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Best Famous Otherworld Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Otherworld poems. This is a select list of the best famous Otherworld poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Otherworld poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of otherworld poems.

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Written by Ruth Padel | Create an image from this poem


 We're talking different kinds of vulnerability here.
These icicles aren't going to last for ever Suspended in the ultra violet rays of a Dumfries sun.
But here they hang, a frozen whirligig of lightning, And the famous American sculptor Who scrambles the world with his tripod For strangeness au naturel, got sunset to fill them.
It's not comfortable, a double helix of opalescent fire * Wrapping round you, swishing your bark Down cotton you can't see, On which a sculptor planned his icicles, Working all day for that Mesopotamian magic Of last light before the dark In a suspended helter-skelter, lit By almost horizontal rays Making a mist-carousel from the House of Diamond, * A spiral of Pepsodent darkening to the shadowfrost Of cedars at the Great Gate of Kiev.
Why it makes me think of opening the door to you I can't imagine.
No one could be less Of an icicle.
But there it is - Having put me down in felt-tip In the mystical appointment book, You shoot that quick * Inquiry-glance, head tilted, when I open up, Like coming in's another country, A country you want but have to get used to, hot From your bal masqu?, making sure That what you found before's Still here: a spiral of touch and go, Lightning licking a tree Imagining itself Aretha Franklin * Singing "You make me feel like a natural woman" In basso profondo, Firing the bark with its otherworld ice The way you fire, lifting me Off my own floor, legs furled Round your trunk as that tree goes up At an angle inside the lightning, roots in The orange and silver of Dumfries.
* Now I'm the lightning now you, you are, As you pour yourself round me Entirely.
No who's doing what and to who, Just a tangle of spiral and tree.
You might wonder about sculptors who come all this way To make a mad thing that won't last.
You know how it is: you spend a day, a whole life.
Then the light's gone, you walk away * To the Galloway Paradise Hotel.
Pine-logs, Cutlery, champagne - OK, But the important thing was making it.
Hours, and you don't know how it'll be.
Then something like light Arrives last moment, at speed reckoned Only by horizons: completing, surprising With its three hundred thousand * Kilometres per second.
Still, even lightning has its moments of panic.
You don't get icicles catching the midwinter sun In a perfect double helix in Dumfriesshire every day.
And can they be good for each other, Lightning and tree? It'd make anyone, Wouldn't it, afraid? That rowan would adore To sleep and wake up in your arms * But's scared of getting burnt.
And the lightning might ask, touching wood, "What do you want of me, now we're in the same Atomic chain?" What can the tree say? "Being the centre of all that you are to yourself - That'd be OK.
Being my own body's fine But it needs yours to stay that way.
" No one could live for ever in * A suspended gleam-on-the-edge, As if sky might tear any minute.
Or not for ever for long.
Those icicles Won't be surprise any more.
The little snapped threads Blew away.
Glamour left that hill in Dumfries.
The sculptor went off with his black equipment.
Adzes, twine, leather gloves.
* What's left is a photo of A completely solitary sight In a book anyone might open.
But whether our touch at the door gets forgotten Or turned into other sights, light, form, I hope you'll be truthful To me.
At least as truthful as lightning, Skinning a tree.
THIS POEM WON THE 1996 National Poetry Prize

Written by J R R Tolkien | Create an image from this poem


 Earendil was a mariner
that tarried in Arvernien;
he built a boat of timber felled
in Nimbrethil to journey in;
her sails he wove of silver fair,
of silver were her lanterns made,
her prow was fashioned like a swan
and light upon her banners laid.
In panolpy of ancient kings, in chained rings he armoured him; his shining shield was scored with runes to ward all wounds and harm from him; his bow was made of dragon-horn, his arrows shorn of ebony; of silver was his habergeon, his scabbard of chalcedony; his sword of steel was valient, of adamant his helmet tall, an eagle-plume upon his crest, upon his breast an emerald.
Beneath the Moon and under star he wandered far from northern strands, bewildered on enchanted ways beyond the days of mortal lands.
From gnashing of the Narrow Ice where shadow lies on frozen hills, from nether heats and burning waste he turned in haste, and roving still on starless waters far astray at last he came to Night of Naught, and passed, and never sight he saw of shining shore nor light he sought.
The winds of wrath came driving him, and blindly in the foam he fled from west to east and errandless, unheralded he homeward sped.
There flying Elwing came to him, and flame was in the darkness lit; more bright than light of diamond the fire on her carcanet.
The Silmaril she bound on him and crowned him with the living light, and dauntless then with burning brow he turned his prow; and in the night from otherworld beyond the Sea there strong and free a storm arose, a wind of power in Tarmenel; by paths that seldom mortal goes his boat it bore with biting breath as might of death across the grey and long forsaken seas distressed; from east to west he passed away.
Thought Evernight he back was borne on black and roaring waves that ran o'er leagues unlit and foundered shores that drowned before the Days began, until he hears on strands of pearl where end the world the music long, where ever-foaming billows roll the yellow gold and jewels wan.
He saw the Mountain silent rise where twilight lies upon the knees of Valinor, and Eldamar beheld afar beyond the seas.
A wanderer escaped from night to haven white he came at last, to Elvenhome the green and fair where keen the air, where pale as glass beneath the Hill of Ilmarin a-glimmer in a valley sheer the lamplit towers of Tirion are mirrored on the Shadowmere.
He tarried there from errantry, and melodies they taught to him, and sages old him marvels told, and harps of gold they brought to him.
They clothed him then in elven-white, and seven lights before him sent, as through the Calacirian to hidden land forlorn he went.
He came unto the timeless halls where shining fall the countless years, and endless reigns the Elder King in Ilmarin on Mountain sheer; and words unheard were spoken then of folk and Men and Elven-kin, beyond the world were visions showed forbid to those that dwell therein.
A ship then new they built for him of mithril and of elven glass with shining prow; no shaven oar nor sail she bore on silver mast: the Silmaril as lantern light and banner bright with living flame to gleam thereon by Elbereth herself was set, who thither came and wings immortal made for him, and laid on him undying doom, to sail the shoreless skies and come behind the Sun and light of Moon.
From Evergreen's lofty hills where softly silver fountains fall his wings him bore, a wandering light, beyond the mighty Mountain Wall.
From a World's End there he turned away, and yearned again to find afar his home through shadows journeying, and burning as an island star on high above the mists he came, a distant flame before the Sun, a wonder ere the waking dawn where grey the Norland waters run.
And over Middle-Earth he passed and heard at last the weeping sore of women and of elven-maids in Elder Days, in years of yore.
But on him mighty doom was laid, till Moon should fade, an orbed star to pass, and tarry never more on Hither Shores where Mortals are; or ever still a herald on an errand that should never rest to bear his shining lamp afar, to Flammifer of Westernesse.
Written by John Burnside | Create an image from this poem


 My whole world is all you refuse:
a black light, angelic and cold
on the path to the orchard,
fox-runs and clouded lanes and the glitter of webbing,
little owls snagged in the fruit nets
out by the wire
and the sense of another life, that persists
when I go out into the yard
and the cattle stand round me, obstinate and dumb.
All afternoon, I've worked at the edge of your vision, mending fences, marking out our bounds.
Now it is dusk, I turn back to the house and catch you, like the pale Eurydice of children's classics, venturing a glance at nothing, at this washed infinity of birchwoods and sky and the wet streets leading away to all you forget: the otherworld, lucid and cold with floodlights and passing trains and the noise of traffic and nothing like the map you sometimes study for its empty bridlepaths, its hill-tracks and lanes and roads winding down to a coast of narrow harbors, lit against the sea.
Written by Fernando Pessoa | Create an image from this poem

Thy words are torture to me, that scarce grieve thee--

Thy words are torture to me, that scarce grieve thee--

That entire death shall null my entire thought;

And I feel torture, not that I believe thee,

But that I cannot disbelieve thee not.

Shall that of me that now contains the stars

Be by the very contained stars survived?

Thus were Fate all unjust. Yet what truth bars

An all unjust Fate's truth from being believed?

Conjecture cannot fit to the seen world

A garment of its thought untorn or covering,

Or with its stuffed garb forge an otherworld

Without itself its dead deceit discovering;

So, all being possible, an idle thought may

Less idle thoughts, self-known no truer, dismay.

Book: Shattered Sighs