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Best Famous Ordination Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Ordination poems. This is a select list of the best famous Ordination poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Ordination poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of ordination poems.

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Written by Robert Burns | Create an image from this poem

89. The Ordination

 KILMARNOCK wabsters, fidge an’ claw,
 An’ pour your creeshie nations;
An’ ye wha leather rax an’ draw,
 Of a’ denominations;
Swith to the Ligh Kirk, ane an’ a’
 An’ there tak up your stations;
Then aff to Begbie’s in a raw,
 An’ pour divine libations
 For joy this day.
Curst Common-sense, that imp o’ hell, Cam in wi’ Maggie Lauder; 1 But Oliphant 2 aft made her yell, An’ Russell 3 sair misca’d her: This day Mackinlay 4 taks the flail, An’ he’s the boy will blaud her! He’ll clap a shangan on her tail, An’ set the bairns to daud her Wi’ dirt this day.
Mak haste an’ turn King David owre, And lilt wi’ holy clangor; O’ double verse come gie us four, An’ skirl up the Bangor: This day the kirk kicks up a stoure; Nae mair the knaves shall wrang her, For Heresy is in her pow’r, And gloriously she’ll whang her Wi’ pith this day.
Come, let a proper text be read, An’ touch it aff wi’ vigour, How graceless Ham 5 leugh at his dad, Which made Canaan a ******; Or Phineas 6 drove the murdering blade, Wi’ whore-abhorring rigour; Or Zipporah, 7 the scauldin jad, Was like a bluidy tiger I’ th’ inn that day.
There, try his mettle on the creed, An’ bind him down wi’ caution, That stipend is a carnal weed He taks by for the fashion; And gie him o’er the flock, to feed, And punish each transgression; Especial, rams that cross the breed, Gie them sufficient threshin; Spare them nae day.
Now, auld Kilmarnock, cock thy tail, An’ toss thy horns fu’ canty; Nae mair thou’lt rowt out-owre the dale, Because thy pasture’s scanty; For lapfu’s large o’ gospel kail Shall fill thy crib in plenty, An’ runts o’ grace the pick an’ wale, No gi’en by way o’ dainty, But ilka day.
Nae mair by Babel’s streams we’ll weep, To think upon our Zion; And hing our fiddles up to sleep, Like baby-clouts a-dryin! Come, screw the pegs wi’ tunefu’ cheep, And o’er the thairms be tryin; Oh, rare to see our elbucks wheep, And a’ like lamb-tails flyin Fu’ fast this day.
Lang, Patronage, with rod o’ airn, Has shor’d the Kirk’s undoin; As lately Fenwick, sair forfairn, Has proven to its ruin: 8 Our patron, honest man! Glencairn, He saw mischief was brewin; An’ like a godly, elect bairn, He’s waled us out a true ane, And sound, this day.
Now Robertson 9 harangue nae mair, But steek your gab for ever; Or try the wicked town of Ayr, For there they’ll think you clever; Or, nae reflection on your lear, Ye may commence a shaver; Or to the Netherton 10 repair, An’ turn a carpet weaver Aff-hand this day.
Mu’trie 11 and you were just a match, We never had sic twa drones; Auld Hornie did the Laigh Kirk watch, Just like a winkin baudrons, And aye he catch’d the tither wretch, To fry them in his caudrons; But now his Honour maun detach, Wi’ a’ his brimstone squadrons, Fast, fast this day.
See, see auld Orthodoxy’s faes She’s swingein thro’ the city! Hark, how the nine-tail’d cat she plays! I vow it’s unco pretty: There, Learning, with his Greekish face, Grunts out some Latin ditty; And Common-sense is gaun, she says, To mak to Jamie Beattie Her plaint this day.
But there’s Morality himsel’, Embracing all opinions; Hear, how he gies the tither yell, Between his twa companions! See, how she peels the skin an’ fell, As ane were peelin onions! Now there, they’re packed aff to hell, An’ banish’d our dominions, Henceforth this day.
O happy day! rejoice, rejoice! Come bouse about the porter! Morality’s demure decoys Shall here nae mair find quarter: Mackinlay, Russell, are the boys That heresy can torture; They’ll gie her on a rape a hoyse, And cowe her measure shorter By th’ head some day.
Come, bring the tither mutchkin in, And here’s—for a conclusion— To ev’ry New Light 12 mother’s son, From this time forth, Confusion! If mair they deave us wi’ their din, Or Patronage intrusion, We’ll light a *****, and ev’ry skin, We’ll rin them aff in fusion Like oil, some day.
Note 1.
Alluding to a scoffing ballad which was made on the admission of the late reverend and worthy Mr.
Lihdsay to the “Laigh Kirk.
[back] Note 2.
James Oliphant, minister of Chapel of Ease, Kilmarnock.
[back] Note 3.
John Russell of Kilmarnock.
[back] Note 4.
James Mackinlay.
[back] Note 5.
Genesis ix.
[back] Note 6.
Numbers xxv.
[back] Note 7.
Exodus iv.
[back] Note 8.
Boyd, pastor of Fenwick.
[back] Note 9.
John Robertson.
[back] Note 10.
A district of Kilmarnock.
[back] Note 11.
The Rev.
John Multrie, a “Moderate,” whom Mackinlay succeeded.
[back] Note 12.
“New Light” is a cant phrase in the west of Scotland for those religious opinions which Dr.
Taylor of Norwich has so strenuously defended.

Written by Robert Burns | Create an image from this poem

141. Tam Samson's Elegy

 HAS auld Kilmarnock seen the deil?
Or great Mackinlay 1 thrawn his heel?
Or Robertson 2 again grown weel,
 To preach an’ read?
“Na’ waur than a’! cries ilka chiel,
 “Tam Samson’s dead!”

Kilmarnock lang may grunt an’ grane,
An’ sigh, an’ sab, an’ greet her lane,
An’ cleed her bairns, man, wife, an’ wean,
 In mourning weed;
To Death she’s dearly pay’d the kane—
 Tam Samson’s dead!

The Brethren, o’ the mystic level
May hing their head in woefu’ bevel,
While by their nose the tears will revel,
 Like ony bead;
Death’s gien the Lodge an unco devel;
 Tam Samson’s dead!

When Winter muffles up his cloak,
And binds the mire like a rock;
When to the loughs the curlers flock,
 Wi’ gleesome speed,
Wha will they station at the “cock?”
 Tam Samson’s dead!

When Winter muffles up his cloak,
He was the king o’ a’ the core,
To guard, or draw, or wick a bore,
Or up the rink like Jehu roar,
 In time o’ need;
But now he lags on Death’s “hog-score”—
 Tam Samson’s dead!

Now safe the stately sawmont sail,
And trouts bedropp’d wi’ crimson hail,
And eels, weel-ken’d for souple tail,
 And geds for greed,
Since, dark in Death’s fish-creel, we wail
 Tam Samson’s dead!

Rejoice, ye birring paitricks a’;
Ye cootie muircocks, crousely craw;
Ye maukins, cock your fud fu’ braw
 Withouten dread;
Your mortal fae is now awa;
 Tam Samson’s dead!

That woefu’ morn be ever mourn’d,
Saw him in shooting graith adorn’d,
While pointers round impatient burn’d,
 Frae couples free’d;
But och! he gaed and ne’er return’d!
 Tam Samson’s dead!

In vain auld age his body batters,
In vain the gout his ancles fetters,
In vain the burns cam down like waters,
 An acre braid!
Now ev’ry auld wife, greetin, clatters
 “Tam Samson’s dead!”

Owre mony a weary hag he limpit,
An’ aye the tither shot he thumpit,
Till coward Death behind him jumpit,
 Wi’ deadly feid;
Now he proclaims wi’ tout o’ trumpet,
 “Tam Samson’s dead!”

When at his heart he felt the dagger,
He reel’d his wonted bottle-swagger,
But yet he drew the mortal trigger,
 Wi’ weel-aimed heed;
“L—d, five!” he cry’d, an’ owre did stagger—
 Tam Samson’s dead!

Ilk hoary hunter mourn’d a brither;
Ilk sportsman youth bemoan’d a father;
Yon auld gray stane, amang the heather,
 Marks out his head;
Whare Burns has wrote, in rhyming blether,
 “Tam Samson’s dead!”

There, low he lies, in lasting rest;
Perhaps upon his mould’ring breast
Some spitefu’ muirfowl bigs her nest
 To hatch an’ breed:
Alas! nae mair he’ll them molest!
 Tam Samson’s dead!

When August winds the heather wave,
And sportsmen wander by yon grave,
Three volleys let his memory crave,
 O’ pouther an’ lead,
Till Echo answer frae her cave,
 “Tam Samson’s dead!”

Heav’n rest his saul whare’er he be!
Is th’ wish o’ mony mae than me:
He had twa fauts, or maybe three,
 Yet what remead?
Ae social, honest man want we:
 Tam Samson’s dead!

THE EPITAPHTam Samson’s weel-worn clay here lies
Ye canting zealots, spare him!
If honest worth in Heaven rise,
Ye’ll mend or ye win near him.
PER CONTRAGo, Fame, an’ canter like a filly Thro’ a’ the streets an’ neuks o’ Killie; 3 Tell ev’ry social honest billie To cease his grievin’; For, yet unskaithed by Death’s gleg gullie.
Tam Samson’s leevin’! Note 1.
A certain preacher, a great favourite with the million.
Vide “The Ordination.
” stanza ii.
[back] Note 2.
Another preacher, an equal favourite with the few, who was at that time ailing.
For him see also “The Ordination,” stanza ix.
[back] Note 3.
Written by Isaac Watts | Create an image from this poem

Psalm 132

5,13-18 L.
At the settlement of a church, or the ordination of a minister.
Where shall we go to seek and find An habitation for our God, A dwelling for th' Eternal Mind, Among the sons of flesh and blood? The God of Jacob chose the hill Of Zion for his ancient rest; And Zion is his dwelling still, His church is with his presence blessed.
Here will I fix my gracious throne, And reign for ever, saith the Lord; Here shall my power and love be known, And blessings shall attend my word.
Here will I meet the hungry poor, And fill their souls with living bread; Sinners that wait before my door With sweet provision shall be fed.
Girded with truth, and clothed with grace, My priests, my ministers, shall shine Not Aaron in his costly dress Made an appearance so divine.
The saints, unable to contain Their inward joys, shall shout and sing; The Son of David here shall reign, And Zion triumph in her King.
[Jesus shall see a num'rous seed Born here t' uphold his glorious name; His crown shall flourish on his head, While all his foes are clothed with shame.
Written by Emily Dickinson | Create an image from this poem

I got so I could take his name

 I got so I could take his name --
Without -- Tremendous gain --
That Stop-sensation -- on my Soul --
And Thunder -- in the Room --

I got so I could walk across
That Angle in the floor,
Where he turned so, and I turned -- how --
And all our Sinew tore --

I got so I could stir the Box --
In which his letters grew
Without that forcing, in my breath --
As Staples -- driven through --

Could dimly recollect a Grace --
I think, they call it "God" --
Renowned to ease Extremity --
When Formula, had failed --

And shape my Hands --
Petition's way,
Tho' ignorant of a word
That Ordination -- utters --

My Business, with the Cloud,
If any Power behind it, be,
Not subject to Despair --
It care, in some remoter way,
For so minute affair
As Misery --
Itself, too vast, for interrupting -- more --
Written by Emily Dickinson | Create an image from this poem

I think to Live -- may be a Bliss

 I think to Live -- may be a Bliss
To those who dare to try --
Beyond my limit to conceive --
My lip -- to testify --

I think the Heart I former wore
Could widen -- till to me
The Other, like the little Bank
Appear -- unto the Sea --

I think the Days -- could every one
In Ordination stand --
And Majesty -- be easier --
Than an inferior kind --

No numb alarm -- lest Difference come --
No Goblin -- on the Bloom --
No start in Apprehension's Ear,
No Bankruptcy -- no Doom --

But Certainties of Sun --
Midsummer -- in the Mind --
A steadfast South -- upon the Soul --
Her Polar time -- behind --

The Vision -- pondered long --
So plausible becomes
That I esteem the fiction -- real --
The Real -- fictitious seems --

How bountiful the Dream --
What Plenty -- it would be --
Had all my Life but been Mistake
Just rectified -- in Thee

Written by Hugo Williams | Create an image from this poem


 Whether it was putting in an extra beat, 
or leaving one out, I couldn't tell.
My heart seemed to have forgotten everything it ever knew about timing and co-ordination in its efforts to get through to someone on the other side of a wall.
As I lay in bed, I could hear it hammering away inside my pillow, being answered now and then by a distant guitar-note of bedsprings, pausing for a moment, as if listening, Then hurrying on as before.

Book: Shattered Sighs