jumping like a flea, And there was joy and rapture in the Scottish Commy-tee.
"Jist let them have their saxophones wi' constipated squall; We're having Heaven's music now," said Treasurer MacCall.
But the dancers waxed impatient, and they rather seemed to fret For Maloney and the jazz of his Hibernian Quartette.
Yet little recked the Piper, as he swung with head on high, Lamenting with MacCrimmon on the heather hills of Skye.
With Highland passion in his heart he held the centre floor; Aye, Jock MacPherson played as he had never played before.
Maloney's Irish melodists were sitting in their place, And as Maloney waited, there was wonder in his face.
'Twas sure the gorgeous music - Golly! wouldn't it be grand If he could get MacPherson as a member of his band? But the dancers moped and mumbled, as around the room they sat: "We paid to dance," they grumbled; "But we cannot dance to that.
Of course we're not denying that it's really splendid stuff; But it's mighty satisfying - don't you think we've had enough?" "You've raised a pretty problem," answered Treasurer MacCall; "For on Saint Andrew's Night, ye ken, the Piper rules the Ball.
" Said President MacConnachie: "You've said a solemn thing.
Tradition holds him sacred, and he's got to have his fling.
But soon, no doubt, he'll weary out.
Have patience; bide a wee.
" "That's right.
Respect the Piper," said the Scottish Commy-tee.
And so MacPherson stalked the floor, and fast the moments flew, Till half an hour went past, as irritation grew and grew.
Then the dancers held a council, and with faces fiercely set, They hailed Maloney, heading his Hibernian Quartette: "It's long enough, we've waited.
Come on, Mike, play up the Blues.
" And Maloney hesitated, but he didn't dare refuse.
So banjo and piano, and guitar and saxophone Contended with the shrilling of the chanter and the drone; And the women's ears were muffled, so infernal was the din, But MacPherson was unruffled, for he knew that he would win.
Then two bright boys jazzed round him, and they sought to play the clown, But MacPherson jolted sideways, and the Sassenachs went down.
And as if it was a signal, with a wild and angry roar, The gates of wrath were riven - yet MacPherson held the floor.
Aye, amid the rising tumult, still he strode with head on high, With ribbands gaily streaming, yet with battle in his eye.
Amid the storm that gathered, still he stalked with Highland pride, While President and Treasurer sprang bravely to his side.
And with ire and indignation that was glorious to see, Around him in a body ringed the Scottish Commy-tee.
Their teeth were clenched with fury; their eyes with anger blazed: "Ye manna touch the Piper," was the slogan that they raised.
Then blows were struck, and men went down; yet 'mid the rising fray MacPherson towered in triumph - and he never ceased to play.
Alas! his faithful followers were but a gallant few, And faced defeat, although they fought with all the skill they knew.
For President MacConnachie was seen to slip and fall, And o'er his prostrate body stumbled Treasurer MacCall.
And as their foes with triumph roared, and leagured them about, It looked as if their little band would soon be counted out.
For eyes were black and noses red, yet on that field of gore, As resolute as Highland rock - MacPherson held the floor.
Maloney watched the battle, and his brows were bleakly set, While with him paused and panted his Hibernian Quartette.
For sure it is an evil spite, and breaking to the heart, For Irishman to watch a fight and not be taking part.
Then suddenly on high he soared, and tightened up his belt: "And shall we see them crush," he roared, "a brother and a Celt? A fellow artiste needs our aid.
Come on, boys, take a hand.
" Then down into the mêlée dashed Maloney and his band.
Now though it was Saint Andrew's Ball, yet men of every race, That bow before the Great God Jazz were gathered in that place.
Yea, there were those who grunt: "Ya! Ya!" and those who squeak: "We! We!" Likewise Dutch, Dago, Swede and Finn, Polack and Portugee.
Yet like ripe grain before the gale that national hotch-potch Went down before the fury of the Irish and the Scotch.
Aye, though they closed their gaping ranks and rallied to the fray, To the Shamrock and the Thistle went the glory of the day.
You should have seen the carnage in the drooling light of dawn, Yet 'mid the scene of slaughter Jock MacPherson playing on.
Though all lay low about him, yet he held his head on high, And piped as if he stood upon the caller crags of Skye.
His face was grim as granite, and no favour did he ask, Though weary were his mighty lungs and empty was his flask.
And when a fallen foe wailed out: "Say! when will you have done?" MacPherson grinned and answered: "Hoots! She's only ha'f begun.
" Aye, though his hands were bloody, and his knees were gay with gore, A Grampian of Highland pride - MacPherson held the floor.
And still in Yukon valleys where the silent peaks look down, They tell of how the Piper was invited up to town, And he went in kilted glory, and he piped before them all, But wouldn't stop his piping till he busted up the Ball.
Of that Homeric scrap they speak, and how the fight went on, With sally and with rally till the breaking of the dawn.
And how the Piper towered like a rock amid the fray, And the battle surged about him, but he never ceased to play.
Aye, by the lonely camp-fires, still they tell the story o'er- How the Sassenach was vanquished and - MacPherson held the floor.
Written by Phillis Wheatley | Create an image from this poem

Goliath Of Gath

 SAMUEL, Chap.
YE martial pow'rs, and all ye tuneful nine, Inspire my song, and aid my high design.
The dreadful scenes and toils of war I write, The ardent warriors, and the fields of fight: You best remember, and you best can sing The acts of heroes to the vocal string: Resume the lays with which your sacred lyre, Did then the poet and the sage inspire.
Now front to front the armies were display'd, Here Israel rang'd, and there the foes array'd; The hosts on two opposing mountains stood, Thick as the foliage of the waving wood; Between them an extensive valley lay, O'er which the gleaming armour pour'd the day, When from the camp of the Philistine foes, Dreadful to view, a mighty warrior rose; In the dire deeds of bleeding battle skill'd, The monster stalks the terror of the field.
From Gath he sprung, Goliath was his name, Of fierce deportment, and gigantic frame: A brazen helmet on his head was plac'd, A coat of mail his form terrific grac'd, The greaves his legs, the targe his shoulders prest: Dreadful in arms high-tow'ring o'er the rest A spear he proudly wav'd, whose iron head, Strange to relate, six hundred shekels weigh'd; He strode along, and shook the ample field, While Phoebus blaz'd refulgent on his shield: Through Jacob's race a chilling horror ran, When thus the huge, enormous chief began: "Say, what the cause that in this proud array "You set your battle in the face of day? "One hero find in all your vaunting train, "Then see who loses, and who wins the plain; "For he who wins, in triumph may demand "Perpetual service from the vanquish'd land: "Your armies I defy, your force despise, "By far inferior in Philistia's eyes: "Produce a man, and let us try the fight, "Decide the contest, and the victor's right.
" Thus challeng'd he: all Israel stood amaz'd, And ev'ry chief in consternation gaz'd; But Jesse's son in youthful bloom appears, And warlike courage far beyond his years: He left the folds, he left the flow'ry meads, And soft recesses of the sylvan shades.
Now Israel's monarch, and his troops arise, With peals of shouts ascending to the skies; In Elah's vale the scene of combat lies.
When the fair morning blush'd with orient red, What David's fire enjoin'd the son obey'd, And swift of foot towards the trench he came, Where glow'd each bosom with the martial flame.
He leaves his carriage to another's care, And runs to greet his brethren of the war.
While yet they spake the giant-chief arose, Repeats the challenge, and insults his foes: Struck with the sound, and trembling at the view, Affrighted Israel from its post withdrew.
"Observe ye this tremendous foe, they cry'd, "Who in proud vaunts our armies hath defy'd: "Whoever lays him prostrate on the plain, "Freedom in Israel for his house shall gain; "And on him wealth unknown the king will pour, "And give his royal daughter for his dow'r.
" Then Jesse's youngest hope: "My brethren say, "What shall be done for him who takes away "Reproach from Jacob, who destroys the chief.
"And puts a period to his country's grief.
"He vaunts the honours of his arms abroad, "And scorns the armies of the living God.
" Thus spoke the youth, th' attentive people ey'd The wond'rous hero, and again reply'd: "Such the rewards our monarch will bestow, "On him who conquers, and destroys his foe.
" Eliab heard, and kindled into ire To hear his shepherd brother thus inquire, And thus begun: "What errand brought thee? say "Who keeps thy flock? or does it go astray? "I know the base ambition of thine heart, "But back in safety from the field depart.
" Eliab thus to Jesse's youngest heir, Express'd his wrath in accents most severe.
When to his brother mildly he reply'd.
"What have I done? or what the cause to chide? The words were told before the king, who sent For the young hero to his royal tent: Before the monarch dauntless he began, "For this Philistine fail no heart of man: "I'll take the vale, and with the giant fight: "I dread not all his boasts, nor all his might.
" When thus the king: "Dar'st thou a stripling go, "And venture combat with so great a foe? "Who all his days has been inur'd to fight, "And made its deeds his study and delight: "Battles and bloodshed brought the monster forth, "And clouds and whirlwinds usher'd in his birth.
" When David thus: "I kept the fleecy care, "And out there rush'd a lion and a bear; "A tender lamb the hungry lion took, "And with no other weapon than my crook "Bold I pursu'd, and chas d him o'er the field, "The prey deliver'd, and the felon kill'd: "As thus the lion and the bear I slew, "So shall Goliath fall, and all his crew: "The God, who sav'd me from these beasts of prey, "By me this monster in the dust shall lay.
" So David spoke.
The wond'ring king reply'd; "Go thou with heav'n and victory on thy side: "This coat of mail, this sword gird on," he said, And plac'd a mighty helmet on his head: The coat, the sword, the helm he laid aside, Nor chose to venture with those arms untry'd, Then took his staff, and to the neighb'ring brook Instant he ran, and thence five pebbles took.
Mean time descended to Philistia's son A radiant cherub, and he thus begun: "Goliath, well thou know'st thou hast defy'd "Yon Hebrew armies, and their God deny'd: "Rebellious wretch! audacious worm! forbear, "Nor tempt the vengeance of their God too far: "Them, who with his Omnipotence contend, "No eye shall pity, and no arm defend: "Proud as thou art, in short liv'd glory great, "I come to tell thee thine approaching fate.
"Regard my words.
The Judge of all the gods, "Beneath whose steps the tow'ring mountain nods, "Will give thine armies to the savage brood, "That cut the liquid air, or range the wood.
"Thee too a well-aim'd pebble shall destroy, "And thou shalt perish by a beardless boy: "Such is the mandate from the realms above, "And should I try the vengeance to remove, "Myself a rebel to my king would prove.
"Goliath say, shall grace to him be shown, "Who dares heav'ns Monarch, and insults his throne?" "Your words are lost on me," the giant cries, While fear and wrath contended in his eyes, When thus the messenger from heav'n replies: "Provoke no more Jehovah's awful hand "To hurl its vengeance on thy guilty land: "He grasps the thunder, and, he wings the storm, "Servants their sov'reign's orders to perform.
" The angel spoke, and turn'd his eyes away, Adding new radiance to the rising day.
Now David comes: the fatal stones demand His left, the staff engag'd his better hand: The giant mov'd, and from his tow'ring height Survey'd the stripling, and disdain'd the fight, And thus began: "Am I a dog with thee? "Bring'st thou no armour, but a staff to me? "The gods on thee their vollied curses pour, "And beasts and birds of prey thy flesh devour.
" David undaunted thus, "Thy spear and shield "Shall no protection to thy body yield: "Jehovah's name------no other arms I bear, "I ask no other in this glorious war.
"To-day the Lord of Hosts to me will give "Vict'ry, to-day thy doom thou shalt receive; "The fate you threaten shall your own become, "And beasts shall be your animated tomb, "That all the earth's inhabitants may know "That there's a God, who governs all below: "This great assembly too shall witness stand, "That needs nor sword, nor spear, th' Almighty's hand: "The battle his, the conquest he bestows, "And to our pow'r consigns our hated foes.
" Thus David spoke; Goliath heard and came To meet the hero in the field of fame.
Ah! fatal meeting to thy troops and thee, But thou wast deaf to the divine decree; Young David meets thee, meets thee not in vain; 'Tis thine to perish on th' ensanguin'd plain.
And now the youth the forceful pebble slung Philistia trembled as it whizz'd along: In his dread forehead, where the helmet ends, Just o'er the brows the well-aim'd stone descends, It pierc'd the skull, and shatter'd all the brain, Prone on his face he tumbled to the plain: Goliath's fall no smaller terror yields Than riving thunders in aerial fields: The soul still ling'red in its lov'd abode, Till conq'ring David o'er the giant strode: Goliath's sword then laid its master dead, And from the body hew'd the ghastly head; The blood in gushing torrents drench'd the plains, The soul found passage through the spouting veins.
And now aloud th' illustrious victor said, "Where are your boastings now your champion's "dead?" Scarce had he spoke, when the Philistines fled: But fled in vain; the conqu'ror swift pursu'd: What scenes of slaughter! and what seas of blood! There Saul thy thousands grasp'd th' impurpled sand In pangs of death the conquest of thine hand; And David there were thy ten thousands laid: Thus Israel's damsels musically play'd.
Near Gath and Edron many an hero lay, Breath'd out their souls, and curs'd the light of day: Their fury, quench'd by death, no longer burns, And David with Goliath's head returns, To Salem brought, but in his tent he plac'd The load of armour which the giant grac'd.
His monarch saw him coming from the war, And thus demanded of the son of Ner.
"Say, who is this amazing youth?" he cry'd, When thus the leader of the host reply'd; "As lives thy soul I know not whence he sprung, "So great in prowess though in years so young:" "Inquire whose son is he," the sov'reign said, "Before whose conq'ring arm Philistia fled.
" Before the king behold the stripling stand, Goliath's head depending from his hand: To him the king: "Say of what martial line "Art thou, young hero, and what sire was thine?" He humbly thus; "The son of Jesse I: "I came the glories of the field to try.
"Small is my tribe, but valiant in the fight; "Small is my city, but thy royal right.
" "Then take the promis'd gifts," the monarch cry'd, Conferring riches and the royal bride: "Knit to my soul for ever thou remain "With me, nor quit my regal roof again.
Written by William Cullen Bryant | Create an image from this poem

Inscription for the Entrance to a Wood

 Stranger, if thou hast learned a truth which needs 
No school of long experience, that the world 
Is full of guilt and misery, and hast seen 
Enough of all its sorrows, crimes, and cares, 
To tire thee of it, enter this wild wood 
And view the haunts of nature.
The calm shade Shall bring a kindred calm, and the sweet breeze That makes the green leaves dance, shall waft a balm To thy sick heart.
Thou wilt find nothing here Of all that pained thee in the haunts of men, And made thee loathe thy life.
The primal curse Fell, it is true, upon the unsinning earth, But not in vengance.
God hath yoked to guilt Her pale tormentor, Misery.
Hence these shades Are still the abode of gladness; the thick roof Of green and stirring branches is alive And musical with birds, that sing and sport In wantonness of spirit; while below The squirrel, with raised paws and form erect, Chirps merrily.
Throngs of insects in the shade Try their thin wings and dance in the warm beam.
That waked them into life.
Even the green trees Partake the deep contentment; as they bend To the soft winds, the sun from the blue sky Looks in and sheds a blessing on the scene.
Scarce less the cleft-born wildflower seems to enjoy Existence, than the winged plunderer That sucks its sweets.
The mossy rocks themselves, And the old and ponderous trunks of prostrate trees That lead from knoll to knoll a causeway rude, Or bridge the sunken brook, and their dark roots, With all their roots upon them, twisting high, Breathe fixed tranquility.
The rivulet Sends forth glad sounds, and tripping o'er its bed Of pebbly sands, or leaping down the rocks Seems, with continuous laughter, to rejoice In its own being.
Softly tread the marge, Lest from her midway perch thou scare the wren That dips her bill in water.
The cool wind, That stirs the stream in play, shall come to thee, Like one that loves thee nor will let thee pass Ungreeted, and shall give its light embrace.

Written by T Wignesan | Create an image from this poem

Blinks through Blood-shot Walks

When at five-thirty
In the rubbed-eye haziness
Of ferreting lonesome night walks
The camera-eye refugee
Asleep in the half awakefulness
Of the hour
Peers out of his high turbanned sockets:
Hyde Park's through road links
London's diurnally estranged couple -
The Arch and Gate.
When at five-thirty The foot falls gently Of the vision cut in dark recesses And the man, finger gingerly on the fly Gapes dolefully about For a while Exchanges a casual passing word Standing in the Rembrandtesque clefts And the multipled ma'm'selle trips out: Neat and slick.
They say you meet the girls at parties And get deeper than swine in orgies.
When at five-thirty The fisherman's chilled chips Lie soggy and heeled under the Arch Where patchy transparent wrappers cling To slippery hands jingling the inexact change That mounted the trustful fisherman's credit: The stub legged fisher of diplomat And cool cat And the prostitutes' confidant; Each shivering pimp's warming pan.
Then at five-thirty The bowels of Hyde Park Improperly growled and shunted And shook the half-night-long Lazily swaggering double deckers, Suddenly as in a rude recollection, To break and pull, grind and swing away And around, drawing the knotting air after Curling and unfurling on the pavements.
And at five-thirty The prostrate mindful old refugee Dares not stir Nor cares to wake and swallow The precisely half-downed bottle Of Coke clinging to the pearly dew Nor lick the clasp knife clean Lying bare by a tin of' skewed top Corned beef, incisively culled Look! that garden all spruced up An incongruous lot of hair on that bald pate No soul stirs in there but the foul air No parking alongside but from eight to eight.
Learning so hard and late No time to scratch the bald pate.
At five-thirty-one A minute just gone The thud is on, the sledge-hammer yawns And in the back of ears, strange noises As from afar and a million feet tramp.
One infinitesimal particle knocks another And the whirl begins in a silent rage And the human heart beats harder While in and around, this London This atomic mammoth roams In the wastes of wars and tumbling empires.
Written by Robert Seymour Bridges | Create an image from this poem


 WHEN from the craggy mountain's pathless steep,
Whose flinty brow hangs o'er the raging sea, 
My wand'ring eye beholds the foamy deep,
I mark the restless surge­and think of THEE.
The curling waves, the passing breezes move, Changing and treach'rous as the breath of LOVE; The "sad similitude" awakes my smart, And thy dear image twines about my heart.
When at the sober hour of sinking day, Exhausted Nature steals to soft repose, When the hush'd linnet slumbers on the spray, And scarce a ZEPHYR fans the drooping ROSE; I glance o'er scenes of bliss to friendship dear, And at the fond remembrance drop a tear; Nor can the balmy incense soothe my smart, Still cureless sorrow preys upon my heart.
When the loud gambols of the village throng, Drown the lorn murmurs of the ring-dove's throat; I think I hear thy fascinating song, Join the melodious minstrel's tuneful note­ My list'ning ear soon tells me ­'tis not THEE, Nor THY lov'd song­nor THY soft minstrelsy; In vain I turn away to hide my smart, Thy dulcet numbers vibrate in my heart.
When with the Sylvan train I seek the grove, Where MAY'S soft breath diffuses incense round, Where VENUS smiles serene, and sportive LOVE With thornless ROSES spreads the fairy ground; The voice of pleasure dies upon mine ear, My conscious bosom sighs­THOU ART NOT HERE ! Soft tears of fond regret reveal its smart, And sorrow, restless sorrow, chills my heart.
When at my matin pray'rs I prostrate kneel, And Court RELIGION's aid to soothe my woe, The meek-ey'd saint who pities what I feel, Forbids the sigh to heave, the tear to flow; For ah ! no vulgar passion fills my mind, Calm REASON's hand illumes the flame refin'd, ALL the pure feelings FRIENDSHIP can impart, Live in the centre of my aching heart.
When at the still and solemn hour of night, I press my lonely couch to find repose; Joyless I watch the pale moon's chilling light, Where thro' the mould'ring tow'r the north-wind blows; My fev'rish lids no balmy slumbers own, Still my sad bosom beats for thee alone: Nor shall its aching fibres cease to smart, 'Till DEATH's cold SPELL is twin'd about my HEART.
Written by Mary Darby Robinson | Create an image from this poem

The Hermit of Mont-Blanc

 High, on the Solitude of Alpine Hills,
O'er-topping the grand imag'ry of Nature,
Where one eternal winter seem'd to reign;
An HERMIT'S threshold, carpetted with moss,
Diversified the Scene.
Above the flakes Of silv'ry snow, full many a modest flow'r Peep'd through its icy veil, and blushing ope'd Its variegated hues; The ORCHIS sweet, The bloomy CISTUS, and the fragrant branch Of glossy MYRTLE.
In his rushy cell, The lonely ANCHORET consum'd his days, Unnotic'd, and unblest.
In early youth, Cross'd in the fond affections of his soul By false Ambition, from his parent home He, solitary, wander'd; while the Maid Whose peerless beauty won his yielding heart Pined in monastic horrors ! Near his sill A little cross he rear'd, where, prostrate low At day's pale glimpse, or when the setting Sun Tissued the western sky with streamy gold, His Orisons he pour'd, for her, whose hours Were wasted in oblivion.
Winters pass'd, And Summers faded, slow, unchearly all To the lone HERMIT'S sorrows: For, still, Love A dark, though unpolluted altar, rear'd On the white waste of wonders! From the peak Which mark'd his neighb'ring Hut, his humid Eye Oft wander'd o'er the rich expanse below; Oft trac'd the glow of vegetating Spring, The full-blown Summer splendours, and the hue Of tawny scenes Autumnal: Vineyards vast, Clothing the upland scene, and spreading wide The promised tide nectareous; while for him The liquid lapse of the slow brook was seen Flashing amid the trees, its silv'ry wave! Far distant, the blue mist of waters rose Veiling the ridgy outline, faintly grey, Blended with clouds, and shutting out the Sun.
The Seasons still revolv'd, and still was he By all forgotten, save by her, whose breast Sigh'd in responsive sadness to the gale That swept her prison turrets.
Five long years, Had seen his graces wither ere his Spring Of life was wasted.
From the social scenes Of human energy an alien driv'n, He almost had forgot the face of Man.
-- No voice had met his ear, save, when perchance The Pilgrim wand'rer, or the Goatherd Swain, Bewilder'd in the starless midnight hour Implored the HERMIT'S aid, the HERMIT'S pray'rs; And nothing loath by pity or by pray'r Was he, to save the wretched.
On the top Of his low rushy Dome, a tinkling bell Oft told the weary Trav'ller to approach Fearless of danger.
The small silver sound In quick vibrations echo'd down the dell To the dim valley's quiet, while the breeze Slept on the glassy LEMAN.
Thus he past His melancholy days, an alien Man From all the joys of social intercourse, Alone, unpitied, by the world forgot! His Scrip each morning bore the day's repast Gather'd on summits, mingling with the clouds, From whose bleak altitude the Eye look'd down While fast the giddy brain was rock'd by fear.
Oft would he start from visionary rest When roaming wolves their midnight chorus howl'd, Or blasts infuriate shatter'd the white cliffs, While the huge fragments, rifted by the storm, Plung'd to the dell below.
Oft would he sit In silent sadness on the jutting block Of snow-encrusted ice, and, shudd'ring mark (Amid the wonders of the frozen world) Dissolving pyramids, and threatening peaks, Hang o'er his hovel, terribly Sublime.
And oft, when Summer breath'd ambrosial gales, Soft sailing o'er the waste of printless dew Or twilight gossamer, his pensive gaze Trac'd the swift storm advancing, whose broad wing Blacken'd the rushy dome of his low Hut; While the pale lightning smote the pathless top Of tow'ring CENIS, scatt'ring high and wide A mist of fleecy Snow.
Then would he hear, (While MEM'RY brought to view his happier days) The tumbling torrent, bursting wildly forth From its thaw'd prison, sweep the shaggy cliff Vast and Stupendous ! strength'ning as it fell, And delving, 'mid the snow, a cavern rude! So liv'd the HERMIT, like an hardy Tree Plac'd on a mountain's solitary brow, And destin'd, thro' the Seasons, to endure Their wond'rous changes.
To behold the face Of ever-varying Nature, and to mark In each grand lineament, the work of GOD! And happier he, in total Solitude Than the poor toil-worn wretch, whose ardent Soul That GOD has nobly organiz'd, but taught, For purposes unknown, to bear the scourge Of sharp adversity, and vulgar pride.
Happier, O ! happier far, than those who feel, Yet live amongst the unfeeling ! feeding still The throbbing heart, with anguish, or with Scorn.
One dreary night when Winter's icy breath Half petrified the scene, when not a star Gleam'd o'er the black infinity of space, Sudden, the HERMIT started from his couch Fear-struck and trembling! Ev'ry limb was shook With painful agitation.
On his cheek The blanch'd interpreter of horror mute Sat terribly impressive! In his breast The ruddy fount of life convulsive flow'd And his broad eyes, fix'd motionless as death, Gaz'd vacantly aghast ! His feeble lamp Was wasting rapidly; the biting gale Pierc'd the thin texture of his narrow cell; And Silence, like a fearful centinel Marking the peril which awaited near, Conspir'd with sullen Night, to wrap the scene In tenfold horrors.
Thrice he rose; and thrice His feet recoil'd; and still the livid flame Lengthen'd and quiver'd as the moaning wind Pass'd thro' the rushy crevice, while his heart Beat, like the death-watch, in his shudd'ring breast.
Like the pale Image of Despair he sat, The cold drops pacing down his hollow cheek, When a deep groan assail'd his startled ear, And rous'd him into action.
To the sill Of his low hovel he rush'd forth, (for fear Will sometimes take the shape of fortitude, And force men into bravery) and soon The wicker bolt unfasten'd.
The swift blast, Now unrestrain'd, flew by; and in its course The quiv'ring lamp extinguish'd, and again His soul was thrill'd with terror.
On he went, E'en to the snow-fring'd margin of the cragg, Which to his citadel a platform made Slipp'ry and perilous! 'Twas darkness, all! All, solitary gloom!--The concave vast Of Heav'n frown'd chaos; for all varied things Of air, and earth, and waters, blended, lost Their forms, in blank oblivion ! Yet not long Did Nature wear her sable panoply, For, while the HERMIT listen'd, from below A stream of light ascended, spreading round A partial view of trackless solitudes; And mingling voices seem'd, with busy hum, To break the spell of horrors.
Down the steep The HERMIT hasten'd, when a shriek of death Re-echoed to the valley.
As he flew, (The treach'rous pathway yielding to his speed,) Half hoping, half despairing, to the scene Of wonder-waking anguish, suddenly The torches were extinct; and second night Came doubly hideous, while the hollow tongues Of cavern'd winds, with melancholy sound Increas'd the HERMIT'S fears.
Four freezing hours He watch'd and pray'd: and now the glimm'ring dawn Peer'd on the Eastern Summits; (the blue light Shedding cold lustre on the colder brows Of Alpine desarts;) while the filmy wing Of weeping Twilight, swept the naked plains Of the Lombardian landscape.
On his knees The ANCHORET blest Heav'n, that he had 'scap'd The many perilous and fearful falls Of waters wild and foamy, tumbling fast From the shagg'd altitude.
But, ere his pray'rs Rose to their destin'd Heav'n, another sight, Than all preceding far more terrible, Palsied devotion's ardour.
On the Snow, Dappled with ruby drops, a track was made By steps precipitate; a rugged path Down the steep frozen chasm had mark'd the fate Of some night traveller, whose bleeding form Had toppled from the Summit.
Lower still The ANCHORET descended, 'till arrived At the first ridge of silv'ry battlements, Where, lifeless, ghastly, paler than the snow On which her cheek repos'd, his darling Maid Slept in the dream of Death ! Frantic and wild He clasp'd her stiff'ning form, and bath'd with tears The lilies of her bosom,--icy cold-- Yet beautiful and spotless.
Now, afar The wond'ring HERMIT heard the clang of arms Re-echoing from the valley: the white cliffs Trembled as though an Earthquake shook their base With terrible concussion ! Thund'ring peals From warfare's brazen throat, proclaim'd th' approach Of conquering legions: onward they extend Their dauntless columns ! In the foremost group A Ruffian met the HERMIT'S startled Eyes Like Hell's worst Demon ! For his murd'rous hands Were smear'd with gore; and on his daring breast A golden cross, suspended, bore the name Of his ill-fated Victim!--ANCHORET! Thy VESTAL Saint, by his unhallow'd hands Torn from RELIGION'S Altar, had been made The sport of a dark Fiend, whose recreant Soul Had sham'd the cause of Valour ! To his cell The Soul-struck Exile turn'd his trembling feet, And after three lone weeks, of pain and pray'r, Shrunk from the scene of Solitude--and DIED!
Written by Phillis Wheatley | Create an image from this poem

On The Death Of J. C. An Infant

 NO more the flow'ry scenes of pleasure rife,
Nor charming prospects greet the mental eyes,
No more with joy we view that lovely face
Smiling, disportive, flush'd with ev'ry grace.
The tear of sorrow flows from ev'ry eye, Groans answer groans, and sighs to sighs reply; What sudden pangs shot thro' each aching heart, When, Death, thy messenger dispatch'd his dart? Thy dread attendants, all-destroying Pow'r, Hurried the infant to his mortal hour.
Could'st thou unpitying close those radiant eyes? Or fail'd his artless beauties to surprise? Could not his innocence thy stroke controul, Thy purpose shake, and soften all thy soul? The blooming babe, with shades of Death o'er- spread, No more shall smile, no more shall raise its head, But, like a branch that from the tree is torn, Falls prostrate, wither'd, languid, and forlorn.
"Where flies my James?" 'tis thus I seem to hear The parent ask, "Some angel tell me where "He wings his passage thro' the yielding air?" Methinks a cherub bending from the skies Observes the question, and serene replies, "In heav'ns high palaces your babe appears: "Prepare to meet him, and dismiss your tears.
" Shall not th' intelligence your grief restrain, And turn the mournful to the cheerful strain? Cease your complaints, suspend each rising sigh, Cease to accuse the Ruler of the sky.
Parents, no more indulge the falling tear: Let Faith to heav'n's refulgent domes repair, There see your infant, like a seraph glow: What charms celestial in his numbers flow Melodious, while the foul-enchanting strain Dwells on his tongue, and fills th' ethereal plain? Enough--for ever cease your murm'ring breath; Not as a foe, but friend converse with Death, Since to the port of happiness unknown He brought that treasure which you call your own.
The gift of heav'n intrusted to your hand Cheerful resign at the divine command: Not at your bar must sov'reign Wisdom stand.
Written by Christopher Smart | Create an image from this poem

A Song to David (excerpt)

 Sweet is the dew that falls betimes,
And drops upon the leafy limes;
Sweet Hermon's fragrant air:
Sweet is the lily's silver bell,
And sweet the wakeful tapers smell
That watch for early pray'r.
Sweet the young nurse with love intense, Which smiles o'er sleeping innocence; Sweet when the lost arrive: Sweet the musician's ardour beats, While his vague mind's in quest of sweets, The choicest flow'rs to hive.
Sweeter in all the strains of love, The language of thy turtle dove, Pair'd to thy swelling chord; Sweeter with ev'ry grace endu'd, The glory of thy gratitude, Respir'd unto the Lord.
Strong is the horse upon his speed; Strong in pursuit the rapid glede, Which makes at once his game: Strong the tall ostrich on the ground; Strong thro' the turbulent profound Shoots xiphias to his aim.
Strong is the lion--like a coal His eye-ball--like a bastion's mole His chest against the foes: Strong, the gier-eagle on his sail, Strong against tide, th' enormous whale Emerges as he goes.
But stronger still, in earth and air, And in the sea, the man of pray'r; And far beneath the tide; And in the seat to faith assign'd, Where ask is have, where seek is find, Where knock is open wide.
Beauteous the fleet before the gale; Beauteous the multitudes in mail, Rank'd arms and crested heads: Beauteous the garden's umbrage mild, Walk, water, meditated wild, And all the bloomy beds.
Beauteous the moon full on the lawn; And beauteous, when the veil's withdrawn, The virgin to her spouse: Beauteous the temple deck'd and fill'd, When to the heav'n of heav'ns they build Their heart-directed vows.
Beauteous, yea beauteous more than these, The shepherd king upon his knees, For his momentous trust; With wish of infinite conceit, For man, beast, mute, the small and great, And prostrate dust to dust.
Precious the bounteous widow's mite; And precious, for extreme delight, The largess from the churl: Precious the ruby's blushing blaze, And alba's blest imperial rays, And pure cerulean pearl.
Precious the penitential tear; And precious is the sigh sincere, Acceptable to God: And precious are the winning flow'rs, In gladsome Israel's feast of bow'rs, Bound on the hallow'd sod.
More precious that diviner part Of David, ev'n the Lord's own heart, Great, beautiful, and new: In all things where it was intent, In all extremes, in each event, Proof--answ'ring true to true.
Glorious the sun in mid career; Glorious th' assembled fires appear; Glorious the comet's train: Glorious the trumpet and alarm; Glorious th' almighty stretch'd-out arm; Glorious th' enraptur'd main: Glorious the northern lights a-stream; Glorious the song, when God's the theme; Glorious the thunder's roar: Glorious hosanna from the den; Glorious the catholic amen; Glorious the martyr's gore: Glorious--more glorious is the crown Of Him that brought salvation down By meekness, call'd thy Son; Thou that stupendous truth believ'd, And now the matchless deed's achiev'd, Determin'd, dar'd, and done.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things