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Best Famous Injun Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Injun poems. This is a select list of the best famous Injun poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Injun poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of injun poems.

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Written by Paul Laurence Dunbar | Create an image from this poem


Uncle John, he makes me tired;
Thinks 'at he's jest so all-fired
Smart, 'at he kin pick up, so,
Ever'thing he wants to know.
Tried to ketch me up last night,
But you bet I would n't bite.
I jest kep' the smoothes' face,
But I led him sich a chase,
Could n't corner me, you bet—
I skipped all the traps he set.
Makin' out he wan'ed to know
Who was this an' that girl's beau;
So 's he 'd find out, don't you see,
Who was goin' 'long with me.
But I answers jest ez sly,
An' I never winks my eye,
Tell he hollers with a whirl,
"Look here, ain't you got a girl?"
Y' ought 'o seen me spread my eyes,
Like he 'd took me by surprise,
An' I said, "Oh, Uncle John,
Never thought o' havin' one."
An' somehow that seemed to tickle
Him an' he shelled out a nickel.
Then you ought to seen me leave
Jest a-laffin' in my sleeve.
Fool him—well, I guess I did;
He ain't on to this here kid.
Got a girl! well, I guess yes,
Got a dozen more or less,
But I got one reely one,[Pg 74]
Not no foolin' ner no fun;
Fur I 'm sweet on her, you see,
An' I ruther guess 'at she
Must be kinder sweet on me,
So we 're keepin' company.
Honest Injun! this is true,
Ever' word I 'm tellin' you!
But you won't be sich a scab
Ez to run aroun' an' blab.
Mebbe 't ain't the way with you,
But you know some fellers do.
Spoils a girl to let her know
'At you talk about her so.
Don't you know her? her name 's Liz,
Nicest girl in town she is.
Purty? ah, git out, you gilly—
Liz 'ud purt 'nigh knock you silly.
Y' ought 'o see her when she 's dressed
All up in her Sunday best,
All the fellers nudgin' me,
An' a-whisperin', gemunee!
Betcher life 'at I feel proud
When she passes by the crowd.
'T 's kinder nice to be a-goin'
With a girl 'at makes some showin'—
One you know 'at hain't no snide,
Makes you feel so satisfied.
An' I 'll tell you she 's a trump,
Never even seen her jump
Like some silly girls 'ud do,
When I 'd hide and holler "Boo!"
She 'd jest laff an' say "Git out!
What you hollerin' about?"
When some girls 'ud have a fit
That 'un don't git skeered a bit,
Never makes a bit o' row
When she sees a worm er cow.
Them kind 's few an' far between;
Bravest girl I ever seen.
Tell you 'nuther thing she 'll do,
Mebbe you won't think it 's true,
But if she 's jest got a dime
She 'll go halvers ever' time.
Ah, you goose, you need n't laff;
That's the kinder girl to have.
If you knowed her like I do,
Guess you 'd kinder like her too.
Tell you somep'n' if you 'll swear
You won't tell it anywhere.
Oh, you got to cross yer heart
Earnest, truly, 'fore I start.
Well, one day I kissed her cheek;
Gee, but I felt cheap an' weak,
'Cause at first she kinder flared,
'N', gracious goodness! I was scared.
But I need n't been, fer la!
Why, she never told her ma.
That's what I call grit, don't you?
Sich a girl's worth stickin' to.

Written by Robert William Service | Create an image from this poem


 They brought the mighty chief to town;
They showed him strange, unwonted sights;
Yet as he wandered up and down,
He seemed to scorn their vain delights.
His face was grim, his eye lacked fire, As one who mourns a glory dead; And when they sought his heart's desire: "Me like'um tooth same gold," he said.
A dental place they quickly found.
He neither moaned nor moved his head.
They pulled his teeth so white and sound; They put in teeth of gold instead.
Oh, never saw I man so gay! His very being seemed to swell: "Ha! ha!" he cried, "Now Injun say Me heap big chief, me look like hell.
Written by Eugene Field | Create an image from this poem

The limitations of youth

 I'd like to be a cowboy an' ride a fiery hoss
Way out into the big an' boundless west;
I'd kill the bears an' catamounts an' wolves I come across,
An' I'd pluck the bal' head eagle from his nest!
With my pistols at my side,
I would roam the prarers wide,
An' to scalp the savage Injun in his wigwam would I ride--
If I darst; but I darsen't!

I'd like to go to Afriky an' hunt the lions there,
An' the biggest ollyfunts you ever saw!
I would track the fierce gorilla to his equatorial lair,
An' beard the cannybull that eats folks raw!
I'd chase the pizen snakes
An' the 'pottimus that makes
His nest down at the bottom of unfathomable lakes--
If I darst; but I darsen't!

I would I were a pirut to sail the ocean blue,
With a big black flag aflyin' overhead;
I would scour the billowy main with my gallant pirut crew
An' dye the sea a gouty, gory red!
With my cutlass in my hand
On the quarterdeck I'd stand
And to deeds of heroism I'd incite my pirut band--
If I darst; but I darsen't!

And, if I darst, I'd lick my pa for the times that he's licked me!
I'd lick my brother an' my teacher, too!
I'd lick the fellers that call round on sister after tea,
An' I'd keep on lickin' folks till I got through!
You bet! I'd run away
From my lessons to my play,
An' I'd shoo the hens, an' tease the cat, an' kiss the girls all day--
If I darst; but I darsen't!
Written by Eugene Field | Create an image from this poem

The delectable ballad of the waller lot

 Up yonder in Buena Park
There is a famous spot,
In legend and in history
Yclept the Waller Lot.
There children play in daytime And lovers stroll by dark, For 't is the goodliest trysting-place In all Buena Park.
Once on a time that beauteous maid, Sweet little Sissy Knott, Took out her pretty doll to walk Within the Waller Lot.
While thus she fared, from Ravenswood Came Injuns o'er the plain, And seized upon that beauteous maid And rent her doll in twain.
Oh, 't was a piteous thing to hear Her lamentations wild; She tore her golden curls and cried: "My child! My child! My child!" Alas, what cared those Injun chiefs How bitterly wailed she? They never had been mothers, And they could not hope to be! "Have done with tears," they rudely quoth, And then they bound her hands; For they proposed to take her off To distant border lands.
But, joy! from Mr.
Eddy's barn Doth Willie Clow behold The sight that makes his hair rise up And all his blood run cold.
He put his fingers in his mouth And whistled long and clear, And presently a goodly horde Of cow-boys did appear.
Cried Willie Clow: "My comrades bold, Haste to the Waller Lot, And rescue from that Injun band Our charming Sissy Knott!" "Spare neither Injun buck nor squaw, But smite them hide and hair! Spare neither sex nor age nor size, And no condition spare!" Then sped that cow-boy band away, Full of revengeful wrath, And Kendall Evans rode ahead Upon a hickory lath.
And next came gallant Dady Field And Willie's brother Kent, The Eddy boys and Robbie James, On murderous purpose bent.
For they were much beholden to That maid - in sooth, the lot Were very, very much in love With charming Sissy Knott.
What wonder? She was beauty's queen, And good beyond compare; Moreover, it was known she was Her wealthy father's heir! Now when the Injuns saw that band They trembled with affright, And yet they thought the cheapest thing To do was stay and fight.
So sturdily they stood their ground, Nor would their prisoner yield, Despite the wrath of Willie Clow And gallant Dady Field.
Oh, never fiercer battle raged Upon the Waller Lot, And never blood more freely flowed Than flowed for Sissy Knott! An Injun chief of monstrous size Got Kendall Evans down, And Robbie James was soon o'erthrown By one of great renown.
And Dady Field was sorely done, And Willie Clow was hurt, And all that gallant cow-boy band Lay wallowing in the dirt.
But still they strove with might and main Till all the Waller Lot Was strewn with hair and gouts of gore - All, all for Sissy Knott! Then cried the maiden in despair: "Alas, I sadly fear The battle and my hopes are lost, Unless some help appear!" Lo, as she spoke, she saw afar The rescuer looming up - The pride of all Buena Park, Clow's famous yellow pup! "Now, sick'em, Don," the maiden cried, "Now, sick'em, Don!" cried she; Obedient Don at once complied - As ordered, so did he.
He sicked'em all so passing well That, overcome by fright, The Indian horde gave up the fray And safety sought in flight.
They ran and ran and ran and ran O'er valley, plain, and hill; And if they are not walking now, Why, then, they're running still.
The cow-boys rose up from the dust With faces black and blue; "Remember, beauteous maid," said they, "We've bled and died for you!" "And though we suffer grievously, We gladly hail the lot That brings us toils and pains and wounds For charming Sissy Knott!" But Sissy Knott still wailed and wept, And still her fate reviled; For who could patch her dolly up - Who, who could mend her child? Then out her doting mother came, And soothed her daughter then; "Grieve not, my darling, I will sew Your dolly up again!" Joy soon succeeded unto grief, And tears were soon dried up, And dignities were heaped upon Clow's noble yellow pup.
Him all that goodly company Did as deliverer hail - They tied a ribbon round his neck, Another round his tail.
And every anniversary day Upon the Waller Lot They celebrate the victory won For charming Sissy Knott.
And I, the poet of these folk, Am ordered to compile This truly famous history In good old ballad style.
Which having done as to have earned The sweet rewards of fame, In what same style I did begin I now shall end the same.
So let us sing: Long live the King, Long live the Queen and Jack, Long live the ten-spot and the ace, And also all the pack.
Written by Eugene Field | Create an image from this poem

The bow-leg boy

 Who should come up the road one day
But the doctor-man in his two-wheel shay!
And he whoaed his horse and he cried "Ahoy!
I have brought you folks a bow-leg boy!
Such a cute little boy!
Such a funny little boy!
Such a dear little bow-leg boy!"

He took out his box and he opened it wide,
And there was the bow-leg boy inside!
And when they saw that cunning little mite,
They cried in a chorus expressive of delight:
"What a cute little boy!
What a funny little boy!
What a dear little bow-leg boy!"

Observing a strict geometrical law,
They cut out his panties with a circular saw;
Which gave such a stress to his oval stride
That the people he met invariably cried:
"What a cute little boy!
What a funny little boy!
What a dear little bow-leg boy!"

They gave him a wheel and away he went
Speeding along to his heart's content;
And he sits so straight and he pedals so strong
That the folks all say as he bowls along:
"What a cute little boy!
What a funny little boy!
What a dear little bow-leg boy!"

With his eyes aflame and his cheeks aglow,
He laughs "aha" and he laughs "oho";
And the world is filled and thrilled with the joy
Of that jolly little human, the bow-leg boy--
The cute little boy!
The funny little boy!
The dear little bow-leg boy!

If ever the doctor-man comes my way
With his wonderful box in his two-wheel shay,
I 'll ask for the treasure I'd fain possess--
Now, honest Injun! can't you guess?
Why, a cute little boy--
A funny little boy--
A dear little bow-leg boy!

Written by Eugene Field | Create an image from this poem

The drum

 I'm a beautiful red, red drum,
And I train with the soldier boys;
As up the street we come,
Wonderful is our noise!
There's Tom, and Jim, and Phil,
And Dick, and Nat, and Fred,
While Widow Cutler's Bill
And I march on ahead,
With a r-r-rat-tat-tat
And a tum-titty-um-tum-tum -
Oh, there's bushels of fun in that
For boys with a little red drum!

The Injuns came last night
While the soldiers were abed,
And they gobbled a Chinese kite
And off to the woods they fled!
The woods are the cherry-trees
Down in the orchard lot,
And the soldiers are marching to seize
The booty the Injuns got.
With tum-titty-um-tum-tum, And r-r-rat-tat-tat, When soldiers marching come Injuns had better scat! Step up there, little Fred, And, Charley, have a mind! Jim is as far ahead As you two are behind! Ready with gun and sword Your valorous work to do - Yonder the Injun horde Are lying in wait for you.
And their hearts go pitapat When they hear the soldiers come With a r-r-rat-tat-tat And a tum-titty-um-tum-tum! Course it's all in play! The skulking Injun crew That hustled the kite away Are little white boys, like you! But "honest" or "just in fun," It is all the same to me; And, when the battle is won, Home once again march we With a r-r-rat-tat-tat And tum-titty-um-tum-tum; And there's glory enough in that For the boys with their little red drum!
Written by Andrew Barton Paterson | Create an image from this poem

Tar and Feathers

 Oh! the circus swooped down 
On the Narrabri town, 
For the Narrabri populace moneyed are; 
And the showman he smiled 
At the folk he beguiled 
To come all the distance from Gunnedah.
But a juvenile smart, Who objected to "part", Went in on the nod, and to do it he Crawled in through a crack In the tent at the back, For the boy had no slight ingenuity.
And says he with a grin, "That's the way to get in; But I reckon I'd better be quiet or They'll spiflicate me," And he chuckled, for he Had the loan of the circus proprietor.
But the showman astute On that wily galoot Soon dropped -- you'll be thinking he leathered him -- Not he; with a grim Sort of humourous whim, He took him and tarred him and feathered him.
Says he, "You can go Round the world with a show, And knock every Injun and Arab wry; With your name and your trade On the posters displayed, The feathered what-is-it from Narrabri.
Next day for his freak By a Narrabri Beak, He was jawed with a deal of verbosity; For his only appeal Was "professional zeal" -- He wanted another monstrosity.
Said his Worship, "Begob! You are fined forty bob, And six shillin's costs to the clurk!" he says.
And the Narrabri joy, Half bird and half boy.
Has a "down" on himself and on circuses.
Written by Badger Clark | Create an image from this poem

God's Reserves

  One time, 'way back where the year marks fade,
    God said: "I see I must lose my West,
  The prettiest part of the world I made,
    The place where I've always come to rest,
  For the White Man grows till he fights for bread
  And he begs and prays for a chance to spread.

  "Yet I won't give all of my last retreat;
    I'll help him to fight his long trail through,
  But I'll keep some land from his field and street
    The way that it was when the world was new.
  He'll cry for it all, for that's his way,
  And yet he may understand some day."

  And so, from the painted Bad Lands, 'way
    To the sun-beat home of the 'Pache kin,
  God stripped some places to sand and clay
    And dried up the beds where the streams had been.
  He marked His reserves with these plain signs
  And stationed His rangers to guard the lines.

  Then the White Man came, as the East growed old,
    And blazed his trail with the wreck of war.
  He riled the rivers to hunt for gold
    And found the stuff he was lookin' for;
  Then he trampled the Injun trails to ruts
  And gashed through the hills with railroad cuts.

  He flung out his barb-wire fences wide
    And plowed up the ground where the grass was high.
  He stripped off the trees from the mountain side
    And ground out his ore where the streams run by,
  Till last came the cities, with smoke and roar,
  And the White Man was feelin' at home once more.

  But Barrenness, Loneliness, suchlike things
    That gall and grate on the White Man's nerves,
  Was the rangers that camped by the bitter springs
    And guarded the lines of God's reserves.
  So the folks all shy from the desert land,
  'Cept mebbe a few that kin understand.

  There the world's the same as the day 'twas new,
    With the land as clean as the smokeless sky
  And never a noise as the years have flew,
    But the sound of the warm wind driftin' by;
  And there, alone, with the man's world far,
  There's a chance to think who you really are.

  And over the reach of the desert bare,
    When the sun drops low and the day wind stills,
  Sometimes you kin almost see Him there,
    As He sits alone on the blue-gray hills,
  A-thinkin' of things that's beyond our ken
  And restin' Himself from the noise of men.
Written by Badger Clark | Create an image from this poem


  You're salty and greasy and smoky as sin
    But of all grub we love you the best.
  You stuck to us closer than nighest of kin
    And helped us win out in the West,
  You froze with us up on the Laramie trail;
    You sweat with us down at Tucson;
  When Injun was painted and white man was pale
  You nerved us to grip our last chance by the tail
    And load up our Colts and hang on.

  You've sizzled by mountain and mesa and plain
    Over campfires of sagebrush and oak;
  The breezes that blow from the Platte to the main
    Have carried your savory smoke.
  You're friendly to miner or puncher or priest;
    You're as good in December as May;
  You always came in when the fresh meat had ceased
  And the rough course of empire to westward was greased
    By the bacon we fried on the way.

  We've said that you weren't fit for white men to eat
    And your virtues we often forget.
  We've called you by names that I darsn't repeat,
    But we love you and swear by you yet.
  Here's to you, old bacon, fat, lean streak and rin',
    All the westerners join in the toast,
  From mesquite and yucca to sagebrush and pine,
  From Canada down to the Mexican Line,
    From Omaha out to the coast!

Book: Shattered Sighs