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Best Famous Groomed Poems

Here is a collection of the all-time best famous Groomed poems. This is a select list of the best famous Groomed poetry. Reading, writing, and enjoying famous Groomed poetry (as well as classical and contemporary poems) is a great past time. These top poems are the best examples of groomed poems.

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Written by Rudyard Kipling | Create an image from this poem

The Lost Legion


There's a Legion that never was listed,
 That carries no colours or crest,
But, split in a thousand detachments,
 Is breaking the road for the rest.
Our fathers they left us their blessing -- They taught us, and groomed us, and crammed; But we've shaken the Clubs and the Messes To go and find out and be damned (Dear boys!), To go and get shot and be damned.
So some of us chivvy the slaver, And some of us cherish the black, And some of us hunt on the Oil Coast, And some on the Wallaby track: And some of us drift to Sarawak, And some of us drift up The Fly, And some share our tucker with tigers, And some with the gentle Masai, (Dear boys!), Take tea with the giddy Masai.
We've painted The Islands vermilion, We've pearled on half-shares in the Bay, We've shouted on seven-ounce nuggets, We've starved on a Seedeeboy's pay; We've laughed at the world as we found it, -- Its women and cities and men -- From Sayyid Burgash in a tantrum To the smoke-reddened eyes of Loben, (Dear boys!), We've a little account with Loben.
The ends of the Farth were our portion, The ocean at large was our share.
There was never a skirmish to windward But the Leaderless Legion was there: Yes, somehow and somewhere and always We were first when the trouble began, From a lottery-row in Manila, To an I.
race on the Pan (Dear boys!), With the Mounted Police on the Pan.
We preach in advance of the Army, We skirmish ahead of the Church, With never a gunboat to help us When we're scuppered and left in the lurch.
But we know as the cartridges finish, And we're filed on our last little shelves, That the Legion that never was listed Will send us as good as ourselves (Good men!), Five hundred as good as ourselves! Then a health (we must drink it in whispers), To our wholly unauthorized horde -- To the line of our dusty foreloopers, The Gentlemen Rovers abroad -- Yes, a health to ourselves ere we scatter, For the steamer won't wait for the train, And the Legion that never was listed Goes back into quarters again! 'Regards! Goes back under canvas again.
Hurrah! The swag and the billy again.
Here's how! The trail and the packhorse again.
Salue! The trek and the laager again!

Written by Andrew Barton Paterson | Create an image from this poem

The Wargeilah Handicap

 Wargeilah town is very small, 
There's no cathedral nor a club, 
In fact the township, all in all, 
Is just one unpretentious pub; 
And there, from all the stations round, 
The local sportsmen can be found.
The sportsmen of Wargeilah-side Are very few but very fit; There's scarcely any sport been tried But they can hold their own at it; In fact, to search their records o'er, They hold their own and something more.
The precincts of Wargeilah town An English new-chum did infest: He used to wander up and down In baggy English breeches drest; His mental aspect seemed to be Just stolid self-sufficiency.
The local sportsmen vainly sought His tranquil calm to counteract By urging that he should be brought Within the Noxious Creatures Act.
"Nay, harm him not," said one more wise, "He is a blessing in disguise! "You see, he wants to buy a horse, To ride, and hunt, and steeplechase, And carry ladies, too, of course, And pull a cart, and win a race.
Good gracious! he must be a flat To think he'll get a horse like that! "But, since he has so little sense And such a lot of cash to burn, We'll sell him some experience By which alone a fool can learn.
Suppose we let him have The Trap To win Wargeilah Handicap!" And her, I must explain to you That round about Wargeilah run There lived a very aged screw Whose days of brilliancy were done.
A grand old warrior in his prime -- But age will beat us any time.
A trooper's horse in seasons past He did his share to keep the peace, But took to falling, and at last Was cast for age from the Police.
A publican at Conroy's Gap Bought him and christened him The Trap.
When grass was good and horses dear, He changed his owner now and then At prices ranging somewhere near The neighbourhood of two-pound-ten: And manfully he earned his keep By yarding cows and ration sheep.
They brought him in from off the grass And fed and groomed the old horse up; His coat began to shine like glass -- You'd think he'd win the Melbourne Cup.
And when they'd got him fat and flash They asked the new chum -- fifty -- cash! And when he said the price was high, Their indignation knew no bounds.
They said, "It's seldom you can buy A horse like that for fifty pounds! We'll refund twenty if The Trap Should fail to win the handicap!" The deed was done, the price was paid, The new-chum put the horse in train.
The local sports were much afraid That he would sad experience gain By racing with some shearer's hack, Who'd beat him half-way round the track.
So, on this guileless English spark They did most fervently impress That he must keep the matter dark, And not let any person guess That he was purchasing The Trap To win Wargeilah Handicap.
They spoke of "spielers from the Bland", And "champions from the Castlereagh", And gave the youth to understand That all of these would stop away, And spoil the race, if they should hear That they had got The Trap to fear.
"Keep dark! They'll muster thick as flies When once the news gets sent around We're giving such a splendid prize -- A Snowdon horse worth fifty pound! They'll come right in from Dandaloo, And find -- that it's a gift for you!" The race came on -- with no display Nor any calling of the card, But round about the pub all day A crowd of shearers, drinking hard, And using language in a strain 'Twere flattery to call profane.
Our hero, dressed in silk attire -- Blue jacket and scarlet cap -- With boots that shone like flames of fire, Now did his canter on The Trap, And walked him up and round about, Until other steeds came out.
He eyed them with a haughty look, But saw a sight that caught his breath! It was Ah John! the Chinee cook! In boots and breeches! pale as death! Tied with a rope, like any sack, Upon a piebald pony's back! The next, a colt -- all mud and burrs, Half-broken, with a black boy up, Who said, "You gim'me pair o' spurs, I win the bloomin' Melbourne Cup!" These two were to oppose The Trap For the Wargeilah Handicap! They're off! The colt whipped down his head, And humped his back, and gave a squeal, And bucked into the drinking shed, Revolving like a Catherine wheel! Men ran like rats! The atmosphere Was filled with oaths and pints of beer! But up the course the bold Ah John Beside The Trap raced neck and neck: The boys had tied him firmly on, Which ultimately proved his wreck; The saddle turned, and, like a clown, He rode some distance upside-down.
His legs around the horse were tied, His feet towards the heavens were spread, He swung and bumped at every stride And ploughed the ground up with his head! And when they rescued him, The Trap Had won Wargeilah Handicap! And no enquiries we could make Could tell by what false statements swayed Ah John was led to undertake A task so foreign to his trade! He only smiled and said, "Hoo Ki! I stop topside, I win all li'!" But never in Wargeilah Town Was heard so eloquent a cheer As when the President came down, And toasted, in Colonial beer, "The finest rider on the course! The winner of the Snowdon Horse! "You go and get your prize," he said; "He's with a wild mob, somewhere round The mountains near the Watershed; He's honestly worth fifty pound -- A noble horse, indeed, to win, But none of us can run him in! "We've chased him poor, we've chased him fat, We've run him till our horses dropped; But by such obstacles as that A man like you will not be stopped; You'll go and yard him any day, So here's your health! Hooray! Hooray!" The day wound up with booze and blow And fights till all were well content.
But of the new-chum all I know Is shown by this advertisement -- "For sale, the well-known racehorse Trap.
He won Wargeilah Handicap!"
Written by D. H. Lawrence | Create an image from this poem

How Beastly The Bourgeois Is

 How beastly the bourgeois is
especially the male of the species--

Presentable, eminently presentable--
shall I make you a present of him?

Isn't he handsome? Isn't he healthy? Isn't he a fine specimen?
Doesn't he look the fresh clean Englishman, outside?
Isn't it God's own image? tramping his thirty miles a day
after partridges, or a little rubber ball?
wouldn't you like to be like that, well off, and quite the

Oh, but wait!
Let him meet a new emotion, let him be faced with another
 man's need,
let him come home to a bit of moral difficulty, let life
 face him with a new demand on his understanding
and then watch him go soggy, like a wet meringue.
Watch him turn into a mess, either a fool or a bully.
Just watch the display of him, confronted with a new demand on his intelligence, a new life-demand.
How beastly the bourgeois is especially the male of the species-- Nicely groomed, like a mushroom standing there so sleek and erect and eyeable-- and like a fungus, living on the remains of a bygone life sucking his life out of the dead leaves of greater life than his own.
And even so, he's stale, he's been there too long.
Touch him, and you'll find he's all gone inside just like an old mushroom, all wormy inside, and hollow under a smooth skin and an upright appearance.
Full of seething, wormy, hollow feelings rather nasty-- How beastly the bourgeois is! Standing in their thousands, these appearances, in damp England what a pity they can't all be kicked over like sickening toadstools, and left to melt back, swiftly into the soil of England.
Written by Robert William Service | Create an image from this poem

A Song Of Sixty-Five

 Brave Thackeray has trolled of days when he was twenty-one,
And bounded up five flights of stairs, a gallant garreteer;
And yet again in mellow vein when youth was gaily run,
Has dipped his nose in Gascon wine, and told of Forty Year.
But if I worthy were to sing a richer, rarer time, I'd tune my pipes before the fire and merrily I'd strive To praise that age when prose again has given way to rhyme, The Indian Summer days of life when I'll be Sixty-five; For then my work will all be done, my voyaging be past, And I'll have earned the right to rest where folding hills are green; So in some glassy anchorage I'll make my cable fast, -- Oh, let the seas show all their teeth, I'll sit and smile serene.
The storm may bellow round the roof, I'll bide beside the fire, And many a scene of sail and trail within the flame I'll see; For I'll have worn away the spur of passion and desire.
Oh yes, when I am Sixty-five, what peace will come to me.
I'll take my breakfast in my bed, I'll rise at half-past ten, When all the world is nicely groomed and full of golden song; I'll smoke a bit and joke a bit, and read the news, and then I'll potter round my peach-trees till I hear the luncheon gong.
And after that I think I'll doze an hour, well, maybe two, And then I'll show some kindred soul how well my roses thrive; I'll do the things I never yet have found the time to do.
Oh, won't I be the busy man when I am Sixty-five.
I'll revel in my library; I'll read De Morgan's books; I'll grow so garrulous I fear you'll write me down a bore; I'll watch the ways of ants and bees in quiet sunny nooks, I'll understand Creation as I never did before.
When gossips round the tea-cups talk I'll listen to it all; On smiling days some kindly friend will take me for a drive: I'll own a shaggy collie dog that dashes to my call: I'll celebrate my second youth when I am Sixty-five.
Ah, though I've twenty years to go, I see myself quite plain, A wrinkling, twinkling, rosy-cheeked, benevolent old chap; I think I'll wear a tartan shawl and lean upon a cane.
I hope that I'll have silver hair beneath a velvet cap.
I see my little grandchildren a-romping round my knee; So gay the scene, I almost wish 'twould hasten to arrive.
Let others sing of Youth and Spring, still will it seem to me The golden time's the olden time, some time round Sixty-five.
Written by Robert William Service | Create an image from this poem

The Heart Of The Sourdough

 There where the mighty mountains bare their fangs unto the moon,
There where the sullen sun-dogs glare in the snow-bright, bitter noon,
And the glacier-glutted streams sweep down at the clarion call of June.
There where the livid tundras keep their tryst with the tranquil snows; There where the silences are spawned, and the light of hell-fire flows Into the bowl of the midnight sky, violet, amber and rose.
There where the rapids churn and roar, and the ice-floes bellowing run; Where the tortured, twisted rivers of blood rush to the setting sun -- I've packed my kit and I'm going, boys, ere another day is done.
* * * * * I knew it would call, or soon or late, as it calls the whirring wings; It's the olden lure, it's the golden lure, it's the lure of the timeless things, And to-night, oh, God of the trails untrod, how it whines in my heart-strings! I'm sick to death of your well-groomed gods, your make believe and your show; I long for a whiff of bacon and beans, a snug shakedown in the snow; A trail to break, and a life at stake, and another bout with the foe.
With the raw-ribbed Wild that abhors all life, the Wild that would crush and rend, I have clinched and closed with the naked North, I have learned to defy and defend; Shoulder to shoulder we have fought it out -- yet the Wild must win in the end.
I have flouted the Wild.
I have followed its lure, fearless, familiar, alone; By all that the battle means and makes I claim that land for mine own; Yet the Wild must win, and a day will come when I shall be overthrown.
Then when as wolf-dogs fight we've fought, the lean wolf-land and I; Fought and bled till the snows are red under the reeling sky; Even as lean wolf-dog goes down will I go down and die.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things