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Best Famous Locke Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Locke poems. This is a select list of the best famous Locke poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Locke poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of locke poems.

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Written by William Blake | Create an image from this poem

I see the Four-fold Man

 I see the Four-fold Man, The Humanity in deadly sleep 
And its fallen Emanation, the Spectre and its cruel Shadow.
I see the Past, Present and Future existing all at once Before me.
O Divine Spirit, sustain me on thy wings, That I may awake Albion from his long and cold repose; For Bacon and Newton, sheath'd in dismal steel, their terrors hang Like iron scourges over Albion: reasonings like vast serpents Infold around my limbs, bruising my minute articulations.
I turn my eyes to the schools and universities of Europe And there behold the Loom of Locke, whose Woof rages dire, Wash'd by the Water-wheels of Newton: black the cloth In heavy wreaths folds over every nation: cruel works Of many Wheels I view, wheel without wheel, with cogs tyrannic Moving by compulsion each other, not as those in Eden, which, Wheel within wheel, in freedom revolve in harmony and peace.

Written by William Blake | Create an image from this poem

The Song of Los


I will sing you a song of Los.
the Eternal Prophet: He sung it to four harps at the tables of Eternity.
In heart-formed Africa.
Urizen faded! Ariston shudderd! And thus the Song began Adam stood in the garden of Eden: And Noah on the mountains of Ararat; They saw Urizen give his Laws to the Nations By the hands of the children of Los.
Adam shudderd! Noah faded! black grew the sunny African When Rintrah gave Abstract Philosophy to Brama in the East: (Night spoke to the Cloud! Lo these Human form'd spirits in smiling hipocrisy.
War Against one another; so let them War on; slaves to the eternal Elements) Noah shrunk, beneath the waters; Abram fled in fires from Chaldea; Moses beheld upon Mount Sinai forms of dark delusion: To Trismegistus.
Palamabron gave an abstract Law: To Pythagoras Socrates & Plato.
Times rolled on o'er all the sons of Har, time after time Orc on Mount Atlas howld, chain'd down with the Chain of Jealousy Then Oothoon hoverd over Judah & Jerusalem And Jesus heard her voice (a man of sorrows) he recievd A Gospel from wretched Theotormon.
The human race began to wither, for the healthy built Secluded places, fearing the joys of Love And the disease'd only propagated: So Antamon call'd up Leutha from her valleys of delight: And to Mahomet a loose Bible gave.
But in the North, to Odin, Sotha gave a Code of War, Because of Diralada thinking to reclaim his joy.
These were the Churches: Hospitals: Castles: Palaces: Like nets & gins & traps to catch the joys of Eternity And all the rest a desart; Till like a dream Eternity was obliterated & erased.
Since that dread day when Har and Heva fled.
Because their brethren & sisters liv'd in War & Lust; And as they fled they shrunk Into two narrow doleful forms: Creeping in reptile flesh upon The bosom of the ground: And all the vast of Nature shrunk Before their shrunken eyes.
Thus the terrible race of Los & Enitharmon gave Laws & Religions to the sons of Har binding them more And more to Earth: closing and restraining: Till a Philosophy of Five Senses was complete Urizen wept & gave it into the hands of Newton & Locke Clouds roll heavy upon the Alps round Rousseau & Voltaire: And on the mountains of Lebanon round the deceased Gods Of Asia; & on the deserts of Africa round the Fallen Angels The Guardian Prince of Albion burns in his nightly tent ASIA The Kings of Asia heard The howl rise up from Europe! And each ran out from his Web; From his ancient woven Den; For the darkness of Asia was startled At the thick-flaming, thought-creating fires of Orc.
And the Kings of Asia stood And cried in bitterness of soul.
Shall not the King call for Famine from the heath? Nor the Priest, for Pestilence from the fen? To restrain! to dismay! to thin! The inhabitants of mountain and plain; In the day, of full-feeding prosperity; And the night of delicious songs.
Shall not the Councellor throw his curb Of Poverty on the laborious? To fix the price of labour; To invent allegoric riches: And the privy admonishers of men Call for fires in the City For heaps of smoking ruins, In the night of prosperity & wantonness To turn man from his path, To restrain the child from the womb, To cut off the bread from the city, That the remnant may learn to obey.
That the pride of the heart may fail; That the lust of the eyes may be quench'd: That the delicate ear in its infancy May be dull'd; and the nostrils clos'd up; To teach mortal worms the path That leads from the gates of the Grave.
Urizen heard them cry! And his shudd'ring waving wings Went enormous above the red flames Drawing clouds of despair thro' the heavens Of Europe as he went: And his Books of brass iron & gold Melted over the land as he flew, Heavy-waving, howling, weeping.
And he stood over Judea: And stay'd in his ancient place: And stretch'd his clouds over Jerusalem; For Adam, a mouldering skeleton Lay bleach'd on the garden of Eden; And Noah as white as snow On the mountains of Ararat.
Then the thunders of Urizen bellow'd aloud From his woven darkness above.
Orc raging in European darkness Arose like a pillar of fire above the Alps Like a serpent of fiery flame! The sullen Earth Shrunk! Forth from the dead dust rattling bones to bones Join: shaking convuls'd the shivring clay breathes And all flesh naked stands: Fathers and Friends; Mothers & Infants; Kings & Warriors: The Grave shrieks with delight, & shakes Her hollow womb, & clasps the solid stem: Her bosom swells with wild desire: And milk & blood & glandous wine.
Written by William Blake | Create an image from this poem

Jerusalem: I see the Four-fold Man The Humanity in deadly sleep

 I see the Four-fold Man, The Humanity in deadly sleep 
And its fallen Emanation, the Spectre and its cruel Shadow.
I see the Past, Present and Future existing all at once Before me.
O Divine Spirit, sustain me on thy wings, That I may awake Albion from his long and cold repose; For Bacon and Newton, sheath'd in dismal steel, their terrors hang Like iron scourges over Albion: reasonings like vast serpents Infold around my limbs, bruising my minute articulations.
I turn my eyes to the schools and universities of Europe And there behold the Loom of Locke, whose Woof rages dire, Wash'd by the Water-wheels of Newton: black the cloth In heavy wreaths folds over every nation: cruel works Of many Wheels I view, wheel without wheel, with cogs tyrannic Moving by compulsion each other, not as those in Eden, which, Wheel within wheel, in freedom revolve in harmony and peace.
Written by William Strode | Create an image from this poem

An Epitaph On Sr John Walter Lord Cheife Baron

 Farewell Example, Living Rule farewell;
Whose practise shew'd goodness was possible,
Who reach'd the full outstretch'd perfection
Of Man, of Lawyer, and of Christian.
Suppose a Man more streight than Reason is, Whose grounded Habit could not tread amisse Though Reason slepd; a Man who still esteem'd His wife his Bone; who still his children deem'd His Limbes and future Selfe; Servants trayn'd friends; Lov'd his Familiars for Themselves not ends: Soe wise and Provident that dayes orepast He ne're wish'd backe again; by whose forecast Time's Locke, Time's Baldness, Future Time were one, Since nought could mende nor marre one Action, That man was He.
Suppose an Advocate In whose all-conquering tong true right was Fate; That could not pleade among the grounded throng Wrong Causes right nor rightfull causes wrong, But made the burnish'd Truth to shine more bright Than could the witnesses or Act in sight.
Who did soe breifely, soe perspicuously Untie the knots of darke perplexity That words appear'd like thoughts, and might derive To dull Eares Knowledge most Intuitive.
A Judge soe weigh'd that Freinde and one of Us Were heard like Titius and Sempronius.
All Eare, no Eie, noe Hande; oft being par'd The Eies Affections and the Hands Reward.
Whose Barre and Conscience were but two in Name, Sentence and Closet-Censure still the Same: That Advocate, that judge was He.
Suppose A sound and setled Christian, not like those That stande by fitts, but of that Sanctity As by Repentence might scarce better'd be: Whose Life was like his latest Houre, whose way Outwent the Journey's Ende where others stay: Who slighted not the Gospel for his Lawe, But lov'd the Church more than the Bench, and sawe That all his Righteousnes had yet neede fee One Advocate beyond himselfe.
'Twas He.
To this Good Man, Judge, Christian, now is given Faire Memory, noe Judgment, and blest Heaven.
Written by Alexander Pope | Create an image from this poem

Epistles to Several Persons: Epistle IV To Richard Boyle

 Est brevitate opus, ut currat sententia, neu se 
Impediat verbis lassas onerantibus aures: 
Et sermone opus est modo tristi, saepe jocoso, 
Defendente vicem modo Rhetoris atque Poetae, 
Interdum urbani, parcentis viribus, atque
Extenuantis eas consulto.
(Horace, Satires, I, x, 17-22) 'Tis strange, the miser should his cares employ To gain those riches he can ne'er enjoy: Is it less strange, the prodigal should waste His wealth to purchase what he ne'er can taste? Not for himself he sees, or hears, or eats; Artists must choose his pictures, music, meats: He buys for Topham, drawings and designs, For Pembroke, statues, dirty gods, and coins; Rare monkish manuscripts for Hearne alone, And books for Mead, and butterflies for Sloane.
Think we all these are for himself? no more Than his fine wife, alas! or finer whore.
For what his Virro painted, built, and planted? Only to show, how many tastes he wanted.
What brought Sir Visto's ill got wealth to waste? Some daemon whisper'd, "Visto! have a taste.
" Heav'n visits with a taste the wealthy fool, And needs no rod but Ripley with a rule.
See! sportive fate, to punish awkward pride, Bids Bubo build, and sends him such a guide: A standing sermon, at each year's expense, That never coxcomb reach'd magnificence! You show us, Rome was glorious, not profuse, And pompous buildings once were things of use.
Yet shall (my Lord) your just, your noble rules Fill half the land with imitating fools; Who random drawings from your sheets shall take, And of one beauty many blunders make; Load some vain church with old theatric state, Turn arcs of triumph to a garden gate; Reverse your ornaments, and hang them all On some patch'd dog-hole ek'd with ends of wall; Then clap four slices of pilaster on't, That lac'd with bits of rustic, makes a front.
Or call the winds through long arcades to roar, Proud to catch cold at a Venetian door; Conscious they act a true Palladian part, And, if they starve, they starve by rules of art.
Oft have you hinted to your brother peer, A certain truth, which many buy too dear: Something there is more needful than expense, And something previous ev'n to taste--'tis sense: Good sense, which only is the gift of Heav'n, And though no science, fairly worth the sev'n: A light, which in yourself you must perceive; Jones and Le Notre have it not to give.
To build, to plant, whatever you intend, To rear the column, or the arch to bend, To swell the terrace, or to sink the grot; In all, let Nature never be forgot.
But treat the goddess like a modest fair, Nor overdress, nor leave her wholly bare; Let not each beauty ev'rywhere be spied, Where half the skill is decently to hide.
He gains all points, who pleasingly confounds, Surprises, varies, and conceals the bounds.
Consult the genius of the place in all; That tells the waters or to rise, or fall; Or helps th' ambitious hill the heav'ns to scale, Or scoops in circling theatres the vale; Calls in the country, catches opening glades, Joins willing woods, and varies shades from shades, Now breaks, or now directs, th' intending lines; Paints as you plant, and, as you work, designs.
Still follow sense, of ev'ry art the soul, Parts answ'ring parts shall slide into a whole, Spontaneous beauties all around advance, Start ev'n from difficulty, strike from chance; Nature shall join you; time shall make it grow A work to wonder at--perhaps a Stowe.
Without it, proud Versailles! thy glory falls; And Nero's terraces desert their walls: The vast parterres a thousand hands shall make, Lo! Cobham comes, and floats them with a lake: Or cut wide views through mountains to the plain, You'll wish your hill or shelter'd seat again.
Ev'n in an ornament its place remark, Nor in an hermitage set Dr.
Behold Villario's ten years' toil complete; His quincunx darkens, his espaliers meet; The wood supports the plain, the parts unite, And strength of shade contends with strength of light; A waving glow his bloomy beds display, Blushing in bright diversities of day, With silver-quiv'ring rills meander'd o'er-- Enjoy them, you! Villario can no more; Tir'd of the scene parterres and fountains yield, He finds at last he better likes a field.
Through his young woods how pleas'd Sabinus stray'd, Or sat delighted in the thick'ning shade, With annual joy the redd'ning shoots to greet, Or see the stretching branches long to meet! His son's fine taste an op'ner vista loves, Foe to the dryads of his father's groves; One boundless green, or flourish'd carpet views, With all the mournful family of yews; The thriving plants ignoble broomsticks made, Now sweep those alleys they were born to shade.
At Timon's villa let us pass a day, Where all cry out, "What sums are thrown away!" So proud, so grand of that stupendous air, Soft and agreeable come never there.
Greatness, with Timon, dwells in such a draught As brings all Brobdingnag before your thought.
To compass this, his building is a town, His pond an ocean, his parterre a down: Who but must laugh, the master when he sees, A puny insect, shiv'ring at a breeze! Lo, what huge heaps of littleness around! The whole, a labour'd quarry above ground.
Two cupids squirt before: a lake behind Improves the keenness of the Northern wind.
His gardens next your admiration call, On ev'ry side you look, behold the wall! No pleasing intricacies intervene, No artful wildness to perplex the scene; Grove nods at grove, each alley has a brother, And half the platform just reflects the other.
The suff'ring eye inverted Nature sees, Trees cut to statues, statues thick as trees; With here a fountain, never to be play'd; And there a summerhouse, that knows no shade; Here Amphitrite sails through myrtle bow'rs; There gladiators fight, or die in flow'rs; Unwater'd see the drooping sea horse mourn, And swallows roost in Nilus' dusty urn.
My Lord advances with majestic mien, Smit with the mighty pleasure, to be seen: But soft--by regular approach--not yet-- First through the length of yon hot terrace sweat; And when up ten steep slopes you've dragg'd your thighs, Just at his study door he'll bless your eyes.
His study! with what authors is it stor'd? In books, not authors, curious is my Lord; To all their dated backs he turns you round: These Aldus printed, those Du Sueil has bound.
Lo, some are vellum, and the rest as good For all his Lordship knows, but they are wood.
For Locke or Milton 'tis in vain to look, These shelves admit not any modern book.
And now the chapel's silver bell you hear, That summons you to all the pride of pray'r: Light quirks of music, broken and uneven, Make the soul dance upon a jig to heaven.
On painted ceilings you devoutly stare, Where sprawl the saints of Verrio or Laguerre, On gilded clouds in fair expansion lie, And bring all paradise before your eye.
To rest, the cushion and soft dean invite, Who never mentions Hell to ears polite.
But hark! the chiming clocks to dinner call; A hundred footsteps scrape the marble hall: The rich buffet well-colour'd serpents grace, And gaping Tritons spew to wash your face.
Is this a dinner? this a genial room? No, 'tis a temple, and a hecatomb.
A solemn sacrifice, perform'd in state, You drink by measure, and to minutes eat.
So quick retires each flying course, you'd swear Sancho's dread doctor and his wand were there.
Between each act the trembling salvers ring, From soup to sweet wine, and God bless the King.
In plenty starving, tantaliz'd in state, And complaisantly help'd to all I hate, Treated, caress'd, and tir'd, I take my leave, Sick of his civil pride from morn to eve; I curse such lavish cost, and little skill, And swear no day was ever pass'd so ill.
Yet hence the poor are cloth'd, the hungry fed; Health to himself, and to his infants bread The lab'rer bears: What his hard heart denies, His charitable vanity supplies.
Another age shall see the golden ear Embrown the slope, and nod on the parterre, Deep harvests bury all his pride has plann'd, And laughing Ceres reassume the land.
Who then shall grace, or who improve the soil? Who plants like Bathurst, or who builds like Boyle.
'Tis use alone that sanctifies expense, And splendour borrows all her rays from sense.
His father's acres who enjoys in peace, Or makes his neighbours glad, if he increase: Whose cheerful tenants bless their yearly toil, Yet to their Lord owe more than to the soil; Whose ample lawns are not asham'd to feed The milky heifer and deserving steed; Whose rising forests, not for pride or show, But future buildings, future navies, grow: Let his plantations stretch from down to down, First shade a country, and then raise a town.
You too proceed! make falling arts your care, Erect new wonders, and the old repair; Jones and Palladio to themselves restore, And be whate'er Vitruvius was before: Till kings call forth th' ideas of your mind, Proud to accomplish what such hands design'd, Bid harbours open, public ways extend, Bid temples, worthier of the God, ascend; Bid the broad arch the dang'rous flood contain, The mole projected break the roaring main; Back to his bounds their subject sea command, And roll obedient rivers through the land; These honours, peace to happy Britain brings, These are imperial works, and worthy kings.

Written by William Butler Yeats | Create an image from this poem



Locke sank into a swoon;
The Garden died;
God took the spinning-jenny
Out of his side.
II Where got I that truth? Out of a medium's mouth.
Out of nothing it came, Out of the forest loam, Out of dark night where lay The crowns of Nineveh.
Written by Edgar Lee Masters | Create an image from this poem

Imanuel Ehrenhardt

 I began with Sir William Hamilton's lectures.
Then studied Dugald Stewart; And then John Locke on the Understanding, And then Descartes, Fichte and Schelling, Kant and then Schopenhauer -- Books I borrowed from old Judge Somers.
All read with rapturous industry Hoping it was reserved to me To grasp the tail of the ultimate secret, And drag it out of its hole.
My soul flew up ten thousand miles, And only the moon looked a little bigger.
Then I fell back, how glad of the earth! All through the soul of William Jones Who showed me a letter of John Muir.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things