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Best Famous Out Of Mind Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Out Of Mind poems. This is a select list of the best famous Out Of Mind poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Out Of Mind poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of out of mind poems.

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Written by Jorge Luis Borges | Create an image from this poem

That One

 Oh days devoted to the useless burden
of putting out of mind the biography
of a minor poet of the Southem Hemisphere,
to whom the fates or perhaps the stars have given
a body which will leave behind no child,
and blindness, which is semi-darkness and jail,
and old age, which is the dawn of death,
and fame, which absolutely nobody deserves,
and the practice of weaving hendecasyllables,
and an old love of encyclopedias
and fine handmade maps and smooth ivory,
and an incurable nostalgia for the Latin,
and bits of memories of Edinburgh and Geneva
and the loss of memory of names and dates,
and the cult of the East, which the varied peoples
of the teeming East do not themselves share,
and evening trembling with hope or expectation,
and the disease of entymology,
and the iron of Anglo-Saxon syllables,
and the moon, that always catches us by surprise,
and that worse of all bad habits, Buenos Aires,
and the subtle flavor of water, the taste of grapes,
and chocolate, oh Mexican delicacy,
and a few coins and an old hourglass,
and that an evening, like so many others,
be given over to these lines of verse.

Written by Allen Ginsberg | Create an image from this poem

Complaint of the Skeleton to Time

Take my love, it is not true,
So let it tempt no body new;
Take my lady, she will sigh
For my bed where'er I lie;
Take them, said the skeleton,

But leave my bones alone.
Take my raiment, now grown cold, To give to some poor poet old; Take the skin that hoods this truth If his age would wear my youth; Take them, said the skeleton, But leave my bones alone.
Take the thoughts that like the wind Blow my body out of mind; Take this heart to go with that And pass it on from rat to rat; Take them, said the skeleton, But leave my bones alone.
Take the art which I bemoan In a poem's crazy tone; Grind me down, though I may groan, To the starkest stick and stone; Take them, said the skeleton, But leave my bones alone.
Written by Anne Sexton | Create an image from this poem

Her Kind

 I have gone out, a possessed witch,
haunting the black air, braver at night;
dreaming evil, I have done my hitch
over the plain houses, light by light:
lonely thing, twelve-fingered, out of mind.
A woman like that is not a woman, quite.
I have been her kind.
I have found the warm caves in the woods, filled them with skillets, carvings, shelves, closets, silks, innumerable goods; fixed the suppers for the worms and the elves: whining, rearranging the disaligned.
A woman like that is misunderstood.
I have been her kind.
I have ridden in your cart, driver, waved my nude arms at villages going by, learning the last bright routes, survivor where your flames still bite my thigh and my ribs crack where your wheels wind.
A woman like that is not ashamed to die.
I have been her kind.
Written by Edwin Arlington Robinson | Create an image from this poem

Lost Anchors

 Like a dry fish flung inland far from shore, 
There lived a sailor, warped and ocean-browned, 
Who told of an old vessel, harbor-drowned, 
And out of mind a century before, 
Where divers, on descending to explore 
A legend that had lived its way around 
The world of ships, in the dark hulk had found 
Anchors, which had been seized and seen no more.
Improving a dry leiure to invest Their misadventure with a manifest Analogy that he may read who runs, The sailor made it old as ocean grass-- Telling of much that once had come to pass With him, whose mother should have had no sons.
Written by Edna St Vincent Millay | Create an image from this poem

Dirge Without Music

 I am not resigned to the shutting away of loving hearts in the hard ground.
So it is, and so it will be, for so it has been, time out of mind: Into the darkness they go, the wise and the lovely.
Crowned With lilies and with laurel they go; but I am not resigned.
Lovers and thinkers, into the earth with you.
Be one with the dull, the indiscriminate dust.
A fragment of what you felt, of what you knew, A formula, a phrase remains,—but the best is lost.
The answers quick and keen, the honest look, the laughter, the love,— They are gone.
They are gone to feed the roses.
Elegant and curled Is the blossom.
Fragrant is the blossom.
I know.
But I do not approve.
More precious was the light in your eyes than all the roses in the world.
Down, down, down into the darkness of the grave Gently they go, the beautiful, the tender, the kind; Quietly they go, the intelligent, the witty, the brave.
I know.
But I do not approve.
And I am not resigned.

Written by Henry Van Dyke | Create an image from this poem

Hudsons Last Voyage

 June 22, 1611 


One sail in sight upon the lonely sea
And only one, God knows! For never ship 
But mine broke through the icy gates that guard 
These waters, greater grown than any since
We left the shores of England.
We were first, My men, to battle in between the bergs And floes to these wide waves.
This gulf is mine; I name it! and that flying sail is mine! And there, hull-down below that flying sail, The ship that staggers home is mine, mine, mine! My ship Discoverie! The sullen dogs Of mutineers, the bitches' whelps that snatched Their food and bit the hand that nourished them, Have stolen her.
You ingrate Henry Greene, I picked you from the gutter of Houndsditch, And paid your debts, and kept you in my house, And brought you here to make a man of you! You Robert Juet, ancient, crafty man, Toothless and tremulous, how many times Have I employed you as a master's mate To give you bread? And you Abacuck Prickett, You sailor-clerk, you salted puritan, You knew the plot and silently agreed, Salving your conscience with a pious lie! Yes, all of you -- hounds, rebels, thieves! Bring back My ship! Too late, -- I rave, -- they cannot hear My voice: and if they heard, a drunken laugh Would be their answer; for their minds have caught The fatal firmness of the fool's resolve, That looks like courage but is only fear.
They'll blunder on, and lose my ship, and drown, -- Or blunder home to England and be hanged.
Their skeletons will rattle in the chains Of some tall gibbet on the Channel cliffs, While passing mariners look up and say: "Those are the rotten bones of Hudson's men "Who left their captain in the frozen North!" O God of justice, why hast Thou ordained Plans of the wise and actions of the brave Dependent on the aid of fools and cowards? Look, -- there she goes, -- her topsails in the sun Gleam from the ragged ocean edge, and drop Clean out of sight! So let the traitors go Clean out of mind! We'll think of braver things! Come closer in the boat, my friends.
John King, You take the tiller, keep her head nor'west.
You Philip Staffe, the only one who chose Freely to share our little shallop's fate, Rather than travel in the hell-bound ship, -- Too good an English seaman to desert These crippled comrades, -- try to make them rest More easy on the thwarts.
And John, my son, My little shipmate, come and lean your head Against your father's knee.
Do you recall That April morn in Ethelburga's church, Five years ago, when side by side we kneeled To take the sacrament with all our men, Before the Hopewell left St.
Catherine's docks On our first voyage? It was then I vowed My sailor-soul and years to search the sea Until we found the water-path that leads From Europe into Asia.
I believe That God has poured the ocean round His world, Not to divide, but to unite the lands.
And all the English captains that have dared In little ships to plough uncharted waves, -- Davis and Drake, Hawkins and Frobisher, Raleigh and Gilbert, -- all the other names, -- Are written in the chivalry of God As men who served His purpose.
I would claim A place among that knighthood of the sea; And I have earned it, though my quest should fail! For, mark me well, the honour of our life Derives from this: to have a certain aim Before us always, which our will must seek Amid the peril of uncertain ways.
Then, though we miss the goal, our search is crowned With courage, and we find along our path A rich reward of unexpected things.
Press towards the aim: take fortune as it fares! I know not why, but something in my heart Has always whispered, "Westward seek your goal!" Three times they sent me east, but still I turned The bowsprit west, and felt among the floes Of ruttling ice along the Gröneland coast, And down the rugged shore of Newfoundland, And past the rocky capes and wooded bays Where Gosnold sailed, -- like one who feels his way With outstretched hand across a darkened room, -- I groped among the inlets and the isles, To find the passage to the Land of Spice.
I have not found it yet, -- but I have found Things worth the finding! Son, have you forgot Those mellow autumn days, two years ago, When first we sent our little ship Half-Moon, -- The flag of Holland floating at her peak, -- Across a sandy bar, and sounded in Among the channels, to a goodly bay Where all the navies of the world could ride? A fertile island that the redmen called Manhattan, lay above the bay: the land Around was bountiful and friendly fair.
But never land was fair enough to hold The seaman from the calling of the sea.
And so we bore to westward of the isle, Along a mighty inlet, where the tide Was troubled by a downward-flowing flood That seemed to come from far away, -- perhaps From some mysterious gulf of Tartary? Inland we held our course; by palisades Of naked rock where giants might have built Their fortress; and by rolling hills adorned With forests rich in timber for great ships; Through narrows where the mountains shut us in With frowning cliffs that seemed to bar the stream; And then through open reaches where the banks Sloped to the water gently, with their fields Of corn and lentils smiling in the sun.
Ten days we voyaged through that placid land, Until we came to shoals, and sent a boat Upstream to find, -- what I already knew, -- We travelled on a river, not a strait.
But what a river! God has never poured A stream more royal through a land more rich.
Even now I see it flowing in my dream, While coming ages people it with men Of manhood equal to the river's pride.
I see the wigwams of the redmen changed To ample houses, and the tiny plots Of maize and green tobacco broadened out To prosperous farms, that spread o'er hill and dale The many-coloured mantle of their crops; I see the terraced vineyard on the slope Where now the fox-grape loops its tangled vine; And cattle feeding where the red deer roam; And wild-bees gathered into busy hives, To store the silver comb with golden sweet; And all the promised land begins to flow With milk and honey.
Stately manors rise Along the banks, and castles top the hills, And little villages grow populous with trade, Until the river runs as proudly as the Rhine, -- The thread that links a hundred towns and towers! And looking deeper in my dream, I see A mighty city covering the isle They call Manhattan, equal in her state To all the older capitals of earth, -- The gateway city of a golden world, -- A city girt with masts, and crowned with spires, And swarming with a host of busy men, While to her open door across the bay The ships of all the nations flock like doves.
My name will be remembered there, for men Will say, "This river and this isle were found By Henry Hudson, on his way to seek The Northwest Passage into Farthest Inde.
" Yes! yes! I sought it then, I seek it still, -- My great adventure and my guiding star! For look ye, friends, our voyage is not done; We hold by hope as long as life endures! Somewhere among these floating fields of ice, Somewhere along this westward widening bay, Somewhere beneath this luminous northern night, The channel opens to the Orient, -- I know it, -- and some day a little ship Will push her bowsprit in, and battle through! And why not ours, -- to-morrow, -- who can tell? The lucky chance awaits the fearless heart! These are the longest days of all the year; The world is round and God is everywhere, And while our shallop floats we still can steer.
So point her up, John King, nor'west by north.
We 'l1 keep the honour of a certain aim Amid the peril of uncertain ways, And sail ahead, and leave the rest to God.
Written by Heather McHugh | Create an image from this poem


 The gh comes from rough, the o from women's,
and the ti from unmentionables--presto:
there's the perfect English instance of

with fish.
Our wish was for a better revelation: for a correspondence-- if not lexical, at least phonetic; if not with Madonna then at least with Mary Magdalene.
Instead we get the sheer opacity of things: an accident of incident, a tracery of history: the dung inside the dungarees, the jock strap for a codpiece, and the ruined patches bordering the lip.
One boot (high-heeled) could make Sorrento sorry, Capri corny, even little Italy a little ill.
Low-cased, a lover looks one over--eggs without ease, semen without oars-- and there, on board, tricked out in fur and fin, the landlubber who wound up captain.
Where's it going, this our (H)MS? More west? More forth? The quest itself is at a long and short behest: it's wound in winds.
(Take rough from seas, and women from the shore, unmentionables out of mind).
We're here for something rich, beyond appearances.
What do I mean? (What can one say?) A minute of millenium, unculminating stint, a stonishment: my god, what's utterable? Gargah, gatto, goat.
Us animals is made to seine and trawl and drag and gaff our way across the earth.
The earth, it rolls.
We dig, lay lines, book arguably perfect passages.
But earth remains untranslated, unplumbed.
A million herring run where we catch here a freckle, there a pock; the depths to which things live words only glint at.
Terns in flight work up what fond minds might call syntax.
As for that semantic antic in the distance, is it whiskered fish, finned cat? Don't settle just for two.
Some bottomographies are brooded over, and some skies swum through.
Written by Sylvia Plath | Create an image from this poem

The Eye-Mote

 Blameless as daylight I stood looking
At a field of horses, necks bent, manes blown,
Tails streaming against the green
Backdrop of sycamores.
Sun was striking White chapel pinnacles over the roofs, Holding the horses, the clouds, the leaves Steadily rooted though they were all flowing Away to the left like reeds in a sea When the splinter flew in and stuck my eye, Needling it dark.
Then I was seeing A melding of shapes in a hot rain: Horses warped on the altering green, Outlandish as double-humped camels or unicorns, Grazing at the margins of a bad monochrome, Beasts of oasis, a better time.
Abrading my lid, the small grain burns: Red cinder around which I myself, Horses, planets and spires revolve.
Neither tears nor the easing flush Of eyebaths can unseat the speck: It sticks, and it has stuck a week.
I wear the present itch for flesh, Blind to what will be and what was.
I dream that I am Oedipus.
What I want back is what I was Before the bed, before the knife, Before the brooch-pin and the salve Fixed me in this parenthesis; Horses fluent in the wind, A place, a time gone out of mind.
Written by Bliss Carman | Create an image from this poem

Behind the Arras

 I like the old house tolerably well, 
Where I must dwell 
Like a familiar gnome; 
And yet I never shall feel quite at home.
I love to roam.
Day after day I loiter and explore From door to door; So many treasures lure The curious mind.
What histories obscure They must immure! I hardly know which room I care for best; This fronting west, With the strange hills in view, Where the great sun goes,—where I may go too, When my lease is through,— Or this one for the morning and the east, Where a man may feast His eyes on looming sails, And be the first to catch their foreign hails Or spy their bales Then the pale summer twilights towards the pole! It thrills my soul With wonder and delight, When gold-green shadows walk the world at night, So still, so bright.
There at the window many a time of year, Strange faces peer, Solemn though not unkind, Their wits in search of something left behind Time out of mind; As if they once had lived here, and stole back To the window crack For a peep which seems to say, "Good fortune, brother, in your house of clay!" And then, "Good day!" I hear their footsteps on the gravel walk, Their scraps of talk, And hurrying after, reach Only the crazy sea-drone of the beach In endless speech.
And often when the autumn noons are still, By swale and hill I see their gipsy signs, Trespassing somewhere on my border lines; With what designs? I forth afoot; but when I reach the place, Hardly a trace, Save the soft purple haze Of smouldering camp-fires, any hint betrays Who went these ways.
Or tatters of pale aster blue, descried By the roadside, Reveal whither they fled; Or the swamp maples, here and there a shred Of Indian red.
But most of all, the marvellous tapestry Engrosses me, Where such strange things are rife, Fancies of beasts and flowers, and love and strife, Woven to the life; Degraded shapes and splendid seraph forms, And teeming swarms Of creatures gauzy dim That cloud the dusk, and painted fish that swim, At the weaver's whim; And wonderful birds that wheel and hang in the air; And beings with hair, And moving eyes in the face, And white bone teeth and hideous grins, who race From place to place; They build great temples to their John-a-nod, And fume and plod To deck themselves with gold, And paint themselves like chattels to be sold, Then turn to mould.
Sometimes they seem almost as real as I; I hear them sigh; I see them bow with grief, Or dance for joy like any aspen leaf; But that is brief.
They have mad wars and phantom marriages; Nor seem to guess There are dimensions still, Beyond thought's reach, though not beyond love's will, For soul to fill.
And some I call my friends, and make believe Their spirits grieve, Brood, and rejoice with mine; I talk to them in phrases quaint and fine Over the wine; I tell them all my secrets; touch their hands; One understands Perhaps.
How hard he tries To speak! And yet those glorious mild eyes, His best replies! I even have my cronies, one or two, My cherished few.
But ah, they do not stay! For the sun fades them and they pass away, As I grow gray.
Yet while they last how actual they seem! Their faces beam; I give them all their names, Bertram and Gilbert, Louis, Frank and James, Each with his aims; One thinks he is a poet, and writes verse His friends rehearse; Another is full of law; A third sees pictures which his hand can draw Without a flaw.
Strangest of all, they never rest.
Day long They shift and throng, Moved by invisible will, Like a great breath which puffs across my sill, And then is still; It shakes my lovely manikins on the wall; Squall after squall, Gust upon crowding gust, It sweeps them willy nilly like blown dust With glory or lust.
It is the world-ghost, the time-spirit, come None knows wherefrom, The viewless draughty tide And wash of being.
I hear it yaw and glide, And then subside, Along these ghostly corridors and halls Like faint footfalls; The hangings stir in the air; And when I start and challenge, "Who goes there?" It answers, "Where?" The wail and sob and moan of the sea's dirge, Its plangor and surge; The awful biting sough Of drifted snows along some arctic bluff, That veer and luff, And have the vacant boding human cry, As they go by;— Is it a banished soul Dredging the dark like a distracted mole Under a knoll? Like some invisible henchman old and gray, Day after day I hear it come and go, With stealthy swift unmeaning to and fro, Muttering low, Ceaseless and daft and terrible and blind, Like a lost mind.
I often chill with fear When I bethink me, What if it should peer At my shoulder here! Perchance he drives the merry-go-round whose track Is the zodiac; His name is No-man's-friend; And his gabbling parrot-talk has neither trend, Beginning, nor end.
A prince of madness too, I'd cry, "A rat!" And lunge thereat,— Let out at one swift thrust The cunning arch-delusion of the dust I so mistrust, But that I fear I should disclose a face Wearing the trace Of my own human guise, Piteous, unharmful, loving, sad, and wise With the speaking eyes.
I would the house were rid of his grim pranks, Moaning from banks Of pine trees in the moon, Startling the silence like a demoniac loon At dead of noon.
Or whispering his fool-talk to the leaves About my eaves.
And yet how can I know 'T is not a happy Ariel masking so In mocking woe? Then with a little broken laugh I say, Snatching away The curtain where he grinned (My feverish sight thought) like a sin unsinned, "Only the wind!" Yet often too he steals so softly by.
With half a sigh, I deem he must be mild, Fair as a woman, gentle as a child, And forest wild.
Passing the door where an old wind-harp swings, With its five strings, Contrived long years ago By my first predecessor bent to show His handcraft so, He lay his fingers on the aeolian wire, As a core of fire Is laid upon the blast To kindle and glow and fill the purple vast Of dark at last.
Weird wise, and low, piercing and keen and glad, Or dim and sad As a forgotten strain Born when the broken legions of the rain Swept through the plain— He plays, like some dread veiled mysteriarch, Lighting the dark, Bidding the spring grow warm, The gendering merge and loosing of spirit in form, Peace out of storm.
For music is the sacrament of love; He broods above The virgin silence, till She yields for rapture shuddering, yearning still To his sweet will.
I hear him sing, "Your harp is like a mesh, Woven of flesh And spread within the shoal Of life, where runs the tide-race of the soul In my control.
"Though my wild way may ruin what it bends, It makes amends To the frail downy clocks, Telling their seed a secret that unlocks The granite rocks.
"The womb of silence to the crave of sound Is heaven unfound, Till I, to soothe and slake Being's most utter and imperious ache, Bid rhythm awake.
"If with such agonies of bliss, my kin, I enter in Your prison house of sense, With what a joyous freed intelligence I shall go hence.
" I need no more to guess the weaver's name, Nor ask his aim, Who hung each hall and room With swarthy-tinged vermilion upon gloom; I know that loom.
Give me a little space and time enough, From ravelings rough I could revive, reweave, A fabric of beauty art might well believe Were past retrieve.
O men and women in that rich design, Sleep-soft, sun-fine, Dew-tenuous and free, A tone of the infinite wind-themes of the sea, Borne in to me, Reveals how you were woven to the might Of shadow and light.
You are the dream of One Who loves to haunt and yet appears to shun My door in the sun; As the white roving sea tern fleck and skim The morning's rim; Or the dark thrushes clear Their flutes of music leisurely and sheer, Then hush to hear.
I know him when the last red brands of day Smoulder away, And when the vernal showers Bring back the heart to all my valley flowers In the soft hours.
O hand of mine and brain of mine, be yours, While time endures, To acquiesce and learn! For what we best may dare and drudge and yearn, Let soul discern.
So, fellows, we shall reach the gusty gate, Early or late, And part without remorse, A cadence dying down unto its source In music's course; You to the perfect rhythms of flowers and birds, Colors and words, The heart-beats of the earth, To be remoulded always of one worth From birth to birth; I to the broken rhythm of thought and man, The sweep and span Of memory and hope About the orbit where they still must grope For wider scope, To be through thousand springs restored, renewed, With love imbrued, With increments of will Made strong, perceiving unattainment still From each new skill.
Always the flawless beauty, always the chord Of the Overword, Dominant, pleading, sure, No truth too small to save and make endure.
No good too poor! And since no mortal can at last disdain That sweet refrain, But lets go strife and care, Borne like a strain of bird notes on the air, The wind knows where; Some quiet April evening soft and strange, When comes the change No spirit can deplore, I shall be one with all I was before, In death once more.
Written by Algernon Charles Swinburne | Create an image from this poem

A Marching Song

 We mix from many lands,
We march for very far;
In hearts and lips and hands
Our staffs and weapons are;
The light we walk in darkens sun and moon and star.
It doth not flame and wane With years and spheres that roll, Storm cannot shake nor stain The strength that makes it whole, The fire that moulds and moves it of the sovereign soul.
We are they that have to cope With time till time retire; We live on hopeless hope, We feed on tears and fire; Time, foot by foot, gives back before our sheer desire.
From the edge of harsh derision, From discord and defeat, From doubt and lame division, We pluck the fruit and eat; And the mouth finds it bitter, and the spirit sweet.
We strive with time at wrestling Till time be on our side And hope, our plumeless nestling, A full-fledged eaglet ride Down the loud length of storm its windward wings divide.
We are girt with our belief, Clothed with our will and crowned; Hope, fear, delight, and grief, Before our will give ground; Their calls are in our ears as shadows of dead sound.
All but the heart forsakes us, All fails us but the will; Keen treason tracks and takes us In pits for blood to fill; Friend falls from friend, and faith for faith lays wait to kill.
Out under moon and stars And shafts of the urgent sun Whose face on prison-bars And mountain-heads is one, Our march is everlasting till time's march be done.
Whither we know, and whence, And dare not care wherethrough.
Desires that urge the sense, Fears changing old with new, Perils and pains beset the ways we press into; Earth gives us thorns to tread, And all her thorns are trod; Through lands burnt black and red We pass with feet unshod; Whence we would be man shall not keep us, nor man's God.
Through the great desert beasts Howl at our backs by night, And thunder-forging priests Blow their dead bale-fires bright, And on their broken anvils beat out bolts for fight.
Inside their sacred smithies Though hot the hammer rings, Their steel links snap like withies, Their chains like twisted strings, Their surest fetters are as plighted words of kings.
O nations undivided, O single people and free, We dreamers, we derided, We mad blind men that see, We bear you witness ere ye come that ye shall be.
Ye sitting among tombs, Ye standing round the gate, Whom fire-mouthed war consumes, Or cold-lipped peace bids wait, All tombs and bars shall open, every grave and grate.
The locks shall burst in sunder, The hinges shrieking spin, When time, whose hand is thunder, Lays hand upon the pin, And shoots the bolts reluctant, bidding all men in.
These eyeless times and earless, Shall these not see and hear, And all their hearts burn fearless That were afrost for fear? Is day not hard upon us, yea, not our day near? France! from its grey dejection Make manifest the red Tempestuous resurrection Of thy most sacred head! Break thou the covering cerecloths; rise up from the dead.
And thou, whom sea-walls sever From lands unwalled with seas, Wilt thou endure for ever, O Milton's England, these? Thou that wast his Republic, wilt thou clasp their knees? These royalties rust-eaten, These worm-corroded lies, That keep thine head storm-beaten And sunlike strength of eyes From the open heaven and air of intercepted skies; These princelings with gauze winglets That buzz in the air unfurled, These summer-swarming kinglets, These thin worms crowned and curled, That bask and blink and warm themselves about the world; These fanged meridian vermin, Shrill gnats that crowd the dusk, Night-moths whose nestling ermine Smells foul of mould and musk, Blind flesh-flies hatched by dark and hampered in their husk; These honours without honour, These ghost-like gods of gold, This earth that wears upon her To keep her heart from cold No memory more of men that brought it fire of old; These limbs, supine, unbuckled, In rottenness of rest, These sleepy lips blood-suckled And satiate of thy breast, These dull wide mouths that drain thee dry and call thee blest; These masters of thee mindless That wear thee out of mind, These children of thee kindless That use thee out of kind, Whose hands strew gold before thee and contempt behind; Who have turned thy name to laughter, Thy sea-like sounded name That now none hearkens after For faith in its free fame, Who have robbed thee of thy trust and given thee of their shame; These hours that mock each other, These years that kill and die, Are these thy gains, our mother, For all thy gains thrown by? Is this that end whose promise made thine heart so high? With empire and with treason The first right hand made fast, But in man's nobler season To put forth help the last, Love turns from thee, and memory disavows thy past.
Lest thine own sea disclaim thee, Lest thine own sons despise, Lest lips shoot out that name thee And seeing thee men shut eyes, Take thought with all thy people, turn thine head and rise.
Turn thee, lift up thy face; What ails thee to be dead? Ask of thyself for grace, Seek of thyself for bread, And who shall starve or shame thee, blind or bruise thine head? The same sun in thy sight, The same sea in thine ears, That saw thine hour at height, That sang thy song of years, Behold and hearken for thee, knowing thy hopes and fears.
O people, O perfect nation, O England that shall be, How long till thou take station? How long till thralls live free? How long till all thy soul be one with all thy sea? Ye that from south to north, Ye that from east to west, Stretch hands of longing forth And keep your eyes from rest, Lo, when ye will, we bring you gifts of what is best.
From the awful northland pines That skirt their wan dim seas To the ardent Apennines And sun-struck Pyrenees, One frost on all their frondage bites the blossoming trees.
The leaves look up for light, For heat of helpful air; The trees of oldest height And thin storm-shaken hair Seek with gaunt hands up heavenward if the sun be there.
The woods where souls walk lonely, The forests girt with night, Desire the day-star only And firstlings of the light Not seen of slaves nor shining in their masters' sight.
We have the morning star, O foolish people, O kings! With us the day-springs are, Even all the fresh day-springs; For us, and with us, all the multitudes of things.
O sorrowing hearts of slaves, We heard you beat from far! We bring the light that saves, We bring the morning star; Freedom's good things we bring you, whence all good things are.
With us the winds and fountains And lightnings live in tune; The morning-coloured mountains That burn into the noon, The mist's mild veil on valleys muffled from the moon: The thunder-darkened highlands And lowlands hot with fruit, Sea-bays and shoals and islands, And cliffs that foil man's foot, And all the flower of large-limbed life and all the root: The clangour of sea-eagles That teach the morning mirth With baying of heaven's beagles That seek their prey on earth, By sounding strait and channel, gulf and reach and firth.
With us the fields and rivers, The grass that summer thrills, The haze where morning quivers, The peace at heart of hills, The sense that kindles nature, and the soul that fills.
With us all natural sights, All notes of natural scale; With us the starry lights; With us the nightingale; With us the heart and secret of the worldly tale.
The strife of things and beauty, The fire and light adored, Truth, and life-lightening duty, Love without crown or sword, That by his might and godhead makes man god and lord.
These have we, these are ours, That no priests give nor kings; The honey of all these flowers, The heart of all these springs; Ours, for where freedom lives not, there live no good things.
Rise, ere the dawn be risen; Come, and be all souls fed; From field and street and prison Come, for the feast is spread; Live, for the truth is living; wake, for night is dead.

Book: Shattered Sighs